#♕. ᶦⁿ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ.
englaiand · 1 year
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@islandiis asked: ❛ why are you really here? ❜
SILENCE MATCHED THE CURIOSITY. Emerald hues busied themselves with watching people pass by; her tea long cold in the mug in the midst of the mental escape Annelise had allowed herself.
❝ I just.. wanted to escape.❞ Genuine honesty was beyond Annelise; but the way she could barely bring herself to glance towards Fannar, said more than she would openly admit. It was difficult to disappear in Europe; too many faces that looked so familiar & being suffocated by the closure of it all was irritating.
❝I’m sorry for being a burden, that was not meant to be my intention..❞
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englaiand · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: Which member(s) of your family would you never invite over for a visit? Not necessarily because you don't like them (though that may be why), but just, who do you never want hanging out in your house?
SUFFICE TO SAY, THE IDEA OF having immediate family in her space was undoubtedly uncomfortable. It wasn’t that she necessarily hated her brothers or anyone she considered family - but the years had definitely not been kind. Old wounds that will never heal & Annelise would rather choke than ever say that she was wrong.
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❝ Alba..I can’t read him.❞ North & Ireland were easy, their hatred & disdain for her were easy to pick out. Wales was aloof but harmless for the most part, but the eldest? Annelise could never depict what was going on in that head of his. ❝ I avoid him when I can.❞
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englaiand · 1 year
it's finally spring & you know what that means?
annelise's flat is becoming a greenhouse.
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englaiand · 1 year
@shanghuuo​ has requested an audience.
HEAD FORWARD, locks of fire quick to drape down pale shoulders at the sudden movement as what could have been a sneeze left her. A performance Annelise has only saved for the occasion of unwanted visitors. Not that she inheritedly disliked Longwei, but rather enjoyed getting under the Dragon's scales.
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❝ Pardon me, ❞ A subtle sniffle, her hand raking the unbothered curls back into place. ❝ I thought I smelt a snake.~❞
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englaiand · 1 year
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@the--emerald--isle​: ❝ what the fuck did ye do? ❞
COULD IT BE PURELY OUT OF SPITE that no one within her immediate family felt the need to properly knock when making their arrival known? Suppose that’s the price to pay when it comes to having brothers, no sense of privacy amongst them. Commonly their unwarranted arrival would have been met with an empty home, the hostess miles away in another country but in such short notice it was difficult to manage, as hard as she tried.
❝ Recently? Nothing, Lord knows you will find something I’m at fault for.❞ A soft huff came her reply, hands busying themselves with preparing tea. Always such a pleasure to see family.. except when it came to Annelise’s rather turbulent relationship with the ones who practically raised her. ❝ Is it just you today? I don’t know if I can handle the other two at this moment.❞
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englaiand · 1 year
@islandiis​ requested an audience.
HERMITED by the coming decades, allowing one to invade the privacy of her home was almost unheard of. Most were unfortunate enough to be cast out before they dared step foot past her doorway where others never received the pleasure of having Annelise open said door. Fannar had been a rare exception to the cause.
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❝ It's almost unlike you to drop by without prior notice.❞ An obvious statement, but rather of concern considering their rather turbulent history. Of all the people Fannar could have run to, Annelise shouldn't have been on the list. ❝ Hoping to get away for a little while? ❞
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englaiand · 1 year
@frestoniia​ requested an audience.
MATERNAL INSTINCTS had never been particularly routine within the ancient, long deceased & rotting. The territories of her own occupancies? Acquired a rather... different approach rather than the ones who were beyond the span of ocean. They were of utmost importance ; after all they all represented her in some way or another. Should one faulter, then the rest would no doubt follow suit - and we cannot have that, now, can we?
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❝ You'll catch your death in cold should you continue coming out without bundling. ❞ Weather can change so frantically ; London skies were a magnet for dreadful overhead. Upon his shoulders, Annelise would place a jacket to keep the elements at bay, should he wear it was Craig's discretion, but the gesture itself was merely a formality of being cautious with a sprinkle of care.
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englaiand · 2 years
MEDDLING IN THE affairs of other nations weren't quite part of Annelise's forte when met. To place proper blame could be bestowed upon the mothering role she had taken among many undiscovered lands, ripe for the picking. The weight of storm clouds loomed ahead, a worrying omen and judging by Vlad's absent gaze and lack of proper response time, it got one thinking something might be amiss.
❝You seem troubled, love.❞ An obvious statement, taking her offered seat across from him. ❝ What's doing your head in, if you don't mind my asking. ❞
@coltii-romanesti from x
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englaiand · 1 year
likes being called mommy in bed
make assumptions about annelise.
❝ You're absolutely disgusting. ❞
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englaiand · 1 year
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@exmunicipalisvincit​ said: ❛ i guess it runs in the family, huh? ❜
HUMMING LOW TO A STEADY MELODY the song unimportant & left almost entirely to blend into the background, a delicate hand tending to the unlooked buds, far too shy to show their wondrous beauty despite the sun that attempted to coax their secrets free.
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❝ I’m afraid if you want a clear answer, you’ll have to be more specific, my dear.❞ Not that she was opposed of visitors while she busied herself with the growth of her botanical family, but the weight of the words heavy upon the former glory’s shoulders were weighing down. One can only pretend for so long, after all.
❝ Unfortunately, in this family, we are more alike than we’d like to admit.❞ Children never were satisfied with vague answers. Always asking questions they didn’t need answers for & asking the dreaded ‘why’. Nothing was ever easy when dealing with children, but Annelise was willing to humour her, if only for now.
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englaiand · 1 year
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@paperworkanddogs​ said: “ stop brushing me off. i know something is going on. ”
CLENCHED TEETH behind lips pulled straight into a line, unbreakable. Perhaps a shift in temperature, or simply Annelise growing hotter with the burning rage that fueled ancient blood. How dare he, a child still confront her about her emotional blockade that stood tall & strong for centuries?! So composed, so proper, Annelise had been oh so careful about how her emotions were perceived & maintain control.
❝ I believe you must have trouble hearing, ❞ Words hissed through teeth unmoving, venom seething from the gems that made the colour of her eyes, almost dangerous as they focused upon the unfortunate target of her momentary rage.
❝ But I am quite fine. I do not aquire your assistance. ❞
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englaiand · 1 year
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@perikallis​ said: “ why do you keep lying to me like i don’t know every time you try it? ”
LYING HAD BECOME easier the longer she had pieced together charades of intricate webs. Never did she initially intend for her lies to harm others ; more shadow the truths to make it easier to digest later should the cracks become too large to handle the burden.
Of course it was only a matter of time before the lies would become evident, clear on an expression stoic & hardened from decades of needless arguments. ❝ If you've known of my lying, why call it to light now? ❞ Annelise had no intention to deny her obvious habit, a trait learned from brothers whom she could no longer depend on, to become strong was to accept bitter realities but never did she wish to be usupered by the pawns in her game.
❝ Or have you simply been buying time until you had the courage to? ❞ Their relationship had always been rather.. complicated. Knuckles itched for the sensation of another trivial conflict but remained dormant, knowing full well the fight had long perished & never necessary. Annelise had always been a liar, that she would never deny but to be confronted left a bitter taste upon her tongue.
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❝ If I told you the truth, what would it change? ❞ Nothing. It would change nothing, but there were always the hopes of resolution. Something she had long allowed to die.
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englaiand · 1 year
What a great day to not be France.
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englaiand · 1 year
@vanligjatte has requested an audience.
COMPARED TO ENGLAND, the weather had never been this drastically cold. The holidays up north were always a wonderous sight, despite Annelise's disdain for the season but the sight of the lights & decorations spewed about made those feelings melt if only temporarily.
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❝ You really go all out for the season, huh? ❞ A smile perked on rosy lips, emeralds catching the glimpses of twinkling Christmas lights that hung above head. ❝ I can almost see why you love it so much.❞
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englaiand · 1 year
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@frestoniia said: stop - muse a holds muse b back from walking back out into the fray.
PATIENCE WAS such a fleeting being ; not that Annelise has much to claim with the rise of each dawn. Centuries of dealing with impudent little children who bickered && shouted, throwing their tantrums the like had grown tiring after a short while. Venom peered, unimpressed with the lack of proper etiquette of behaviour - alas such would simply be tossed out the window in the face of stubbornness.
Carefully did Annelise dare to reach forward, quite unlady-like but when dealing with children, one cannot afford to be gentle. Delicate fingertips, roughened by years of handling gripping the back of Craig's shirt, preventing him from continuing on this tiring effort that seemed so fruitless.
❝ That seems quite enough, don't you think? ❞ A tone, not unlike one she would use to affirm dominance && power upon her failures. ❝ There is little to gain from acting out. ❞
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englaiand · 2 years
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@ehrendame​ said: “ why should i trust you? ”
SHOULD ANYONE understand the value of trust, it should have been them. Alone in the world with only themselves to rely on for the sense of belonging && community - what should be a comfort led to difference of opinions in regards to whom trust could be placed to. Even the Devil was a cunning liar, && whatever God or Gods existed in this world knew they were the worst offenders of decieving.
❝ You don't have to trust me at all if that is what you choose. ❞ The redhead offered a simple shrug. ❝ It's just a bit of.. friendly advice. ❞
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