#โธป โ› ๐ข๐œ ยป theo powe.
mythcaels ยท 7 months
๐ˆ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ of a horror movie and Theo was not the biggest fan of horror movies if he was honest ( he'd giggle at the shitty ones but the real ones made him jumpy sometimes ). Those people were not human, they had foggy eyes and teeth dripping with blood and flesh. They had blood all over them, he now had blood on his favorite purple and black striped over sized sweater. He lost his shoes along the way, he couldn't run in them like he needed to. Everything was chaos on the way home but things got quieter as he got towards the home he shared with his Summie who was likely clueless to everything that was happening currently.ย 
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The quietness would not last here forever, not after what he'd seen and heard and knew from watching too many movies. He'd heard screaming, he'd heard a gunshot even, he'd seen cars crash into one another and he was horrified beyond belief. He feels safe for a moment as he gets inside their house and slams the door shut, locking every single lock on the door and thinking it was a blessing that Summer liked having multiple locks on a door. He leaned back on the door, drenched in sweat, inky locks sticking to his forehead and then his legs gave out and he was on the floor as his sweet and surely confused boyfriend appeared in his line of sight.ย 
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@coiins said boyfriends take on the zombie apocalypse.
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floraesky-a ยท 11 months
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โ You'll get sick if you keep standing out in the rain like that . . . Come inside. โž / @celesticlnstcrs gets some one - liners.
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mythcaels ยท 7 months
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@coiins continued.
๐‡๐ž ๐๐ข๐๐ง'๐ญ ๐›๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ the others attention until he felt it wasn't just his mind playing a trick on him and that he very much was seeing a pattern. He'd thought it wasn't something serious at first, had brushed it off as something that would blow over and hadn't put much thought into it, he wasn't the type to overthink after all ( that was more of summie's thing and he was the happy go lucky guy that didn't think too much about anything at all ). But it had started to spook him and it wasn't just blowing over so he was going to bring it to the others attention since that's what he was sure it was at this point.
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Summie seems upset about it, then again that's a valid response and he'd be upset if it was the other way around too. The other seems to run a little medical exam on him and even takes a little exam fee which makes him laugh a little but his happy mood doesn't stick around too long and he ducks his head because he doesn't know how to solve this mess. He tilts his head back and stares up at the other, a warmth in his gaze that can only be described as pure love for the other when he suggests such a thing.
It was a good idea for him to get one or the other, both even if he was being realistic. He nods his head slowly and pushes the smallest of smiles onto his features as he moves to wrap his arms around Summie and give him a big hug.ย ย โย  You're so smart. I didn't even think about those things but getting one or both of them is a good idea. Can we go todayย  ?ย ย โžย ย 
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mythcaels ยท 7 months
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โ€™ ๐™ต๐™ธ๐š…๐™ด ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ผ๐™ด๐š‚ โ€™ ๐™ณ๐š๐™ฐ๐™ฑ๐™ฑ๐™ป๐™ด ๐™ฟ๐š๐™พ๐™ผ๐™ฟ๐šƒ๐š‚. | @celesticlnstcrs asked: five times kissed: kyung and theo <3
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01. His best friends brother is so attractive, he's been so aware of it since he first met him a little while ago now. There's just something about the Christmas lights all around the area that makes him more attractive in Theo's mind and he can't shake the fact that he's crushing on the guy.
They'd somehow gotten separated from Isao while walking through this little holiday lights festival of sorts. One minute Isao was there, the next he was gone and that just left Theo and Kyung to navigate around and try and find him.
The other male seems to stop and look up suddenly as they exit a light tunnel which makes Theo stop beside him and look up as well and oh. Mistletoe. Cheeks take on a rosy hue but if anyone asked well, he'd blame it on the cold.
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โ› Well would you look at that. Mistletoe. Wow they really went full holiday cliche by putting this up too, huh ? But y'know they say that it's bad luck if you don't kiss the person you're under mistletoe wi - . . . โœย  He wasn't expecting to actually get a kiss with Kyung under mistletoe despite them both being under it, if anything he had thought the other would disregard it and continue onward like nothing happened and that's why Theo had began rambling about the mistletoe but Kyung had cut him off with his lips ( probably to just shut up him but that was fine ).
The kiss ends too quickly but it was everything Theo had thought it would be like to kiss the other ( yet it leaves him wanting to kiss him again ). They don't end up kissing again because they hear Isao's voice and both kind of almost jump away from one another, Theo's out of embarrassment and he wonders if it was the same for Kyung.
They don't talk about the kiss that night. They don't bring it back up the next day. It just doesn't come back up . . .
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02. . . . Until New Years. The kiss is brought back up at New Years. The topic of bringing in the New Year with a kiss had come up and it made Theo think back to his and Kyung's kiss around Christmas. It wasn't like it was that long ago, it was still pretty fresh in his mind and he swears his lips still remember the feeling of the others on them ( of course he'd love a refresher just to keep the memory alive ).
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He gently elbows Kyung and grins, flirty nature coming out in full force as he opens his mouth to let words spill from him. โ› Hey hey, we could share a kiss to bring in the New Year like we shared that one near Christmas, yeah ? โœ It's quiet so that only Kyung hears, teasing and just thrown out to see how the other reacted to the mention of the other kiss from before but also just him being his playful self and seemingly never taking anything too seriously. There's a look from the other that Theo can't quite make sense of but somehow it makes his cheeks redden, or maybe that's just because he's realizing what the hell he just said to the other. Amethyst hues search Kyung's gaze for a moment before he finds himself on his feet and off to the kitchen to get some water.
He'd miss the countdown on the tv from in here since he'd gone and decided that he was gonna hide out in the kitchen with his cup of water that he hasn't actually touched after fixing it. He hears footsteps coming to the kitchen which makes him react and actually take sips from his cup of water. The person that walks in is Kyung which is a bit surprising because he thought Kyung would just hang out in there and watch the New Years countdown and just ignore everything that Theo had brought up beforehand.
Instantly Theo is murmuring some sort of apology about his words from before and he's met with a smile which, makes him feel better at least. Good, things were good and oh the countdown had started, he could hear the tv from here and oh, Kyung was a lot closer than he had been a moment before and his glass of water was forgotten on the counter and there's cheers from the tv in the living room as their lips connect.
He swears he feels hand tucking pieces of hair behind his ear as his eyes flutter open once they both pull back from one another. He's sure his face is as red as the stripes on his sweater that he'd worn over here, which makes him lean forward and hide his face against the others own shirt and he hears a chuckle and a happy new year, to which he weakly murmurs the same thing right back.
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03. Sometime after their kiss at New Years, they'd decided that they were both open to dating one another, it came after Theo had absolutely blurted that he liked Kyung. They'd talked, they'd both admitted that they'd like to test the waters of dating one another and they were off as boyfriends.
Already together for a month by the time Valentine's day rolls around and Theo knew already that he loved Kyung which many would say it was still too early for him to know that but hell he'd been crushing on Kyung for a bit before they even shared their first kiss, before they'd started dating after their second kiss so yeah he knew he could love the guy.
He wanted Valentine's day to be perfect and he'd told Kyung that he'd make him a home cooked meal. Fun fact about that, Theo is skilled when it comes to art, when it comes to tattooing but Theo can't cook for shit. He nearly burns his place down by the time Kyung arrives and they're ordering takeout instead while they try and clean the mess Theo had made.
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Theo is apologizing constantly and talking about how he just wanted to make Valentine's day so romantic but Kyung is understanding about it and tells Theo that he didn't have to try so hard which there's just something in the moment and the way they're sitting beside each other on Theo's couch, resting after cleaning the kitchen up and what's left of their takeout sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. The moment doesn't give off a single romantic vibe but to Theo it does as he closes the distance and kisses Kyung and then utters that he loves him against his lips.
It was almost a disaster but it turned out perfect in the end.
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04. And then a while later they break up. It's mutual enough at least but that doesn't make it any less heartbreaking because a love so strong had come and gone. They talk about it, talk through it they break up. Theo is the happy go lucky type, it's easy to push a reassuring smile onto his face but his heart feels a bit broken.
He leans up and presses a soft kiss to the others cheek, one last kiss but not even on the lips and that's fine, saying goodbye to a relationship that had been so strong and wonderful in the time they had been together.
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โ› See ya around, Kyung. Try not to miss me too much. โœ There's a flurry of laughter, it seems so warm and he seems in such good spirits at least and he does seem to make Kyung laugh one last time before they part ways with one another.
And if he does shed a tear or two later well that's normal, it's normal to cry over a breakup, it's normal to feel heartbroken but it was probably for the best at least, maybe. Besides, they could be friends or something seeing as Theo would still be around from time to time since he and Isao were best friends.
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05. He doesn't actually see Kyung around for a good amount of time after their breakup. It's like the world was having them avoid one another, it wasn't on purpose on either of their sides but fate decided to have other plans for them and have them run into each other again and catch back up.
They cross paths at Isao's painting expedition, then cross paths again at a bar of all places only days later and it's like something is pulling them back into each others orbit to have them start to cross paths like this again after the time they'd been apart and hadn't seen one another.
The bar is loud, he's several drinks in and he knows Kyung has been drinking a bit too. Kyung seems to be trying to avoid someone that seems very persistent in flirting with him. It's not that it bothers Theo or anything but it seems that Kyung is annoyed by it so Theo with his absolute flirty nature and lack of brain to mouth filter has an idea that he throws at Kyung.
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โ› You could kiss me. โœ That sure does get the others head to snap in his direction and there's a laugh and a slap to the others arm. โ› Gosh, your face right now. But I mean, you can kiss me to make them think you're taken and see if maybe that gets them to take the hint that you're not interested in them. I don't mind. โœ It'd almost be like a kiss for old times sake even, though it really wasn't. He watches as Kyung seems to think on it and that's further than he thought it'd get really. He sees the person approaching over Kyung's shoulder and warns him and that seems to make Kyung make his decision.
So they kiss, not as a couple and after plenty of time has passed since their last kiss. It works, the other that was coming to try and get Kyung's attention takes the hint and backs off. It also works to unlock some sort of fluttery feeling in Theo's heart, a feeling he hadn't felt since he was so madly in love with the other when they'd dated. It's the drinks, that's what it is.
He looks over Kyung's shoulder when they part from their kiss and chuckles and tells him the coast is clear. โ› You're still a really good kisser, Kyung. โœ He winks.
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mythcaels ยท 9 months
open to mutuals. theo powe.
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โ Would you run away with me ? โž He leans in with a smile, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he bats his eyelashes at the other. Then his smile only grows and laughter is spilling from his lips. โ Just kidding ! โž
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mythcaels ยท 9 months
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โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค STARTER PROMPTS : Chaste Kisses | @coiins asked: * a kiss on the forehead / for theo pwease
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He can hear the door to the others office area open and it makes him look up from some sketches he'd been working on. Normally people sat down to draw but there he was standing in the kitchen leaning over the counter drawing in his sketchbook when he got hit with an idea and started drawing right there ( forgetting that he wanted something to drink entirely and implying he was carrying his sketchbook around with him ). He hears footsteps but they stop at the entrance to the kitchen, he knows the other is probably looking at him. He immediately turns to look right at him, flashing a bright smile. โ Summie ! โž He bounces over to the other, smiling up at the taller of the two and blinking when the other suddenly leans down. He feels lips press against his forehead and there's a flicker of surprise and then so much warmth in his cheeks.
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The other is close enough to see just how red his face is, he's like a tomato and he is so aware of their closeness. Forehead kisses, they always got him good ( they were surprisingly his favorite types of a kiss because they were so wholesome and showed how much someone cared in a moment ). He swallows, smiles so softly as a warmth settles in his gaze and hands reach up to squish the others cheeks. โ Summie . . . You are so cute and so sweet. I hope you know I love you. โž There's so much warmth in his words as he tries to pull the other down and as he gets on his tiptoes so that he can attempt press lips to the others forehead in return. โ You deserve one forehead kissy too so stay still, love. โž He brushes some hair off the others forehead with one hand, the other still holding his face softly and lips make contact with the others forehead.
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mythcaels ยท 10 months
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exhaustion โ€ฆ sentence starters | @coiins asked: (carry) : one muse finds the other after theyโ€™ve fallen asleep on a chair / couch, and carries them to bedย  / summie taking theo to bed pls
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he can feel his eyes growing heavy, which makes his hands rise to rub at them. He was trying to stay awake until Summie returned from doing something but he was just so tired that his eyes kept sliding shut until finally they slid shut and stayed that way, his body toppling to the side only a moment later ( head thankfully landing on a couch pillow rather than a hard armrest ).
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That's how the other would find him too, well a little more curled up by the time the other gets to him but, nonetheless he's completely asleep on the couch. There is a feeling of being lifted which doesn't really wake him up but it does have him grumbling a little and then sighing, curling against the warmth that is the other and murmuring the others name in his sleep.
once he's placed in the bed, he curls up into the blankets and pillows there but as the others warmth seems to start leaving, some part of his mind notices it. There's a reaching with one of his hands for either of those arms that carried him, amethyst eyes opening slowly and groggy voice tumbling from lips. โ Summie . . . So warm . . . Stay . . . Cuddle ? โž
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mythcaels ยท 10 months
He doesn't mean to do it but he does lean more of his weight against the other as he continues hugging him from behind, he's just too exhausted to want to hold his entire weight on his feet. He takes a deep breath in and because his face is buried in the others back, all he can smell is the familiar scent of the other and it's actually a comforting scent ( he'd almost say that the other is beginning to smell like home to him as cheesy as it sounds in his own head ). There's a muffled chuckle into the others back as he pulls his head back some and at the pat of hands he slowly releases the other from his hold, backing away just as slowly ( tiredly ).
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โ Not even a little bit ? c'mon, you can say you missed me a tiny bit. โž But he knows the other was just joking, even if he doesn't say he missed him he knows there has to be a tiny little piece in his heart somewhere that missed how annoying he could be. His own heart feels warmer and fluttery at how this sweetheart, the lovely summie can just tell he's tired. โ A little bit but I'm fine. Is that you worrying about me ? if so, that's so sweet of you, summie. โž He coos at the other, bright smile on his lips as he stands waiting for the others reaction. โ Did you really ? You know you didn't have to. โž Teasing cast aside for the moment, he's feeling so grateful to the other. Teasing of course comes right back a moment later.
โ If I said I was too tired to walk since I walked the whole way here, would you carry me ? โž He didn't lie about walking here, he missed the bus and didn't care to wait. / @coiins continued.
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mythcaels ยท 7 months
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โ€˜TOL ANDย SMOLโ€™ PROMPTS | @celesticlnstcrs asked: [ RIDE ] kyung & Theo!
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๐‡๐ข๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ž๐ญ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ค๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐  him in these platform boots of his if he was being quite honest. If he'd known this was going to be a very walk heavy kind of outing then he would've worn his more comfortable pair of boots at least if he wanted to add a little bit to his height ( but the current pair of boots he was wearing were just such a vibe fashion wise at least but they were not comfortable at all after walking a bit ). He struggles to keep up with Kyung, feet throbbing with each and every step here in the last little bit but he hides behind a smile and scurries to catch up with him when he falls a few steps behind. Kyung walks fast, he's taller and has longer legs ( he has always loved their height difference except when they're walking with another sometimes because Theo just can't take as large of steps as Kyung can ).ย 
Kyung seems to figure out that Theo is struggling to keep up with the walking pace that Kyung had set, seems to realize that Theo is walking like his feet are killing him which is so fucking true. It leads to a piggyback ride which Theo is so grateful for and actually really happy about. He's always loved piggyback rides, especially the ones you get from someone you care about because you're close enough to share their warmth and you can rest your head against them and just enjoy the moment of closeness.ย 
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He does rest his head against the others shoulder as lips quirk into the brightest of smiles.ย ย โย  You're always my hero, Kyunggie.ย ย โžย  He practically coos before bursting into a little fit of giggles for a moment there.ย ย โย  Thank you for carrying me though. You're too sweet to me sometimes. I mean, most people would just make me suffer and walk but not you. Such a gentleman. ย โž
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mythcaels ยท 9 months
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โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค STARTER PROMPTS : Hugs, Cuddles, & Snuggles ! | @coiins asked: * the delay between the surprise of being hugged, and then melting into & returning the hug / this is so theo coded
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He hadn't really said anything when he left to grab some snacks from the convenience store up the street but he was hungry and the usual snacks back home weren't really the kind of snacks he was looking for. He came back with a bag full of sweets and shut the door behind him, locking it and sliding keys into a little tray on the counter along with the bag of snacks. Suddenly the other is in his line of sight and quickly approaching. He opens his mouth to talk about the snacks he went to get but he's cut off by the hug he gets.
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He blinks in surprise because normally he's the one to hug first, he's the clingy sort after all and he's not the least bit afraid to admit that to himself or anyone else. He realizes he's been just standing there while the other hugs him so tight and it makes him smile and melt right into the hug, arms wrapping right around the taller of the two and face burying itself into fabric of the others shirt.
โ Did you miss me that much ? I wasn't even gone for that long, my beloved summie. โž He doesn't let go of the other, deciding to ride this out until the other decides to let him go instead and just enjoy the moment. โ I got lots of sweet snacks but none of them are sweeter than you in this moment. โž He had a notorious sweet tooth and it was showing.
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floraesky-a ยท 11 months
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PROMPTS FOR PATCHING UP WOUNDS | @celesticlnstcrs asked: it's not the worst injury i've ever seen, but it's pretty bad. theo & kyung <3
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๐ƒ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ that the other says to him, there's something of a smile that settles onto his face. โ Does that mean that maybe you'll worry over me and dote on me, Kyung ? โž It's just meant to be a little joking bit teasing to ease the mood but he moves his foot the wrong way and hisses as pain shoots through it, the hissing is followed by a string of colorful swears uttered under his breath.
He faces down any look that Kyung could give him with a grimace settled into his own features. โ Guess that was instant karma for my dumb joke there, huh ? โž There's a sigh spilling from lips and a hand moving to run through his inky locks of hair. โ Alright then Doctor Kyung, what do you suggest I do about my injury ? โž He's always valued Kyung's input on things which was why he asked for it now. โ Think I can just ignore it and it'll go away ? โž They both knew the answer to that already.
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floraesky-a ยท 11 months
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ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT PROMPTS | @celesticlnstcrs asked: " i appreciate your help with that. " Kyung to Theo!
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He waves a hand in a dismissive manner, even as lips curl up into a smile. โ Meh, it was nothing really. You weren't vibing with them and their flirting, they weren't taking the hint. It was easy to step in and play the jealous lover role and run them off. โž It also helped that they had dated once upon a time to make it look rather real and sell it ( though a time when they had dated had been a little bit ago now ).
He knew how Kyung responded to stuff, even now. He knew his tells and his tells had told that he wasn't interested in that random flirty stranger. He reaches out and grabs whatever drink Kyung had, taking a sip from it, as if it was payment for helping but really he was just being silly. โ I figured you wouldn't mind me having a sip since I saved you from that situation. Tastes good. โž He licks his lips, looking over Kyung's shoulder. โ They might've gotten run off by me but seems they're still gonna stare holes into your back. You must be their type. โž He gets it, Kyung was his type too.
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