#❀ real magic! ; himiko πŸͺ„
ask-oumeno Β· 2 years
"Hmmm? Oh, it's on!"
As the camera flickers to life, two people could be seen in the camera's view. The boy smiles and waves and the girl yawns.
"Nishishishi~! I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! And his is my girlfriend, Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Magician! Or maybe that's a lie, who knows~?"
"It's not a lie..."
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The girl sounds tired, stifling another yawn. She does smile softly, though.
"Kokichi said he has some business on this website and stuff, so we were wondering if you could give us a promo? Don't be weird, though..."
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(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Kokichi and Kotoko accounts DNI! Keep in mind I may not respond right away, as I'm headed to work at the time of posting this, but I will the second I have time! ))
@human-monokuma @shsl-despair-ishimondo @askasheranything @cafe-kiyo @twilight-blonde-beauty @ultimately-divine @ultimate-aikido-master @chaoticblogofmuses @ask-miu-iruma @the-friendly-entomologist @ask-shslpianist @the-robot-family @thehypnoticsnakedomain @ask-chef-teruteru @yui-samidare-returns @bitter-bitter-panic @restoringhopeau
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ask-oumeno Β· 2 years
"So You're what they call the 'Ultimate magician' hmm~? You know, I'm a bit of a magician myaelf~" (Edin to Himiko)
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"Um... That's nice, I guess... But I'm a mage, not a magician! I have real magic!" Himiko proudly declares. She doesn't, by the way. She's completely powerless, but has the drive to feel important. "...You're really creepy, you know that? Don't gawk at me so readily..."
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ask-oumeno Β· 2 years
General Info
Name: Himiko Yumeno
Nicknames: Himi-Chan (By Kokichi), Yume-Chan (By Kokichi), Donkey Lips (By Miu), Himi, Hiko, Himeno, Miko, Hiyume, Yumeno
Prefers To Be Called: Himiko
Gender: AFAB Demigirl
Pronouns: She/They
Title: Ultimate Magician
Height: 4'11
Weight: 86 lbs
Age: 20
Birthday: December 3rd
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Dominant Hand: Left
Blood Type: O
Triggers: Throat Slitting, Korekiyo Shinguji, Angie Yonaga's Death, Tenko Chabashira's Death, Kokichi Ouma's Death, Hydraulic Presses, Tsumugi Shirogane, Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Despairs, The Warriors Of Hope
Place Of Birth: Kyushu, Japan
Siblings: Sakura Yumeno (Younger Sister, Deceased), Yui Yumeno (Younger Sister, Deceased)
Parents: Hiyama Yumeno (Father, Deceased), Yuki Yumeno (Mother, Deceased)
Other Relatives: N/A
Former High Schools: Dream Forest Girl's High School, Hope's Peak Academy
Current School: Dream Forest Girl's College
Occupation: Performer At Seifuku Monoba Theater
Current Residence: Sakugami Apartment Complex
Relationship Status: Dating Kokichi Ouma (Here)
Financial Status: Wealthy, Due To Danganronpa Fame
Driver's License: No / Yes
Standing Health Conditions: Narcolepsy
Criminal Record: Harboring A Fugitive
Close Friends: None
Sex And Love
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Hetero-Graysexual
Preferred Emotional Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive
Preferred Sexual Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive
Libido: Very Low
Open To Polyamory?: Yes
Virgin?: Yes
Relationship Tendencies: She prefers a partner who can keep her on her toes and never let her slack off. She doesn't mind being teased or flirted with, but she absolutely hates being sexualized. She also hates traditionally bullying characters, due to her own negative bullying experiences, unless they change their ways, like Kokichi has. She refuses to be referred to as a "side girl" or anything of the sort, and appreciates someone who will never force her into anything she doesn't want to do. Although she rarely feels sexual attraction, she often does it for the closeness and intimacy with her partner.
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