DC3A2864 by Thomas Berg
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aigle-suisse · 3 months
DC3A2864 par Thomas Berg
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greykolla-art · 2 years
omg íslendingur! ég sá url-ið þitt og hugsaði 'vá þetta er mjög íslenskt nafn' og svo sá ég fánann í bioinu þínu :) það er mjög næs að vita að fleiri íslendingar hafa horft á ofmd hehe
omg hæ annar íslendingur! sömuleiðis, gaman að rekast á fleiri íslendinga á tumblr yfirhöfuð! Hvaðþá einhverja sem eru að fylgjast með gay sjóræningja-þáttunum! <3
Vona að þú eigir góðann dag og alltaf velkominn!
íslenskir nördar standa saman! <3 <3 <3
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
On Thursday 2 June, Dætur Íslands, new Icelandic web series produced by Studio M, will be premiered on mbl.is.
The episodes are part of the warm-up for Morgunblaðið and mbl.is for the finals of the European Women's Football Championship, which starts on July 6 in England.
In the episodes, which will be ten in number, the national team women Agla María Albertsdóttir, Alexandra Jóhannsdóttir, Dagný Brynjarsdóttir, Glódís Perla Viggósdóttir, Guðrún Arnardóttir, Karólína Lea Vilhjálmsdóttir, Sara Björk Gunnarsdóttir, Sif Atladóttir and Sveindís Jane Jónsdóttir will all be visited.
What they all have in common is being professional or having been professional for many years. The visit will look at how they live, the training areas of their clubs will be visited, as well as the competition grounds where they play.
There will also be a behind-the-scenes look at them and the audience will get a good insight into how they got to where they are today.
The first link from the episodes can be seen in the player above, but the episodes will appear on Thursdays and Mondays on mbl.is, until further notice, and they will be on an open program.
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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Íslenskir hestar by Helga Guðmundsdóttir https://flic.kr/p/2nabg79
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kynvillingur · 2 months
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pinkdazies · 7 years
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hatari-translations · 5 years
Spillingardans - cultural context
Let’s do something a bit different! Spillingardans is officially released and has an official translation (though if anyone wanted me to do a more literal translation than the official one, I can do that). However, what you might not know (and let’s be clear, I didn’t know this either until I saw someone point it out on YouTube a couple of days ago) is that Spillingardans is actually riffing on an Icelandic comedy sketch.
This video is from “Fóstbræður”, a very popular Icelandic sketch comedy show. It features the fictional duo “Plató”, performing an over-the-top parody of a political protest song. Here are the lyrics:
Spillingadans, spillingadans
Á Alþingi ráðamenn dansa þennan vals
Gróðafíkn og nautnafans
Kapítalistar andskotans
Já, íslenskir ráðamenn, þeir eru svín,
meðan alþýðan biður um mat
Neyðaróp fólksins er fyrir þeim grín,
þeir sitja og troða á sig gat
Það er tími til kominn að henda þeim út
Um hálsinn berum við rauðan klút
Hendum þeim fyrir hundana! Látum þá drekka hland!
Og hér mun rísa fyrirmyndarland
If you’re a fan of Hatari, the first verse might already look a bit familiar. Translated, the Fóstbræður song goes:
Corruption dance, corruption dance
At the Althing [Icelandic parliament] the government dances this waltz
Obsessive greed and hedonism
The devil’s capitalists*
Yes, the Icelandic government, they are pigs,
while the public asks for food
The cries of the people are to them a joke,
They sit there and stuff themselves full
It’s long past time to boot them out
On our necks we wear a red scarf
Throw them to the dogs! Make them drink urine!
And a new model country will rise
* “The devil’s capitalists” is literal, but “andskotans” (the devil’s) is just a common Icelandic expletive. Usually it’d be appropriate to translate “kapítalistar andskotans” as something more like “fucking capitalists”, but this song is ludicrous and overdramatic and I think part of the joke is meant to be the implication that capitalists are literally agents of the devil.
Incidentally, the lyrics of this song clearly say “Spillingadans”, but the Hatari song is called Spillingardans. Hatari’s version is correct; “Spillingadans” is a common error where people get confused about whether or not there should be an r in the middle of various compound words. Since this is a parody of kludgy, bad protest songs, the error is almost definitely intentional.
If we compare to Hatari’s song and bold the shared lyrics, Spillingardans begins:
Hvarvetna alþjóð dansar þennan vals
Gróðafíkn og nautnafans
Kapítalistar andskotans
This is obviously not a coincidence. So what’s going on there?
Well, Spillingardans was released after a succession of corruption scandals in Icelandic politics, including rich politicians hiding their fortunes in offshore accounts in tax havens. All I can imagine is that the members of Hatari thought back to this sketch, or rewatched it, and sardonically observed that actually that first verse was distressingly accurate. And then they went and made their own, dark, serious song out of it (without the grammatical error in the title), and filmed a video for it where they get set on fire in a BDSM dungeon, because they are Hatari.
The remaining lyrics of Spillingardans have nothing to do with Spillingadans, except for one word: fyrirmyndarland (model country). In Spillingadans, this word is used at the end in its hilariously over-optimistic conclusion that this’d be a model country if only we’d just make these politicians drink urine.
In Spillingardans, on the other hand, Klemens’s ethereal moaning this time around includes:
Hvar varst þú?
Hvert förum við nú,
Or Where were you? Where do we go now, model country?
Here, it’s used quite differently, though it’s clearly a nod to the Spillingadans sketch: Iceland is in fact often (not very accurately) held up as a “model country”, as this feminist socialist paradise that jailed all the bankers, crowdsourced a new constitution, etc. In the wake of these scandals, Klemens asks where this “model country” was in all this, and where we’re supposed to go next.
All in all, I appreciate Spillingardans even more after seeing the sketch; it’s a fun riff on it, and it actually explains how I always thought some of the lyrics of Spillingardans sounded a little un-Hatari-like. Turns out they were quotes!
Fun Spillingadans fact: the singer in that video is comedian Jón Gnarr in drag. He is well known as a comedian and actor, but also for leading a satirical political party known as the “Best Party”, which won the Reykjavík city council elections in 2010, resulting in Jón Gnarr becoming mayor of Reykjavík for four years.
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soulpups · 4 years
hefuru einhvern tíma unnið með fjarhunda/klassíska íslenska fjarhunda? Bara undra hvort þú veist hvernig þau handla að búa í bæjum? Ég sálf er mest bara búna kana á fjarhundum út á landi.
Ég hef satt að segja ekki mikið unnið með þá eða verið það mikið í kringum þá, sem er svolítið spes þar sem þeir eru svakalega algengir hér. 😂
En þetta er samt mjög algeng tegund í bæjum, enda flestir kannski ekki beint ræktaðir í vinnu lengur. Það er líka töluvert af ræktendum sem eru staðsettir t.d á höfuðborgarsvæðinu eða í bæjum þar í kring, og hundarnir hafa það mjög gott. Eins og með alla tegundir sem ræktaðar voru í vinnu þarf auðvitað að örva hugan, því er hugarleikfimi sniðug ásamt göngutúrum.
Held að mikið af hundum sem eru sagðir vera íslenskir fjárhundar út á landi séu í rauninni blendingar, þá t.d íslenskur fjárhundur og border collie sem er mjög algengt. Auðvitað munur þar á ef það er það sem þú hefur verið að skoða. En tegundin sjálf höndlar það vel að búa á stærri svæðum!
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sergiomiernik · 4 years
Tröllafoss by Sergio Thor Miernik
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stefankarlfanblog · 2 years
Photos of Stefán Karl in Life x3
All photos taken from mbl.is
The first two photos were taken by Sverrir Vilhelmsson on the 28th of September 2002
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Original caption:
LEIKLIST - Þjóðleikhúsið Svo bregðast krosstré... LÍFIÐ ÞRISVAR SINNUM Höfundur: Yasmina Reza. Íslensk þýðing: Kristján Þórður Hrafnsson. Leikstjóri: Viðar Eggertsson. Leikarar: Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Sigurður Sigurjónsson, Stefán Karl Stefánsson og Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir. ÍSLENSKIR leikhúsgestir muna sjálfsagt margir eftir sýningu Þjóðleikhússins á Listaverkinu eftir Yasminu Reza. MYNDATEXTI: "Í heild verður að segjast að þessi sýning var fremur slök uppfærsla á ágætu leikverki." Lífið Þrisvar sinnum eftir Yasminu Reza / rennsli í Þjóðleikhúsinu
THEATER - The National Theater Then the cross tree reacts ... LIFE X3 Author: Yasmina Reza. Icelandic translation: Kristján Þórður Hrafnsson. Director: Viðar Eggertsson. Actors: Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Sigurður Sigurjónsson, Stefán Karl Stefánsson and Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir. ICELANDIC theater guests will of course remember many of the National Theatre's performances of the Artwork by Yasmina Reza. PHOTO TEXT: "Overall, it must be said that this show was a rather poor update on a good play." Life x3 by Yasmina Reza / flow in the National Theater
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Original Caption:
Hvernig hefði líf mitt orðið ef... Sjálfsagt spyrja allir sig einhvern tíma þeirrar spurningar hvað hefði gerst ef maður hefði gert hlutina öðru vísi - brugðist við aðstæðum á annan hátt en maður gerði; - hagað sér svona en ekki hinsegin; - séð hlutina í öðru ljósi en maður gerði; hefði ekki látið tilfinningarnar spila með sig á þann hátt sem maður gerði. Um þessar spurningar fjallar nýtt leikrit, Lífið þrisvar sinnum, eftir Yasminu Reza sem frumsýnt var á stóra sviði Þjóðleikhússins í gærkvöldi. Leikendur eru fjórir, Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Sigurður Sigurjónsson, Stefán Karl Stefánsson og Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, en leikstjóri er Viðar Eggertsson. Myndatexti: "Hvaða máli skiptir það fyrir okkur hér og nú að hjúpar vetrarbrautarinnar séu flatir?" Stefán Karl Stefánsson, Henri, og Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Inès. Lífið Þrisvar sinnum eftir Yasminu Reza / rennsli í Þjóðleikhúsinu
What would my life have been like if ... Of course, everyone asks themselves at some point what would have happened if you had done things differently - reacted to situations in a different way than you did; - behave like this but not in a different way; - see things in a different light than you did; would not have let the emotions play with you in the way it did. These questions are the subject of a new play, Life x3, by Yasmina Reza, which premiered on the big stage of the National Theater last night. There are four actors, Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Sigurður Sigurjónsson, Stefán Karl Stefánsson and Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, and the director is Viðar Eggertsson. Photo text: "What does it matter to us here and now that the galaxy's covers are flat?" Stefán Karl Stefánsson, Henri, and Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir, Inès. Life x3 by Yasmina Reza
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themachinespeaks · 4 years
soundtrack 1
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gayvillains · 5 years
stupid sexy íslenskir ​​thots
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superfreakbaba · 7 years
                                Love will keep all of us safe from death
▻ Björk's animated avatar dances in a surreal ocean in this vivid virtual reality video, directed by Warren Du Perez & Nick Thornton Jones.  Creative direction & masks by Björk & James Merry.  Notget is one piece from the collection of virtual reality videos inspired by Björk’s 2015 LP Vulnicura following "Black Lake," "Stonemilker” and "Family".
▻ The full VR version of Notget premiered Nov 2016 at the Airwaves Festival in Iceland. 
“ I definitely can feel the third or fourth feminist wave in the air, so maybe this is a good time to open that Pandora’s box a little bit and air it out.”  From Pitchfork’s feature “The Invisible Woman: A Conversation With Björk.”
Björk: “I feel the chronological narrative of my album Vulnicura is ideal for the private circus virtual reality is: a theatre able to capture the emotional landscape of it.”
Once you fell out of love Our love couldn’t carry you And I didn’t even notice For our love kept me safe from death You doubted the light And the shelter it can give For in love we are immortal Eternal and safe from death If I regret us I’m denying my soul to grow Don’t remove my pain It is my chance to heal We carry the same wound But have different cures Similar injuries But opposite remedies After our love ended Your arms don’t carry me Without love I feel the abyss Understand your fear of death I will not forget This notget Will you not regret Having love let go After our love ended Your spirit entered me Now we are the guardians We keep her safe from death Love will keep all of us safe from death Love will keep all of us safe from death Love will keep us safe from death (Safe! From!) Love will keep all of us safe from death Death Death Love will keep us safe from (from) death (Safe safe from from death death)
Here’s two ‘brautryðjandi íslenskir hópar’
➳❥ Icelandic bonus video 1: Röyksopp & Robyn - Monument     > youtube.com/watch?v=6c-RbGZBnBI
➳❥ Icelandic bonus video 2: Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook > vimeo.com/3987450
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