#▓ ▌❛ ⋯ SAVED 📨 ◢  amongst the book collection!!
unladylikc · 2 years
Hello, Vivi-mun! I just wanted to say that though we don't interact as much as I'd like to ( blame my fickle muses aaa ), your presence on the dash is deeply comforting, and I adore that you're still so dedicated to Vivian despite Tumblr's shitty tendency to not interact with you. Your hard work with this character is seen and appreciated, and being able to see her is certainly a treat! 💛
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               UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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( ahdjksahdkshaj THANK YOU FOR SAYING SO, KILLJOY... i honestly try not to let the lack of asks or interactions get me down that much, but there are times where i admittedly doubt or second guess myself.
like, ‘do people REALLY enjoy interacting with me or do they do only so out of politeness because vivi happens to be a female oc?’ and ‘is my way of portraying her autism too much, that it drives other people away?’ therefore, i really appreciate the kind words... especially after i spent years on this hellsite, being backstabbed, ignored, and misunderstood by the rpc, to the point where i think i’m now EFFECTIVELY traumatized, because people often never tell me upfront if i annoyed them or just refrain from communicating with me altogether.
ofc, you won’t see me being active for long considering i’m still planning on going on another indefinite hiatus after april 20 due to autistic burnout, but from now on... every time i revert back to thinking negative thoughts regarding vivian, i will look back at this ask and remember that someone i wholeheartedly respect finds my posts/content comforting. )
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unladylikc · 3 years
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「 @s-talking​​ 」 — writes:
💝☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆💝 // i know i'm awol like 99% of the time due to rough couple of months, but just know that i really do appreciate you & your girl. ~
always accepting → unprompted !!
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( adsahdgsahjdgjhsa THANK YOU! i’m honestly overjoyed to hear i’m one of your favourite blogs because nowadays, i rarely owe drafts on here and lack the motivation to really be on tumblr. it’s essentially why i’m just playing granblue fantasy most of the time. but dw, i totally understand real life tends to be a bitch, so i’ll never hold it against you for being busy! i myself tend to occasionally disappear; therefore, i totally get it and cherish the times whenever you ARE online. )
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