#‘talking to a wall’ AHHAHAHAHAH
housewifebuck · 9 months
Hi hello hiii I NEED a gif set please of eddie with women vs eddie with buck. You know, panicking at the thought of being a family vs being one, failing vs flirting, talking to a wall vs THAT chemistry, not trusting vs giving his life and kid
HIII i actually already have smth very similar on my list heheheeh
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dangermousie · 3 years
CFC 110
1. HY finally got XQC to stop smoking for a second! It’s only one cigarette and it’s only a delay for XQC but still, I will take anything!
2. XQC being surprised HY cares about XX but HY does. There is “something” in XQC’s gaze and HY is not looking at him so he doesn’t notice but I do and am trying not to scream! It’s so clear XQC feels something for HY beyond indifference and even beyond his rightful anger at HY’s past behavior, despite how he tries to suppress it; but he’s so good at pushing that down it only escapes in those little moments.
3. HY thinking that he wants to help XX because she’s XQC’s sister and what a reversal from the beginning of the novel! But then the more we read, the clearer it becomes it was always XQC and XX was just a safe deflection.
4. HY going mad in the small car, wanting to kiss and more with XQC and doing everything to refrain - yes yes GROWTH. I love this so much because you can tell he’s dying for want of XQC but he’s finally learning to have his conscience control things not his id.
5. XQC is so oblivious and is all “wtf is he all over the place” ahahaha and then declares he will go home and take a cab and HY is almost crying (that’s the scene Meatbun posted way earlier) but yeah XQC is back to his “I don’t owe anyone for anything” mentality and HY can’t cope - he literally starts digging out change to give XQC for the taxi. (Earlier, when he opened the window to cool down but it’s freezing and XQC closes it and gets even closer to him in the process and HY is all !!! and starts yelling something like “I am 20, I am hot, so?!” to deflect is hilarious.)
6. It escalates and I am laughing because XQC won’t take the money so HY hops out of the car and tells him to take HY’s car and HY will take the taxi home ahahahahah and then leaving the boggled XQC in the car he walks off, gets mad, throws a rock at his fancy car and when XQC is all “I can’t afford to pay for the car damage” and gets out, he gets even more hopping mad. XQC says I will take the taxi and HY then takes his coat off and throws it at him and XQC by now is clearly thinking HY has lost his mind but no, he just wants XQC to take his help somehow, to let HY take care of him somehow and AWWWW.
7. XQC: “what if I sell the coat?” ahahahaha and HY says “sell it!” and now I am imagining XQC running a thriving business selling HY’s cast offs. But poor HY is shivering because he’s freezing and XQC feels sorry and gives him back his coat and seriously they are utter CHILDREN! Yes, even the 32 year old.
8. The references to XQC’s poor health continue. Like how in his current condition he can’t fight with HY tho he could have defeated him back then. And it can’t be RN13 he took as a 14 year old because the other meds he took later restored him back to prior physical peak. I am officially freaking out.
9. HY finally loses it and drags XQC to a hotel and the clerk is all ???!!!
10. HY subconsciously hopes for a repeat of NYE because last time XQC was upset they had epic sex and now XQC is upset (over informer dying) maybe he will get a repeat? But clearly not, that NYE freaked out XQC so much over his capacity to let go and enjoy himself, he’s locked himself up thrice as tight. But also I love that even after realizing his feelings, HY has moments of backsliding. It’s hard to change right away.
11. But he IS changing and learning, because instead of molesting or even kissing XQC, he just hits the wall next to him with his head (!!!! talk about escalating kabedon!) and leaves.
12. That poor clerk! XQC chases after HY with HY’s coat (and gets annoyed HY paid. Get used to it, XQC, HY will actually not let you take care of everything, he’s the only one) and the clerk’s fantasy goes from “young kid didn’t last long and ditched” to “daddy is banging a college student but didn’t last long” ahhahahahah. This scene is such a mirror to the check out scene in the club - in the misunderstanding of the staff, it’s the same, but the feelings between the two, what actually happened (or did not), is so different.
13. He Yu finally gets his hands on XQC, pushed past all endurance in the car and what does he do first? He strokes his eyebrows and forehead with a trembling hand. I love this so! It mirrors him doing it so to the photo earlier, but also it’s all tenderness and so much longing and just so different from past encounters both in nature but also in how HY approaches it and what he feels.
14. And XQC turns his face away because he can’t face HY’s eyes but HY turns him back and he sees something in his eyes and KISSES HIM AND I AM DYING!!!!!
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