#【 avin enzo ❖ musing 】
aquamanandfriends · 11 months
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text posts for @thestoriesincoffeestains birthday celebration 3/∞
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aquamanandfriends · 11 months
Clueless Contractors
| muse: Avin Enzo | open to: anyone | made with beta | sexuality: heterosexual | bicurious| suggested connections: acquaintance, will they won’t they, former roommate, neighbor, friend, girlfriend / boyfriend, maybe someone he views as a found family sibling
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Avin was still working on making the building he'd just bought into a live-able loft, and he was glad to have some help but nothing was really going as planned. "I thought you said you'd done this stuff before?" he asked curbing his frustration. "I--I literally have no clue, I'm just looking shit up on youtube. If we can just get the water running to the bathroom that would be enough to call it a day." He sighed.
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aquamanandfriends · 2 years
Cappuccino Confusion
| muse: Avin Enzo | open to: anyone | sexuality: heterosexual | bicurious | suggested connections: friend, drinking buddy, crush, lover, fwb, ex, girlfriend, boyfriend, will they won’t they, acquaintance, neighbor
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“Alright, just bare with me here,” Avin told them as he scooped coffee into the cup. “I just got this thing and I’m still trying to figure it out.” He wasn’t about to read the two inch thick book of instructions on how to work the cappuccino machine. “It’s like a defusing a bomb,” he chuckled.
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aquamanandfriends · 1 year
✨ I’d love to know! (you’re welcome to narrow it down to this blog or also count others on my other blogs)
Send ✨ and I will list 3-4 of my muses that you have NOT interacted with before that I think could be interesting to write together!
[ hmmm sooooo you can totally have any of my muses, let us see... ]
Avin Enzo - my professional yo-yoer who is super fucking broke and just holding out hope he'll be taken seriously. I've had him since before The Bear but like, fuck The Bear is so fucking good sooo I'd love to see him and Tezza interact
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Joshua Kettle - I'm actually shocked we haven't had any threads with Josh, he's a personal fav. Daddy issues all the way, protective big brother. Love him.
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Felica Windsor - My high-class divorcée married in name only bisexual business babe. She's strong, powerful, her husband hates her for asking for a divorce because he's too scared to admit he's possibly into guys. She's a hot Hillary I just need to make more gifs for her. She loves to treat people and give gifts, I feel like there are plenty of matches romantically and just platonically
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Olivia Marshall - one of the best casting directors in town, everyone wants to be her or kill her. She mentored Makala. She used to act. Stone cold bitch because she's been burned but she knows how to have fun if you can crack her. Another wonderful muse I need to make gifs for.
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[ also you have interacted with Tiffany, but I'd love to pair off Tiffany and Cherry because damn she's exactly Tiff's type, tall, dark, sexy. ]
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aquamanandfriends · 4 years
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aquamanandfriends · 7 years
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