#糸鋸 圭介
owlsounds · 2 years
It's been done, but here's my version of Columbo in the Ace Attorney courtroom scene.
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If you look close maybe you can see that I made a 16bit version of him an overlayed the photo semi-transparent on top of it, trying to better simulate the pixel resolution of the game. It's iffy tho.
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jiauro · 6 months
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gave him a LARGE burger
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leomon32 · 1 year
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Bahn and tiny Dick Gumshoe, any objection?
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notoriousmasc · 1 year
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i love gumworth
gumshoe's jpn name: 糸鋸 圭介 / keisuke itonokogiri itonokogiri = fretsaw
edgeworth's jpn name: 御剣 怜侍 / reiji mitsurugi tsurugi = sword
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lunarlagomorph · 4 months
Dick Gumshoe vs 糸鋸 圭介 (Itonokogiri Keisuke):
I originally assumed the main pun was Keisuke being a type of logic puzzle but according to a wiki it's a reference to a specific musician. The first name is a thread and a saw (?) which seems like its an inefficient way to go about cutting a thread, so maybe thats something? Either way I think i'm missing the cultural background to find the japanese name funny, and dick gumshoe is pretty iconic. So for me at least its a W for translation
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yesterdoesart · 3 years
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❤️⚖️💙 Love is a Turnabout 💙⚖️❤️
Tell me the manga where the characters dramatically play mind games with their love/rival isn't the perfect crossover AU for the game where the characters dramatically argue in a courtroom with their love/rival
(I have MANY thoughts on this AU, so if you would like to watch me hyperfixate, just send me an ask!)
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kirinoha1027 · 5 years
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soraquaa · 6 years
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Gumshoe and Missile! :D
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 逆転裁判~逆転のパラレルワールド~ (gyakuten saiban ~saiban no parallel world)
the show will be running from May 13th, 2021 to May 23rd, 2021 (Tokyo) @ シアター1010 (Theatre 1010)
Hara Yoshitaka as Naruhodou Ryuuichi (成歩堂龍一) Nakamura Reno as Ayasato Mayoi (綾里真宵) Kobayashi Ryou  as Mitsurugi Reiji (御剣怜侍) Kimoto Kanon as Karuma Mei (狩魔冥) ?as Yahari Masashi (矢張政志) Tanaka Kouhei as Itonokogiri Keisuke (糸鋸圭介) Kuge Megumi as Ooba Kaoru (大場カオル) Tomotsune Yuuki as Godou (ゴドー) Ichikawa Tomohiro as Mysterious Judge (謎の裁判長) Nakajima Saki as Naruhodou Ruichi/Ryuuichi?? (成歩堂琉市) Hashimoto Hikari as Kamiya Kirio (華宮霧緒) Akuzawa Nana as Himegami Sakura (姫神サクラ) Kubota Shou as Shibakuzou Toranosuke (芝九蔵虎ノ助) Maeda Riku as Yamano Hoshio (山野星雄) Maeda Riku as Kanada Seiya (金田聖也) Sugi Shouma as Konaka Masaru (小中大) Moody Katsuyama as Koroshiya Sazaemon (虎狼死家左々右エ門) Tagami Hiroshi as Judge (裁判長) Kawasaki Mayo as Karuma Gou (狩魔豪)
homepage twitter natalie
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gyakutengagotoku · 3 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Turnabout Successor, Part 3
Hey, guys, I’m back. It just had to take the announcement of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to bring me back into the AA fandom and back to work on this blog. No big.
I’ve gone back to add a few more entries to the last project update too (at least the lack of updates makes it easier to find those posts), so please check it out if you’d like. Now, I can finally move on into the infamous flashback case of this game.
Since this is a bit of a shorter one, I think I can get in the next part shortly before the end of tonight (I’m on PST), so look forward to that too! I’ll split up the posts ‘cause they’d be a bit long together.
> Phoenix Wright's case 7 years ago
> Court Lobby
<???> あ、パパ! おはよう! Ooh! Morning, Daddy!
<Enigmar> おお。よく来てくれたな。 Ah, I'm so glad you came.
<???> パパ‥‥大丈夫? いじめられてない? You OK, Daddy? They picking on you?
<Enigmar> はっはっはっはっはっはっ。 モチロン、大丈夫さ。 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I am fine, as always.
今日はね。このオジちゃんが、 パパを助けてくれるからね。 This old boy is here to help me, after all.
<Phoenix> (“おニイちゃん”だけどね) (That's "young man" to you.)
Note: Shadi Enigmar = Nanafushi Kagerou (last, first)
He calls him "ojichan" and Naruhodo corrects him with "onichan".
> Courtroom
<Judge> それでは、これより奈々伏 影郎の 法廷を開廷します。 Court is now in session for the trial of Shadi Enigmar.
<Phoenix> 弁護側、準備完了しております。 The defense is ready, Your Honor.
<???> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Judge> 検察側。どうかしましたかな? Is the prosecution ready?
<???> ‥‥いやあ。 こんなものか、って思ってさ。 I was just thinking, is this what all the fuss is about?
ちょっと、ガッカリしてたトコ。 Bit of a buzz-kill, really.
<Judge> “こんなもの”‥‥? "Buzz-kill"...? Is this some new kind of crime?
<???> 《サイバン》っていうから、 もっとこう‥‥ One of the worst. This is a trial, ja?
ハートにビリビリ 来るかと思ってたのにさ。 Where are the sweaty palms? The pounding hearts?
これなら、ガリューウエーブのギグ のほうが、よっぽどスリリングだね。 A Gavinners concert's got ten times the thrill this gig's got.
As expected, the judge isn't that dumb in the original script. Kyouya here expresses a bit of disdain for "this kind of thing" and the judge asks what he means.
<Judge> あの‥‥あなたは‥‥? Who... were you, again?
<Klavier> 牙琉 響也(がりゅうきょうや)。 Klavier. Klavier Gavin.
法廷をアツくするために 来たオトコだよ。 I came... to get the party started. Legally, ja?
<Judge> あなたが、あの。 牙琉 霧人弁護士の‥‥? Gavin? Defense Attorney Kristoph Gavin's...?
<Klavier> やれやれ‥‥こっちの世界じゃ、 アニキの方が有名、か。 Ah, figures my bro's more famous in this part of town.
"Let's get the party started" reference, GET!
<Phoenix> (牙琉 響也‥‥か) (Klavier Gavin...)
(デビューと同時に大ブレイクを  果たした、超人気ロックバンド) (Lead singer for the megahit band, the Gavinners.)
(《ガリューウエーブ》のボーカル。  場ちがいなボウヤだな‥‥) (You're out of your league, rock-boy.)
<Klavier> “場ちがいなボウヤ”‥‥おおかた、 そんなふうに思ってるんだろ? I know what you're thinking: "You're out of your league, rock-boy."
<Phoenix> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Klavier> デビュー曲《恋の禁固刑・13年》 が、いきなりミリオンセラー‥‥ True, my debut single, "13 Years Hard Time for Love", went platinum overnight...
そっちが遊びなんだ。 ぼくにとっては。 ...but that's just a hobby to me compared to this, ja?
<Phoenix> ‥‥よくしゃべる検事さんだ。 ...Talkative, aren't you? I like your affected Euro-rock accent, by the way.
<Klavier> いずれ、わかるよ。 ‥‥成歩堂弁護士さん。 I'm just getting warmed up, Herr Attorney Wright.
Sad to say, Naruhodo doesn't comment on any "American" or foreign accent he may have. Interestingly, his voice actor in all the promotional materials does speak with a distinct style that easily distinguishes him from his fellow Japanese, even if it isn't a different accent or dialect. It's a very subtle difference in how he intonates, I think. (If anything it's all the more disappointing that the US locale team didn't bring in a voice actor with a "Euro-rock" accent for Klavier in DD. They're the ones who came up with it! Maybe just couldn't get someone else for some reason?)
> Enter 1st Witness
<Klavier> ‥‥で。ダレ? きみ。 ...And you are?
<Gumshoe> ‥‥そういう聞き方をされたのは 初めてッス。 Hey, you were the one who called me up here... sir.
自分は、糸鋸 圭介 (いとのこぎりけいすけ)ッス。 Name's Dick Gumshoe.
所轄署の、殺人事件の 捜査を担当する刑事ッス。 I'm a homicide detective down at the precinct.
Haha, it's one of those things that can't be translated well, but Kyouya speaks to the detective in a way that reminds me of how stereotypical celebs talk down to their backstage staff. So Itonoko comments about how "This is the first time anyone's called on me like that."
<Gumshoe> とにかく。引退した天斎は、 ここ1年、入院していたッス。 Anyhow, the retired Magnifi's been in the hospital for the last year.
なんというか、ええと。 Hmm, what was it?
か‥‥“カンゾーにテンイ”した ‥‥その。 A mall-ignorant tutor or something.
あ。“アクセーシュヨー”に‥‥ ええと。“ナントカ”まれて。 Doing something to his liver, I think. Yeah.
<Judge> “むしばまれて”でしょう。 A "malignant tumor", perhaps?
<Klavier> “悪性腫瘍”‥‥つまり、 ガン、だね。わかりやすくいえば。 In other words, he had liver cancer.
どうやら、余命3ケ月‥‥ といったところだったらしいけど。 He had only three months left to live, in fact.
Aw, Itonoko trying to speak in scientific terms feels like a kid trying to learn words. He ends it with "something-marete" as if trying to cite the doctor, so the judge corrects him with "Was it spoiled, perhaps?" By that, I mean that it was adversely affected.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ Hmm...
たしかに、事実関係は シンプルかもしれませんが‥‥ The facts do seem simple enough.
なんとなく、スッキリしませんな。 But... something's not right.
<Klavier> ‥‥ほんの3ケ月ほど待っていれば、 被害者は、天に召される運命だった。 ...The victim was already climbing a three-month stairway to heaven.
‥‥なぜ、それを待たず、 “射殺”したのか? ...Why not wait for him to knock-knock-knock on heaven's door? Why shoot him?
<Phoenix> (そうなんだよな‥‥こういう  言い方も、アレだけど) (I wouldn't have put it quite so lyrically, but it's true.)
"Stairway to Heaven" and "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" references, GET!
In JP, Kyouya also puts it rather poetically, and Naruhodo comments on how the way he says it is a bit "out there".
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
> Check photo presented, select "shot something else", point to clown doll
> Press new statement (6th)
<Phoenix> そのヒタイ‥‥“ピエロの人形” だったのかもしれません。 But... it might have been the clown's forehead he shot.
<Gumshoe> ピエロで練習してみてから、 被害者も撃ったかもしれないッス! OK, so he practiced first on the doll, then shot him!
<Phoenix> 夜の病院‥‥いつ、だれが来るかも わからないのに、練習を‥‥? He "practiced" in the middle of the hospital? Anyone could have come in at any moment!
<Gumshoe> でも。ジッサイは、ダレも 来なかったワケッスから。 Yeah, but no one did come, did they, pal?
自分のモットーは 《イシバシを叩いてコワす》ッス! Besides, it's what I woulda done. "Always look before you shoot," I say.
In JP, his motto is the old Japanese idiom of knocking on a bridge before crossing it; aka be super cautious. The way it's written in English here, though, makes it sound like "Oh, yeah, I'd practice shooting in a hospital."
> Press 4th statement
<Gumshoe> はああ。あいかわらず、なーんにも 知らないッスね。アンタは。 What pile of sand has your head been stuck in all this time, pal?
《ザックとバランの早撃ち》 ッスよ! You never heard of "Zak & Valant's Quick-Draw Shootem"?
<Phoenix> なんですか? それ。 Huh? What's that?
<Gumshoe> 被告人の得意芸ッス。 One of the defendant's specialties.
真ん中に、女の子をはさんで ザックとバランが撃ち合うッス! Zak and Valant stand on either side of a girl!
すると、フシギッ! Then, they shoot!
魔法の弾丸は、 女の子をスルリと通りぬけて‥‥ But the bullets don't hit her!
ステージの上のあらゆるモノを 撃ちぬくッス! Instead, they hit everything else on stage!!!
そのとき、ステージで使われて いたのが、このピストルッス。 This was one of the pistols they used in their show.
トクベツなデザインで、 チビっ子に大人気だったッス。 Got a great design, huh? The kids love it.
<Klavier> コイツにあこがれて、警察官を めざした少年少女も多かったとか。 Many boys and girls joined the police because of that pistol, I hear.
<Phoenix> (なんだよ、“とか”って‥‥) (You know, that would explain a lot about the police force.)
In the source, it goes more like:
Kyouya: "Like how many boys and girls joined the police because of it." Naruhodo: "(What do you mean "Like how"...?)"
> Press 5th statement, acquire pistol
> Present pistol at 6th statement
<Phoenix> ピストルの弾丸は、 カンタンには手に入らない。 Oh? Where did he get the extra bullet? They're not so easy to come by, you know.
被告人が“用意した”と 主張するのならば‥‥ If you claim the defendant "had one ready"...
その入手経路の 立証を要求します! ...then prove to us how he got it!
<Klavier> ぐっ‥‥! Urk...!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ クッ‥‥クックックッ‥‥ ...... Heh... Ha ha ha...
さすがに、これで決まっちゃあ 盛り上がらないからね。 I had a feeling this wasn't over yet.
それに、ぼくにしてもね。 このまま終わったら‥‥ No... this party's just getting started.
ただのチャラチャラした お調子者のニイちゃんだし。 And I haven't proven anything yet, beyond my good looks, and startling record sales.
<Phoenix> (自覚してたのか‥‥) (And utter lack of humility.)
Kyouya: "Figures, it wouldn't be exciting if it just ended here. Besides, I can't let it end like that... Or I'd just be some jangly sucker who rides off on praise." Naruhodo: "(At least he admits it...)"
Catch you all later in the next one.
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u-ujj · 3 years
成歩堂 龍一…黒 ナルホド  ナルホド・リュイチ 나루호도 류이치 御剣 怜侍…茶 ミツルギ  ミツルギ・レイジ   미츠루기 레이지 糸鋸 圭介…黄土 イトノコ  イトノコギリ・ケイスケ 이토노코기리 케이스케 裁判長…緑 サイバンチョ 재판장 宝月 茜…桃 アカネ  ホウズキ・アカネ 호우즈키 아카네 宝月 巴…藤 トモエ  ホウズキ・トモエ 호우즈키 토모에 巌徒 海慈…紫 カント  カント・カイジ 간토 카이지 罪門 恭介…紺 ザイモン  ザイモン・キョウスケ 자이몬 쿄우스케 市ノ谷 響華…水 キョウカ  イチノタニ・キョウカ 이치노타니 쿄우카 原灰 ススム…黄 ススム  ハラバイ・ススム 하라바이 스스무 (フォントサイズをご都合に合わせて変えて、お楽しみください。量が多いので、最小が オススメ)
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jculture-ja · 4 years
#歌舞伎 #市川小團次 [ファミ通.com / ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報]次なる舞台はパラレル … 麗乃とともに、御剣怜侍役に小波津亜廉、ゴドー役に友常勇気が続投。そして新キャストとして、狩魔冥役に元SKE48の木本花音、成歩堂琉市(なるほどちゃん)役に元°C-uteの中島早貴、不条里罰丸役に市川知宏、糸鋸圭介役に「スケ …
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jiauro · 3 days
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From an artist research of fightclubyaoi instagram
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kabukiinfo · 4 years
#歌舞伎 #市川小團次 [ファミ通.com / ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報]次なる舞台はパラレル ... 麗乃とともに、御剣怜侍役に小波津亜廉、ゴドー役に友常勇気が続投。そして新キャストとして、狩魔冥役に元SKE48の木本花音、成歩堂琉市(なるほどちゃん)役に元°C-uteの中島早貴、不条里罰丸役に市川知宏、糸鋸圭介役に「スケ ...
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anirecoposts-blog · 6 years
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逆転裁判 弁護士である主人公を操作し、無実の罪に問われている被告人を裁判で無罪にすることがゲームのアニメ化 放送時間 読売テレビ:4/2(土) 17:30~ 日本テレビ:4/2(土) 17:30~ キャスト 成歩堂龍一 梶裕貴 綾里真宵役 悠木碧 御剣怜侍役 玉木雅士 綾里千尋役 中村千絵 糸鋸圭介役 岩崎征実 矢張政志役 奈良徹
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shissokuantena-blog · 7 years
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