#✉️: palace letters
hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Hi hi! Koi here. I looked around your blogs for a while and noticed that you write about Tsumugi! I'm also a Tsumugi Stan! may I request a Tsumugi x gender-neutral reader where the reader has been over-working themselves and Tsumugi founds them working late at night with eye bags. Comfort and Fluff pls!! It's ok if you don't like this request, I'm really fine with it <3
༊*·˚ Tsumugi Aoba x Reader
Prompt: Comforting an overworked. Word Count: 714. Warning: N/A. Notes: SFW. Gender neutral reader. Established relationship. Message: This writing turned out to lack of something exceptional, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless ♡
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Tsumugi seemed to be in a very good mood, excitement was written on his face. A recent major event he handled was a big success, and he almost finished all the work he needed to. All of his hard work for the past few weeks resulted in enough time to unwind until the next stack of paperwork comes. Most importantly, he was looking forward to next day – a special day for you and Tsumugi.
Due to the sheer amount of work, you wouldn't say free time exists in your dictionary. Finding some time to spend together with Tsumugi is even more difficult. Because of that, both you and Tsumugi agreed to mark a day in the calendar. Meetings and everything else must not be scheduled at that day, where it's reserved only for the two of you. No work, no concern, only quality time together.
By the time he finished his tasks, it was almost midnight. You weren't answering his messages, so he thought you must had gone to sleep, but it's quite out of habit for you to not bid a good night first and it made him slightly worried. Nonetheless, he shook off the thought and decided to head back.
Only then he walked past your workspace, trace of lights seeping out from inside the room. Perhaps you forgot to turn off the lights, or you might not have gone to sleep after all. Either way, he made his way to knock at the door twice before opening it.
And there you were, still cooped up with with the papers. You looked up at the sound of your name. "Tsumugi!"
As he approached your desk, you stood up and enveloped him in a hug, burying your face in his chest. Tsumugi immediately wrapped his arms around you in response.
"[y/n]…" he tilted your chin up to have a better look at your face before stroking your cheek gently, right under your eye. "Did you not sleep again…?"
"Ah, this– I can cover it up with makeup later, so no need to worry!"
It was obvious that Tsumugi wasn't assured at all. You know he deeply cares about you, and it invoked a tiny twinge of guilt for making him worry.
"[y/n], we promised to spend today together, didn't we?"
"Yes, of course I remember. I'm sorry, what time would you like to meet up later?"
"I mean, it's past midnight already, and I want to spend this whole 24 hours with you. Let's head back together first, okay?"
Your eyes trailed to the clock in your desktop. Tsumugi was right, the date had already changed into a new day. You let out a sigh.
"I don't want our day to be disturbed, so I have to get everything done first. Besides, I'm not sure if I can just finish everything after… Ugh, this actually takes longer than I thought–"
You felt a tender kiss landed on your eye. While Tsumugi still found you beautiful, he's more concerned about your health. The dark circles under your eyes were solid proof of your lack of sleep. The remains of caffeinated beverages only served as further evidence of you staying up late for who knows how long already.
"Please don't overwork yourself like this. I'll help you with it later, it's okay to take a rest now."
You hesitated a bit before relenting to his touch the moment he brought his hand to your head, stroking it gently while combing through your hair. He left a mental note to offer you a light massage later.
Tsumugi felt you leaning towards himself a bit, your eyes closing as you muttered a small "okay…". He smiled in both relief and satisfaction as he pressed another kiss on your forehead.
Being enclosed in Tsumugi's warmth always felt comforting, enough to plunge you to such a peaceful and dreamy state. Needless to say, it's difficult to release yourself once you've gotten into his embrace.
Fortunately, he wouldn't mind even if you fall asleep right then and there. Even though he did have plans of how you were going to spend the day together, they were highly adjustable based on your preferences. In fact, now he decided to make sure you'll get a proper rest until you're completely refreshed…
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theroyalweekly · 4 months
✉️ The King has had a chance to read a wide selection of the thousands of Get Well cards and letters that have been sent to Buckingham Palace since his diagnosis.
🖋️ Thank you to all those who have written in.
- The Royal Family
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hoshi-tachimiya · 1 year
O-omg can you give me the handwriting source please 🌷✨️✨️
One of my references is here!
Everything is written in Japanese, however; so I needed to tweak some things myself to determine how the Latin alphabets will be written.
Tsumugi is one of the easiest to do because his signature is in Latin. Niki is quite tricky because I believe Crazy:B hasn't got a signed album CD just yet, so I had to resort to apply some things about graphology without contradicting with his signature.
There are also a lot of other things to consider, of course – slant, spacing, loops... But in the end, I just try to make everything look as natural as possible. (I hope it worked.)
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hoshi-tachimiya · 1 year
Am I able to ask for birthday wishes from certain characters?
Birthday wishes...? Of course, yes, except I still don't have a good grasp on what kind of wish you expect to receive. The form, to be exact. Just a few sentences of felicitation? A birthday scenario? A greeting card from the character, perhaps?
That aside, if you happen to be celebrating your birthday when you sent this... Happy belated birthday! I wish you all the best, may your steps lead to a successful life.
Warmest regards,
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hoshi-tachimiya · 1 year
hello! Ik it's been awhile but how are you? :D
Oh, hello! It's been some time, indeed, and I've been more confused than ever of how to answer that question. Let's just say I'm alive and well, despite of the disarray state my brain is in.
I like writing, but there are a lot of difficulties of merely pouring my thoughts and imaginations into words. It's even worse when it's something I can't visualize in my head. Unfortunately, I need to go through this process to be able to graduate.
Also, it feels like there's so much to do, but so little time... I'm sure many people relate to this. I have a few brilliant ideas for some more writings, but incorporating the time to actually write them to my daily life is proven to be difficult.
Thank you for visiting here again, though! I hope you're good and healthy as well.
Warmest regards,
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hoshi-tachimiya · 1 year
Ph my god Hoshi thank you so much for the Christmas Event req I am so happy giddy giddy I'm doing a little shimmy right now 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Oh thank you so much for illustrating and writing out the replies as well 😭😭😭 I love you so much I loved that so much I'm so happy UWAAAAAAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭
Also your handwriting is so cute honestly and it looks a lot like his as well it was so perfect 😭😭😭 Me and my chaotic writing could never
The spacing was so consistent! The letters looked as if they were typed out instead of handwritten uwaaaa
...ah, whatever you mean by that?
It's Tsumugi's handwriting of course, not exactly mine (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡ ) His handwriting is neat and very round (yes, it's canon. I have sources.), to the point that a formal letter would still look cute instead of rigid.
That aside, I am very, very glad to know that you liked my service! I was anxious that the result would be a massive failure, haha. I'm having fun writing in such a unique manner, but it's far better when I can spread happiness at the same time!
Thank you so much, again, for sending in the gift plan and for the feedback. It means a lot to me ( ˶ˊᵕˋ˵) Have a good day, anon!
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Hi! May I ask how many characters is the limit for a headcanon prompt? I'd definitely love to request you something!
Ah, to be frank, I don't set any limit. I don't know if people would like to request twelve characters at a time, but even if someone were to, I'll split it into a few parts by grouping them either by unit or randomly. In fact, that's how I'm working on the Christmas headcanons.
So, feel free to request all your beloved characters.
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Somehow, somehow I'm turning my own life into an angst. Let me just pull out a "As long as he's happy, I'm happy" card real quick
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
[prev anon!] Something more 'extreme'...? Hmm, it makes me curious, I really wonder about it. But if you're thinking about writing the letters by yourself (no fonts), I think that's a good option too! This is your event, so what you do in the end is really up to your heart's content~ It's okay to try new things, if that's what you are hoping to do!
Well, to be frank... It is supposed to make you curious, Anon. Please do look forward to it, I intend to make something that will brighten your Christmas. After all, this event is dedicated to you and everyone else...
Thank you for your kind words, again ♡
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Hi Hoshi! I love the idea of their letters having their handwriting. After all, it just makes complete sense and adds some excitement to those who awaits their letters. Please consider doing so!! You have a lot of fonts to be your assistants in writing them. I really hope your blog and writing would get more attention and promotion, given the enstars writing blog network launching too 💖 Happy Sunday!
Anon, anon. It did occur in my mind to use fonts, yes, but as you said, they do no more than assissting me in writing the letters, if that's what you mean. In other words, I intend to do something more... extreme, I'd say, than just typing in different fonts.
Also, that's... very sweet of you to say. You have my heartfelt gratitude, I will certainly strive to always deliver the best works for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you very much for dropping by, as always ♡
Sweet regards,
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
I wanna send a req for the christmas event but I dont know how I'll write it 😭 do you mind writing an example of it,,
Of course!
Let's say... I'm getting Hajime a white bunny hoodie, the one that might look like a bit oversized for him. The material is very soft and fluffy, plus it's very warm to wear. The drawstring has pompom attached to each end. To make it special, I'll add an embroidery patch of a bunny face.
As for how I'll give it... well, I think Ra*bits would like to have an outing together near Christmas. I'll put the hoodie in a flat box and wrap it nicely in sky blue and white polkadot wrapping paper, before handing it to him.
In general, you can just describe the gift in five senses way, or at least sense of sight and touch for most items.
You don't need to be as detailed as I did, but it will help a lot if you can picture the item you will be giving.
Hope this helps!
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Most pleasant day! I have not come to request, but well, I just became curious upon seeing your account and I have a few things that I would like you to know. I appreciate your writing, it is as good as a perfectly prepared midday snack to be craved for. Additionally, I cannot deny the huge Yuzuru vibes coming off from you (*´艸`) It's really amazing, since carefully picking out formal yet polite words are quite the trouble for most times. Take care ♪
Anon, anon. Please, it's my pleasure – feedbacks are valuable when it comes to art, yes. This blog also hadn't had any asks before, so I'd like to thank you, very much, for dropping by.
I'll let you know that I'm very, extremely delighted to hear that. I hope you and everyone else will continue to enjoy my writings.
Well then, I bid you good day!
Warmest regards,
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
✧ Tags Masterlist ✧
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🧁: sweet - fluff 🍇: dry - crack 🍊: sour - hurt/comfort ☕️: bitter - angst
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📜: palace scriptures - writings and other works 🔔: palace notice - announcements 🔁: palace reblogs - reblog posts 🔁: internal reblogs - self-reblogs ✉️: palace letters - replies to any inbox messages 💬: palace chatter - talks and commentaries
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