voxxisms · 20 days
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@radiiosugars stepped up to alastor !! guest muse event ( currently accepting! ) Alexander yanks Vox away from the new alternate, stepping between them. " And what do you think you're doing, hm? Touching what's mine? "
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     OH - HO!  It looked as though Vox had friends,  now that something was happening.  He was not all too unfamiliar with the concept of a multiverse colliding,  something Vox,  in their older times,  used to ramble on about when he did take a few moments to tune in to his silly little thoughts  &&  info - dumps.  Vox was pulled away,  with this  ...  other version of himself stepping between them.  Alastor kept his gaze squarely settled on Vox's expression,  seeing the confusion,  putting together puzzle pieces.  It appeared to be surprising to him,  at least,  but there was something else here,  too.
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        ❝  Why,  Vox!  You never told me you had made a friend in my absence!  And for it to be,  in essence,  myself,  you are quite the perverted mind,  aren't you?  I sure hope he hasn't subjected you to the things he has me,  what with his pathetic little obsession.  ❞
You will have things to answer for,  Vox.  To explain.
     Alastor settled his hands atop his staff,  gaze traveling over this alternate's form.  A softer set of features,  certainly,  pretty,  perhaps,  was a good word for it.  
        ❝  You call him yours,  which is very interesting,  considering he has been mine quite a bit longer.  Or,  at least,  that's what he wishes.  You are more than welcome to make off with him,  if you so choose,  although why you would want to,  I am so very curious!  He is the noisiest,  most obnoxious man I've had the displeasure of meeting!  ❞
Laughter echoing out of his staff,  offered alongside his own amusement.  Vox looked deeply uncomfortable,  though he remained beside the other demon in the room.  How annoying.
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staticgcne · 20 days
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jacquelinep21 · 4 years
(I wrote this email to my grandmother, aunt, and uncle last week and felt pretty good with how it turned out so decided to publish it here.) 
Friday, May 1st, 2020
Coucou !
I’ve been wanting to write you for a while now, I even started a draft and wrote about ¾’s of it, had to stop to make dinner, and then never finished it. Maybe I was overthinking how I wanted to get the writing perfect when I should’ve just sent something to say hello, give you an update, and check-in that all was well with you. Mieux vaut tard que jamais.
How to describe everything and nothing that has happened since mid-March? Both on a personal level and on a “what’s the situation in France” level?
Personally, I’ve been cooking, both familiar recipes, and trying new ones such as Chickpea Curry, Mushroom-Stuffed Eggplant, One-Pan Wine Braised Chicken with Artichoke Hearts, Shakshuka, Spanish Tortilla, Roasted Red Pepper Cheese Toast, Peanut Butter Chile Sauce drizzled over broccoli and rice, Butternut Squash & Shallot Hash w/Poached Eggs, and a couple others. Let me admit, some were successes, others...will have to be adjusted and reattempted. Not to mention there are days when not having a dishwasher gets to be exhausting.
I still have multiple school projects that I have been working on, both group and individual. My classes were already supposed to end mid-April even before this all started, so it didn’t change much and most classes didn’t have any online classes, as the projects were more important and already put in place. I have three more to turn in before grades are due mid-May, and now the first part of my thesis is due one month later, at the end of June. Productivity has been difficult, as there are days that I feel like I need to do things for me, rather than sitting on my computer switching between reading the news and trying to do school work, but I’ve gotten a little better at it. My job, checking guests into apartments, and working in the office, is obviously non-existent, and likely will be until at least September, but because of the government's chômage partiel or temporary/partial unemployment of over 10 million people in France, I’m still getting 90% of my salary, which I am very thankful for.
What I have been doing for pleasure these days is listening to podcasts, my favorite being Spilled Milk, which I discovered in September when I was doing the grape harvest, a comedy show about food recorded in Seattle. I was taking a photograph or two a day with my dad’s 1984 Minolta 35mm film camera but ran out of film and can’t find a viable way to get more. I’ve been reading every day, finished two books so far, and have started a third. We’ve been watching movies and TV shows, such as Breaking Bad, the Jason Bourne trilogies, Charade, Star Wars, and others I’ve put off watching until now. Something I never thought I would do was a virtual dance/fitness classes but they have been a great source of dopamine and just physical movement. There are also weekly video chats with either Benjamin or I’s friends, which has been especially nice when we can reunite multiple time zones all in one call. My friend that works at Politico’s audio department asked if I’d be interested in recording an audio-diary twice a week as part of a project they’re working on of different people’s experiences during lockdown so I’ve been contributing to that (though not sure what’s become of the project so far). The most coincidental thing that has happened to me during confinement is changing the channel on the TV maybe the second week into the lockdown, as the Prime Minister’s press conference was ending (otherwise we hardly ever watch the TV), to a different channel only to see someone that looked vaguely familiar, and then see the street we live on. We soon figured out the people across the street we had seen filming once or twice were making a documentary on the lockdown. I contacted them after we finished watching the episode and they asked if I was interested in being interviewed. So that happened, haha. I don’t believe it’s possible to stream the episode outside of Europe so I’ve included the video here, it’s in English.
There are of course the daily musings outside the window to see what the neighbors across the street are doing or what is happening on the street below. Avenue de Saint-Ouen has calmed since this all began but it still is busier than I would’ve expected, both with cars and people, not resembling photos you may have seen of an eerily empty Paris. Sundays are the exception, when I can almost clearly hear what someone is saying on their balcony across the way, where the joggers' loud steps hitting the pavement echoes as they try to reach home before their 10am curfew, and the church bells ring telling us the time. The typical characters I can see on their balconies every day include the bald man that drinks his cup of coffee while smoking his morning cigarette, the retired man on the top floor that tends to his potted herbs that dangle over the balcony railing, or his neighbors that have two young boys that run back and forth. The weather has been clearer than any Parisian spring I’ve seen and the temperatures even got to the high 70’s last week but have now dropped and the clouds are back. We are allowed to walk for up to one hour within a 1km radius of our address, as long as we have a form, now available to download on our phones, filled out, otherwise there can be fines, though I have only seen police officers stop people twice.
So what is the situation in France right now? As of Thursday night, 24,376 people have died from Covid-19 in France, 26,283 people are currently hospitalized (551 less than the day before) and 4,019 are in the ICU (188 less than the day before). On May 11th, the lockdown will be lifted to a certain extent, but many restrictions will still be in place. Starting May 7th each département, kind of like a county, will either be classified red or green, depending on multiple factors, and this can change the severity of the rules after May 11th. Preschools, elementary schools, and daycares can reopen, on a voluntary basis by each family, so those in need that cannot do online learning and depend on the meals can return to school under certain hygiene measures. Public transportation will increase slightly but not back to the normal frequency, masks will be obligatory, every other seat must be left empty, employeurs are encouraged the adjust hours of employees that have to return to work to avoid rush hour, and that those not commuting to and from work should avoid public transportation during these hours. We will be able to leave the house without filling out a form, as long as it’s less than 100km from our address. Farther than this (62 miles) we will need to have a legitimate reason, such as professional or imperative family needs. No meetings, private or public, of more than ten people. Individual sports any time of day (currently in Paris jogging isn’t permitted between 10am and 7pm) but no team sports. Libraries and small museums may reopen while abiding by hygiene procedures. Parks may reopen but if considered dangerous, such as in Paris, they may remain closed. Most businesses can reopen, except restaurants, bars, cafés, large museums, movie theaters, concert venues, or theaters, while controlling the number of people in the business and customers may be turned away if they aren’t wearing a mask. Farmers markets may reopen as well. Malls may or may not reopen, depending on their size. Working from home is still strongly encouraged. The government hopes to test 700,000 people a week, though who can get tested isn’t clear. If you test positive you must self isolate for 14 days either at your residence or an allocated hotel, and teams of people will attempt to get in contact with those who may have been infected by said persons to get tested. An app is also in development to track this but is also highly controversial and will have to be voted on by parliament. Masks will be distributed by employeurs, by schools, to nonprofits for those in need, social action centers, and La Poste has set up a website where they can be bought, the government paying for part of the costs. The second phase in which things could change is June 2nd.
Voilà, I think that’s everything. I would love to hear from you when you can write back. Miss you and thinking of you.
P.S. Some recent Articles/Blogs/Newsletters/Podcasts that are Paris related:
David Lebovitz's May 2020 Newsletter
When Cookies Fly and Other Tales of Staying Entertained During Quarantine
Lettre Recommandé: Notes from France by Lauren Collins
Podcast: Documenting confinement in Paris, checking in with the French psyche, May Day history (interview with the couple making the documentary that I was featured in briefly among other interesting things.)
The New Paris Podcast: Paris in Confinement
The Earful Tower Podcast: What does Paris look like in lockdown? (he has recorded several episodes about what has been going on, this is just a more recent one, light-hearted)
The Street That Still Offers Paris Hope
Denuded of Tourists, Paris Reveals Its Old Beating Heart
France 24's English Coverage of the France Lockdown (a great news outlet in English with a more French perspective of whats going on in France with articles and videos)
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Heterodyne is an improvisational project; its co-founders and core performers are Maria Shesiuk (Moog and processed vocalizations) and T. A. Zook (NS Design Omni Bass, strung as a basscello). Although it is essentially a duo, when complex schedules permit, it  performs with Patrick Whitehead on quarter-tone flügelhorn and trumpet; Bob Boilen on ARP synthesizer; Doug Kallmeyer on bass and synthesizer; Jerry Busher on drums; Sarah Hughes on sax; Leah Gage on drums; Sam Lohman on drums; Amanda Huron on drums; and Dan Gutstein, spoken word. 
Heterodyne closed at the January 13, 2019 Susan Mumford Memorial at the 9:30 Club.  The performance is posted in Volume XII of the project's album (https://goo.gl/g69n6W); the individual URLs are goo.gl/jxDM2F (stereo) and goo.gl/xhxVPU (binaural).  Heterodyne recorded and posted all of its performances for free download:  https://heterodyne-performances.tumblr.com/.  Heartfelt thanks to all for the support that we've received from our collaborators and audiences in the course of our 31 performances since August 2017!
Free downloads of Heterodyne’s sessions and performances:
- Volume I:  https://goo.gl/SK7Hqz
- Volume II:  https://goo.gl/zM3Y2R
- Volume III:  https://goo.gl/SRTZqD
- Volume IV:  https://goo.gl/V9tbkN
- Volume V:  https://goo.gl/pSjQoS
- Volume VI:  https://goo.gl/7L84Ac
- Volume VII:  https://goo.gl/Sx6sVh
- Volume VIII:  https://goo.gl/yJa1Te
- Volume IX:  https://goo.gl/bLnNf4
- Volume X:  https://goo.gl/WkMDPJ
- Volume XI: https://goo.gl/yks5Q1
- Volume XII:  https://goo.gl/g69n6W
Video of August 26, 2018 performance by Rebecca Zook (https://www.facebook.com/rebeccazookmusic/; https://www.rebeccazookmusic.com/):  https://youtu.be/HKvZ_JXRaOA
Heterodyne + the Lost Civilizations experimental music project (http://lost-civilizations.tumblr.com/):  https://goo.gl/gtMCe2
Solo basscello performance by co-founder T. A. Zook:  https://goo.gl/mH5VT4 . 
Heterodyne’s spoken word artist Dan Gutstein has posted insightful commentary on the project; one of the project’s collaborators (Sarah Hughes); and Joy on Fire, the band with whom Heterodyne most frequently shares the bill:  
Heterodyne was featured in the Washington Post’s August 26, 2018 “Going Out Guide” (https://goo.gl/Mw6ros); the article stemmed from an earlier account on DC’s musical scene:  https://goo.gl/pxx7Tf.
For more information:  [email protected]
Core performers
Maria Shesiuk is an experimental improviser from Baltimore. She uses vintage Casio keyboards manipulated through various effects for live experimental music improvisations. Recently she also started composing electronic music using Moog synthesizers, manipulated vocals, and field recordings. In addition, her musical journey included playing guitar, bass guitar, and jazz piano lessons. In the last two years her devotion to experimental music exploration has taken on a more central role. 
Maria comes from a family of classically trained musicians. She started out on the same path by playing classical piano as a child in Ukraine in a musical school for the gifted. She also spent many evenings along side her father during rehearsals when he was the chief conductor of Kyrgyz National Opera, and Ballet theatre. At age 11 Maria moved to the U.S. with her family and circumstances shifted her focus to athletics, but music remained her biggest passion. In 2010 Maria moved to Baltimore from Detroit to complete graduate school in Physician Assistant studies. After graduating she jumped back into music. She discovered Baltimore’s Volunteers’ Collective and became a regular there. She always wanted to compose, but it took her many years to find her voice.  The Volunteers’ Collective has helped her do just that. 
Maria was featured in the 2017 High Zero Festival of Experimental Improvised Music  (http://www.highzero.org/ )
T. A. Zook (https://goo.gl/svtpQ) is based in Arlington, VA.   Ms. Shesiuk and Mr. Zook because acquainted at Volunteers Collective improvisation sessions, which provided the catalyst  for Heterodyne’s formation.  Mr. Zook is co-founder of the Lost Civilizations experimental music project (https://goo.gl/OznNw);  Chimiak & Zook ( https://goo.gl/YYNKlW ); and Rosati and Zook (https://goo.gl/8SmFnj).
Mr.  Zook is primarily a nylon-string guitarist; however, in live performances he more commonly plays an NS Design Omni Bass, set up as a basscello,  through digital signal processors.  In 2016, Mr. Zook was awarded Steinberger Artist status.  At studio sessions, he also plays a variety of digitally-processed, non-traditional analog instruments such as bowls, rainsticks, slidewhistle, whistle-flutes, oceanharp, etc.
An Avant Music News interview with Mr. Zook is posted at  http://goo.gl/5LdYos; audio interviews are posted at https://goo.gl/RsPbR9 and  https://goo.gl/ZVvF4l .
Mr.  Zook began his study of the guitar in Chile and Uruguay (the latter under the guidance of Luis Acosta), and continued upon his return to the U.S. in the early 1960s under Sophocles Papas (classical)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophocles_Papas  ) and Frank Mullen (jazz)(http://goo.gl/6E3eir  ; http://goo.gl/niQTYd  ).  From 1999 through 2012, he studied improvisation under David Darling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Darling_(musician)  ; http://www.daviddarling.com/; http://www.musicianguide.com/biographies/1608003038/David-Darling.html  ), a study which continues under the auspices of the Music for People organization (http://musicforpeople.org/wp/ ), which conferred him Honorary Graduate certification in 2011.
During the early 1970s, Mr. Zook had the privilege of working with keyboardist (B-3 & Lawrence Audio electric piano)/singer Larry Buck, who was very supportive in his development as a musician.
Mr. Zook has frequently performed in the Sonic Circuits Festival of Experimental Music (http://dc-soniccircuits.org/).
Mr. Zook is fortunate beyond his ability to express in words for the opportunities that he has had to work with so many accomplished and kind musicians and artists, as well as for the support by audiences for the music that comes through him, thanks to the Muse!
Guest Performers
Patrick Whitehead (https://goo.gl/zfzDxw ) was inspired by the music of Louis Armstrong at age 5.   At age 8, he began playing in his school band.  His broad and varied career spans the decades as a soloist, orchestral, chamber, opera, commercial, and improvising musician.
Possessing a great fondness of brass chamber music, he founded The Monumental Brass Quintet (http://goo.gl/G5PMCO ) and has recorded and toured extensively throughout the U.S. with this ensemble.
As a free-lance trumpeter, Pat’s performed with orchestras at the Kennedy Center and Constitution Hall. He’s also performed with the Annapolis Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, Gettysburg Symphony, the Annapolis Opera, Baltimore Opera,  and Concert Artists of Baltimore,.  Additionally, Pat has recorded for the PBS and ABC television networks, Voice of America, and has performed on numerous radio and TV programs.
In June of 2014 Patrick performed as part of the Momentary Quartet comprised, Jane Buttars- piano, Lin Foulk - horn, and Harold Mckinney- piano  at the annual conference of The International Society for Improvised Music in New York City.
Pat serves on the faculties, as instructor of trumpet, at the Baltimore School for the Arts and the Levine School of Music in Washington DC.  For several years he served as Coordinator of Brass Chamber Music and Director of Trumpet Ensembles at the Levine School.  Additionally, he has taught trumpet and brass methods at Mount Vernon College and the Community College of Baltimore.
Through his involvement (since 2003) with Music for People, Pat has become an avid proponent of improvised music.  As he progressed through MfP’s Music Leadership Program, he’s evolved as a passionate and dynamic facilitator of improvised music workshops. He has presented improv workshops at the Peabody Conservatory’s Prep Division.  The Summer Brass Institute hosted by Monumental Brass, the Howard and Montgomery County Maryland public schools, and at various venues in the central Maryland area.
Pat studied trumpet with George Recker, Rob Roy McGregor, and Langston Fitzgerald.  He studied theory and arranging with Asher Zlotnik.  Pat majored in music education at the University of Maryland where he studied trumpet with Emerson Head.
Bob Boilen (https://goo.gl/FhLJTk ) In 1988, a determined Bob Boilen started showing up on NPR's doorstep every day, looking for a way to contribute his skills in music and broadcasting to the network. His persistence paid off, and within a few weeks he was hired, on a temporary basis, to work for All Things Considered. Less than a year later, Boilen was directing the show and continued to do so for the next 18 years.
Significant listener interest in the music being played on All Things Considered, along with his and NPR's vast music collections, gave Boilen the idea to start All Songs Considered. "It was obvious to me that listeners of NPR were also lovers of music, but what also became obvious by 1999 was that the web was going to be the place to discover new music and that we wanted to be the premiere site for music discovery." The show launched in 2000, with Boilen as its host.
Before coming to NPR, Boilen found many ways to share his passion for music. From 1982 to 1986 he worked for Baltimore's Impossible Theater, where he held many posts, including composer, technician, and recording engineer. Boilen became part of music history in 1983 with the Impossible Theater production Whiz Bang, a History of Sound. In it, Boilen became one of the first composers to use audio sampling — in this case, sounds from nature and the industrial revolution. He was interviewed about Whiz Bang by Susan Stamberg on All Things Considered.
In 1985, the Washington City Paper voted Boilen 'Performance Artist of the Year.' An electronic musician, he received a grant from the Washington D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities to work on electronic music and performance.
After Impossible Theater, Boilen worked as a producer for a television station in Washington, D.C. He produced several projects, including a music video show. In 1997, he started producing an online show called Science Live for the Discovery Channel. He also put out two albums with his psychedelic band, Tiny Desk Unit, during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Boilen still composes and performs music and posts it for free on his website BobBoilen.info . He performs contradance music and has a podcast of contradance music that he produces with his son Julian.
Boilen's first book, Your Song Changed My Life, was published in April 2016 by HarperCollins.
Doug Kallmeyer spends much of his time on the road mixing bands which have included Blonde Redhead, School of Seven Bells, and currently with Phantogram (recently returned from a tour to Iceland and Europe).  Add to that list more live work with notable artists including Shellac, Sunny Day Real Estate and Rancid. Both local to the Washington D.C. metropolitan area and on the road, a career which has numbered live shows in the thousands, and continues. His last release, 2005′s “Even Calls” (EM:T, 2005, 302acid) was a group foray into ambient textures which received rave reviews in publications like the UK’s WIRE magazine, and resulted in tours throughout the US and Europe. His most current project, Dubpixels (http://www.dubpixel.com/ ) expands upon modern and classic aesthetics in dubwise music production to include audio and video.(http://www.facebook.com/Dubpixels ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/302_Acid ; http://sesshinnofi.wordpress.com/ ; http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mantis/125299140867441 ).
Jerry Busher has been a fixture of the DC music scene for over 20 years. He toured for 8 years with Fugazi playing 2nd drums/percussion as well as on recordings “The Argument” and “Furniture”. He appears on albums by Fidelity Jones, The Spinanes, French Toast, Allscars, Alfonso Velez and John Frusciante. In 2007, he was the “Foley Artist” for Mabou Mines production “Peter and Wendy” at Arena Stage. Jerry worked on the music for the “Winchester” series featured in the 2000 Whitney Biennial, the Oscar-nominated documentary “The Weather Underground”, and is the composer for the film “Frontrunner” (The story of a female presidential candidate in Afghanistan). Recently Jerry has been touring/recording with ESL artist Federico Aubele and working on the “Fugazi Live” series.  Jerry is currently the drummer for Deathfix (http://deathfix.com/),  which has recently returned from a European tour.   A fascinating interview with Jerry is posted at http://traffic.libsyn.com/dissonance/Dissonance_2-12-14_Jerry_Busher.mp3 ; Jerry was also interviewed on WERA-FM’s “Stagecraft”:  https://www.mixcloud.com/alex-vidales/stagecraft-with-alex-vidales-don-zientara-featuring-jerry-busher/. Sarah Hughes (http://www.sarahmariehughes.com/) is based in Baltimore.  Sarah is an alto saxophonist, composer, improviser, educator, and art adventurer hailing from Maryland.  She obtained her MM in Jazz Saxophone at the New England Conservatory in May of 2015 and currently freelances in and around Maryland, DC, Virginia, and New York. Sarah graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Maryland in 2008. While there she studied privately with world-renowned classical saxophonist Dale Underwood. After graduating, Sarah taught beginning band and strings in Prince George’s county schools for five years and also maintained two private studios in Maryland and Virginia. During that time she performed in and around DC and New York City with ensembles including the Bohemian Caverns Jazz Orchestra and the Brad Linde Ensemble, a Washington D.C.-based collective dedicated to exploring and expanding the styles of jazz that emerged in the 1950s including bebop, cool jazz, third stream, and free jazz. As part of these ensembles, Sarah shared the stage with jazz greats such as Lee Konitz, Ted Brown, Freddie Redd, Matt Wilson, and Michael Formanek. While at the New England Conservatory, Sarah studied privately with Jerry Bergonzi, Ran Blake, Donny McCaslin, and Anthony Coleman, all of whom impacted Sarah’s unique approach to improvisation and music-making. Sarah performed on Coleman’s latest album, “You” and has performed with Coleman in concerts at the New England Conservatory as well as Roulette and The Stone in New York.  Sarah studied composition in classes with Ken Schaphorst and also Ben Schwendener, with whom she has performed several duo concerts in Boston. In September of 2015 Sarah toured Sweden as part of Amy K. Bormet’s “Ephemera” and performed in Sweden’s first Women in Jazz festival. She also recently taught an improvisation workshop, “Improvisation for Everyone: Games and Storytelling” for beginning, intermediate, and advanced instrumentalists in the 2016 Judith Lapple Summer Woodwind Camp in Fairfax, Virginia.  Most recently, she went on tour with an improvising trio “Lead Bubbles”, playing venues in New York, Montreal, and Toronto. Sarah hopes her music and teaching will continue to introduce her to new people, places, and art.
Dan Gutstein (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Gutstein) is a preeminent poet; the author of two collections, non/fiction, and Bloodcoal & Honey; his writing has appeared in 100 journals and anthologies. Dan has taught at a number of colleges and organizations, including George Washington University and the Smithsonian.  More at  http://dangutstein.blogspot.com/.
Leah Gage (https://goo.gl/QZ7URU;  https://goo.gl/FKjQ3L;  https://goo.gl/EpWGZf;  https://goo.gl/84XKJU;  https://goo.gl/sD56d2 ) As a musician, Leah Gage's primary focus is connection -- with her audience, her bandmates, and her community.  After moving back to her hometown of Washington D.C. six years ago, her passion for her craft was nourished by the vibrant DIY music scene; as a current member of the bands BRNDA and Stronger Sex, Leah is now a powerful performer in the community that reignited her creativity.
Sam Lohman drums for Trio OOO, New Atlantis Duo and Matta Gawa.
Amanda Huron (http://amandahuron.net/) is drummer for Puff Pieces (http://amandahuron.net/music-culture/#/puff-pieces/ ; http://puffpiecesband.tumblr.com/) and Weed Tree (http://amandahuron.net/music-culture/#/weed-tree/). 
August 9, 2017 at MONDO (with Patrick Whitehead and Bob Boilen) -- details: https://august-9-at-mondo.tumblr.com/.
August 12, 2017 at Red Room (with Patrick Whitehead and Bob Boilen) -- details: https://august-12-at-the-red-room.tumblr.com/.
August 21, 2017 at Dew Drop Inn DC (with Patrick Whitehead, Bob Boilen, and Doug Kallmeyer and members of the Lost Civilizations experimental music project) -- details: https://august-21-at-dew-drop-inn-dc.tumblr.com/.
September 18, 2017 at Galaxy Hut (with Doug Kallmeyer, Jerry Busher and Sara Hughes)-- details:  https://september-18-at-galaxy-hut.tumblr.com/ .
October 3, 2017 at “453” (with Sarah Hughes)-- details:  https://october-3-at-453.tumblr.com/. CANCELED
October 10, 2017 at MONDO (with Sarah Hughes and Doug Kallmeyer) -- details:  https://october-10-at-mondo.tumblr.com/ .
October 21, 2017 at Saint Stephen and the Incarnation (w/ Sarah Hughes, Jerry Busher, Patrick Whitehead and Doug Kallmeyer) -- details https://october-21-benefit.tumblr.com/.
November 2, 2017 at the Four Hour Day Lutherie -- details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1937085106545813; https://november-2-mclaughlin-heterodyne.tumblr.com/ 
November 16, 2017 at Dew Drop Inn DC -- details:   https://www.facebook.com/events/1830278160635764; https://november-16-at-dew-drop-inn-dc.tumblr.com/ 
December 1, 2017 at VisArts in Rockville, MD -- details:  https://www.facebook.com/events/112997012718339 .
December 3, 2017 at RhizomeDC -- details:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1038697019651403 
December 14, 2017 at RhizomeDC -- details:  https://december-14-at-rhizomedc.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/175391356388193/.
December 22 at the Velvet Lounge -- details:  https://december-22-at-the-velvet-lounge.tumblr.com/;  https://www.facebook.com/events/193582011189504/
January 11, 2018 at An die Musik -- details:  https://january-11-at-an-die-musik.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/1752385475056446/ .
January 14, 2018 at The Crown (Sarah Hughes Ensemble) -- details:  https://sarah-hughes-at-the-crown.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/313733955796662/ 
January 18, 2018 at Dew Drop Inn DC -- details:   https://january-18-at-dew-drop-inn-dc.tumblr.com/;  https://www.facebook.com/events/1743003839341092/.
January 19, 2018 at The Fringe (solo T. A. Zook basscello performance) -- details:   https://january-19-at-capital-fringe.tumblr.com/;  https://www.facebook.com/events/561632970852727/.
March 22, 2018 at Hampden’s Corner Bar (Baltimore) -- details: https://march-22-in-hampden.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/603617553308996/
March 25, 2018 at Galaxy Hut -- details:  https://march-25-at-galaxy-hut.tumblr.com/;  https://www.facebook.com/events/1784627541547857/ 
April 6, 2018 at The Holy Underground (Baltimore) -- details:  https://april-6-at-the-holy-underground.tumblr.com/;   https://www.facebook.com/events/213165656085586/ .
June 8, 2018 at EMP Collective (Baltimore) -- details:  https://june-8-at-emp-collective.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/2249699411737581/
June 21, 2018 at Make Music Day DC at Clarendon Central Park 
July 7, 2018 at RhizomeDC -- details:  https://july7-at-rhizomedc.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/469149873541209/.
August 26, 2018 at Galaxy Hut -- details:  https://goo.gl/GWXqbf; https://www.facebook.com/events/196203714386464/ ; Rebecca Zook’s (https://www.facebook.com/rebeccazookmusic/; https://www.rebeccazookmusic.com/) video of the performance:   https://youtu.be/HKvZ_JXRaOA .
September 13, 2018 at Dew Drop Inn DC -- details:  https://september-13-at-dew-drop-inn-dc.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/2006024979419540/ .
September 15, 2018 at RhizomeDC -- details:  https://september-15-at-rhizomedc.tumblr.com/.
September 29, 2018 at Art All Night (https://www.artallnightdc.com/blagden-alley/ ;   https://goo.gl/maps/DDHncDQZ5Az) 
October 16, 2018 at Slash Run -- details:  https://www.facebook.com/events/510604252741485/
October 22, 2018 at Galaxy Hut -- details :  https://october-22-at-galaxy-hut.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/1919654934754374/.
November 3, 2018 at Function Co-working Community (Baltimore) -- details: https://november-3-at-function.tumblr.com/; https://www.facebook.com/events/2092343177743075/ .
December 9, 2018 at Holy Underground (afternoon performance) -- details:  https://december-9-at-holy-underground.tumblr.com/;  https://www.facebook.com/events/370710517003823/
December 22, 2018 at RhizomeDC -- details:  dec-22-at-rhizomedc.tumblr.com 
January 13, 2019 at the 9:30 Club -- details:   https://www.facebook.com/events/579330785848249/; https://susan-mumford-memorial.tumblr.com/
Heterodyne’s sessions and performances are totally unscored, unrehearsed and extemporaneously improvised on the spot, so no two sessions or performances are identical.  All of Heterodyne’s sessions and performances are recorded and posted for free download:  
- Volume I:  https://goo.gl/SK7Hqz
- Volume II:  https://goo.gl/zM3Y2R
- Volume III:  https://goo.gl/SRTZqD
- Volume IV:  https://goo.gl/V9tbkN
-Volume V: https://goo.gl/pSjQoS
- Volume VI:  https://goo.gl/7L84Ac
- Volume VII:  https://goo.gl/Sx6sVh
- Volume VIII:  https://goo.gl/yJa1Te
- Volume IX:  https://goo.gl/bLnNf4
- Volume X:  https://goo.gl/WkMDPJ
- Volume XI:  https://goo.gl/yks5Q1
- Volume XII:  https://goo.gl/g69n6W
Video of August 26, 2018 performance by Rebecca Zook (https://www.facebook.com/rebeccazookmusic/; https://www.rebeccazookmusic.com/):  https://youtu.be/HKvZ_JXRaOA
Heterodyne + the Lost Civilizations experimental music project (http://lost-civilizations.tumblr.com/):  https://goo.gl/gtMCe2
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voxxisms · 12 days
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@poisonedxbeauty whispered a line !! Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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❛ detective abraham lincoln, here to scope out the scene. don't worry even a moment, sweetheart, i've got this whole place under my belt. i'll show you a good time. you know. as my partner. in crime. or ... law. whatever, come on.  ❜
DETECTIVE ABE LINCOLN also from the mcu of who killed markiplier, etc. one of my oldest muses, he's a mess, very old, broken across the multiverse, && consistently making innuendos that he doesn't mean. also technically available over at valiantsouls!
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voxxisms · 20 days
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THERE'S SOMETHING wrong. something is shifting behind him, static in the air && a strange feeling creeping across his neck. what ... ?
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shadows part, && standing directly behind him at his desk is alastor himself, a wide smile across his features, long fingers resting on vox's shoulders, gripping tightly. a familiar pit settles in vox's stomach.
❝ well now! vox, you didn't tell me you had a secret audience! such a shame you've been keeping them all to yourself, you sly dog. for someone who wanted so badly to work together, you really try to keep your secrets! ❞
[ ALASTOR has intruded as a guest muse! ]
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voxxisms · 12 days
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@radiomurdeer whispered a line !! Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! ( all of these are true )
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❛ Hey, sweeties! I'm Jasilyn, good meeting you all! I'm a part - time substitute teacher, a part - time nurse, &&, you know, a cannibal! Only sometimes, though!  ❜
JASILYN ROE a pre - school sub teacher, part time nurse, && cannibal oc. technically found at valiantsouls, heavily considering a hazbin verse!
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voxxisms · 12 days
// alt!! 👀
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@gctchell whispered a line !! Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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❛  Well, welcome in. Come, come, sit down with me && we can get started. What brings you in today? Oh, apologies, I'm Dr. Cecil. Good meeting you, have you read my book, by chance? ❜
DR CECIL H.H. MILLS. written within the markiplier cinematic universe as both a writer / psychologist! played && technically available over at valiantsouls!
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voxxisms · 12 days
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@radiiosugars whispered a line !! Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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❛ Nice to fuckin' meet'cha! Name's Reds, short for, well. You know. Red Tube. I'm a pretty good fuckin' actor, too.  ❜
RED TUBE. an android - based oc, face claim of arin.
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voxxisms · 13 days
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anonymous whispered a line to  ALASTOR  !! unprompted  ( always accepting! ) were you and vox ever friends?
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        ❛  Oh,  he probably thinks so.  We certainly used to go around the block together for a good while,  but I thorougly enjoyed having him wrapped around my finger.  He's so easy,  you know,  to handle.  I have a direct tap into his silly little mind,  I could hear every little thought if I wanted to.  Of course,  I usually don't,  he's very sick,  but,  it is something I could do!  Not sure I would label us as friends,  though,  no,  darling.  I like seeing him suffer too much for that!  ❜
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voxxisms · 13 days
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anonymous whispered a line to  ALASTOR  !! unprompted  ( always accepting! ) Alastor, do you like Vox?
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        ❛  Oh,  heavens no!  Come on,  now,  don't you folks know the difference between enjoying a good joke  &&  being actually invested?  Let's have an example,  shall we?  You visit comedians in clubs or singers at their work,  &&  you have an appreciation for the experience,  but they're terrible people underneath that you have no interest in actually knowing!  I know the buttons to push to keep myself entertained,  &&  once those run out,  I'll likely put him down.  ❜
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voxxisms · 13 days
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anonymous whispered a line to ALASTOR !! unprompted ( always accepting! ) Alastor- what do you want with Vox?
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     A  TILT  OF  his head to the side,  considering the posed question.  What did he want with Vox?  There were several ways to answer that question,  really,  but he chose to stick with the most obvious.
        ❛  Oh,  mostly a good laugh,  my fine friend!  He's very entertaining,  actually,  it's quite pathetic.  ❜
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voxxisms · 20 days
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@velvetwarfare stepped up to alastor !! guest muse event ( currently accepting! )
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There’s no other WARNING — the warlord attempts to deliver Alastor a FULL FORCE DECK TO THE FACE.
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     ALASTOR  DID  NOT  know this one.  She did not seem familiar,  perhaps a newcomer,  then,  during his absence.  He had heard some thoughts of a particular female in Vox's thoughts since he had returned,  though.  Given the immediate aggression,  the ire,  that he was met with,  he thought he was confident in claiming that this may have been Betty herself.  The words were little more than something to make him chuckle,  but he did not miss the wind - up to the punch.  And what a nasty hit that would have been,  had he not ducked into the shadows as quickly as he did,  melting away before she could touch him.  
He remained in the shadows around them for the moment,  a smile on his shadow's face as he regarded her.
        ❝  Bethanne,  yes?  I heard Vox mention you once or twice,  I was unaware you had tied the knot!  I was so sure he was too busy being caught up on me,  but congratulations,  dear!  Tell me,  is there a ceremony in the works I should be waiting for an invitation to?  ❞
     He reappeared,  then,  beside her,  one large tentacle manifesting to attempt to shove her as far to the side  &&  to the ground as he could.  Do not come at him unless you intended to be fought.
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voxxisms · 20 days
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@staticintone stepped up to alastor !! guest muse event ( currently accepting! ) “You’re certainly something. How aggravating. You stay away from what’s mine, and I won’t have to take what’s yours.” ( Alastor fight Alastor fight )
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     TWO  ALASTOR'S  in one room was not how vox thought his day would go.  for one to come out of nowhere,  to flood him with memories  &&  feelings,  to establish a frequency between the two of them that he previously did not have multiple of,  it was a little overwhelming.  such was the story of the multiverse theory,  truly,  but he had little he could do about it when the world was attempting to right itself with his presence.  alastor was here now,  though,  facing off against the other demon,  a tension growing between them.  alastor's words seemed to attract alastor's attention,  vox stuck between the two of them.
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        ❝  i don't see how —  ❞   spoken aloud,  unable to rectify two separate frequencies when neither were created by himself,  but he was stopped when alastor pressed the end of his staff against his chest.  not painfully,  not anything very aggressive,  but very much enough to quiet his words.
        ❝  Hush,  Vox.  We're talking.  ❞    the flood of a memory,  of a particularly harsh hit to his screen,  as though intent was being delivered silently.   ❝  I do not believe you have a say,  my friend.  I'm not sure what sort of threat you're intending to make.  You also believe him to be yours?  Has he followed you like a dog waiting for a leash?  That's something you have an interest in?  ❞
        ❝  alastor,  this doesn't need to be a fight.  ❞
        ❝  It very much does,  Vox,  if he intends to make it one.  Now,  be quiet before I make you be quiet.  You still have plenty to explain later.  ❞
words exchanged between their own frequency,  before vox found himself deflating slightly,  unable to be the mediator he wished he could manage.  it wasn't as though either of them were going to listen to him,  clearly.  torn between wanting neither to suffer any harm,  he simply remained between them,  with alastor's hands gripping his shoulders still.  possesive.
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        ❝  Do not tell me you're attached,  Alastor.  What is there to be so worried for?  Has he not changed?  Grown into his own,  more powerful than you last saw?  I'd be willing to bet you're closer than we were,  hm?  That seems to be the trend.  How unfortunate,  given how he is.  ❞
     Alastor had a unique insight,  too.  Able to tap right into Vox's near every thought.  Something he had found amusing most of the time,  &&  easy to tune out any other.  He was hearing slight recounts of their relationship,  unintentionally no doubt,  from Vox himself,  the way they fell apart,  that this Alastor hated him.  That he didn't know what he was doing here,  but how glad he was to see him,  how he wasn't sure what to do about this,  how he wanted them both to be safe,  whatever happened.  A pathetic little line of thought.  
        ❝  Surely you cannot still even like him?  ❞
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voxxisms · 20 days
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@ad-nai stepped up to alastor !! guest muse event ( currently accepting! ) " Alastor! " she exclaims, grinning, "Now what are y' doing bothering poor old Vox? You bored in that little hotel of yours?" -Rosie
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     ALASTOR  ALWAYS  had a wider,  more genuine smile for Rosie,  of course.  He turned to her happily,  clutching his microphone to his chest a moment,  a brief period to reign in his own excitement.  Today was turning out to be a much busier day than he had originally anticipated.
        ❝  Not exactly,  but it is so good to see you,  Rosie.  I thought it might be fun to bother him,  you know I always did enjoy toying with him even before.  Not much has changed,  either,  he is as entertaining as ever!  ❞
     He was grinning at her,  approaching slightly to offer her a hug,  one of few who was allowed such an action.  
        ❝  At some point I will have to return to the hotel,  but for now,  I think it will turn out to be quite amusing!  Do you plan to stay  &&  enjoy the show?  ❞
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voxxisms · 1 month
tag drop pt 1.
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