#✒️ask meme: answered
darlingace · 5 months
🦋 + 🍀 + 💬 for the polycule asks? :p ur choice!!
Thank you so much for the ask! 💙 As always, Ace and ‘Bo are my go-to’s (ft. Others) ❤️
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🦋 what are cuddling arrangements like? do they change frequently? who's most often the little spoon, middle spoon, and big spoon? do you have any f/os who are uncomfortable with that sort of thing?
Typically, Ace is sandwiched between us. The real pipin hot meat of it, if you will: not just because he’s attractive-hot, but because he’s literally hot, as a flame man. His big naturals also make nice pillows for Sabo and I, and he never complains about waking up with his limbs tingling, far too happy to feel so loved in this arrangement.
As for whether or not I have any f/os who don’t like that kind of thing… Dragon and Reiju aren’t really cuddlers. They’re kind of uncomfortable with it, Dragon because he’s awkward and Reiju because of the family she was raised in. If I ever wanna cuddle a daddy, I got Roger. Or Whitebeard if he’s not going to move whatsoever, otherwise he would squish me and I would die. Speaking of which, Ace sleeps on him like a cat a lot because Whitebeard makes him feel safe, it’s cute.
🍀 what do you love most about your polycule?
One of the things I love most is that we’re all mutually obsessed with each other. Some days you could even say Ace, Sabo, and I are attached at the hips. It’s like yandere-levels of obsessed.
💬 who suggested a polyamorous relationship first? who was the most hesitant about the idea and who was the most open?
Depends on the universe. In canon One Piece, Ace and I suggest it, as we were already in a several-year-long pre-established relationship, and Sabo was gone for 12 years. When we met him again after Dressrosa, we immediately realized we were missing a crucial part of our lives. So we asked him and he was incredibly taken by surprise: he loved us both deeply, but polygamy didn’t even cross his mind as being a possibility.
In a modern/normal AU, it’s Ace and Sabo that ask me, after telling them that I love them both equally and couldn’t choose between my two dearest brothers like that. Turns out, that was the exact answer they were hoping for.
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nyxinterstellar · 4 months
For the Ace Attorney Ask meme: 1 2 3 4 5! :D
"1. Favourite Attorney?"
mia fey :) she's a girlboss to me and i love her <3
"2. Favourite Prosecutor?"
godot B) he's a funny traumatized guy
"3. Favourite Assistant?"
maya or pearl fey! or maybe susato... I CAN'T DECIDE
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"4. Favourite Witness?"
"5. Favourite Culprit?"
aa2 spoilers
mimi ini miney, she's the aa culprit i sympathize with the most :(
ask game source here
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
Send a ☕ for our muses to visit a coffee shop together (jack and Katherine)
get coffee with katherine.
“You’re sure you want to get coffee?” Katherine asked, though they were already entering the cafe. “You work at a coffee shop so it wouldn’t be weird if you wanted to go somewhere else.” She smiled, looking over at him. She wouldn't say she was surprised when he said yes to a date, but she had slightly rethought asking him to a coffee shop.
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the-ninjago-historian · 3 months
Sorry for the radio silence. Life is... Well, you all know how it is sometimes. Lol.🤣
In other news, I have some Pixane fan kids I made and I'm making some new art for them soon! One of them has a very special backstory. I worked on him with my mom, so he had a lot of love poured into his development. He'll be part of another fanseason I'm working on called Ninjago: New Genesis. And I also have some draw the squad memes I wanted to try. So lots of new stuff is coming!
And don't worry about Ninjago: Into The Deep! I got some writers block. But it's slowly being chiseled away. I can't wait to share the first episode! If you want ask any questions about it, I'll be happy to answer! - ✒️🐉
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aroguishbard · 2 years
@sassinhawke said: ∗ 18﹕ sender comes to receiver after being injured .
The lives they led were dangerous. That was something Varric was always aware of, from the moment he'd met Hawke, angling to find partners for his damned brother's damned expedition.
Those years may have been behind them, but that didn't mean they'd stopped getting into shit.
Tonight, as a matter of fact, he was enjoying a drink at the Hanged Man, having just regaled some members of the city watch with one of his more baudy, colorful tales, putting words to parchment between pulls from his tankard. And at first, he didn't lift his head at the sound of footsteps approaching.
He knew Hawke's footfalls better than anyone these days.
"Tsk tsk, Hawke, you're a touch late for stories tonight. But I can always spare a drink for you-" He paused when he lifted his head, and his brow furrowed before he sat aside his drink and pulled himself up straight, using his limited leg reach to kick a chair out for her to drop herself into. "All right, Chuckles, let's hear it. Before I go dragging you off to Blondie, what the hell did you get yourself into this time?"
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Ayo what’s up? I’m Luci! Nice to meet you! I’m a hobbyist writer! ✍️
I used to make original Genshin Impact themed memes on my HoYoLAB, which you can DM me about if you’d like. (It’s a long story)
I used to occasionally crosspost some of my memes here, but now this blog is basically an archive of fanfiction that I’ve written. because I am an enabler to my own problems :D
I take requests~! Requests are currently: Closed until further notice
🖋✒️Luci’s Masterlist🖋✒️
I do NOT do commissions! I’m not very confident in my writings, so I will under NO circumstances, EVER request money or compensation for fulfilling a request!
Things I WILL write for:
General fluff, crackfics because I thrive off of inane bullshit, yandere/dark themes, platonic relationships, SAGAU, isekai AU
Things I was NOT write for:
NSFW, smut, anything other than platonic or sibling relationships with minors, generally just anything overly lewd imma have to decline sorry :|
I have some tags you can use for navigation!
luci writes - My works(Ik shocking right)
luci shares - reblogs that pertain to fandoms I write for!
luci rambles - Aka my random thoughts that I decide to make the internet’s problem! :)
luci’s assorted shenanigans - reblogs & threads of things I enjoyed that do not necessarily pertain to the fandoms I write for! Honestly this one is just vauge. 😅
luci answers - requests and asks will be marked with this tag!
The Awesome Anons (& refugees🥺):
♣️ Anon
Section Anon
Yokai Girl Anon
Snake Anon🐍
Fruit Anon
Wine Aunt Anon🍷✨
Collective Consciousness Anon
MI-DOR1 Anon
Rapid Anon
Bones Anon (Def toootally not nicebonescomrade)
The Beloved Mutuals:
The ✨legendary✨ @nicebonescomrade
The ⭐️epic⭐️ @bamboowritess
The 🌟incredible🌟 @lovelyy-moraxx
The 💗amazing💗 @ddarker-dreams (Lock is my senpai ngl)(lock deadass brought me to tumblr)
The ☀️astounding☀️ @gi-zxt
The 👏outstanding👏 @iamfriedpotato
The 🫶delightful🫶 @yintsukareta
The 🥰HoYoHomie🥰 @dunno-why-im-here-either (YuYu my beloved<3)
The 🥳HoYoBro🥳 @unknownperson-is-not-known (U.P my bby <3)
The 🌀HoYoUser_🌀 @sectionmoment(User_ my luv <3)
The 👑HoYoQueen👑 @alvedrea (Queenie ily <3)
The ⚡️majestic⚡️ @mari-san-cant
The 🍀glorious🍀 @samarill
The 🧸adored🧸 @genshrineimpact
The 🍃inspiring🍃 @anemoarchonhoe
The 🥳talented🥳 @intothegenshinworld
The Sacred Taglist:
The ✨legendary✨ @nicebonescomrade
The ⭐️epic⭐️ @bamboowritess
The 💫wonderful💫 @numwoon44
The 🎉fantastical🎉 @eccedentesiast-sapphic
The 🎊excellent🎊 @nookiesposts
The 💠spectacular💠 @rizakari
The 🎈awesome🎈 @emperatris-rinaka
The ✏️illustrious✏️ @imaginewriting
The 🍀glorious🍀 @samarill
The 🧸adored🧸 @genshrineimpact
The Slightly Less Sacred Then Came The Dawn Taglist:
Hmm? More about me? Well aren’t you the curious one. Alright then, I suppose I’ll give you a teeeeeny bit of info about me. I’m 20 years old, autistic, and absolutely loathe having to socialize in public. That’s all you’re getting for now heheh~!
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darlingace · 1 year
❤️ for your main three! -💙
thank you for the ask!
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I love Ace’s self-conscious charm. Sure, he’s confident enough in a battle and his abilities, but it’s himself that he’s unsure about. He’s very humble in that regard, and I love how genuine it makes him.
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For Sabo, I love how unhinged he is. Nothing like a pretty boy revolutionary who has a few screws loose and will use extreme violence against anyone who would bring harm to his comrades, and especially to anyone he loves personally (brocon alert, brocon alert).
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Shuraiya’s got Ace’s battle confidence but where Ace has a devil fruit, Shuraiya does not, and yet he still attacked DF user in the name of revenge. With a shovel. And he would have won if his opponent wasn’t a logia user. Even though the whole stunt was a suicide mission… but let’s not think about that part.
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nyxinterstellar · 4 months
19 and 51 for AA ask
"19. What do you think about the Ace Attorney Anime?"
i never watched it but it looks like a nice adaption, too bad it doesn't have a rise from the ashes episode :/
"51. Saddest moment?"
aa2, aa3, aai2 & tgaac spoilers
there are a lot... but the moments that stabbed me right in the gut were: 1. bridge to the turnabout's last trial, specially when maya started testifying (she deserves better ☹️) 2. phoenix's despair after matt revealed his true self and intentions (farawell my turnabout probably traumatized me a little) 3. amnesiac kay faraday (*sobs quietly*) and 4. susato mikotoba's farawell (*SOBS LOUDLY*)
yeah idk if these moments are sad for everyone but they were sad for me :,)
ask game source here
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darlingace · 1 year
Hi there! For the ask game, how about 9, 20 and 6 for Robin?
thank you for the ask! meme found here
6. Did you leave a good first impression on each other? What were your initial thoughts on each other?
While I haven’t figured out exactly when on the timeline we’d meet, I’d still say so. They at least weren’t negative, maybe neutral. We kind of clocked each other as the mature, quiet observers of our crews. It’s hard to miss her beauty though so I definitely noticed that. As per her usual interesting train of thought, I think one thing that stood out to her—which isn’t what people usual first notice—was the curly hair. Her exact first thought: “Looks like a sheep…” Which was supposed to be a positive thing.
9. Is there anything you’ve wanted to tell your F/O, but haven’t been able to for some reason?
Yes, actually, it was always a matter of timing, though. Even before Enies Lobby, I could tell something haunted her, even though she’s very good at the whole “mysterious and secretive” thing. I always wanted to bridge that gap, tell her I was there for her, but 1) it never felt like the right time and 2) how could I presume to know or understand her the depths of her pain? I felt it wasn’t my place. Then after Enies Lobby, she was happy, so I didn’t want to bring up old wounds. I just… hope she knows that I don’t think any differently of her nor do I judge her for her past affiliation with Crocodile, and that I’d like to be there for her.
20. What is your love language? What is your F/O’s love language?
While there’s the usual suspects of us both being “quality time” and “acts of service” love language users (and enjoyers), I want to bring up a more special love language: book sharing. There is something uniquely intimate about sharing one’s interests like that, swapping books and discussing them at length. Or, hell, even reading them together at the same time—either quietly sharing a book or reading aloud to each other—feels so intimate without being explicit.
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darlingace · 5 months
1, 4, 5
Thank you for the ask! Meme can be found here~
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1. Who fell for who first?
Ace fell in love first, it was hard not too when he was so starved for love and affection. He just didn’t know he did, since he was so young and had no reference for romantic love anywhere around him. He had to have an uncomfortable conversation with Makino about it, bless his heart
4. Do you choose to see yourselves as one type of relationship (ie familial or romantic) before the other? Or both? Why?
In our eyes, our love goes hand-in-hand. There is no “oh he’s my brother but we happen to be dating” or “oh he’s my boyfriend but also my brother”. In OUR experiences, “brother” basically equates to “boyfriend”. So I guess we’re both at the same time, neither label being diminished by the existence of the other: after all, none of us would ever shun the identity of brotherhood for the sake of being perceived solely as partners, because being brothers IS important to us.
5. Would you see other family members as a threat to your relationship? (Ex: “what if they cheat on me with our other sibling?”)
Wouldn’t ya know it, we’re all dating our family members on equal footing, so there’s not really room for feeling threatened by our other relationships! After all, it’s not cheating if literally everybody’s in a relationship. But, if we rewind the clock, yeah, there was a time where Ace and I were extremely insecure—not because of the actions of anyone else, but because that’s just in our character. Ace is worried that Luffy is more open, that Sabo is more put-together (I Have To Fucking Laugh), that I just deserve better; I’m worried that Ace just has a stronger bond with Sabo and Luffy, having shared the brotherly cups of sake with them and not me. Sabo and Luffy had their own doubts at first, but not so much as feeling threatened as it was “oh Ace and Lucis already have each other, I guess there’s no room for us” because they are kind of dense and also polyamorous relationships weren’t something on their radars as…even existing, really.
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darlingace · 5 months
how about 💞 and 🍀for the ask game you reblogged?
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💞 how big is your polycule / how many people are included in it?
Well………….. It’s quite big. At the heart of every relationship is Ace, Sabo, and I. We’re the heart of it. It’s always been us. From there, the next closest in the relationship are Luffy, Rouge, and Roger, and before we knew it, there was just more and more… it turns out that piracy and revolutions brings open-minded people together VERY closely.
🍀 what do you love most about your polycule?
Another thing I deeply love about our relationship, as mentioned above, is that it’s always been us. It’s like we were always meant to be together: proper soulmates, if you will. Everything else is fun, of course, born of mutual interest, and out feelings shouldn’t be discounted any. It’s just, there’s something special about what the three of us have.
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darlingace · 1 year
What’s an often overlooked or unknown trait about your F/O that you adore? What’s your special trait that they love?
- @chaos-event-horizon
thank you! meme found here
11. What’s an often overlooked or unknown trait about your F/O that you adore? What’s your special trait that they love?
He might be polite and have manners now but Ace is still a little shit. In the novels, when he first visited Fishmen Island, he’s ask the restaurant staff what sea creature they were a fishman of, and then proceed to order that exact fish as his meal.
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As for what he likes about me that might be considered “unique”, it’s all my flaws, strangely enough. My temper, my forgetfulness, my physical ailments. One, it makes him feel needed and relied on. Mostly though it’s just a nice reminder and assurance for him that I’m human. If I was perceived as “perfect” and “without flaws”, he’d think it was too good to be true. It would also serve as a constant reminder of his own flaws and really push at his insecurities. So he loves me not in spite of my imperfections but in part because of them.
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darlingace · 1 year
11. What’s an often overlooked or unknown trait about your F/O that you adore? What’s your special trait that they love? (For Robin)
thank you for the ask!!! meme found here
11. What’s an often overlooked or unknown trait about your F/O that you adore? What’s your special trait that they love?
She has a cute side!! She’s not very good at verbalizing it, and tends to say morbid thoughts out loud. She’s known for spooking the crew that way. However, in her head, it’s a different story!
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As for what she loves about me… I think a specific trait that comes to mind is that I’m easy to fluster. She loves to tease—not antagonistically, but playfully poking and prodding. It’s her way of flirting, not always blatant in her words but in her actions and expressions. Have mercy on my poor heart, Miss Robin!!! >///<
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darlingace · 1 year
❤️ for Ace?
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I know Narcolepsy isn’t quirky but I can’t help that I love that sleepy part of Ace, as I love everything about him. I just have to make sure he’s always by my side so I can help him during an episode to not crack his noggin open on anything, or face plant into his own food.
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