#» | × | Fushimi&Itachi || Akai Kaibutsu Eien No Ai ||
nvrcmplt · 27 days
Noise from the gardens permeates inside, Kenta being attacked from both sides by Himawari and Ryuune, both sinking their teeth into his forearm and clinging. Mikoto and Itachi watch from the bench they're sharing, amused smiles on their features, Clarence and Fugaku seated in the grass with snacks. The other children are somewhere nearby, napping in the sun, Toshio stands a step behind Fushimi, a hum of greeting on his tongue. ❝ ━ This reminds me of back home. The amount of people in one space is comfortable. Our combined families fit together well. ❞ Toshio will admit, he would probably never experience this on his own, but he can live vicariously through his family, their family. ❝ ━ Are you happy, Fushimi-san ? ❞ He's genuinely curious, but they both know the answer. It's written on the Oni's face whenever he looks at his children, at Itachi and it's a wonderful thing to witness. Mouth opens to ask something else, but Fugaku-jiisan appears and it nearly startles Toshio out of his skin.
The elder gives the boy a look, shooing him into the garden with the others. ❝ ━ I apologize for him. He's as inquisitive as Itachi but no thought to consequence. ❞ Then again, that was just like his son, but he'll deny it. Fugaku will admit, he's not well-versed in socializing, even as a Patriarch but there's no expectation here, just family. For a moment, he's quiet, basking in the noise around him, ❝ ━ There's a festival soon, my wife is probably gonna reveal it later after dinner, but I'd like to formally invite you. It's a big deal, lots of stuff to experience. Figured it'd be good for you all to come unwind before the warmer months move in. ❞
Family meddling well, litters of children and adults that refuse to grow. One that's re-found their childhood with a parent that no longer harms them - married children returning to mothers embrace and stories were to be shared and renewed. Time and time again, Fushimi stares upon them blending. Beauty in the elegance of numbers. Those visible and those just out of sight. Everyone was tranquil, welcoming and without a doubt enjoying themselves. Learning new tricks, something different every minute with the amount of bodies here… Fushimi was at peace, he felt no need to hold his shoulders so tense, to straighten his back within a form of correcting a slouching posture instead of making himself look larger than he already was.
One would think in such a state of ease, he's senses were to be dulled but Toshio's been making eyes at him all evening. The time wasn't long until he was there, behind him, like now - making a comment that made his lips curl in a momentary smile. "That they do." A comment to his own statement - though the question that followed made his head nod forward. "Happiest I've ever been, Toshio." He wasn't to lie, so when they were about to speak of another question no doubt to seek more from him and his mind. Fushimi was saved. The Father, rounding up his curious cub to another side of the garden. No doubt to be dragged into conversation with Aina and Su-Jin and his Husband.
Fugaku, was a man of little word, but intention were clear that something more was to be said. He was lingering, watching over Fushimi's view of the garden's and people within it. A sun-avoidant space as his eyes weren't the best under direct sunlight these days. When Fugaku finally started to speak of his reason for still being here, Fushimi listened without comment, taking it in. For him to be invited by the Father of his own Husband, meant a lot. After all, Mikoto-san had her ways of just knowing he'll be there whether she asked or not, out of politeness no doubt she did mentions things for him to know ahead of time. This, was as if Fugaku was asking for Him to join a sacred ritual again. Festivals were at large a collectives' tradition. A prayer to the Gods of personal and clan faith - this was not just a gathering to have good food or cheer on a moment of time that deserves praise.
Fushimi felt warm.
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"Then I'll gladly come within honour of your invitation, Fugaku-san." Fushimi wasn't to deny that, not at all… As he smiled, he moved to take hold of his sake bottle and raise it in offering with a cup to be poured for his Elder. "Allow me." To serve the Father of his other half, to show his utmost respect, to bow in gratitude of being seen and welcomed all the same. Even after all this time. "Let me know if your clan need aid in setting things up."
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nvrcmplt · 3 months
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Kimon-Uchiha Children ─
「 … Himawari … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Female 「 …
「 … Ibuki … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Female 「 …
「 … Ryujin … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Male 「 …
「 … Ryūsaki … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Male 「 …
「 … Ryuune … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Female 「 … Kimon-kai Heir
「 … Satoshi … 」 ─
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「 … Adopted 「 … Male 「 …
「 … Seiji … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Male 「 …
「 … Tōya … 」 ─
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「 … Birthed 「 … Male 「 …
「 … Tsukimi … 」 ─
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「 … Adopted 「 … Female 「 …
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Closed family plot with @intcritus wip
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nvrcmplt · 4 months
Fushimi's training with the brats is strength based, making them bench press cinder blocks, balance with 10 pounds of weights added every hour that passes, making them swing his iron club a hundred times then stamina training by having them lap the Kimon-kai Estate.
He doesn't let any of them slack, resolves to tossing them into the pool if they lag behind at any point. Both girls and boys get the same treatment.
It's the best way he can master their Yokai blood and animalistic natures to learn and evolve. After six months, he makes them spar each other, learn under one of his martial artists, Kenta, Clarence etc - and let them have a ranking system. A friendly drive to get better, be better.
He also makes sure they are all academically on top of their lives. Murasaki is rather strict in those terms - after all, a dumb brute is nothing but a dumb brute. Having both the brains and brawns to stick to their guns? Worth it completely in the real world. Specially if any of them are to be the next Oyabun.
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nvrcmplt · 7 months
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Fushimi's face scar was given to him by Ibuki, in one of his fits of rage, oni and jaguar shifter blood that caused her to nearly lose her mind. Striking out with nothing but the intention to remove Fushimi's face from her presence, the damage nearly cost him his eyesight, nasal passage and upper cheeks. Her nails were sharp and thin, making it nigh impossible for his skin to not shred in the aftermath of it all.
Thankfully - Fushimi was stronger than his firstborn, holding her tight to his chest with her wrists under his merciful hold. Her rage died out with his quiet words in her ear, beckoning her to sleep, to rest weary and stressed eyes and slumber well. His face healed over time but due to the damage it scarred heavily. He didn't mind it much himself, if anything made him feel a little more distinguished amongst his family.
Ibuki feels the guilt for such a scarring but over the years, she forgives herself as Fushimi tells her to do. He forgave her on the day it happened as it was his own mishap of not catching the bloodline activating in time to prevent such harm to his little girl's mind at the time.
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nvrcmplt · 10 months
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
Fushimi vs his family; No. Go eat and nap.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
It was a strange time, thinking about just how much of it has passed him since he became who he was now. Standing with the hundreds of Kimon, the room of white and a funeral rite being held in honour of his Grandfather's passing, the prior Oyabun of this family - the one human that adopted the freak that was Fushimi. He stared with a face of wonder and honour, pride with sorrow. It was a combination that felt twisty and wobbly in his stomach but his heart and spine remained strong.
Witnessing the flowers, the gifts and burning incense, Fushimi stared upon the image he chose with Sasaharu's guidance back in the day. And could do nothing more than reminisce the times of being a teenager, a brat, a hidden golem in the dojo too fearful of the repercussions of what he was. The anger, the growth aches, the pain of being two things in one mix. The confusion and hatred, the sensation of being something of this world and something not. The rage, the violence, the sorrow and abandonment he so feared.
Witnessing the kindness of a man that held many lives in his palms and blood in his teeth - Fushimi could only lower his head to that man with every ounce of love and honour in his blood. The knowledge his Grandfather passed onto him with the intentions of making his Oyabun, even though Fushimi denied the notion many times, Fushimi was still given the chance of a lifetime to be loved, feared, adored and gifted a family that was not just a claim from a hand me down but to be claimed as true.
The silence of the hall followed the ceremony - though it was common to speak a few words in the closest of the deceased, the shaman's knew better. Instead, bowing to the silent wall that was Fushimi before taking their leave with their company and trainees. Fushimi remained in the hall, the smell of incense sticks strong but not painful or irritating to his senses. The flowers made it mellow, the room too. Believed it would too wash out with white on white, the royal purple and yellow embroidered cloth over the table was beautiful in its boldness. The flowers stood out on it, the gifts, the picture frame, the world really stood no chance upon this sight.
Searing it into his brain, Fushimi didn't move for another three hours. Only when he felt the hand of his wife upon his arm and chest, beckoning his gaze to pull aside the memories and sorrow of his Father's passing, did his lungs fill with air and his lashes moisten from the hollowness in his heart. A large chunk of it went with that old man - but he held it together. Raising his hand to guide one of Itachi's to his cheek, to kiss into palm and inhale his scent at the moment. Guided once more with a silence beckon, he took his time to depart the room. Bowing thrice towards his Father's ceremony and taking Itachi's hand to go elsewhere.
The hidden room, once his own-prison to keep himself training in Irezumi, the room that he broke through the walls over and over but watched them get repaired just the same. The room was refurbished over his time of being Oyabun. No longer a mess of ink and teen angst, but a comfortable hideaway of memories. Low ceilings and a deep floor, the middle of it all decked out in nothing but cushions and a small table. The place looked more like a nest for an introvert than anything else. Books all over the walls, old scrolls, ink and art books from Fushimi's drawing days. His old yukata's on mannikins and some table in a corner holding his drawing station…
Fushimi didn't need to be told to sit, but he did guide Itachi to his side. Lowering himself upon the cushions to rest his head upon the Jaguar's frame and side in the silence that would be to follow. It was only when he was half asleep, that he noticed Itachi's fingers in his hair, humming tunes and undoing his braids that Fushimi let his tears fall. The grief he held deep but knew it'll rise at any time for those he loved and missed dearly. Fushimi felt better, weight lifting with ease tear but it was the safety of Itachi that made it all the better for him. That, was something he had missed since his Grandfather's passing and now --- now he could let that man go and give that role to his wife who has been with him through thick and thin just as intense.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
ryuune had a mischievous grin spreading across her features as she races away from uncle kenta, and makes sure to topple over tōya before throwing herself into fushimi's arms, ❝ ━ tousan ! i finally beat kenta-ojiisan ! i made a mistake and gored him with my horns, but i still beat him ! ❞ tōya grumbles before getting up to his feet, leaning into his papa's side, pinching his sister on her thigh. ❝ ━ did mama go out ? i wanted to cuddle before bed.❞ ( just assume they're like ten here )
If anyone were to speak of him having children to look after, he's find himself laughing in their face with a means to harm them for the audacity. He was a monster through and through, a creature of yokai blood and human mingling - his mother, who he doesn't know and his father he doesn't know - a bastard creature made from something he wasn't sure was consensual or wanted. By how he was abandoned to his human grandparents, he wasn't sure at all of his origins but he knew, that he was not someone at that time, to believe himself a bright future like this.
Yet, he grew, though isolated and with a desire for his life to end, he watched his grandparents die and leave him with everything. Then he met Itachi - his wife, his jaguar, his beautiful red moon. It was a crazy thought at times, looking back at his life as he walked the halls of their family home. Long boards, some grooved with claw marks, several paper doors replaced as he could smell the scent of renewed glue. The sights of toys mostly for felines scattered on the edges of the walk way and the sound of laughter. Not just his people, working in high spirits, but, them… Children.
His children.
Offspring of his life, his legacy. Monsters but with pride and with parents that remained without a shadow of a doubt in their wake. To guide them and hold them when they get lost in themselves. It was a state he didn't think he'd ever reach yet he was adoring any moment of it. Ibuki, if he remembers the schedule, was currently at her cram classes, a smart bug, he believed she got from Itachi's want to know everything to the smallest detail. Ryuune, more like Kenta in her mischief, a sparkle of his face in hers as she came barrelling towards him.
Toya, noticed soon enough with a glance as his arm wraps around his most loudest offspring to hold her close and safe. Listening to the telling of her day as Kenta's frame was flopped on the engawa with a thumbs up. Fushimi could only snort, smirking at the state he was in as his moved to nudge his horns upon Ryuune's as his hand rose next to pet her wild mane. "Good job, Ryuu. Besting Kenta will make you the strongest in the Clan. Fight him daily, little beast." His hand lowered soon enough though to greet Toya's head too, a weighted pet of his hair as he thought upon the other's question.
"I was on the lookout for him, myself, Toya." His hand lowered to offer his palm, either to aid in Toya's climbing of his frame to sit upon his hip or shoulder, or to just hold hands. "Let's go find him together, he didn't leave the building tonight." With his children, he began to walk on and down the hall. Following the pull of his chest as always when he sought out his love all this time. "Maybe we can get Oleg to make you both your favourite hot chocolate before bedtime."
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
Kimon-Uchiha offspring ::
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
 tōya, in cub form, curls up in fushimi's lap, snuffling before nuzzling into his papa's warmth. he tired himself out running around and wrestling his siblings all day and after a good meal, and getting sweets with mama and clarence, a good nap with papa was definitely on the horizon.
His hand covered his son, a small blanket from the kotatsu - it's been turned off due to their placement under it, he didn't want Toya to overheat in his lap, but the warmth from the two of them was enough to keep the chill of the eve aside. Gentle his touch was in stroking the cub a few times, not enough to disturb or move them but enough to know that Toya was yet again fast to sleep. His hand returned to the table-top to grasp his tea and sip another mouthful of the macha blend with a hint of vanilla it seemed tonight.
The letters of an old friend on the table-top were stared upon with some hope and gratitude from over the years of silence. Not that he could reply with no return address but he was glad that Cult Leader was well, thriving in their own martial arts and on the run as always as the world just didn't seem to want them to have a peaceful life. He would have felt sympathy, but she was a troublemaker at heart, loved the chase, the drama, the wars left in her wake.
Amused, he moved to fold the writings and place them aside, returning to staring out the open doors towards the setting sun in the horizon that bathed the room in a dark orange hue. He stared until he felt his lids heavy and decided there, to scoop up his son who was dead to the world and place him on his chest as he lay himself out under the kotatsu a little more… and allowed himself to join Toya in an afternoon nap.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
Thinking about Fushimi’s hands, just so good for spanking, choking, holding, lifting... y’know?
Itachi’s a lucky man.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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//. @dcwnrisen​ 63 .  routine kisses where one person presents their cheek / forehead for the hello / goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing  . ( fushimi, because i imagine he and itachi do this often )
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When Fushimi is reading deep into his materials, he doesn’t look away but he does turn his head to give Itachi’s his cheek when his kitten’s near for the greeting kiss.
When Itachi’s reading, Fushimi only steals his attention enough to kiss his forehead, or rub his cheek at his crown on to then continue on his way.
I like the idea that the duo both gave kisses without really looking when they at on the phone to others.
Fushimi kissing Itachi’s knuckles when passing in the halls.
The little kisses they do before brushing their teeth to start up the kissing for afterwards.
The hot and heavy sharing-bath kisses, or whenever one joins the other in the tub.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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//. @dcwnrisen​ “ don't think for even a second that you have to prove something to me. i love you just the way you are. “ because itachi wholly believes that fushimi is his entire world and nothing anyone says or anything that'll happen will ever change that.
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Fushimi chuckled hand son Itachi’s thighs to keep him stable on his lap. Held in those hands was enough for his worries to lessen, though it wasn’t for Itachi that he was trying so hard in a sense. He was trying to impress the parents all the more, even though he knew they knew his love for their son was beyond the stars and moon above. 
Still, it lessened the self-goal he put himself, the pressure of needing to be correct in his manners and the lack of taking over the home with his habits of being the top man in his own. Itachi’s words made him settle once more in a tranquil pool of his mind to lean into the kisses shared after the oni gave a nod of his head and noise of agreement.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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//. @dcwnrisen​ '' are you gonna stand there and gawk, or are you gonna help me undress? '' ( fushimi )
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“Gawk.” He stated without a heartbeat, leaning upon bedroom doorframe with arms softly crossed and gaze heavy. Taking in the reveal shoulder and upper back, hair over the opposite and gaze over shoulder... Who couldn’t be stopped by this sight? It was beautiful. Though - staring could only do so much for his needs that grew like an itch on the scalp. He shifted with a defeated hum, though it wasn’t a chore at all to step closer to his love. The sliding door shut with a thud behind him as hands rose to gather Itachi’s waist.
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Lips lower to the exposed throat, kissing down it’s length to curve of shoulder. “Divine.” Hands tug upon clothing, helping as asked and smoothing his palms down stomach and hips, to thighs where they remained so his teeth could dig into nape of his beloved with a soft hum of a praise. “Beautiful.”
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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//. @dcwnrisen​ ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room . itachi supposed to be paying attention but instead eye-fucking fushimi.
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Kinda of hard to stay in the information being swung about when those eyes are across the table from him. He tried to keep an eye on everyone else in all honesty but Itachi, his wife, his second half of the heart, the holder of his soul? More pretty than these folks at his table - telling tales of territory wars and lesser clans trying to buy favours into his own. No, nothing was as interesting as Itachi’s lashes fluttering to that all common low. It made him sit up a bit more from his slouch - interest keen - gaze sharpening with attention fixated.
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Did it matter if the room felt the sexual tension too? Not one bit. They knew to keep talking, to keep their heads down and papers in hands. 
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