#✽ (124.) there’ll be peace when you are done; lay your weary head to rest (henry)
henry’s bio is here!
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“NOTHING ever lasts forever.”
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@gamblealife asked: ❝❞ ... ( Joey for Henry )
“…I’ve missed you, Joey.”
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“Henry Edward Stein (September 22, 1869 – April 1, 1927) was an American catcher in Major League Baseball. He played one game for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1900.”
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@gamblealife (continued from here)
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“I’ve known you for years, Joey. I know when you’re lying.” Henry wouldn’t have made the accusation if he wasn’t absolutely sure of it. Joey wanted more from him; he always had. Henry wished he could provide it, and yet…
“She is.” A faint smile came across the animator’s face as he thought of her. Linda had promised Henry his favorite meal tonight.
But it still felt like he was abandoning Joey. If Henry needed something, Joey would be there in the blink of an eye. Now, Joey needed him, and Henry was leaving. He felt guilty.
“Should I stay and help clean up? Just for a few more minutes.”
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@inkspltter asked: * i’ll sleep on the floor. (bendy for henry)
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AFTER FINALLY ESCAPING that nightmare of a studio, Henry knew Bendy didn’t have anywhere to go. So, he’d brought the demon back to his house. Linda, of course, had been surprised, but her shock had been MASKED by her relief at seeing her long-lost husband again. But they didn’t own a large house; they lived very modestly, the way Henry preferred. HOWEVER, they did have a pull out.
“No.” Henry shook his head, gesturing towards the sofa. “This becomes a bed. You can sleep there.” He bent down slightly to meet the other’s eye level. “And if you need anything, ANYTHING whatsoever, you can come into our room, okay?” He wanted to make Bendy feel as comfortable as possible. After all, escaping wouldn’t have been possible without him. “Will you be okay out here?”
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@gamblealife asked: “Go rest, this isn’t up for debate.” ( Joey for Henry Iwouldnttrusthim :'D )
Maybe it wasn’t just Joey who was working him to death. Maybe it was Henry doing it, too.
Henry hadn’t realized how much pressure he always put on himself until he’d come back to the studio. He needed to relax more; he needed to give himself a break every once in a while and stop being so hard on himself. Even Joey, who was the definition of a workaholic, agreed.
“I will,” Henry insisted, barely even looking up from his paper. “I just… need to finish this drawing first.”
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@gamblealife asked: ‘ can you attract any more attention to us!? ’ ( Alice for Henry. )
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THE SOUND OF HIS FOOTSTEPS sloshing through the dark, sticky, thick ink was louder than Henry cared to admit. But he’d gotten so used to it that he didn’t even notice until Alice called him out on it. He was tempted to make a snarky comment — I didn’t expect to be walking through this — but it would do no good. Besides, she had a point.
“SORRY.” He attempted to make his footsteps quieter, not that it did much to mask the sound. It was hard to stay quiet while drudging through ink. The lower half of his pants were SOAKED; his clothes were completely stained. There was no way he’d ever be able to get this ink out. Not that that was his main concern right now.
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@gamblealife asked: “ i’m lost without you. and i’m not asking you to fix me or be something you’re not. i’m just asking you to keep being the lighthouse you are just by being you. and let me guide myself by it. ” ( ooofff. Joey for Henry :'3 )
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A SMALL SMILE spread across the animator’s face as he lowered his gaze. He normally wouldn’t be smiling, but he knew Joey, better than almost anyone else. “You’re asking me to… be myself?” He looked back at Joey and gave a light shrug of his shoulders. “I think I’m pretty good at that.”
In all seriousness, though, Henry DID worry about his best friend. The years had changed him — both of them, but especially Joey. His principles had shifted. And it wasn’t a bad thing — not necessarily — but it was different. A sign that something might be wrong. So, Henry continued, his smile fading. “I want to HELP YOU, Joey. Isn’t that what friends are for? I feel like I could be doing more than just being myself.”
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@gamblealife asked: ▲ + falling asleep next to them ( honestly for either Henry or Sammy. Whichever works best - from Joey u3u )
It was late. Henry's eyes could barely keep themselves open. He wanted to go home, to leave this place, to sleep in his own bed. But he couldn't, not before he finished this.
Joey had come by his desk and pulled up a chair next to him, just watching him work, probably doing some sketches of his own; Henry was too tired to notice. It was only a matter of time before Henry's eyes started to close, his hand movements ceasing as his head flopped down onto the desk.
"Just... one minute," Henry managed to say before he felt himself drift off to sleep.
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henry stein’s bio is here!
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“Staring at these walls does nothing to give me inspiration… I need a change of scenery.” Henry stood up from his desk with a sigh. Hopefully Joey would understand if he took a break. “What do you say? Do you want to leave the studio for a couple hours? There’s a park nearby. The fresh air would probably do us good.” God knows there was no fresh air in the studio.
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@gamblealife asked: ☹ My muse is jealous over someone else showing interest in yours. ( Ofc he would be. 🙄 Joey for Henry )
Henry wasn’t one to talk about things very often, especially personal things. But he couldn’t shut up about Linda. And Joey was his best friend; he had to discuss it with someone. Henry was smiling the whole day, unlike his normal serious demeanor, and he kept making comments. He couldn’t help it.
“I’ve never seen someone like her before.” Henry was drawing in his sketchbook, but he was hardly focused. “I swear she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. And she… she noticed me.” He couldn’t stop smiling. “Out of everyone, she noticed me.”
Finally, Henry looked up from his sketchbook to see Joey’s expression. Quickly, he lowered his gaze back to his drawings. “Sorry,” he apologized quickly. “This isn’t an appropriate conversation to have at work.”
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@inkspltter asked: ❝❞ bendy and henry
"What are you afraid of?"
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@gamblealife asked: ❛ I’m not a monster. ❜ ( why u lie? Joey for Henry )
Joey’s words physically pained him. Henry had always pushed Joey to do the right thing; he’d always been the moral one of the two of them. He’d been the considerate one, the one with the heart, the one who always put others before himself. Joey didn’t.
But that didn’t make him a monster.
“I know you’re not.” Henry looked directly at his friend, a sympathetic look coming over his face. Money and power had corrupted him. It hurt to see him like that, because Joey used to be so genuine, and now, it all seemed like an act. But Henry wouldn’t say that out loud, and certainly not to Joey’s face. “Everyone makes mistakes.”
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@gamblealife asked: ▲ + telling them they love them for the first time. ( He's ready for the heartbreak - I think :'D - Joey for Henry )
Henry may have been oblivious, but he wasn’t that oblivious. He knew what Joey meant, and he knew he didn’t mean it platonically. Deep down, he’d probably known for a while. But Henry never liked to make assumptions, especially about how other people felt.
“Joey…” Henry looked into his friend’s eyes. “You’re my best friend. I’ll always love you. Just…” He felt a slight pang in his chest. He didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but he knew he would. It was inevitable. “Just not like that.”
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@gamblealife asked: "I was sort’ve hoping you needed me. Is that selfish?" ( :'D One more your way - Joey for Henry )
It was hard to say. Because as much as he hated to admit it, Henry didn’t need Joey as much as Joey needed him. Henry needed Joey as a friend; Joey needed him as a friend and as a business partner… maybe even more.
Henry was married. He was happy. But Joey wasn’t; Henry could see it in his eyes. It made his heart ache. He wanted Joey to be happy. And if he made Joey happy, who was he to leave him in his time of need?
“It’s not selfish,” Henry replied with a somewhat sympathetic smile. “Of course I need you; you’re my best friend. And…” He paused, his smile fading slightly. “I have a passion for this, too. My life would be dull if I wasn’t working on cartoons.”
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Ⓐ ( -coughs- Joey for anyone )
you already know this is gonna be for henry LOL
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours:
repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
     i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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