#γ€€ Β π™Όπšˆ 𝙻𝙸𝙡𝙴 π™±π™΄π™΅π™Ύπšπ™΄ πš†π™°πš‚ πšƒπšπ™°π™Άπ™Έπ™².  ៸ ៸ ៸ Β closed.
upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€Ώ @munsonciety​ liked for a starter.
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The sound of her conversed feet padded across the corridors floor. The giggle echoing as she grabbed onto Eddie’s arm using him to both pull her to a halt as well as an obvious hiding spot. Spinning behind him the girl hid, the end locker and Eddie being the perfect shields. Her hand flew up, cupping at her mouth to silence her laughter when the echo of several jocks came hurtling around the far end of the corridor.Β β€œFind her!” Jason bellowed, slamming closed an open locker. It wasn’t obvious what had gone on, but whatever it was. It had Jason seething with rage.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€ΏΒ @brxised-bxtterfly-wings​​ liked for a starter.
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β€œLook, I can see the words on the page, but are they registering in my brain? No.” the brunette grumbled, the book before her agitating her the more that she attempted to read it.Β β€œCan’t we just ditch studying for a few hours and go get some shakes?” she begged, her lip puckering out into a pout, while her hues doe eyed up at him.Β β€œPleeeeasssseeeee?”
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€Ώ @daemondaes​​ liked for a starter.
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β€œI thought you said this was going to be a small house party?” Vicky scoffed, eyes breaking from the mass of bodies dancing around the open house to her friend.Β β€œSmall.” she emphasised.
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upsidehell Β· 2 years
@wrappedupinlight​ liked for a starter.
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β€œ When I said I’d help out, I didn’t mean it. I was just being polite. ” she pleaded feeling the other guide her down the hallway.
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upsidehell Β· 2 years
@liveshaunted​ liked for a starter.
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β€œ You had me at pizza. ” the girl chimed, the grumble in her stomach only echoing louder into the others room.Β β€œ But you’re driving, Jerry’s had a rough week, I’m hoping if I let him just chill for a few days, he might decide to not break down on me again. ” she explained, genuinely believing in her heart that her beloved truck just needed a break.
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upsidehell Β· 2 years
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β€ΏΒ  @depictedblue​​ liked for a starter.
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The last thing Vicky should of done this week was torment the jocks, but after an incident with Eddie and Jason, the 5ft4 dumb dumb known as Vicky Lipton took it upon herself to teach Carver and his band of idiots a lesson. Running from the gym into the carpark the girl was in desperate need of a hiding place. Seeing Cassie in her car the girl knew instantly that there was her saviour. Opening the back door, the girl dive bombed into the back of Cassie’s car fumbling to shut the door while she kept herself low.Β β€œHey Cass.” she stated breathlessly with a grin that readΒ β€˜don’t ask’.
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upsidehell Β· 2 years
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β€ΏΒ @ardentsolis​ liked for a randomly generated starter.
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" If we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything. "
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upsidehell Β· 2 years
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β€ΏΒ @adastraperasperah​ liked for a randomly generated starter.
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" Well? What happened? I want all the details! "
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upsidehell Β· 2 years
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β€œ When the hell did you get out? ” Vicky asked, arms crossing over her chest with eyes rolling as if she wasn’t over the moon that @ricklipton​ was home once again.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€ΏΒ @depictedblue​​ liked for a starter.
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β€œCass, you look perfect.” the girl sighed, watching from the bed as the blonde tossed yet another outfit onto the floor.Β β€œWho is this guy anyway?” she asked, her fingers brushing soothingly against her temple. Exhausted from her last lab visit.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€ΏΒ @metalcursed​​​ liked for a starter.
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Jumping up from the couch the brunette stepped back her finger stretching out to point at him.Β β€œYou’re doing it again. That look. Stop it.” she whined, shaking off the terror of the inevitable talk.Β β€œNope. No. Stop. Sit your ass back down Munson.” she warned, stepping back. A few beers and a joint shared between them was enough to stir something. Something she thought they had put to bed, but clearly not.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€ΏΒ @marvariants​ liked for a starter.
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There was nothing she loved more than babysitting these days. With her life riddled in darkness, the innocent light of a child was her safe place. Smiling over at his drawing the brunette was quick to praise him, turning on the chair to see his mother making a fresh pot of coffee.Β β€œDid they say anything else about... you know?” she asked, her voice hushing at the code name she used for him especially around the kid.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€ΏΒ @nickgoodc​ liked for a starter.
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β€œ But I don’t want to.” she whined, dragging her heels across the gravelled path.Β β€œIt’s just a bunch of stupid teenagers getting drunk on cheap beer AND! I look like a hooker.” she grumbled, hands flaring from her sides. The tight little black number that hugged her frame was far from her usual comfort of jeaned shorts, a band tee and a button up flannel, but it was also far from herΒ β€˜hooker’ comment. While she felt bare in the dress her modesty was covered beneath an oversized denim jacket. No doubt a gifted thrift find from Eddie. Vicky kept her friend circle small so whenever she was invited to a rager like this, her flight instinct took hold. Terrified of the idea of anyone looking at her dressed like this.Β β€œNick please, I’ll give you free drinks at the hideout for the next month.”
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€ΏΒ @batouttahxll​​​​ liked for a starter.
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β€œYou’re doing it again.” Vicky sighed, her fingers halting on mid flip through the vintage vinyl's, feeling Odette’s eyes burning through her.Β β€œI told you, we’re just friends. Besides he likes cheerleaders.” her words only aiding in the ache she felt whenever she saw him part the way for the cheer squad.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€Ώ @slayedeath​ liked for a starter.
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There was absolutely nothing that Vicky enjoyed more than meeting new people. The blonde in particular was one she had never seen before. Her face kind, yet sad a feet that Vicky was sure would change.Β β€œNow are you a chocolate or a strawberry kind of girl?” she asked making herself comfortable opposite the woman. A tall over the top sized glass of milkshake in hand. A banana one topped with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and banana chips for decoration.
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upsidehell Β· 1 year
β€Ώ @southsideborn​​​ liked for a starter.
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Dark hues were wide, the terror behind them something she couldn’t even begin to formulate cohesively even if she tried. With Eddie missing and Rick behind bars there was only one person who she could trust with this, who she could rely on in her time of need. Fingers trembled as she pulled her rain sopped jacket tighter around her, shivering from both fear and the cold.Β β€œJelly?” she croaked seeing the familiar outline just beneath covered roofline of the Serpent bar.Β 
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