#← emoji. THIS TOOK SO LONG DEAR LORD my wifi is dogshit btw i hope it'll post right and not the ten million other drafted ways.. (— — ;)
uzaydenizanasi · 1 month
UUNMMMMMM uuuuuhhhhhhhhh Saihara . OR. raskolnikov. OR. idk. ranpo
you can't possibly expect me to be normal at the mention of saihara shuichi himself (_ _ ;)
My first impression
i'm gonna be fr the only thing i knew abt drv3 before playing it was the kokichi hate so the first time i saw him was. in the game. regrettably (bc i didn't get to form an opinion based off of the fandom but that might've been for the best. come to think of it) anyway i vividly remember tweeting a picture of him (during ch1. with the hat and all) captioned w something like "i want you" . so i think that explains it🚶
My impression now
I'm not as ill about him as i was before (mostly bc my dr hyperfix died and got replaced with chscr <\3) but he does things to me occasionally still. i guess it's fairly similar to my impression of him at the start? i mean obviously as the game progressed he changed in ways big or small but nothing much changed for me specifically. aside from not expecting the hyperfixation post introduction i kind of knew i would like him lots.. i've always liked detective characters i fear and his personality Not being a stuck up arrogant little shit as usually seen in popular detective media (coughs ******** ****** and his variants) surprised me but it did intrigue me further. anyway. tldr i fw him heavily
Favorite thing about that character
ohhh hm. i can't really choose but i think i would have to say his voice/VA (← gay ass thing to say) or his personality (← even gayer thing to say) joke answer: eyelashes 🤤
Least favorite thing
can i say nothing. like to be completely honest i don't. dislike anything about him? Aside from if kodaka wrote anything dogshit abt him (like the Imagery of kokichi's costume and whatnot. bc i genuinely cannot remember rn) there isn't anything probably orz
Favorite line/scene
CHAPTER SIX TRIAL i actually didn't play that far. i got spoiled halfway through ch3 and the disease got me etc BUT THE TRIAL ^_^ also the ch4 kokichi thing. smiles
Favorite interaction that character has with another
oughgh.. i really like this scene it lowkey made me cry 👍
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also. yeah. mistranslation or not it's stuck in my brain forever srry
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A character that I wish that character would interact with more
RYOMA!!!!!!!!!!! there's. not actually a deep thought behind this i just think they should be friends. also ryoma makes me ill. <\3 (if you thought i was gonna say kokichi, WRONG! they interacted enough. even more and i will kill myself on national television)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
. now if i say xiao from gnshn i think you will actually find me and kill me in my sleep so i'm not saying him (but i am also not Not saying him. srry) sunny omori maybe. or charles eyler helchar. TRANSGENDERISM fire font among. other things.
A headcanon about that character
gayyyyy 🫵 in all seriousness i cannot see him liking men or women depending on yuor gender hc (i know you fw transfem shuichi i agree with that. i also agree w tmasc shuichi so my point is i don't rlly think he's bi. lesbianism be upon ye idiot)
A song that reminds me of that character
:^) this one
An unpopular opinion about that character
ummm okay i think. i see all that stuff abt him loving coffee and. like okaaaay Sure he'll drink it to stay awake & whatever but i don't think he actually enjoys the taste of it. he's more of a tea person to me☝️obviously he doesn't have a sweet tooth but i don't think he's gonna enjoy six black coffees at fuckass o'clock in the morning ☠️ also i don't think he would be alt. both his music taste and clothing style he's just Not i fear
Favorite picture
you get two! bcoz of Reasons
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