boyuans · 1 year
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020623 伯远 Weibo Update
《天赐的声音》对于我而言是一个试炼场, 它让我在已有的舞台经验的基础上, 还要学会在双人舞台做到一加一大于二, 歌曲预设和彩排只能是参考, 真正能让我进步的一定是正式录制时的临场感。 我愿意用瞬间来形容这段过程, 在那瞬间, 自己肾上腺素飙升的同时仍要保持冷静的反差感, 是我认为一个歌手在舞台上最有魅力的时刻。 对于个人舞台经验尚浅的我来说, 这六期的录制是我歌手生涯中宝贵的一课, 这样的反差感如果能在一段时期内快速有效地积攒,对我来说无比珍贵~ 孙竞导演说: “天赐的舞台就是给有音乐梦想的人准备的”, 感谢孙导能给我这次学习的机会🤝! 做音乐节目不易, 感谢东阳光、老板电器等赞助商 对音乐类型节目的赞助, 祝愿大卖 业绩翻倍! 感谢欢哥!有你在每次录制我都很安心! 感谢鉴音团胡达瀚老师、郝雷老师、崔迪老师、流水纪老师、梁源老师,辛苦了! 感谢音乐总监彭程老师! 感谢音响总监何飚以及团队的老师们! 感谢汤总、董音老师以及现场牛班乐队的老师们! 感谢编曲OT、吴冠仑老师、BFlo以及团队的老师们! 感谢编曲徐林老师! 感谢后期林梦洋老师! 感谢和声组老师们!以及所有为了呈现好舞台在幕后全力付出的音乐从业老师们,辛苦了! 感谢钟文姐、雒成哥、纳姐、凯璐、 舞台调度导演老师们(一直受各位照顾却忘了问怎么称呼,我的失误🙏), 以及《天赐的声音》台前幕后所有工作人员的辛勤付出! 感谢我的制作人王皓 皓哥! 感谢我的声音设计曾文力老师! 感谢我的化妆师来自毛戈平M艺术研究院 代阳老师! 感谢我的发型师洛洛! 感谢一直为我全程侧拍的遥望视频组的老师们! 感谢我的经纪团队的各位小伙伴! 谢谢我的音乐合伙人 GAI哥、希林、碧晨姐、姚琛、胡校长, 非常荣幸能在这五个舞台中与你们合作、学习🤝 校长,您对我提出的问题我有好好的思考, 希望未来我们能有机会再合作🤝 谢谢珍姐!在第二期结束后选择我入队! 您对我的建议我都有记住, 希望未来再遇到能让你耳目一新~ 谢谢祖儿姐、泷哥、 MOMOKO、赫野、Lexie、 文文、小凯, 还有Fiona、Jessica, 我们也算是一起熬过夜的伙伴了😂 感谢这段时间大家对我的照顾与陪伴!! 人生何处不相逢,愿我们有缘再会~
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nakamuto · 7 years
Refering to your tags on the winwin gif: if you find a list of books sicheng mentioned would you post it here on tumblr too? I'm really curious what genre of books he reads :) thank you in advance :D 🐤💖🐦
Hello anon sorry for the late response~ I was waiting for a user to get back to me about the book list because they said they’ll post it but it’s taking a while so I decided to do some digging on my own.
Most of them are chinese books (will write briefly about the chinese books, the rest can be found on google haha~), there goes the list:
1. 171014澳门《皮囊》蔡崇达     171014 Macau《Pí Náng》Cai Chong Da
Genre: Short story/Realistic fiction/Fiction narrative(?)
This book is a series of 14 prose put together with an ambiguous genre/style.This generally talks about life and the relationship/how one approaches problems surrounding their family, friends and religion/god while exploring the answers to life. Writing style and tone is said to be a bit harsh, depending on your preference. Recommended by quite a number of famous celebrities.
**Mostly known for its touching plot but also criticised for it’s lacking writing style.
2. 170712签售 《白夜行》东野圭吾     170712 Fansign 《Journey Under The Midnight Sun》Keigo Higashino 
Genre: Mystery 
3. 170622直播 《浮生六记》沈复     170622 Live 《Six Records of a Floating Life》Shen Fu
Genre: Autobiography with a touch of historical elements/Literature
Title is a direct reference to one of Li Bai’s poems《春夜宴从弟桃李园序》“夫天地者,万物之逆旅也;光阴者,百代之过客也。而浮生若梦,为欢几何?” Which basically means that everyone/everything in this world is fleeting. Only 4 of the 6 records were published, the other 2 were found but were claimed to be fraudulent (lol).
**This book has an english version (and also in a couple of other languages if im not wrong). Its a really good book so do search it if you want to! 
Winwin finished the book in 3 hours and he was so touched by it that he cried 3 times reading this on the plane~ 
4. 170220签售 《摆渡人》克莱尔•麦克福尔     170220 Fansign《Ferryman》Claire Mcfall
Genre: Fiction/Young adult fiction
5. 170209无限的房 《手捧空花盆的孩子》赵华昌     170209 Limitless Room 《The Empty Pot》Demi
Genre: Fable
**This one is a classic haha im sure most people will know this story.
6. 时间不明:《活着》余华  《To Live》Yu Hua
Genre: Fiction novel, Historical
A life story through countless of war, the Great Leap Forward, cultural revolution and other social changes.
The novel explored the countless of deaths and the attitude towards the possibility of death. Known for it’s craft and artistry. Death in the narrative plot takes on a symbolic meaning of life.
7. 时间不明:《白水煮一切》大张伟   《Bái Shūi Zhǔ Yí Qiè》Da Zhang Wei / Wowkie Zhang    * Direct translation means ‘water boils everything’
Genre: Short stories, Autobiography, Comedy
The books covers a wide range of events/stories that happened to himself/his friends, sharing his life experiences and thoughts. A book with a very uplifting mood.
**Da Zhang Wei / Wowkie Zhang is a famous singer/actor/MC in China.
That’s it lol so you can see that Winwin reads books from a variety of genre TuT Truly our king of intellect!
Please let me know if there’s anything missing/inaccurate in the list.
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