#【 🍥 】 ✦ * · ˚ — how do i look? convincingly human? │ r: kumiho .
sennamybeloved · 2 years
kumiho cookie my beloved
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kumiho cookie my beloved
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
for the ask meme!! - @dragonfruitcore
💞: How did you all get together?
🍳: Who’s the best cook (or do you guys eat a lot of takeout)?
🛏: How do sleeping arrangements work? Do you all spread out or just go full hamster pile?
ik i said i was gonna do these for lucian and senna, but since ur my designated cookie run mutual, i’ll do this for my tiger lily/kumiho poly :)
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💞 - i’m not exactly sure about this one, actually? i know that tiger lily and i got together first; we met while i was “”adventuring”” and she was hunting. we met kumiho shortly after, but she eluded us for a long time. it took years for us to officially “meet” her and become her friend, and only a few short months to absorb her into our relationship. she’s very charming and persistent, so it wasn’t hard it all :)
🍳 - none of us really,, cook? tiger lily hunts. she eats a diet of mostly meat and will almost always cook her food, but that doesn’t really make her a cook. my cookie run s/i doesn’t really need to eat, only doing so for fun, so she isn’t really a great cook either. so i guess that leaves kumiho? who is……a fox. she can turn into a human (or cookie, but i’m rolling with a human au rn), but she isn’t a human. she still eats fox things. so i guess we all suck at cooking. in a modern au, we’d probably eat a lot of takeout and store-bought sweets.
🛏 - we sleep outside a lot, so we all huddle together for warmth. our go-to position is where kumiho curls around us, wrapping us in her tails like a cocoon, whilst tiger lily and i snuggle together in the middle. but we have a lot of different ways we like to cuddle! point is, unless it’s too hot, we rarely spread out.
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sennamybeloved · 3 years
gender/sexuality headcanons for my cookie run f/os
because fuck you. fuck you all. i’m projecting onto baked goods and you ALL have to witness it
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kumiho — she/her, transfem, pansexual
tiger lily — any prns, generally unlabeled
rye — she/her, lesbian (obvs)
sour belt — she/they/xe, transmasc, i’ve prolly convinced her to use xenogenders, lesbian
hollyberry — she/her, demiromantic
moonlight — she/they/moon, demigirl, lesbian
avocado — she/ey, panromantic demisexual
pastry — she/he/they, genderfluid, lesbian
lotus dragon — they/them, nonbinary, likes the term sapphic
dark enchantress — she/her, definitely not cis, prolly just calls herself “queer”
truffle - she/they, transfem, lesbian
pomegranate - she/her, mean lesbian
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
Bestie I wanna hear about your cookie run f/os :'0!!!
hello my WONDERFUL mutual i love you /p
i’m just gonna spout off my feelings about my more prominent cr f/os—srry if this gets kinda wordy and sorry for the inevitable, excessive amounts of images there will be
i figure that there is no one better to start off with than sour belt cookie. she is my main f/o from cookie run, her release got me back into ovenbreak, and she’s just. such a fun character. her design is super aesthetically pleasing and her personality is very silly. i love her an unbelievable amount. hep me
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my s/i for her is,,, strange. she’s both an intern and a model who started as a very loyal customer that caught sour belt’s eye. his name is sweet ribbon cookie, but he rlly isn’t all that sweet lol. REGARDLESS! sour belt is kinda whipped for him & kinda sorta employed him as an excuse to get close to him.
our dynamic is so self indulgent but i don’t care we are so in love
NEXT IN LINE WE GOT UHMM *spins imaginary wheel* KUMIHO COOKIE
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AUUHHHHGGGGGGGGGG this stupid little cookie has me so fucked up u do not understand. i LOVE foxes. they are my special interest. ESPECIALLY FOX FOLKLORE!!! so u can already guess how i feel about fox girls (source: my f/o list)
kumiho cookie is so pretty and cool she makes me want to explode. first of all, i LOVE how the actual folklore was portrayed through her character & design (“magical marshmallow fox that wants to be a real cookie” is a super cute take ok it, only has fox tails and no fox ears which is cool bc it’s said that a fox can accidentally let their tails slip out when they’re in a human disguise, tails represented by her hair which is just a cool design choice……. and so much more) also she is so so so transfemme coded. i love her so bad
heavy breathing. we’re doing timekeeper now boys
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takes a deep breath. timekeeper is a very cool and unique character who i’m convinced was made for me because 1) she’s insane 2) she’s a woman 3) she’s adorable in a creepy way which i love 4) she has a very steampunk-esque aesthetic which is my comfort aesthetic and favorite aesthetic of all time holy shit dude
im so in love with her that i tear up when i think about her sometimes she’s so cool and pretty and awesome i literally can’t be normal about her even if i wanted to
anyways i’m on a roll guys. time for my first cookie run f/o ever from august 2018 TIGER LILY yas
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i love tiger lily a whole lot but i can’t really explain why. she’s very cute and fun and i love her voice and the way her eyes in kingdom. and i LOVE animal-themed characters + i’m tiger kin so it tracks. and i also love jungle themed characters!! there’s a lot about tiger lily that i just think is so fun. i just kinda wish her flower was an actual tiger lily (i know she’s technically not like made with a tiger lily ingredient because she’s princess cookie’s sister and isn’t even supposed to be “tiger lily” cookie but it makes more sense for her design ok) but other than that her design is pretty and concise (albeit very simple) and i think she’s beautiful. so beautiful. i’m gonna explode
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GO ANIMAL THEMED CHARACTERS GO!!!!!! that’s scorpion cookie and she’s (you guessed it) an insane dangerous woman (not exactly insane but dangerous, and i imagine her to be a bit reckless and stuff idk she fits my type well)
she’s so fun and pretty and i don’t talk about her enough. she’s one of the cookies who i want to hear the voice of the MOST i feel like it’d be very high pitched and very raspy and i also feel like it’d turn me into a useless gay mess! as she tends to do. IDK i just really want more content of her so so bad, she’s so interesting but her potential is never tapped into (which is the case with a lot of cookies)
idk. i’m just veryflustered. i love her lots i love ALL of my girlfriends lots i’m gay ,help
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