#〉the beauty angel〈   —   ❀     ⌜yukari⌟
deathfavor · 1 year
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  Oh dear. It looked like some poor soul was getting stood up. It was such an ugly thing to have to witness. The person looked like they were waiting for someone so hopefully and slowly it seemed to turn to embarrassment as the kept having to send the waiter away. Yukari wonders how long they’ve been holding on to false hope considering he’d already been at the cafe across the way for half an hour and they looked like they’d been here for a while. He had nothing else to do today, so why not offer an escape? He hums to himself as he exits the cafe and makes his way to the crosswalk, and then over to the restaurant and to the table of the poor soul.
“ I’m so sorry I’m so late! The train got delayed and my messages wouldn’t go through. You know how some of the stations can be. “ Yukari offers an apologetic smile as he sits down across from the stranger to help ease the tense atmosphere. (Already he can see the waiter seem to look relieved they won’t have to try to console this poor soul.)  But after a moment he offers a sympathetic smile. “ Sorry dear, stood up? I couldn’t help but notice. I figured you might at least like some company. Please, order whatever. It’s on me. “
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@akaiking​ said: kuroh or sukuna, who'd you choose, yukari? 
( WHO TO KILL ?  )
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   “  Both  whose  lives  I’ve  had  at  my  sword  blade  several  times  before.  “  His  hands  rest  against  his  hips  with  a  sigh.  Which  to  choose  ?  There  were  so  many  factors  to  consider.
   “  Sukuna  would  be  the  most  beautiful  to  kill.  That  boy  gives  his  everything  into  what  he  does.  He’s  already  bet  his  life  against  me  when  he  was  still  trying  to  become  a  J-Rank.  And  he’s  grown  so  much  since  then.  He’d  be  even  more  beautiful.  But  at  the  same  time  ,  he  has  a  bright  future  in  front  of  him.  He  could  become  dazzling  if  he  learned  to  pay  more  attention  to  his  surroundings  and  not  be  so  bratty.  “  .  .  .   And  in  truth  ,  Yukari  had  come  to  care  quite  a  lot  about  the  younger  boy.  He  saw  himself  in  Sukuna  in  some  ways.  While  there  was  something  poetic  in  the  idea  of  striking  oneself  down  ,  he’d  rather  see  how  Sukuna  grow  and  flourish.  Interacting  with  Sukuna  hadn’t  been  like  when  Kuroh  was  little.  It  was  training  ,  not  bullying.  He’d  seen  Sukuna’s  triumphs  and  falls  ,  watched  as  he  continued  to  grow  and  fight.  Sukuna  only  had  JUNGLE.  For  his  threats  against  Sukuna  in  the  past  ,  Yukari  didn’t  want  to  see  anything  happen  to  that  boy.  Not  more  than  what  the  world  had  already  dealt  out.  “  I  want  to  help  him  carve  his  path  and  flourish  into  a  beautiful  blossom  ,  not  remove  it  from  the  chaotic  garden  of  this  world.  “
   “  I’d  choose  to  kill  Kuroh.  “  The  answer  comes  with  a  small  sigh.  “  Kuroh  has  finally  started  to  grow  into  his  own  beauty  ,  I  admit.  Though  I  fear  if  he  has  NOTHING  TO  FIGHT  FOR  that  his  demise  would  be  quite  sad  to  witness.  Like  crushing  an  already  wilted  flower.  But  if  he  has  his  reasons  to  wield  his  sword  ,  it  would  be  a  breathtaking  and  exciting  sight  for  our  final  curtain  call.  It  seems  it  is  always  our  destiny  to  cross  blades.  Furthermore  ,  Kuroh  is  most  likely  to  get  in  the  way.  It  was  already  in  the  plans  to  kill  him  or  nearly  do  so  to  lure  the  Silver  King  back.  “  Despite  how  his  heart  would  ache  ;  to  lose  all  ties  with  the  past  ,  to  lose  Kuroh.  “  Also  ,  Kuroh  would  probably  be  quite  upset  if  I  chose  to  SAVE  him  rather  than  save  a  child.  “  He  was  the  soft-hearted  sort  when  it  came  to  that  it  seemed.  His  lips  curve  slightly  into  a  sad  smile.  “  Someone  has  to  leave  first.  This  is  a  very  old  story.  There  is  no  other  version  of  this  story.  “  Yukari  quotes  quietly  ,  head  tilted  back  slightly.  “  It  would  have  to  be  Kuroh.  “
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 5 months
[ LONGING HEART : ice and wine, lonely valentine. ]
EIHM — what bliss it is to return to mondsdat, is it not, miss yukari? ah, but i seem to have heard from a certain bartender at angel’s share of the troubles of a certain cavalry captain…. would you lend an ear? or perhaps, like the vision of your once beloved, you’re far too cold for such empathy?
absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. he has already experienced the pain of being alone; but this time, this particular absence cannot soothe his sorry heart.
Kaeya’s lucky Charles mercifully tunes out news of your return to the Nation of Freedom.
And by the looks of it, with a husband in tow for a honeymoon. A judge from Fontaine, they say. Beautiful beyond comprehension!
“Careful with that vision of yours, lad. You’ll freeze the countertop.”
The unfocused fog in his mind clears as Kaeya stares at the now half frozen part of the table. More compensation to be paid. He gazes at the bartender’s kind, pitying face. He wants to shrivel up and leave, but then he’d hear about it. The whispers when he saunters past.
There is a coldness in his hands that he knows is not caused by his vision. No, this one, in particular, exudes of pain. Pain because of your absence, your appearance.
You no longer soothed the cold in his heart, brought warmth to his very being. No, you didn’t. Because he was no longer yours.
You look radiant beside him. Him, your husband - the Iudex, Neuvilette. A man so honorable and so compassionate and so unlike him that his heart throbs and threatens to burst when he sees you two together.
Why did you choose him? Is it because he was just that; lovely, treating you right and not keeping you in the dark because of his past? Because he gave you the sun and promised you the stars when Kaeya could only love you in the moonlight, veiled by shadows?
Because he could love you, all of you, unabashedly, warmly, without the doubt of abandon rearing its head?
Kaeya doesn’t know. Kaeya doesn’t want to know anymore.
Charles is still looking at him. So he smiles, like the liar he is. Orders another Death After Noon, thinking another drink can drown away the longing in his heart. “Another one, please.”
oh dear. alcohol is never the solution to your problems! learn from neuvillette! choose eich two oh!
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dishtothedeath · 10 months
Fear Her, Fear Her, the 'Heartless Breaker' | Jun'ya | MM.3
Yukari Kamikita, Director of Dish to the Death, comes as little surprise to Jun’ya.
One of the first things she’d confided in him was about their audience. What they wanted. What they’d liked. Matters of audiences and appearances. The ways they were of a similar mind were the very same things which prevented them from ever truly trusting each other. She would have known better than anyone else that a good candidate for a similar project ought to be more caution than compliment. Yukari Kamikita was a dangerous woman, matched only by her foolish sentimentality, and he knew it all too well.
Such a burden, that heart of hers. Too soft to be wicked, too hardened to be pure, and run through for her efforts no matter which she tried to be.
There was a time she had come to him with something she wanted. A choice she couldn't make, like so many others in her life. Something that worked to their mutual, selfish interests. Yukari Kamikita was a traitorous, manipulative liar. Obviously. He’d known that going into their agreement. Her first betrayal came too late to change anything, and as soon as she confessed to building the bombs, the second was sure to follow. Yukari remembered enough that she should have called him on his false concern the moment it had left his mouth. Exposed both of their deceptions in one elegant motion.
And yet she hadn’t.
“I really ought to have made sure you were dead, shouldn’t I? Your colleagues obviously wouldn’t have minded if they never bothered to offer you any meaningful protection. What a dreadful mistake on my part.”
How foolish she was, to let anyone gain that sort of leverage over her. A relationship like the one she had with Fergus would be so easy for a man like Severin to exploit. If the vote had landed on the man like it seemed they might for a beautiful moment, perhaps she had cause to think they’d simply take the chance to kill him instead. As it turned out, she was perfectly capable of making choices between people.
How typical that everything he had to give would go unappreciated. How typical from a woman of her status, held aloft so far above everyone in the ivory tower of her cage. How typical from someone so feebly sentimental - a trait that, despite all her treachery, made one thing so obvious.
Yukari had stabbed him in the back, yes, but didn’t even have the decency to mean it from the start.
She was the worst sort of traitor. Her heart had simply gotten in the way and altered its course. The look in her eyes now bore a strong resemblance to the way they looked  after Alfie’s death, the resignation written all over her face. If not completely willing after their little altercation, she had at least accepted letting him walk away with his life in exchange for another. All until her stupid bastard of a husband went and threw himself straight into harm’s way. Pretending to regret her actions. Still putting on a show.
For it being Yukari’s directorial debut, the presentation was so unlike her. Everything about it is off, from the hair to the dress - unless that, too, had been another lie. When he sees the way she shifts, trying to correct it, he struggles to think that’s the case. The way she holds herself now is not the posture of a woman doing this because she can. Had he actually killed her prior, she would have made a far prettier corpse. The living one being paraded before them as an angel is just gaudy and unflattering.
“Perhaps we should simply kill you once this is over with and be done with it. Dead or alive, you’d still be out of that awful, cramped little cage of yours. I’m sure you’d take it as a mercy.”
Even still, the practised smile and pleasant tone persist. There’s no trace of the venom he spat at her the last time he’d wished any sort of death on her - she hardly deserves the energy.
“I personally hope they keep you alive after this is all over. It’d be precisely the ending you’ve earned, Miss Kamikita.”
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sailormoonfan32 · 2 years
Precure List
Preucre’s names in green will be plaontic only!!
Kujou Hikari / Shiny Luminous
Misumi Nagisa / Cure Black /
Yukishiro Honoka / Cure White /
Hyuuga Saki / Cure Bloom / Cure Bright
Mishou Mai / Cure Egret / Cure Windy
Akimoto Komachi / Cure Mint
Kasugano Urara / Cure Lemonade
Milk / Mimino Kurumi / Milky Rose
Minazuki Karen / Cure Aqua
Natsuki Rin / Cure Rouge
Yumehara Nozomi / Cure Dream / Shining Dream
Aono Miki / Cure Berry / Cure Berry Angel
Higashi Setsuna / Eas / Cure Passion / Cure Passion Angel
Momozono Love / Cure Peach / Cure Peach Angel
Yamabuki Inori / Cure Pine / Cure Pine Angel
Hanasaki Tsubomi / Cure Blossom / Cure Blossom Super Silhouette
Kurumi Erika / Cure Marine / Cure Marine Super Silhouette
Myoudouin Itsuki / Cure Sunshine / Cure Sunshine Super Silhouette
Tsukikage Yuri / Cure Moonlight / Cure Moonlight Super Silhouette
Houjou Hibiki / Cure Melody / Cure Melody Crescendo
Minamino Kanade / Cure Rhythm / Cure Rhythm Crescendo
Shirabe Ako / Masked Cure / Cure Muse / Cure Muse Crescendo
Seiren / Houjou Sakura / Kurokawa Eren / Cure Beat / Cure Beat Crescendo
Aoki Reika / Cure Beauty / Cure Beauty Princess Form
Hino Akane / Cure Sunny / Cure Sunny Princess Form
Hoshizora Miyuki / Cure Happy / Cure Happy Princess Form / Ultra Cure Happy
Kise Yayoi / Cure Peace / Cure Peace Princess Form
Midorikawa Nao / Cure March / Cure March Princess Form
Aida Mana / Cure Heart
Hishikawa Rikka / Cure Diamond
Kenzaki Makoto / Cure Sword
Madoka Aguri / Cure Ace
Yotsuba Alice / Cure Rosetta
Aino Megumi / Cure Lovely / Cure Lovely Cherry Flamenco / Cure Lovely Lollipop Hip Hop / Cure Lovely Innocent Form / Super Happiness Lovely / Forever Lovely
Hikawa Iona / Cure Fortune / Cure Fortune Anmitsu Komachi / Cure Fortune Pine Arabian / Cure Fortune Innocent Form
Omori Yuko / Cure Honey / Cure Honey Coconut Samba / Cure Honey Popcorn Cheer / Cure Honey Innocent Form
Shirayuki Hime / Cure Princess / Cure Princess Macadamia Hula Dance / Cure Princess Sherbet Ballet / Cure Princess Innocent Form
Akagi Towa / Twilight / Cure Scarlet / Cure Scarlet Mode Elegant / Cure Scarlet Dress Up Premium / Cure Scarlet Grand Princess
Amanogawa Kirara / Cure Twinkle / Cure Twinkle Mode Elegant / Cure Twinkle Mode Elegant Lunar / Cure Twinkle Mode Elegant Shooting Star / Cure Twinkle Dress Up Premium / Cure Twinkle Grand Princess
Haruno Haruka / Cure Flora / Cure Flora Mode Elegant / Cure Flora Mode Elegant Lily / Cure Flower Mode Elegant Rose / Cure Floral Dress Up Premium / Cure Flora Grand Princess
Kaidou Minami / Cure Mermaid / Cure Mermaid Mode Elegant / Cure Mermaid Mode Elegant Bubble / Cure Mermaid Mode Elegant Ice / Cure Mermaid Dress Up Premium / Cure Mermaid Grand Princess
Asahina Mirai / Cure Miracle / Cure Miracle Ruby Style / Cure Miracle Sapphire Style / Cure Miracle Topaz Style / Cure Miracle Alexandrite Style / Cure Miracle Heartful Style
Ha-chan / Hanami Kotoha / Cure Felice / Cure Felice Alexandrite Style
Izayoi Liko / Cure Magical / Cure Magical Ruby Style / Cure Magical Sapphire Style / Cure Magical Topaz Style / Cure Magical Alexandrite Style
Arisugawa Himari / Cure Custard / Cure Custard A La Mode Style
Kenjou Akira / Cure Chocolat / Cure Chocolat A La Mode Style
Kirarin / Kirahoshi Ciel / Cure Parfait / Cure Parfait A La Mode Style
Kotozume Yukari / Cure Macaron / Cure Macaron A La Mode Style
Tategami Aoi / Cure Gelato / Cure Gelato A La Mode Style
Usami Ichika / Cure Whip / Cure Whip A La Mode Style
Aisaki Emiru / Cure Macherie / Cure Macherie Cheerful Style
Kagayaki Homare / Cure Etoile / Cure Etoile Cheerful Style
Nono Hana / Cure Yell / Cure Yell Cheerful Style
Ruru Amour / Cure Amour / Cure Amour Cheerful Style
Yakushiji Saaya / Cure Ange / Cure Ange Cheerful Style
Amamiya Elena / Cure Soleil / Cure Soleil Twinkle Style
Hagoromo Lala / Cure Milky / Cure Milky Twinkle Style
Hoshina Hikaru / Cure Star / Cure Star Twinkle Style
Kaguya Madoka / Cure Selene / Cure Selene Twinkle Style
Yuni / Yuni (Rainbow Form) / Bakenyan / Blue Cat / Mao / Cure Cosmo / Cure Cosmo Twinkle Style
Fuurin Asumi / Cure Earth / Cure Earth Partner Form / Cure Earth Healin' Good Style
Hanadera Nodoka / Cure Grace / Cure Grace Partner Form / Cure Grace Healin' Good Style
Hiramitsu Hinata / Cure Sparkle / Cure Sparkle Partner Form / Cure Sparkle Healin' Good Style
Sawaizumi Chiyu / Cure Fontaine / Cure Fontaine Partner Form / Cure Fontaine Healin' Good Style
Ichinose Minori / Cure Papaya / Cure Papaya Excellen-Tropical Style
Laura La Mer / Cure La Mer / Cure La Mer Excellen-Tropical Style
Natsuumi Manatsu / Cure Summer / Cure Summer Excellen-Tropical Style
Suzumura Sango / Cure Coral / Cure Coral Excellen-Tropical Style
Takizawa Asuka / Cure Flamingo / Cure Flamingo Excellen-Tropical Style
Fuwa Kokone / Cure Spicy
Hanamichi Ran / Cure Yum-Yum
Kasai Amane / Gentlu / Cure Finale
Nagomi Yui / Cure Precious
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spyxfan · 2 years
Penguin Revolution
High school student Yukari Fujimaru knows a potential star when she sees one because she sees the special “aura“ they give off, in the form of angelic wings. Yukari’s fellow student, the beautiful and responsible student body vice president, Ryoko Katsuragi, has a small pair of wings herself, and is one of these aspiring talents. She’s so talented, in fact, that no one even knows that “she“ is…
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bladebeauty · 4 years
pristineblue said:  "You should have told me sooner." ❀  misc  angst  starters  ❀  
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   “  I  never  planned  to  tell  you  to  begin  with.  “
   The  brutal  truth  could  hurt  ,  but  it  was  not  beautiful  to  let  such  a  lie  as  thinking  Yukari  had  intended  to  tell  him.  Reisi  wouldn’t  like  that  ,  but  at  least  he  was  being  honest  now.  “  I  was  talking  to  the  wind.  I  didn’t  realize  you  ere  there.  “  Unlikely  considering  how  perceptive  the  swordsman  was  ,  but  it  was  the  story  he  was  going  with.
   Gingerbread  eyes  focused  on  the  water  rushing  beneath  the  bridge  he  sat  on.   Hungry  ,  relentless  waters.  Yukari  let  himself  fall  forward,  only  to  catch  the  bars  and  use  the  momentum  to  flip  himself  up  so  he  landed  with  his  typical  angelic  grace  on  the  railing  of  the  bridge.  
   “  There’s  not  a  road  I  know  that  will  leads  to  anywhere.  “  Yukari  confessed  ,  gazing  off  into  the  wilderness  where  the  river  rushed  off  too.  “  I...don’t  know  what  to  do  anymore.  “  Sukuna  still  needed  him  ,  this  he  knew.  His  head  fell  ,  purple  locks  concealing  his  face  as  he  let  out  a  weak  breath.  “  It  seems  neither  Sukuna  nor  I  know  how  to  proceed  to  the  next  stage.  “  
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dualvty-blog · 5 years
“I want to marry Godzilla and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” [Nagare] [THIS IS SO IN CHARACTER]
Random Starters
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⌠❖⌡ "You want to marry Godzilla?" A hum escaped the man just oh so casually painting his nails while seated upon one of the many couches in Jungle, it almost seemed like he wasn't listening with this action due to it. "I will always support you no matter the choice you make of who you want to love or marry as the J-Rank mother, you have my consent Nagare." ... Wasn't that the last thing you'd expect to hear?
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
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CHAPTER 2: THE KILLER GIANT (Part 3) / Parts: 01/02/03/04
Electromagnetic bullets were fired in quick succession. But they are all evaded by the sword with moves as if they were dance steps. Yukari doesn't stop. The next moment, he ran straight down the back alley and hit the green wall that was blocking his eyes, the wall was easily broken.
From the other side of the green wall, the shocked expression of the young man and the giant appeared. Seeing that, Yukari laughs.
"The answer is simple. You just have to go through the wall and continue."
The tip of the sword that was swung successively broke through the giant's temporal region and knocked him down.
The rifle slipped from the young man's hands.
Yukari is sorry. The tactics were well put together, but they gave up too soon. With this, it is impossible to share the ideal of the "Green King".
Contrary to Yukari's speculation, the young man muttered in a daze.
"Who are you?"
"Do you know my username?"
With a smile, Mishakuji pointed his sword at the young man's head.
Winking at the duo falling side by side, he says...
"My name is "Beauty☆Angel". The subjugation mission is still ongoing. Please don't hesitate to challenge me again."
After seeing the hidden images, Sukuna gave a simple impression.
"Who is this idiot?"
Kuroko clearly replied with his arms crossed.
"'Beauty☆Angel'. Of course, it's an identification name. It's a J-Rank, which suddenly qualified a while ago."
Sukuna chose the rented conference room in front of the station as the meeting place with Kuroko. It is near a public place, but it is not visible. And he chose this place because there are many escape routes.
"All of a sudden? You can't qualify without doing quests, right?"
"Don't you know? For some time now, the "Jungle" forum has been all about that."
The bulletin board is primarily used as a communication tool by members of the "Jungle" clan. Of course, important information cannot be exchanged in public places, so on the forums they are exchanged with rambling chatter and rumors of uncertain origin. Sukuna finds no value in such things.
However, if he wishes to understand the situation before and after, it will be worth looking into.
Sukuna opens "Jungle" and accesses the forum.
Suddenly there was an item "About 'Beauty☆Angel'" on the list.
Most of the feedback received was critical of him becoming a J-Rank without experiencing the mission and management that allowed him. To become a J-Rank, you have to complete quests day and night, but many players fail each time and suffer point deductions. To them, their existence as a J-Rank skipping that process is unforgivable.
As he scrolled through the messages on the PDA, he checked those opinions and said.
"Most complaints suck. If you don't like it, you should try it."
The simple opinion was strangely the same as the words he said "Beauty☆Angel" in the video.
"Jungle" does not address the efforts, research and contributions made so far. True power and result is everything. If you realize that you are better than that man, you can subdue him. As the pictures show, he is not running away or hiding, and on the contrary, he has stated that he will always accept challenges from the clan members.
In a sense, it is an attitude that seems clean.
Kuroko opens his arms and looks at Sukuna with his electromagnetic green eyes.
"I agree. Actions are more important than discussions. That's why I'm thinking of doing it."
"So you plan to fight him?"
"'Beauty☆Angel' is very strong, but if you and I join forces, there is a chance to win. Of course, there is a risk, but the 100,000 point is worth it."
Sukuna says in amazement.
"Even though you sold me out, you dare to say this kind of thing."
"I only sell unnecessary information. If you were the master, you wouldn't have done much to treat the person behind you who hadn't taken any action."
Kuroko's head armor, the eye part of it, lit up a dark green glow.
"I'm not telling you what to throw at it, but they always use each other in "Jungle". You know that, Five."
Sukuna pondered.
Kuroko is right.
Both Sukuna and Kuroko are members of the "Jungle" clan, but they are not allies. They are in this place to take advantage of each other. In fact, Kuroko makes heavy use of Sukuna, selling his whereabouts and even trying to conveniently choose him as a partner.
The position is very clear. Kuroko will not betray Sukuna. Because the day will never come when Sukuna believes in Kuroko.
If you don't trust, they won't betray you.
It was something he had learned a lot since that day.
Sukuna responded, carrying a long staff on his shoulder.
"There are conditions."
"I hear you."
"This is about you. What you're looking for is a one-shot kill in a surprise attack. So what you want is a role that catches his eye. Isn't that right?"
"That's how it is."
Sukuna smiled.
"There's no point in you going out when I'm already defeated. Even a U-Rank like me, I can hold my own against this guy."
"That means?"
"I'll get a lot of points. It's 8:2."
"So it's 7:3. If you refuse, I'll go."
Kuroko was silent for a while and then answered.
"Okay. Even 30,000 is enough to get the money back. However, if you fail, I'll abandon you and retire immediately. Don't think I'll help you."
"Like each other."
Sukuna shrugged and responded, Kuroko taking control.
"Negotiations have concluded. Let's develop a detailed strategy."
"First, from the point of identifying where you are."
"That is not necessary."
Sukuna is impressed by Kuroko's words.
"You're already looking into it. As expected."
"I didn't look it up. "Beauty☆Angel" lists his actions and meals on the "Jungle" site."
Sukuna made a strong voice.
Kuroko took out the PDA from his pocket and tossed it to Sukuna.
"Look at it."
Sukuna looked at the PDA screen half suspiciously.
"Jungle" has the ability to post photos in real time and add comments to them, just like normal SNS.
And it looks like it's making full use of that feature.
The dinner of the day, the scenery of the urban landscape and the amusing images are projected next to him as a self-portrait, and comments that seem to be a mix of haiku and poem are lined up. All images are reflected at a perfect angle.
Sukuna's impression was still frank.
"What's he doing?"
"'Beauty☆Angel' writes in his diary every day his actions and impressions, as well as his plans for the next day. Among the "Jungle" users, he keeps his personal information meticulously. This guy will be the first to expose."
Before, Sukuna thought that attitude was clean.
That was not the case. Always revealing his whereabouts is more than a suicidal act. It is said that there is no moment when he feels relaxed, whether he is sleeping or eating.
Kuroko says clearly.
"Based on this information, more than a dozen U-Ranks challenged "Beauty☆Angel", and it was all revenge. No matter what kind of purchases he made, no matter how many people he was dealing with, this guy survived without any problem."
"I'm talking to you because he has the ability, but he has no other talent. You and I are the last of the U-Rank who haven't challenged this guy."
Something resembling a smile reached Sukuna's mouth.
"I'm looking forward to it."
He believes that this guy will do whatever he wants. That's why he posts that self-portrait image and lets everyone know of his plans, inviting other users. He is quite confident in his ability and has decided that "Jungle" users cannot nullify it.
In short, he is irritating Sukuna. He didn't like that attitude.
"I'm motivated. I'll show you something. Kuroko, I'll build a strategy."
"Umm. First, from "Beauty☆Angel"'s future plans, select a suitable location for the attack."
"Kuroko. Wait a minute."
"What's going on?"
"Every time I hear that name, I lose my strength. Would you like to change it to a different name?"
Kuroko looks at Sukuna seriously and collapses.
"Don't complain about people's names, Five."
Sukuna closed his mouth as if he were before a teacher.
The houseboat leaving the pier heads for Tokyo Bay as it glides downriver at night. Couldn't even hear the noise of the city until the top of the river. As the scent of the tide began to mix with the autumn breeze caressing his cheeks, Mishakuji Yukari narrowed his eyes.
Sitting on the edge of the boat, he looks up at the sky.
It is an autumn night sky that is as beautiful as it is transparent.
The starlight is dotted and the full moon shines brightly and is white. It's been a while since the mid-autumn moon, but Yukari still screamed at the beauty of it.
"Autumn night, the moon is similar to a dumpling."
That is not his phrase. It was a haiku by his teacher, Miwa Ichigen.
The "Colorless King" Miwa Ichigen and Mishakuji Yukari, were teacher and student in the past.
When he was still young, he met Miwa and was fascinated by his beauty. Yukari was for a long time the only member of his clan. He believes it was a close relationship, more like an older brother than a teacher and a disciple, meanwhile disciples were made and the Colorless clan became more and more of a home.
It was a boring but cozy place for Yukari. He once thought that it would be okay to bury his bones in the field where he lived with Miwa.
But that didn't happen.
Yukari pointed his sword at Miwa. Miwa responded with a smile.
The serious witness ended with a violet defeat. Yukari tried to win or lose with his own life, but Miwa just shook his head silently.
Then Yukari abandoned Miwa.
At that time, he couldn't explain the psychology of himself well that he challenged Miwa.
He was driven by the need to pump from within. Suffering from death and disease, slowly, but surely, the "Colorless King" weakened, and he wanted to burn his fiercely burning beauty in his eyes before the flames of his life were exhausted.
("You are a beast, Mishakuji Yukari.")
Remembering Hisui Nagare's words, Yukari's gaze turned dim.
He doesn't want to fight; he doesn't want blood. He just wants to see beautiful things.
However, it seems that Mishakuji Yukari was born with such a nature that he finds something really beautiful in fighting blood.
That is…
The moon that he looks at was still beautiful, even if it was far from the fighting and the blood.
Now, somewhere on this earth, there is a teacher or a disciple also looking at the same moon. Facing a moon-white dumpling, like those three people used to do.
That month was dark.
A slowly gliding ship was about to pass under the bridge. A little awake, Mishakuji shrugged and tried to head back to the houseboat, but stopped.
He may have been the intuition of a good swordsman, or it may have been because he heard the faint sound of an explosion of electricity.
At the same time that Yukari looked up, the moon lit up in the air.
It's not a full moon in the sky, but a bright green crescent moon. Similar to a guillotine blade, it landed directly on Yukari's head.
Yukari's gaze instantly took on the color of battle.
"On top", given by the swordsman Yukari was attacked at full speed, he received the crescent moon that had fallen on his head. The blade with a different skill, flapped violently with the green crescent, and they eventually moved away from each other.
The owner of the crescent moon made a bored voice as he stepped on the edge of the ship and ensured his footing.
"Was it a flop? I thought it would work."
Yukari looked at him. He stopped trying to ask if he was a member of the "Jungle" clan.
It is not beautiful to hear what you do not want to ask. So Yukari said with a smile.
"What disdain you have for ruining an elegant moment."
"As if I cared. If you don't want to be disturbed, you should have hidden yourself."
An electric blade emerges from the long staff. That was the true identity of the crescent moon. With a weapon similar to the death god's sickle, the boy spoke bluntly.
Yes, he is a child.
Much younger than Yukari. He doesn't even seem to be of the age to be a high school student yet. It is said that the "Jungle" clan is a gathering of people of all levels, but this was the first time he had seen such a child among the top ranked fighting on the front lines.
Of course, that doesn't mean Yukari didn't fight.
When he appears in front of Yukari with a fighting spirit, he is an enemy. It doesn't matter if he is a child or an old man. The option of turning your back on an opponent who was willing to fight did not exist in Mishakuji Yukari.
Yukari asks, holding his gaze.
"What's your name?"
What will you do when you hear it?"
Yukari makes a deeper smile in a childish tone.
"The last surprise attack was pretty good. I'll give you 65 points, kid."
The boy's face was angry.
"Don't treat me like a child. That's the most annoying thing."
"If so, tell me your name. Are you an adult who can't even introduce himself?"
"I'm Five. Remember the name of the guy who beat you!"
Five kicks the ground. Yukari looked into his eyes.
They face each other.
They used a single attack to connect the blows that rose from the ground. A green spark burns a strand of his hair, but he can't back down and roars through the air.
The returned attack tried to hit the opponent's body.
At that moment, a new electric blade was born from the long staff, avoiding Yukari's strike.
Five, laughs. The two swords flutter again, and using that as a fulcrum, Five fires a kick out of the air. Yukari protects himself with his left arm and his feet dig into the opponent's upper arm. As he swung his arm around as he stood, Five's small body bounced out of the darkness, spun, and landed on the roof of the houseboat.
The ferryman jumped out in a hurry.
"Client? What's up?"
The ferryman loses his word when he sees Yukari holding his sword. Yukari says, without looking at him as he opens and closes his mouth.
"It will be over soon. Back off."
"Yes, but..."
"Do you want to be cut too?"
The boatman retracted.
"Hey, he's a noisy jerk."
Five pulls the long cane from him as he places his foot on the roof of the houseboat.
The edge is different from the previous one. It is not a sickle, but a three-pronged spear. Apparently, that weapon changes shape at Five's will. Not only that, the sheet can be generated from anywhere.
Yukari, however, focused more on Five than on his weapon.
Five was working.
In the dead of night, a green smile floats in the reflection of the electric blade. It seems that this battle itself is fun and unavoidable. As if waiting for the moment to kill Yukari.
Yukari gasped as he held his sword "Ayamachi".
"Five. What do you want to be a J-Rank for?"
It is a question he has asked many times.
Most of the answers have caused disappointment in Yukari. Far from the endless possibilities that Nagare dreams of, the members of the "Jungle" clan had only one purpose that was so familiar they could look down on it.
Is the guy in front of him really different from them?
Five clearly answered Yukari's questions and hopes.
"I do not like it."
Yukari blinked his eyes at him.
He doesn't answer the question. He thought so, but Five doesn't seem like a stupid kid who misunderstands the question. Rather, he felt that something deeper was hidden there, and Yukari was fascinated.
"What don't you like?"
"What's decided. That's all."
Five's eyes did not resemble a child's. Far from innocence, there is a deep darkness there.
"I don't like him, the "Green King" who is trying to do something with you, and "Jungle" who just dances without thinking about anything. I hate him. Behind the scenes, I feel like they are trying to rule the people."
Then, Five distorted the edge of his mouth.
"I feel sorry for you. Then I'll get points, become a J-Rank, meet the 'Green King' in person, and if I don't like him, I'll beat him up. I'll blame you for sure."
Yukari sighed and looked at Five seriously.
He doesn't like the King, so he tries to become a J-Rank.
He has never heard of a clan member, who belongs to a clan but does not respect or admire the King, instead trying to challenge him with hostility.
Yukari reconsiders and laughs inside.
Because he knows a member of the clan who defied the King without hostility.
However, there is a huge gap between Five and that man.
"You're lost."
At Yukari's mumbled words, Five makes a suspicious voice.
"No, I wonder if it will be exciting, because if you lose, there should be a place to go home."
Five's expression changed completely.
"I have nothing. I have no place to go, no place to call home, or even where I am right now. I don't care because there is nothing."
"So, that's right. You're not lost. You're…"
Yukari laughs softly.
"You are a beast."
It is the same word that Nagare once described Yukari with.
He feels weird about it. If so, is it a battle between beasts? It seems that it has nothing to do with beauty, or that is why it is pure and beautiful.
"That's how it is."
Five responds with a lip smack. Dangerous colors inhabit his eyes.
"The beast will eat your throat from now on!"
Five flexed a lot and ran like a bullet.
A three-pronged electromagnetic spear attempts to directly pierce Yukari's neck. Yukari quickly flashed his sword and tried to dodge.
For the time being, Five twisted his hand.
The three forks rotated like a mixer, mimicking the blade. The sword does not move as if it is firmly fixed.
Five, scream.
Almost at the same time, a black ninja appeared from behind, and under Yukari's feet.
The ninja, who had his entire body covered in water, turned his dark green glowing gaze to Yukari's motionless back. Two weapons move smoothly, trying to cut Yukari's back.
Yukari drops the sword.
The sword, which was fixed by the balance of power, spun in a circular motion in the air. Taking aim the moment he turned exactly 180 degrees, Mishakuji grabbed the handle with his opposite hand and jutted out to the rear. The black ninja withdrew both weapons and prevented the dangerous stab.
Realizing that the surprise attack had failed, Five attempted to forcibly kill Yukari. He takes another step and tries to plunge the spear into Yukari's chest.
Yukari's supple body turned.
The tip of the spear grabbed his side and pierced the ninja behind him.
A clear impatience appears in Five's expression. Yukari's mouth loosens and he approaches Five.
"If you want to go through my throat, wait a little longer. You little beast."
Young facial features distorted by anger.
Yukari hit his face with his fist.
A small body flies and crashes against the edge. Yukari spins his sword and approaches a five who is drooling slightly.
There was a voice behind his back.
"You are ruthless with children."
Yukari looked back.
The ninja was frail on the spot and was holding his face. The mechanical mask is fluttering and sparking.
It looks like it was destroyed by the previous blow.
"I'm not in the habit of forgiving my enemies."
"I see. That's correct."
Yukari shook his head and struck the point of his sword.
"I haven't heard from you yet. Why are you trying to beat me?"
The mask shorted out and the ninja removed it after a moment's hesitation.
Yukari was a bit surprised to see the real face.
"I am a professional. I work for money and business."
The ninja's body sank into the houseboat.
It was time to go. Even if he moved fast, he wouldn't have been able to finish it.
Yukari looks over to where Five was.
As he expected, Five was not there. Maybe that ninja took it with him. The vivid withdrawal technique seems to have been expected in advance.
Peace of mind is back on board.
"For a professional, he's sweet with kids."
Yukari answered bluntly and shrugged.
He woke up in pain.
At the same time that he wakes up, he also realizes that he is suffocating. He has trouble breathing. When he opens his mouth and takes a deep breath, the oxygen finally spread to his lungs.
When he touches his nose while he is confused, he feels unprecedented pain.
A calm voice called out to Sukuna, who shook his body and endured the pain.
"I've already given you first aid. Don't touch it."
There, Sukuna finally noticed that someone was sitting next to his bed. A woman of strange age.
Her golden hair is tied up with a black ribbon and her sleepy eyes peek out from behind her glasses. She seems like she was watching Sukuna asleep. She is wearing a yukata and her knees are propped up on a cushion.
Sukuna moved away from her and is attacked by pain.
"Stay away."
Sukuna looks around him, exhibiting his alertness.
It was an empty Japanese room of about eight tatami mats. The light bulbs placed in the four corners illuminate the interior of the room with fantastic lights. The furniture is surprisingly small and there is nothing but a white futon in the center and a Japanese bathtub near the wall.
"What is this? Where am I?"
The woman shrugs to answer Sukuna's questions.
"It's one of my hideouts in Tokyo. You're the first stranger to set foot here. Be honored."
As she spoke, he knew who was in front of him. Sukuna looks into her eyes.
"Are you Kuroko?"
Her glossy lips formed the shape of a smile.
"I'm not satisfied with having to expose my face, mainly because my mask was destroyed, but I'm not so cornered that I have to hide my face in private."
Sukuna can't react to her words. He is doing his best to understand the situation that he has in front of him, opening his mouth.
There are many questions that he would like to ask her, but the first thing he does is ask...
"You are a woman?"
Kuroko has a clean face.
"Yeah. What's up with that?"
"Isn't that right now?! I've always thought of you as a weird old man who's been dressed up as a ninja all along?!"
"Old stranger..."
Kuroko snorted a little and looked at Sukuna.
"Don't define me by your own beliefs. I hid my identity, but I didn't want to hide my gender."
"What do you say?"
"I would have been wearing a seami."
Sukuna thinks about Kuroko's fighting clothes. Certainly, he feels that the image was sharp. However, humans who see Kuroko's appearance will not notice that place. Rather, they are more attracted to the mechanical mask on her head, the clothes like a special unit, and the sword-like weapons on her back.
Kuroko's true face, laughing, was somehow good.
"What I want from the team is functionality, but that doesn't mean I'm neglecting design, although no one has identified my gender in that."
"That's how it is..."
At the same time, Sukuna's belly screamed.
Involuntarily holding his stomach, he looks at Kuroko with a bad feeling.
Kuroko wasn't laughing, and stood up.
"I'll bring food. What do you prefer, sushi or pizza?"
Sukuna barely answers.
Kuroko quietly opened the fold and left the room.
After that, only Sukuna remained.
Questions fluttered through his head nonstop, thought moving freely from his body.
Anywhere, the first thing you need to do is test your strength and secure an escape route.
As he stood up, he saw his PDA and his long cane placed on top of the Japanese bowl.
He opened a window in the wall on the opposite side of the model, so that the night view of downtown could be seen.
The window is also unlocked. The PDA was able to boot without any problems. He can also use some special ability. If he wants to escape, he can escape right now.
Knowing that, Sukuna crouched down on the spot.
He took off his tie. He fingered the bandage around his nose. Tearful pain ran through him and brought back the memory.
The attack was completely unsuccessful.
Sukuna and Kuroko couldn't compete with that man at all. A killing blow was evaded and Sukuna received a bitter blow to the face.
When he found out, he was here.
"I should have advised you not to touch it."
Kuroko, who returned with a basin, narrowed her eyes at Sukuna's thick, stagnant eyes.
She didn't say anything and put a tray next to his bed. On top is a package of sushi and a small size pizza. Kuroko removed the lid from the sushi pack, picked up the roll and then mysteriously looked at Sukuna.
"You do not eat?"
"I will eat."
Sukuna moved in front of Kuroko and took a piece.
After eating the first slice of pizza and picking up the second, Sukuna finally asked Kuroko.
"What happened after that?"
"I escaped the ship with you. That man didn't follow me."
"So you bothered to take me, when I was passed out, to your hideout?"
With open suspicion in his voice, Sukuna said that.
"What are you planning, aren't you to do that?"
Kuroko shrugs.
"I helped you because I decided I wouldn't increase my risk. With my "ability", a boy is easy to carry."
"Is a lie."
"If you can't believe it, that's fine. You don't have to trust me."
In response to Kuroko's simple words, Sukuna turned around, a lump forming in his throat.
To think that he lost, that fact alone is eroding Sukuna's chest.
It's not like he's never failed a mission so far. He clashed with other players and was defeated, but those losses were not decisive. At that time, even if he couldn't compete, he climbed up the ranks, he was filled with different abilities, he challenged them again and always won. So he will do it again.
After finishing the meal and taking a break, Sukuna asked.
"What's next?"
"What's next?"
Kuroko repeated the question like a parrot. Sukuna was frustrated and picked up the PDA and showed it to her.
"It's the next strategy. The subjugation mission is still going on. If I don't beat that madman at some point, I'll fail."
"There is no such thing."
Kuroko's voice was as solid as her common sense.
"I'm leaving this mission. We and that guy are very different."
Sukuna frowned severely.
"What's wrong? Are you scared?"
"I can accept it that way. I'm not a dreamer to challenge him in a battle I can't win. It's painful to deduct points for mission failures, but I'm happy with other business."
She falls silent and looks at Sukuna depressed, Kuroko continues saying,
"Somehow… are you going to challenge him again?"
Sukuna looks at Kuroko askance. He didn't reply, but his gaze seemed to convey his intentions.
Kuroko takes a sip of tea from a bottle and exhales.
Sukuna opens his mouth and repeats the question.
When asked why, there was no response from Sukuna. However, only the determination to do so fills the place.
Sukuna challenged that man and lost.
So he has to win next. He has to keep trying until he wins. Or until he loses and dies. It wasn't something Sukuna could forgive, like losing and doing nothing, because that means running away.
Sometimes you can't help but lose, but you're not allowed to just lose and run away.
Kuroko looks at Sukuna, sighs and tells him...
"I really appreciate that about you."
"I saw that you were someone driven by calculations rather than emotions. It would be easier for me to do business in the future if there was such a person. That is also the reason why I helped you."
But Kuroko shook her head.
"That's exactly what that man said. There's nothing on you."
"I don't know about the future, the purpose, or even where I'm headed. I was driven only by anger and irritation. I couldn't stand the pain and was swept away, just like a beast in their hands."
Sukuna's heart pounded. Like a flash, the scene came to life in his mind.
The back road that the two of them passed. The cheesy taste of the sweets and cider they drank together. A childish vow to run through "Jungle" together and a cheerful smile shining at his side.
For the first time, he had met a person he could respect. He really wanted to be like that boy.
His first friend in life was a fake prepared by an adult.
So there is nothing in Sukuna. When he knew that what he had grabbed was fake, Sukuna threw it away. He abandoned everything around him and ran away to live alone.
Sukuna only has irreparable injuries.
He is still bleeding. He is suffering. So, being touched by that was just a pain for Sukuna.
When he noticed, Sukuna leaned forward, reached out and grabbed Kuroko's chest.
Sukuna tells her grabbing her.
"What do you know? What is my purpose?"
Kuroko's reaction was always cold.
"I don't want to understand. If you want understanding and sympathy, you should run to "Homura"."
She lightly dispelled Sukuna's hand and stood up with the yukata collar straight. The eyes behind her glasses are cold and clear.
"If you've finished your meal, you must leave quickly. You are free to continue the mission. It's useless to help, but it's probably your choice."
Kuroko suddenly stopped trying to get out of the Japanese room.
"What are you fighting for?"
It was like loneliness. He slumped over, looking up at the ceiling slightly.
"That man asked a very central question despite his playful tone and appearance. In a clan like "Jungle", it may be more important than you think to determine your own purpose."
After that, Kuroko left.
Sukuna was sitting there and looking at his PDA.
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deathfavor · 7 months
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 Oh dear. It looked like some poor soul was getting stood up. It was such an ugly thing to have to witness. The person looked like they were waiting for someone so hopefully and slowly it seemed to turn to embarrassment as the kept having to send the waiter away. Yukari wonders how long they’ve been holding on to false hope considering he’d already been at the cafe across the way for half an hour and they looked like they’d been here for a while. He had nothing else to do today, so why not offer an escape? He hums to himself as he exits the cafe and makes his way to the crosswalk, and then over to the restaurant and to the table of the poor soul.
“ I’m so sorry I’m so late! The train got delayed and my messages wouldn’t go through. You know how some of the stations can be. “ Yukari offers an apologetic smile as he sits down across from the stranger to help ease the tense atmosphere. (Already he can see the waiter seem to look relieved they won’t have to try to console this poor soul.)  But after a moment he offers a sympathetic smile. “ Sorry dear, stood up? I couldn’t help but notice. I figured you might at least like some company. Please, order whatever. It’s on me. “
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queensconquest · 2 years
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   “  Darker  and  thicker  the  blood  on  idle  hands  than  moving  ones.  “
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So, uh... This is a video I've made literally a decade ago for a quizz on Sporcle. With all these copyright problems I never for once thought this video would resist and win(?) the battle, so I'm posting it here now lol. I would love to make more of this, but because of the after mentioned reasons, this is the only one. Everybody is always recalling about opening songs, so of course I felt the need to make something big about ending songs. The songs I chose are VERY random because I tried to make the game enjoyable by not making something so easy that you can answer it just by reading the name of the songs alone. Also, the mixing is a mess but I assure you it still worth listening lol. If you don't want to play the game and just listen to a megamix, here's the tracklist: 01. Nana Kitade - Kesenai Tsumi (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi/FullMetal Alchemist) 02. Berryz Koubou - Nanchuu Koi wo Yatteruu YOU KNOW? (Patalliro! Saiyuki) 03. KOTOKO - →unfinished→ (Accel World) 04. Youko Takahashi - Yoake Umare Kuru Shoujo (Shakugan no Shana) 05. team-F - Hohoemi wo Agetai (Princess Princess) 06. Kinya Kotani - Glaring Dream (Gravitation) 07. Maki Kimura - Ano Hi ni... (Den'ei Shoujo/Video Girl Ai) 08. Kana Nishino - Style. (Soul Eater) 09. Yui Sakakibara - Beautiful Day (Boku wa Otome ni Koishiteru) 10. AiM - Keep On (Digimon Adventure) 11. Hiroki Wada - Mystic Eyes (Tenkuu no Escaflowne/The Vision of Escaflowne) 12. AYANA - Kaze no Tadoritsuku Basho (Kanon) 13. Mai Nakahara & Ai Shimizu - Himitsu Dolls (Strawberry Panic) 14. Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To (Paradise Kiss) 15. the indigo - Namo Shirenu Hana (Ai Yori Aoshi) 16. Younha - Houkiboshi (Bleach) 17. Kohmi Hirose - Groovy! (Cardcaptor Sakura) 18. Keiko Yoshinari - Asu e no Yuuki (Mahou Kishi Rayearth/Magic Knight Rayearth) 19. Shouko Nakagawa - Happily ever after (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) 20. Mai Yamane - The Real Folk Blues (Cowboy Bebop) 21. Claire - Fly Me to the Moon (Shin Seiki Evangelion/Neon Genesis Evangelion) 22. Akemi Kanda, Ai Nonaka, Mamiko Noto & Yuu Kobayashi - Kagayaku Kimi e (Mahou Sensei Negima!) 23. Ritsuko Okazaki - Chiisana Inori (Fruits Basket) 24. Atsuko Enomoto & Chihiro Suzuki - Yume no Naka e (Kareshi to Kanojo no Jijou) 25. T.M.Revolution - HEART OF SWORD ~Yoake Mae~ (Rurouni Kenshin ~Meiji Kenkaku Romantan~) 26. TM NETWORK - Get Wild (City Hunter) 27. Mitsunori Ikeda ft. Aimee B - Fallen Angel (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) 28. Yifei - Mayonaka no Door (Demaashita! Powerpuff Girls Z) 29. Buono! - Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! (Shugo Chara!) 30. Yukari Konno - Tokimeki no Doukasen (Fushigi Yuugi) 31. Naoko Hamasaki - Tensai wa Saigo ni Yatte Kuru (Elf wo Karu Monotachi/Those Who Hunt Elves) 32. AKIMA & NEOS - Kaze wa Mirai ni Fuku (Trigun) 33. r.o.r/s - escape (Kaleido Star) 34. Koh Ikeda - Eien ni Amuro (Kidou Senshi Gundam/Mobile Suit Gundam) 35. Ichirou Mizuki - Bokura no Mazinger Z (Mazinger Z) 36. Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara & Yuuko Gotou - Hare Hare Yukai (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) 37. Youko Ishida - Otome no Policy (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R) 38. LEGOLGEL - Mirai (Corrector Yui) 39. LAST ALLIANCE - Shissou (Ouran Koukou Hostbu/Ouran Highschool Host Club) 40. Sheryl Nome starring May'n - Northern Cross (Macross F) 41. Sakurakou Keionbu - Don't say "lazy" (K-on!) 42. Luca Yumi - Truth (Shoujo Kakumei Utena/Revolutionary Girl Utena) 43. Satoko Shimizu - Sajin no Meizu (Tenkuu Senki Shurato)
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dishtothedeath · 10 months
The joy is mine, the pain is mine // Fergus // MM.2 // Reaction
Fergus remembers them standing on the beach.
 ”I’ve had to fight to get anything in this life, even if what I have is all shit, save for my daughter! And now she’s all alone out there, and I have to fuckin’ — fuckin’ live with the fact that I’ll likely never see her again! And I’m supposed to just, just, just stop and square my shoulders and take it like I’ve taken everythin’ in my miserable fuckin’ life this far!”
“You… have been through a lot… I won’t say you have to but there are benefits and… no one can be alone forever. And… And I will do everything in my power to make sure you never feel that way about someone. At least while we’re here. I promise you’re safe…”
Fergus goes very quiet, breathing like he’s ran a marathon to get here, a messenger from a far-off war, shoulders tense and slightly trembling. He looms over the idol, hands still balled to fists.
”Do…” He hesitates. ”I… just —”
”Do ye promise?”  For a big guy who casts such a tall shadow, he sounds very small all of a sudden. ”If ye promise… I will also. I promise I… I will do anything, anything ye ask of me. I won’t ask why, and I won’t say no.”
“I promise.”
And so it had begun.
(CW: Flashing Images)
He remembers them standing on the beach again.  It’s much later, months, what feels like years after their promise. He holds Araceli’s hand and he cries when he slides the ring around her finger. They say their vows. They kiss. They’re now married.
He’s never been this happy.
That has to be fucked up, right? That out of all the places in the world, he has never been as happy as he is now, on this god-forsaken island, holding onto his wife. Knowing that even if they die,  they will still belong together, that they will have thrown a huge middle finger to the ones running the game;
they chose love over violence.
He remembers waking up on the beach. Waves crash against him and wake him up to a world of pain, and he sits up screaming. There’s an excruciating agony radiating from his left side that feels like nothing he’s ever felt before, and as he tries to move his other arm, it’s with rising panic that he realizes he can’t.
 Everything is pain and blood and panic, but in being driven to a corner, it’s the animal-like rage and need to lash out that overpowers him and forces him to stand up and push through.
That, and the decision that he will kill the ones responsible for all of this.
A culmination, a crowning event of his rage.
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As Yukari plunges them all into darkness, he doesn’t look at her. He doesn’t acknowledge her. It’s easier to avert his eyes from his wife, blindingly beautiful and horrifying all at once, much like an angel. He understands now why in the Bible they tell mortals to “fear not”, and why humans get turned into salt pillars for gazing upon them.
He certainly feels petrified.
Maybe it’s better this way. Since if he does look at her, sees in her eyes the apologetic look he fears will be there, the admission of inevitable guilt, or worse, the lack thereof…
He fears what he might do to her.
It’s so easy to threaten people when you think they can’t be someone close to you. When you trust the ones closest to you implicitly, and even when they’ve broken that trust, you’ve taken their word that they won’t do it ever again. He’s done so again and again and again, with everyone in his life; his mother, his father, his lover, his wife.
Maybe by now he should have gotten used to betrayal.
But even if others can never be held up to their words, it seems, Fergus knows that he’s not one to go back on his.
And that frightens him more than this game ever could have.
Since in his heart, he dreams of killing the people responsible for this. And with Yukari being responsible, that means  he has dreamed of killing her. Dreamed of killing his wife. And he’s not sure if his love can be stronger than his hatred, anymore.
He feels the scales tipping.
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“… Don’t. “
“Don’t ye dare apologize, Yukari.” “Just… don’t.”
He wouldn’t be able to handle that. The pity. The absolute humiliation.
He can take her being a villain, but if she was willing to lie to him for so long, then she may as well continue with the honeyd words and deception. He doesn’t want to hear even one more lie from her cruel, soft lips.
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tszehu · 3 years
[Fanvid] Ангелы-терминаторы by steinvor, WTF Anything Retro 2021 (Anything_Retro) 
Angel Terminators | Hong tian huang jia jiang,
 Angel Terminators 2 | Huo zhong, 
Beauty Investigator | Miao tan shuang jiao (1992), 
Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues, 
актеры - Sharon Yeung Pan-Pan, Oshima Yukari, Moon Lee Choi-Fung Tributes
Girls with Guns
Hong Kong Cinema 
 музыка - музыка - Beta Kitten - Vertigo, Ludwig Nathan Dandy - Queens of the Underground
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spyxfan · 2 years
Penguin Kakumei
From CMX: High school student Yukari Fujimaru knows a potential star when she sees one…because she sees the special “aura“ they give off, in the form of angelic wings. Yukari’s fellow student, the beautiful Ryoko Katsuragi, has a small pair of wings herself, and is one of these aspiring talents. She’s so talented, in fact, that no one even knows that “she“ is actually a boy in disguise. Now, to…
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bladebeauty · 5 years
pristineblue said:  "did you have a nightmare?" ❀  the  war  that  saved  my  life  starters  ❀  
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   Arms  folded  across  Yukari’s  chest  as  he  stood  at  one  of  the  large  windows,  gazing  outside  into  the  darkness.  Disgusting.  Fingers  itched  to  claw  away  the  restraints  of  his  life,  as  if  he  were  little  more  than  a  chained  dog.  Is  that  what  people  thought  of  him  these  days  ?  Or  was  his  treatment  a  way  to  keep  him  on  a  short  leash  ?  Force  was  almost  guaranteed  to  fail  against  Yukari.  What  if  this  was  all  an  elaborate  way  to-
   Reisi’s  voice  pierced  his  thoughts  and  his  head  turned  to  look  back  towards  the  bed.
   “  . . .  Yeah.  Sorry  to  wake  you.  “  Yukari  answered,  his  grave  expression  partially  hidden  in  shadows  before  he  turned  to  look  back  out  at  the  sleeping  city.  “  Go  back  to  sleep,  it’s  not  important.  Just  a  nightmare.  “  He  assured  the  other,  remaining  a  silhouette  in  the  window.
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