#☓ ― ❝тнe pυppeт мaѕтer.❞ ‹ Out of character ✯ ›
rubiakxma · 3 years
hi all! still alive, just be vibing over on @kiraisei, @heroiicmonarch, and @vindictiime.<3
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rubiakxma · 4 years
like for a short starter! Mutuals only, expect delays (im doing icons)
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rubiakxma · 4 years
please give this a  ♥ if you want to be on the relationship page
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rubiakxma · 4 years
i think team hot topic need to band together to take down all the gremlins.
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rubiakxma · 4 years
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rubiakxma · 4 years
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bitch made a round gif
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rubiakxma · 4 years
negative under cut. mun ramble.
i know i can be a little annoying sometimes. i know i spam likes sometimes. i know i interact with a lot of posts. please. please. PLEASE. tell me if i ever annoy you, okay? just message me privately. i become overly attached to people and i have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. i try to be like others because sometimes i dont like who i am myself. i know it gets annoying and im sorry for that, but please tell me if im bugging you. its not intentional, i swear. i also just have a lot of love to give to people i care about or people who interest me and sometimes it pushes them away from me. this is random but im very stuck in my head today. ily all. have a good day
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rubiakxma · 4 years
So last night, I did a bit of research and studying and developed a headcanon to kind of go with the phantom ruby.
So while the ruby itself doesn’t have any physical weaknesses and pretty much counteracts the chaos emeralds I looked more into it and realize, the gem itself is powerful but the person underneath isn’t directly. They are stronger due to the gems power but inside they are still technically mortal. So while you can’t really fight the gem itself, you really have to fight the person in possession of the gem, which inherently is difficult.
Physical attacks are really your best bet from what I’ve seen. Which makes me wonder if in a sense guns and knifes would work in accordance. If they don’t get a second to protect themselves they could be at the mercy of any sort of melee form whether its a punch, a kick, or a weapon. Disorientating them is probably your best bet because AGAIN from what I’ve seen and read slightly, the ruby works with the mind. So if they are disoriented, they can’t use it to its full extent and that gives some openings.
This is all theory based in a way or based off of the little of forces I know and seen. Opinions?
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rubiakxma · 4 years
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My sims 4 Amy Rose is adorable and I love her.
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rubiakxma · 4 years
Shadow Headcanons - d/nt r/blog
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Headcanons are under read more for triggers and length. Please read tw in tags before continuing. Thank you.<3
Ruby’s attire of choice is as depicted above, to give him a bit of difference from his alternates. He does have the hover shoes and he does wear them sometimes, but this is his main outfit/attire. He typically wears a light grey hooded sweatshirt and a dark grey/black leather jacket over top. He wears knee high brown boots and he does have wrist inhibitors you just can’t see them through the jacket. Almost every interaction with Ruby, he will be in this attire unless stated otherwise. He prefers this as it covers not only scars but because its comfortable and he likes it for decency reasons. This art was made by @spiritwinding​.<3
Ruby has a nick in left ear from a bullet wound caused by an alternate. Its very small, but noticeable. He bares 36 in total scars across his arms that were caused by himself. He also has a stab wound on the right side of his chest. It is buried under fur and hard to see when he isn’t wearing his jackets.
Ruby can run sonic speed, without the hover boots (hence why he wears the brown boots). The hover boots help for smoother movement and easier gliding/drifting. But he can move super speeds on his own without the need of the hover shoes. He likes the boots though because they are lighter, even if he lacks a little more control.
Ruby has a soft spot for animals. He doesn’t really outright show this, but he’d save a bug and put it outside before smashing it or letting other’s smash it. He’s the type to rescue cats from trees or free turtles from netting. His soft spot for animals comes from Maria. She use to talk about animals on the ark all the time and he’s forever since wanted to protect them.
He does NOT require a chaos emerald to perform chaos control/chaos blast/chaos spears or anything chaos related not tied to his super form. I know this headcanon is funky because canon wise the writers say chaos energy can’t be used without a chaos energy but then a lot of Sonic games prove this wrong (at least from whats i’ve seen) Shadow is made with chaos energy so I believe in the beginning yeah, he struggled without it but now he is well adverse in how to control his abilities.
Ruby is well versed in piano playing along with the bass. Though, you will never catch him playing either. He also keeps a collection of old records that he has found through the years and he likes to listen to them on very rare occasions.
He cannot sing very well at all. His voice isn’t bad, he just doesn’t do it enough to really be comfortable or know how to breathe properly doing it. Again, not that you would ever see/hear him sing in your lifetime. 
The Black Arms blood can be extremely weird at times. He’s immune to all illness and disease, as well as the effects of alcohol and drugs. He typically cannot develop infections or anything. The only thing that can counter this is: A.) If he obtains a lot of deep/serious injuries that require a lot of healing. His blood can become overwhelmed and overworked and either slow or pretty much stop which is when he can get sick/develop infections. To avoid infections, his body will go into deep sleep to regain itself. He still feels pain and can take either as long or longer then a normal mobian to heal if his body is completely overworked and B.) Mephiles blood can potentially damage the black arms blood cells if not completely wipe them out and pretty much null their immuno possibilities.
His favorite food is cheesecake and he typically drinks black coffee or chamomile tea with a hint of lemon. He will not drink soda nor alcohol. He knows they won’t do anything to him, he’s just not interested in them. Regular style cheesecake is his absolute favorite thing. 
Ruby is atheist. He does not believe in a higher power nor would he worship it. He sees no purpose in it and considers it a waste of time. (Again mun =/= muse do NOT send hate) This comes from he looks at the view of the horrible things worlds go through (i.e black arms attacking, 06, the world splitting apart, the war) and doesn’t see how a higher power could do such heinous acts. But also - Mephiles is a deity and NO.
Ruby has NEVER until recently been exposed to the phantom ruby. His world died during 06. Therefore everything after never happened. He knows about it a little bit from Spirit, but he is unaware of its capabilities and strengths. He only knew about the Gaia’s because he reads a LOT and read the manuscripts.
In his free time, Ruby will read. He basically has a library of books in his cabin and if hes not interested in being social he will read. He reads anything from fiction, to text books, to even romance novels. Its more so for just reading everything, but he secretly likes romance b ut hes taking that to the grave with him lol.
He likes to be clean: Ruby is not a fan of being dirty. He doesn’t like being muddy, soaked, covered in dirt, dust, ash, etc. He hates it. He hates feeling grimy and will attempt to shower at the first feeling of dirt. 
He doesn’t require sleep/eating/water as he is a genetic hybrid. He doesn’t need it, but will indulge. Just because he doesn’t need to sleep, doesn’t mean he can’t feel tired. He doesn’t have to sleep, but if hes bored enough or hes been all over the place he might sleep. And when he does sleep, he is very CALM. He doesn’t toss or turn really. He typically sleeps on his back with one hand behind his head, one rested at his side with his legs straight out (maybe slightly bent) or he sleeps on his stomach with his hands under his head and his one leg bent up over a pillow. He doesn’t snore and typically he wakes up in the same position he woke up in. 
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rubiakxma · 4 years
˜”*°•Updated the rules page. All tabs under rules were tweaked and updated as they were out of date. Please be sure to read. It is a pop-up page so no link is provided.
˜”*°•Relationship page was updated. Both @somewhereinchaos and @chaosbcund were added. @spiritwinding was updated. I still have likes by others to be on it, but until there is more to add they will be postponed for now.
˜”*°• Updated his about page (mostly under miscellaneous) added about his black arms blood and immunities. Updated scars under distinguishing marks.
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rubiakxma · 4 years
I appreciate all the follows and love on here, but for now i am going to be putting Ruby on hiatus. the reason being, i love Ruby so much. hes my baby and i love writing him, but i have so many plots to do with him and with my lovely rp partner @spiritwinding not being on right now, i just dont have it in me to write him because of the fact he is so closely paired to Spirit. so for now, i will be putting him on a hiatus and i will come back to his blog eventually. i appreciate anyone who is interested, but if you want to find me right now i will be at @vindictiime or @fxctitious. thank you!
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rubiakxma · 4 years
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i just read this short comic on pinterest about shadow and it struck something with me in regards to Ruby’s deceased Sonic. His Sonic means the absolute world to him and for years he only stayed alive in regards to his Sonic’s memory. Ruby typically tries to pass of that he doesn’t care and that he’s dead and to let him go (depending on the audience) but the truth is: he hurts over his Sonic’s memory.
AND HE IS PROTECTIVE. If you bad mouth his Sonic, trash his life or threaten his memory in anyway Ruby will not hesitate to attack and could potentially even try to kill over it. It is his absolute trigger and he won’t feel bad for what happens if you trash his memory. the entire reason he has a nic in his ear is because an alternate took the locket (that was his sonics) and threatened to break it and or leave with it and he shot at that alternate first.
I havent gotten to really play this into rp, but I would love to one day. He’d lose his mind if someone trashed his Sonic. And it explains slightly why he feels that same feeling with Spirit. Spirit’s the closest resemblance to his Sonic personality wise and he feels attacked to Spirit in the sense he’d defend him and fight people for him despite not needing too.
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rubiakxma · 4 years
my editable reblogs work here >:)
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rubiakxma · 4 years
Good morning I love you all. I will be on here in a little bit.
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rubiakxma · 4 years
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I am A going to bEd.
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