#「⑆」 i’m holding onto your wreckage 🗡️ drabbles 「⑆」
assassincraft · 2 years
「⑆」 tags 「⑆」
「⑆」 stupid perverted chicken octopus 🐙 koro sensei 「⑆」
「⑆」 semi senioritis 🔫 karma 「⑆」
「⑆」 pseudo takaoka 💣 terasaka 「⑆」
「⑆」 forever flat 🎬 kayano 「⑆」
「⑆」 it’s good to know he didn’t die for nothing 🗡️ teacher verse 「⑆」
「⑆」 that kid who pulled the trigger knew tomorrow couldn’t promise him hope ㊙️ assassin!au 「⑆」
「⑆」 i have everything in front of me but can’t reach far enough 🗡️ starter call 「⑆」
「⑆」 i’m holding onto your wreckage 🗡️ drabbles 「⑆」
「⑆」 gender 🗡️ animated 「⑆」
「⑆」 fault lines started forming underneath all of your floorboards 🗡️ self promo 「⑆」
「⑆」 oneul bam uri freaky freaky hae yea ☠️ shitposts 「⑆」
「⑆」 i know that i failed you woke up in a sweat 🗡️ musings 「⑆」
「⑆」 i’m losing track of who the good guys are supposed to be 💔 karma x nagisa 「⑆」
「⑆」 kinda’ just counted on him to turn me into goo 🧡 maehara x nagisa 「⑆」
「⑆」 sensei target on !! 🗡️ head canons 「⑆」
「⑆」 it’s deteriorating and your memory started fading 🗡️ ask memes 「⑆」
「⑆」 the ice is closing in and nothing will remain 🍫 mello & nagisa 「⑆」
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assassincraft · 6 years
                      “ what’s that light ?? ”― we were naive, we thought that maybe things could maybe end like this― uneventfully. they had everything in place without our knowing to the tiniest, most horrible detail. 
                                            ‘ these measures serve to confine one specific, dangerous creature who would do us harm. this creature, now with no place to run thanks to the shield of earth, is the culprit behind the moon’s destruction one year ago. we have only found out today that this creature― no, this MONSTER― is in a standoff against the entire planet of all things, and has taken some of our nation’s junior-high students hostage, have gone undercover as  teacher. ’
                      this is the newscast that ruined their lives, feeding lies out to the media and painting this whole situation wrong, just WRONG. all of the students saw this broadcast from their houses and ran outside to see a dome of yellow light covering where their school building would be. all of them ran, ran towards the bottom of the schoolyard to try and go see what was going on, but were all blocked off. the military were holding their ground and told the kids that this was blocked off by the government, and to stand down. they all argued, this was THEIR schoolground and THEY knew what was going on since they’ve been working on this mission.
                      “ nagisa !!― ”he heard isogai’s voice call to him, him and kayano turning to their class president and listening to him talk. this all seemed unreal, some didn’t even have the news on yet and didn’t know what was going on.
and that’s when they happened, the reporters.
                                            CLICK !!―
                                                     CLICK CLICK, CLICK CLICK CLICK !!―
                      the noise !! the noise of the shutters going off, lights flashing from cameras as pictures of them were taken left and right. they were now being broadcasted all over the world, the students that were being talked about, being held hostage, for all to see !!
        ‘ look at this!! could this be the students that had been threatened by that monstrous teacher ?! ’                  ‘ you’re those junior-high hostages right ?? ’                         ‘ excuse me, how do you feel right now ?? ’                                 ‘ you must be relieved to hear he’s been captured !! ’
                      koro-sensei... has been captured ?? sadly... nagisa was one of the ones that hadn’t seen the news yet, he had not an idea what was going on.
        ‘ what was it like spending a whole year being ruled by a teacher who could explode at any second?? ’
                ‘ what’s this about him forcing you to perform sham assassinations ?? ’
                      “ SHUT UP !! ” muramatsu cried out finally, fed up with them all being questioned; another schooling them and telling that he only has a 1% chance of blowing up. it was no use, they were exploited and made out to be some horrible, destroyed kids. koro-sensei didn’t destroy them, THE MEDIA WAS.kurahashi started crying, tears pouring down pale, distraught features as they made their beloved teacher out to be a MONSTER.
                      ‘ here, get this girl !! did that monster tell you to say that ?? how awful it must have been, you can tell us the truth !! THESE are the innocent children the monster used as hostages!! these children will surely be traumatized, one can only hope they’ll be treated as soon as possible. ’  
                      they only zoomed in on her crying and her pleads, not taking the young assassin seriously at all as she broke down on camera for the whole world to see. why are they pitying us ??... it was the only thing going through the smallest’s mind for the time being, staring at all of this unfolding like one big mistake. karasuma came to break everything up and shew the reporters away, but didn’t help their case at all. he scolded the children and told them that they were no longer needed to help in the assassination and relocated them to a whole different area to stay out of the way, he knew them too well.
                      nagisa did nothing but scream at karasuma out of pure anger and confusion, everything he taught us was for nothing, everything that we learned and their times together meant nothing ?? that he said when the kids weren’t sure of something, to go with their gut and do what they thought was right was useless ?? he wouldn’t stand for this. they WERE going to do something. he was TAKEN DOWN, right from under his feet karasuma had pinned him to the floor with one arm, leaning down as he scolded the blue hued boy, telling him that there was no way out.
                      and with that, THE PLANNING BEGUN.
                      the one thing that the government didn’t expect was for the kids to be smarter, STRONGER, FASTER, DETERMINED. one by one with the help of his classmates the students took out the military, nagisa using the technique he learned by one of their own to take out a few, stunning them one after another with bloodlust in his eyes as if the were PREY and he was starving.
                      the one thing they didn’t account for... yanagisawa experimenting on the fake god of death and infusing both of them with the same tentacles that their teacher had. both of them going to fight against koro-sensei, the class watching with simply nothing to do since they couldn’t dare land any hits on them.
          BUT SOMEONE COULD !!
                                            KAYANO !!
                      kayano was infused with tentacles before and could still see them, she could get a hit in due to her heightened senses due to her own self experimentation and could take out the very man that abused her sister. HE was the reason why his sister being murdered, and she wanted to do the very same to him, she would get revenge, SHE WOULD― do nothing, for she was now                                                                   DEAD.
                         all of the sudden he is SCARED, all the sudden he can’t breathe, at that very moment a tentacle was stabbed through her stomach and went right out her back, the man knowing that she would try to step in. he cackled horribly and laughed that she was doomed to die in the same, sad, pitiful way as his sister, protecting the same horrible mistake for a man, koro-sensei.
                      nagisa caught his friend’s lifeless dead body, he didn’t want her to get any dirt on her just in case there was a way for her to be SAVED. she... she could be saved, there was no way that she was just going to be dead, one of the only friends he had !! he was so calm and collected, but the feeling in his chest was TORTURE, TORTURE TORTURE.he tried not to show emotion and be strong, he was always the strong one and kept strong and held together in these situations. simply, he wouldn’t allow himself to break down; he wasn’t just another kid.
                      it ended, it finally ended and koro-sensei had killed both men, mumbling to his past student, the god of death, the man that TOOK his old assassin name, that he’d see him again soon and they could continue this. he knew he was going to die here, he knew that it was now time for the kids to assassinate him before the military got to kill him.
                      “ who wants to kill him. ” isogai muttered out, everyone hesitated, biting back tears, even karma was having a hard time. everyone put their hands up, nagisa being the first as they all refused to make any eye contact with their class president.
                      they were assassins... and their target ― was their teacher. we were all painfully aware of what we had to do to our teacher for our bond together to still be intact. the bond of an assassin, and their mentor. the praise, the nurturing, even the scolding all meant something to them, the very teacher that build them from the ground up. from misfits, bullies, dropouts, and lost causes, he MADE them into something.
                      they realized they didn’t decide on someone to kill him yet... and that’s when nagisa stepped out. he gave a genuine smile, void from any form of hurt and pain that might be going on inside his chest as always. he always seemed okay, he always had an answer to things when he didn’t have to be the strong one.
                      they did one final roll call, KARMA, ISOGAI, OKAJIMA― it was going so fast, his own name being called and he simply replied with a calm “ here, ” and let him move along. and that’s finally when he lost it, shuddering and fidgeting as he sat on his target to keep him from moving. hands shaking as they both gripped on the blade, breath in, breath out― IT WASN’T W O R K I N G !!
                                            HEARTBEAT RAPID, badump, badump, BADUMPBADUMPBADUMP.
                      a tentacle came to rest on nagisa’s neck, feeling his heartbeat as a notion to calm him down, to not kill with such a emotion filled mind. that this too shall pass like the weather and be well, that he was always going to be with them. remember the good times, always remember the good !! tears started flowing down and he couldn’t stop them, hands shook even more as he choked back sobs and ground his teeth, refusing to cry just yet. a sharp breath and another sob, he sat up right, holding the blade firm and still now.
               and then a smile.
                      “ goodbye, koro-sensei. ”
                                                                              ‘ yes― goodbye. ’
                      ah, it was all so glorious; gratitude, parting regrets, he put all of his emotions into this blade.                       and so kind, you understood us better; and though pouring in his soul, as though thanking him with all his being.                       than anyone else, surely you taught us will keep guiding us on our way
                      he offered his knife. little buds of yellow light erupted from the wound, their teacher evaporating before their very eyes. fluttering up into the air like fireflies, nagisa was soon sitting on nothing, the students were soon holding down NOTHING. koro-sensei let out one last breath, he felt it, and he was gone. at the end, it felt like he was saying: congratulations on your graduation.
                      our time: ceaselessly brimming with emotion, we knew this and yet we remained, looking at the sky, not moving. parting time: thank you― we loved you. we feel you cheering at our backs in this journeying song.
                      the little lights fluttered up into the air and away from the students, everyone but nagisa watching as it happened. the smallest hunched over, still gripping firmly on the knife and staring at where it was now on the ground, pierced through the clothes of their teacher, where he last stood.
                AND THEN THE TEARS, OH HOW THEY POURED. the loudest cry the small bluette could possibly muster ripped out into the night as if he had been murdered himself, as if something truly heartbreaking had been taken away from him. and it had, the very man that saved him from death, his own suicide, his best friend’s suicide attempt, and brought the two back together again. saved him from his abusive mom, gave him self worth and so much more PRIDE in himself.
                      he was dead, and he killed him with his own hands― he ASSASSINATED HIM. their target was gone.
                      our time: our school growing distant now, precious friends, teacher of life, it was all there. parting time: and so we graduate, to serve as our thanks, we give to you this journeying song.
                      then everyone erupted into tears that they were holding back, even the ones that were least expected to cry, bitch-sensei, terasaka, itona, karma, but then there was kayano. she got her revenge, koro-sensei killed the man that murdered his sister, but she lost the very person that protected her, that loved her to her very moment of her death. that brought her back to life after the battle when she was murdered as well.
                      SCREAMS, cries, it all erupted from the teenager still clenching the knife, snot dripping down his upper lip as he didn’t hold back any tears for once in his life. they all cried for hours on that very spot in the back of their beloved assassination classroom. and when they went back in, they found yearbooks that their teacher had made specially for each of them, each book different for each kid, packed with advice and memories from class.
                      they cried all night, cried themselves to sleep as they read the books for hours, hours on end reliving every painful and joyous moment that was presented to them all over again. as if they were getting a second lesson in life, one final course in this classroom.
                      they went to graduation, it was awkward, they got harassed by the media and stalked, but there was one VERY unexpected thing that happened. koro-sensei before his death, had contacted nagisa’s dad, that he knew nagisa wanted him to be there for his graduation, his mother and father announcing that they were going to try again... for his sake to be better. and so the tears started again, for once more his teacher looked out for him like a parent, and he sobbed into the arms of BOTH of his parents, for once in a very, very long time.
                      the media poured in, harassing the students once more with no mercy, having to be shielded by other A class students in order to get to their bus that were bringing them all back home.
                                        thank you, koro-sensei.
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