#ห—หห‹โ”Š๐Ÿ“• * ( ๐†๐‹๐€๐ƒ๐ˆ๐Ž๐‹๐”๐’ โ” &&. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐œ๐ซ๐ฒ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ข๐œ ร— )
jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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The Jardin Commanders during a Mission Mayflower: Donโ€™t do anything Stupid Mallowย  ย  &&.ย  ย  Gladiolus, the leaders: About to do something stupid
Me @ Alice: Iโ€™ve seen this one i/dv mmd on twitter and I canโ€™t stop imagining Mallow and Gladiolus doing the dance after probably soloing an army of verfallen together.ย  Also Me, proceeds to learn basic mmd to do the shitpost:ย 
The things I do for this series. Laniaturas are pro dancers.ย  I used models of their faceclaim/fit their faceclaim.ย 
YT Ver: ( x )
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jardaddy-a ยท 1 year
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GLADIOLUS JARDIN OFFICIAL REFERENCE . Miss Karma studies forensics and dates her ghost girlfriend , she's a little nuts but she's a loyal friend and will vibe check all the freaks bothering your life .
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jardaddy-a ยท 1 year
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ย  ย  ย  ย  โ” PATH TO NOWHERE VERSE : Gladiolus
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Basic Information:
Name: Gladiolus "Lady Karma" ( MBCC-S-425 )
Birthplace: Eastside
Date of Birth: October 24
Type: Fury ( Core Breaker ) โ” Required to Physically attack enemies to boost her Energy Gauge .
Alignment: Anger
Ability: Fog of Retribution
Case: The Karmatic Exposรฉ
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ย  ย  ย  ย โ” CRIMINAL RECORD:
Subject Gladiolus is a former member of the Natura , a third-party organization that deals with intensive Mania Research for the sake of possible cure or suppression . She is part of the Jardin Faction , that carried most of the field operations . She is known to have trespassed in several residences and institutions , thievery of private database and records . Since the unknown fate of Natura , Subject Gladiolus releases said records containing evidence of corruption to the public , and before authorities could conduct a formal arrest , the figureheads would be found dead or suffering severe cases of delirium in their home residences , leading to speculations of Subject Gladiolus being the main perpetrator .
โ” Noted to be extremely compliant if Subject Higanbana is involved .
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ย  ย  ย  ย  โ” MUTATION ASSESSMENT:
ABILITY SUMMARY: Subject Gladiolus releases a red fog over a medium-length area that holds hallucinatory properties and distorts the perception of her targets . Subject Gladiolus uses a metal baseball bat as her main weapon , she uses her powers to her abilities and targets her victims by bludgeoning them over the head while her enemies are plagued with hysteria .
AWAKENING SIGNS: The exposure to high doses of Mania during the facility explosion unveiled a sudden awakening , Gladiolus' experienced difficulty controlling her hallucinatory fog , having to isolate herself to prevent civillian exposure . Although the subject easily grew to control her abilities overtime and since then has grown proficient in mentally distorting her targets .
CORRUPTION STATE: The subject appears to have a healthy physical state , although she appears to be easily prone to severe anger and manic episodes , leading her to be more violent and sadistic towards her targets and weaker control over the manipulation of her fog . Subject Higanbana's presence is recommended , since she can easily calm Subject Gladiolus back to a neutral state .
ย  ย  ย  ย โ” ARREST RECORD:
INTERROGATION 01. Before the subject's arrest there is little information to be found regarding Natura Facility's operation . Gladiolus continues to deflect any personal questions with nonsensical babbles . To snap her out of her deflection , the chief suggests that Gladiolus had abandoned Natura Facilities in pursuit of her current lifestyle of vigilantism , to which the subject immediately flares into anger , stating everything she's ever done is for the sake of Natura . After her aggressive display , she refused to interact with the chief until further notice .
INTERROGATION 02. Surviving records indicate that Natura Facilities in the farthest corner of EastSide has stopped operating a year prior due to an explosion that released high doses of Mania in the underground chambers of the facility , causing a number of deaths and victims becoming infected , the facilities have closed off since then . All information regarding Gladiolus' victims indicate that they participated in funding and supporting Natura's enemy organization: The Technica . The Technica intends to weaponize and mass produce sinners and mutations with inhumane experimentations and continues to operate undetected beneath DisCity . The Chief goes to survey the wreckage , allowing Gladiolus to come along with them .
INTERROGATION 03. At the contaminated remains of the former Natura Facilities , Subject Gladiolus finally admits to the fall of Natura and the deaths of the Everbleums , the head scientists leading the operation . A traitor from within the facility forced the mania to leak , prompting an explosion . Fortunately , due to the safety design structure in case of damages due to the facility's remote location , the mania had failed to leak to the rest of EastSide . But at the cost at the death of the majority of Natura's members , and the surviving members exposed to Mania have begun to experience mild to severe mutation sympthoms , a majority having turned into Sinners . Subject Gladiolus expresses grief at the loss of her parents , superior , and several of her friends from the catastrophe , She expresses desire to avenge the organization by taking down Technica and killing the traitor . She intends to seek out the survivors of the collision , desperate over the rumors of Maria Everbleum surviving the catastrophe . Subject Gladiolus mentions that she will only comply to the Chief at the expense of aiding her to locate Maria's whereabouts . Gladiolus wants to help seat Maria back into power and reform Natura to continue its research once again .
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jardaddy-a ยท 1 year
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GLADIOBANA proceeds to be one of my favorite pairings , imagine having a fateful meeting with this Ghostgirl in Jardin and discovered she was killed by her classmates and so you help solved her murder case , bring karma to the rich scumbags that turned a blind eye to their children's crimes , &&. manage to locate where her body was buried AND bring her back to give her body a proper burial in her true home . Gladiolus was so real for that . And then the two proceed to have a vow to always have each other's back and become Lady Vengeance and Karma and beat the shit out of criminals and be the figures of justice to actual victims like wow , girlfriend goals .
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jardaddy-a ยท 1 year
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LIFE IS GOOD , she's studying all sorts of degrees as a coverup &&. she has a cute ghost girlfriend that doesn't call her derogatory terms !
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
@evilfoundโ€‹ย  // ONE-LINER / SHORT SC !ย ย 
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * THE CRYPTIC GLADIOLUS ) โ”ย  THEย LANIATURIAN GIRL KNELTย near the witchโ€™s residence , playing with a stray cat with a strand of wheat .ย  ย  ย  SENSINGย the woman nearby , the girl sheepishly stood upย , โ hi , hi ~ย  ย  ย  sorry madam , i didnโ€™t mean to intrude near your home .ย  ย  ย ย  this cat is cute , is it yours ?ย โž
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jardaddy-a ยท 1 year
Ya'll have the lovers , the revenge girlfriends , drawn by @serpentsexile ( tysm for the gift , bestie )
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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karma often plays with her victims ,ย  she treats their lives like a game , she drives them insane ,ย  before they plummet to the depths , she watches you fall as she laughs , you shouldโ€™ve thought twice before doing what you did .ย ย 
๐Ÿ“• happy birthday , lady karma .ย  ( GLADIOLUS -ย  October 24 , 1958 )ย 
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jardaddy-a ยท 1 year
@terraeferae continued from ( x )
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ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * THE CRYPTIC GLADIOLUS ) โ”ย HER SMILE LINGERS as she hides her bat from the other's view . INNOCENTLY , she sways back &&. forth , granting Aplomado a look that spoke : ' i don't know what you're talking about , i behave . ' . BUT THE FAUX EXPRESSION instantly melts as her laughter pealed through the air , โ i can't guarantee no deaths , but i can guarantee that you won't be able to see it ! โž SHE QUIPS , before her milky hand clasps around the other girl's , gently tugging her along .
ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * GLADIOLUS ) โ” โ i'm just joking ~ don't put on a long face now . we can just knock them out long enough for the police to legally take them away . if the police are also crooks , i'll knock them out too . all that matters is that we find any other lost children . โž SHE EXPLAINS , fluttering her fingertips . SHE STOPS ABRUPTLY , a lingering echo of her footsteps resound across the empty halls , โ speaking of . . . are you any good with children ? i'm good at making them laugh but terrible with consoling them . โž
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย Lady Karma took one look at this desolate world and thought to herself ,ย โ whoโ€™s going to clean the trash in this world other than me ? โžย  โ” THE BOOK OF GLADIOLUS .
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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Itโ€™s not mentioned as much , but Gladiolus owns a polaroid camera , but she normally uses it for missions , taking photos of evidence , crime scenes , the casualties .ย  ย  ย  She hardly has any personal or leisurely photographs .ย  ย  Inside her room in Jardin , she has an entire pin board filled with photographs , articles , and newspaper clippings of her current missions .ย  ย  ย And once a case is finished , she organizes and labels everything inside a folder and places that folder in her work cabinet .ย  ย  ย  Going back to her preferences and fancy for analogue horror , she likes to manipulate the image of photographs as well , sometimes she likes to scare people by making them see creepy stuff in photos and then doing a doubletake and seeing that the photo was normal all along .
She just really likes to mess with peopleโ€™s heads .ย 
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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Filling up a sketchbook again , been a while since i touched traditional art & my old copics were feeling a bit neglected .
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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@terraeferaeโ€‹โ€‹ delivered a letter ! (ย  โ› ย who taught you to do this ? โœ(Aplomado and Gladiolus...) )ย  โ”Š๐Ÿ“• GLADIOLUSโ”Š ASSASSINโ€™S APPRENTICEย  //ย  ACCEPTING !ย 
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ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š (ย * THE CRYPTIC GLADIOLUS ) โ”ย  โ youโ€™re going to have to specify , because i just did three different things in a span of ten minutes . โž THE WOMAN STANDS among a pile of bodiesย , before pulling the collar of a bleeding man she had just hit over the head with a baseball bat .ย ย  โ i just incapacitated a bunch of crooks with larger buildsย , iโ€™m pretty sure i gave this child trafficker head traumaย , and i solved the case on where the missing child is .ย  ย under ten minutes , right ?ย ย  ย arenโ€™t i cool ?ย  ย ย please praise me ~ย  ย ย joking ! โž SHE JESTS as she drops the unconscious man on the floor .ย  ย  IN ANOTHER SCENARIO , she wouldโ€™ve slaughtered all of the criminals in this room , but alas , she had an audience !ย  ย  SHE DIDNโ€™T WANT to scar this girl too much with an unwanted blood bath .ย ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * THE CRYPTIC GLADIOLUS ) โ” ย  โย donโ€™t feel too bad about them , they deserved it .ย โž SHE HUMS , before stepping down from the mass of tangled limbsย  ย &&.ย  incapacitated bodies .ย ย โย but i was trained and i had a formal college education .ย  ย  i was a good school girl , yanno ?ย  ย  ย i love learning new things .ย  ย  i know how different murder methods !ย  ย  isnโ€™t learning cool ?ย ย  ย but whatโ€™s this ?ย  ย ย i havenโ€™t learned your name yet !ย  ย iโ€™m gladiolus !ย  ย and you ?ย โž
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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@lexpapeโ€‹ delivered a letter !ย  (ย  โ change the world , my final message , goodbye . โž @ gladiolus bYE )ย  ย โ”Š ๐Ÿ“•ย GLADIOLUS โ”Š ย  ๐Ÿงธโ€ โ” ย ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐”๐—๐”๐‘๐˜ ๐‚๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐„๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐•๐„ . ย // ACCEPTING !
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * THE CRYPTIC GLADIOLUS ) โ”ย  โ haha , whatโ€™s this all about now , uncle ?ย  ย  is this your last will and testament ? โž SHE STIFLES LAUGHTER with a palm over her rosy lips .ย  ย ย  ย STEPPING OVER , the young ladyโ€™s hands reach out to stretch the malleable skin of the manโ€™s face in a childish manner , perhaps in an attempt to prod him out of his depressive slump .ย ย  โ is uncle being bullied again by envy-nii ?ย  ย  ย maybe he just likes to tease brunettes , mallow-nii and magnolia complain about him all the time !ย โž
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( *ย GLADIOLUS ) โ” IT WAS MEANT TO BE A LIGHT-HEARTED attempt to lift his sorrows , although she wasnโ€™t quite aware of the full extent of the Godโ€™s hostility towards him , but surely it wasnโ€™t enough for him to fully desire his own demise , right ?ย  ย ( right ? )ย  ย OH , well !ย 
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * GLADIOLUS ) โ” โ oh , oh !ย  ย  ย  ย i know what you need !ย  ย  ย  ย you need to destress , i know a friend of a friend who has this luxury suite in one of the hidden sanctuaries near london !ย  ย  ย  ย i know you like fooling around with people sometimes , but have you have ever had a night out with a pretty laniaturian lady ?ย  ย  ย itโ€™ll perk you right back up , uncle !ย  โž
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย  ห—หห‹๐Ÿ“•โ€โ”Š ( * THE CRYPTIC GLADIOLUS ) โ”ย  โ my favorite illusion trick is using my fog to change my face into an ophanim !ย  ย  ย that always scares the humans , i give them really cryptic messages and say that its the word of god .ย  ย  they always end up crying .ย  ย  i can do the heavenly filtered voice too if you want me to ! โžย 
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jardaddy-a ยท 2 years
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Miss Karma , please hit me over the head with a baseball bat <3 .ย  ย ย I drew her bc itโ€™s our birthday month ,ย October Scorpios so true .ย ย ย I reconnected my tablet to my temp laptop , iโ€™m just glad I can draw digitally again <3ย 
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