#{{ tides of the past etched my scars into dragon scales | HEADCANONS: DAN HENG }}
tellescope · 10 months
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So I was wondering if vidyadhara have to return to the ocean (or potentially just a place of water) to be reborn or is that just ancient tradition? And I suppose my questions were answered by canon.
The eggs in Scalegorge Waterscape were perfectly fine when the waters were parted and they were no longer underwater. So I think it isn't required to return to the sea, just tradition. One of the eggs' memories indicates they were killed in a starskiff crash, so it's also probably an equivalent to funeral rights to bring a deceased vidyadhara's body there when they can't make the journey themselves.
I bring this up as relevancy for a few points to outline a theory:
It doesn't seem to be required that a vidyadhara egg be in the ocean for rebirth.
Dan Feng's punishment was forced reincarnation.
Scalegorge Waterscape had not been parted at the time this happened. It was fully submerged.
I don't see a way for the people who oversaw this punishment to keep an eye on his egg in such circumstances. What is to stop it from hatching and the new person swimming away?
Dan Heng's bio mentions he never saw any of the Luofu before his walk to the Jade Gate for exile.
So my theory: I think the egg was kept in the Shackling Prison.
I think as part of the punishment for such a severe and traitorous sin he was not only forced to undergo early reincarnation, but was deprived of the culturally proper way to do so in order to not lose their eventual new prisoner.
Dan Heng was literally born in prison.
He's suffered most of his life, quite literally from the day he was born, for a crime he did not commit.
It's no wonder he's so frustrated in the 1.2 story quests at people comparing him to his predecessor, and that he doesn't get a say in it all.
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He has every right to be pissed. Exile was a punishment but it was also a freedom from this, the Express offered him that freedom, and now it's all come full circle and he's back where he started, once more suffering at the hands of those who refuse to see him for him.
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tellescope · 10 months
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He chose the video that's on loop on the floor of the archives' upper platform.
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It was originally set to show space and it stayed that way until eventually while searching for some information he happened upon the control settings for it. There were several options that he suspects were originally created/recorded by prior Nameless before Himeko found the train. He chose the one we currently see and has no plans to try any others.
It's also the reason he doesn't move his bed anywhere else in the room, or put it up on a foundation/box spring or anything else. It stays on the screen and in direct contact with it.
It's a comfort to sleep in water. Or at least on the illusion of water. As close as he can get. Vidyadhara instincts showing through.
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tellescope · 10 months
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I can't see Dan Heng being any good at boxing and yet somehow he did seriously well in Belobog's Underworld Fight club.
Well it made more sense when I talked to some of his fans down there.
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Turns out the club allows multiple kinds of contact sports. Boxing is probably their most popular given their logo and sheer amount of gloves inside, but they have others too.
I can't see Dan Heng being a good boxer, the style just doesn't feel right, but MMA? Yeah I can see that. And that's apparently the track he did so well in.
He's only formally trained in using a spear but with years on the run, frequent scrapes with monsters, people who may as well be monsters, and Blade, it makes sense he'd know how to fight without a weapon as well. Yes he can summon his spear whenever but there are bound to have been situations where that just wasn't possible or the best option. And remember that despite how much he hates stoking conflict it's been such a forced part of his life for so long it's practically instinct at this point. His first idea upon noticing something hiding in a snow drift was to attack it. So yeah, Dan Heng is something of a self-trained scrapper if the need arises.
He'd rather the need not arise. But still.
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It's no surprise in that case that he quickly became popular in the Fight Club's MMA track, even if he didn't stay long.
He's still bewildered that he has fans though.
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tellescope · 10 months
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Thanks to a Famitsu article we have some new information and I'm gonna build off it. My cousin knows Japanese and helped me understand this better than Google Translate did.
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This information from the Narrative Designer mentions that Dan Heng chose his own name, and that the words on the back of his coat written in Xianshou script are inspired by an old Chinese poem. It's not a direct quote on the coat, just inspired by it. The phrase mentions that life is ephemeral and you shouldn't waste it struggling for honor, a concept as fleeting as the clouds. The designer also mentions this detail was included to represent Dan Heng's humanity and his continued search for identity.
So I think Dan Heng added the words to the coat because the poem resonated with him, and as a reminder to himself. A mantra of sorts. I believe he added this at some point after being exiled. He likely first discovered the poem among the books he was given in the Shackling Prison, but I don't think it would have resonated quite as much until his sentencing came to pass and he was inspired to inscribe that ideal into his clothes, which at that point were likely a large part of his identity.
His bio in the databank mentions people recognized him on his walk out to the gate for his exile. But he couldn't have been wearing his IL outfit at the time because after his exile he shows up in what you see in the banner, and I really doubt he'd go looking for a way to acquire different Xianshou clothes (which is probably rather difficult outside of visiting part of the fleet) after he'd been banished. Yet said bio also mentions he didn't change his appearance to avoid to avoid recognition (meaning create his human form) until after his exile. So he must have been using the hooded coat and such that we meet him in for a long time.
Thus I think this outfit was given to him, piece by piece, over his years in the Shackling Prison. Given his situation, doing time for someone else's crime, being reborn itself the punishment, he likely wasn't treated entirely as a criminal. More like someone under extreme house arrest. After all we know he was given books to read and apparently allowed to train with a spear. I think most of that was probably Jing Yuan pulling strings.
Anyway, the outfit you see in the banner, the one he wears in his human form, I believe was slowly acquired throughout his time growing up there. And I think he did customize it.
The words painted on the back were done after his exile, but before that, when he was younger and still on the Luofu, he altered the right sleeve to function better with the gauntlet he used for spear practice, and because of that said gauntlet later became a default part of the ensemble.
The earrings were also acquired after his exile, but before he truly had to start fleeing from Blade. I find it highly unlikely anyone could find an entire Xianshou outfit outside the fleet, but simple trinkets could probably be sold by traveling merchants. Not only are the earrings a reminder of the culture he was forced to leave behind, but they also help reinforce his disguise by drawing attention to very non-vidyadhara ears, so even if he may look mildly familiar (like Yanquing thinks upon seeing him) it's a detail that that says 'no', sets him apart from his species, and makes the person wondering doubt themselves.
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tellescope · 10 months
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Dan Heng has always been something of an archivist ever since he was little; taking notes and recording his thoughts. Here are some scattered fragments from a journal that got lost when he was exiled; one he used to have as a child.
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I finally finished reading the civics books I was given. But I understand even less now. If those are all the laws the Xianzhou follow then why am I here? I haven't broken any of them but everyone acts like I did something horrible.
I believe ▉▉▉ got sick, as there was a new guard this morning. I don't like him. He's colder and crueler. My 'book privileges' were threatened by correcting a mistake he made. Is it wrong to tell someone they got your name wrong?
I've stopped correcting them. They never learn. I looked in my books for the name they keep using and found it in a history book. I don't understand why they keep confusing me for that man. The descriptions of him do sound similar, but he's older, and dead, and it's too dark here to really see what people look like anyway. I don't understand them.
The guards talk to each other during shift changes. I often hear mention of the weather. It must be nice to see the sky, however false it is. I've read that the food here has the same vitamin as sunlight so they don't need windows and they can keep the lights dim. Are the false skies of each delve as beautiful as their descriptions or are my books outdated? Many of them are old. The guards don't like getting me new things, often saying I'm undeserving of them. I don't see how as I've been compliant and polite, but I am still here so they must be right. I'll try to do better.
The General came to visit again! Such a rare occurrence but always appreciated. He's so nice, even if he does seem sad every time. I wish I could help. In the past I've offered my books and even a portion of my food. I understand he likely has much better but isn't it the thought that counts?
This time I was gifted a set of brushes to improve my penmanship, a book on the different species of the Xianzhou, and I overheard him speaking with a guard about allowing me 'spear practice'. Am I to be trained? I don't understand why. I don't deserve it.
Some of the guards are strange. One was saying goodbye to another during shift change and wrapped their arms tightly around the other. I wonder what that means.
No-one has ever touched me like that.
I finished the book on species. They were all interesting, but the section on vidyadhara made a lot of things clearer. I understand now why I am here. Why I don't deserve things. I don't believe it's really fair but complaining has only made things worse in the past. My only option is to accept things as they are and move forward.
Why did he sin?
Did he know what it would cost me?
My books say vidyadhara can control water, but that it takes a lot of practice. I'm going to try with my shower. If I work at it enough maybe I can entertain the guards?
If I do will they like me more?
I formed an orb with the water from my shower! It's a lot easier than my books implied. But the guard startled me by yelling when he saw it and was even madder when I got him wet.
I won't try again for a while.
The General came back today with another gift. There was a loud argument between him and some guards but I believe he won. I've been given a spear that looks incredibly familiar but I can't pinpoint why. He says it's called Cloud-Piercer and that it's my right to have it. He's strange. Prisoners don't have rights. But he is kinder than the guards and I do want to keep the spear. There's something about it...
He says he'll spar with me next he gets a chance. I told him my cell is too small for that and he explained there are larger areas here we can go. That was a surprise. I've only ever been allowed to leave my cell when they clean it, and I have to stay right outside it anyway.
I'm excited to see another room and learn some combat skills. Perhaps in the future I'll be able to defend myself. If I ever get to leave.
A guard during shift change was complaining about the heat in the delve, and another recommended a trip to a 'pool'. I had to scour my books and scrolls to find what they were talking about. Someday I hope to try one. Perhaps I will be allowed a small tub to fill with water from the showerhead? Water has always been comforting for some reason. I was once reprimanded for letting the shower run too long, but a tub of water would mean I could enjoy it without making them angry.
But I won't ask. They don't like my questions.
The General returned today for spear practice! I was also gifted a pauldron for my coat; it's hard to be certain in the gloom here but it seems like it's made of jade. As I thanked him he handed me a hairtie, explaining that until one is skilled enough all obstructions should be removed for training.
He smiled when I tied my hair back. He seems happier when I change my appearance in some fashion. I wonder why.
I also like it better this way. Would the guards allow me a haircut?
Spear practice went well. He called me a 'natural' despite my obviously inferior skills. I'll keep practicing. My cell is too small for a proper spar but I can spin and jab the spear without damaging the walls so I will keep trying to improve by working on my forms.
My latest group of books included one of poems. I quite like some of them. I wish I could share them with someone but the guards don't care to be read to.
Another guard brought up the weather outside. I left my showerhead running to try mimicking 'rain' despite the shouting from my cell door.
Perhaps someday I'll figure out how to mimic a 'cloud'.
There was a mass sentencing today. Some other prisoners were walked down the hall past my cell in the morning.
Only half of them returned.
I reread my civics books to brush up on Xianzhou laws and punishments. Some crimes are worthy of death.
I pity them. I don't know what they've done, perhaps it truly was worth such a result in the eyes of the Judges, but I don't believe anyone deserves death.
There have been arguments about my status. I think they often forget how well vidyadhara can hear. I wasn't worried, I've been here for many years, but then someone brought up execution.
For what? Haven't they already executed the criminal for his sin? That is why I am here is it not? What have I done while spending my life in this cell to deserve such a fate?
I forget myself sometimes. Prisoners don't deserve anything. We don't have rights. I should just be glad I've lived this long. Perhaps my next incarnation will get to see the sun.
I found myself staring up at the faint lights in my cell until my vision was filled with spots. It's not good for my eyes but what does it matter when I won't be using them much longer? It was something new to try.
I plan to fill my remaining days with new things.
I shaped my shower water into globules reminiscent of the cloud descriptions in my books and floated them across the ceiling of my cell. I managed to keep them there for hours despite the loud reprimand.
You won't take my false sky until I allow it.
The General returned. He says he will try to speak on my behalf and alter my sentence. I trust his heart is in the right place but I have no faith in the system. I thanked him for his efforts and returned to annotating my books.
I'm not certain how much longer I have.
The word 'exile' was floated about among the guards today. I'm still not sure what to think.
My sentencing is today. This will be my last entry. The guards say the General will be arriving to escort me. I thought it odd they told me to bring Cloud-Piercer when that happens but perhaps they simply want to reappropriate their equipment.
I'm not certain who I was ever writing this for, perhaps only to get my thoughts out of my head, but if anyone finds it I hope my writings are useful in some capacity.
An entry has been added after the seemingly final one, but it is so warped by water damage in a pattern almost like tears fallen on the page that it's nearly illegible. The only clear text is something about exile, a few words about the 'grand majesty' of something, and the phrase, "It was more beautiful than I ever imagined."
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tellescope · 10 months
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I think he'll change back to his previous form when everyone finally returns to the express. I think he's just currently too spent to do so. It probably takes a decent amount of energy to shapeshift like that and he used a lot of power in surviving and healing from Blade's lethal stab, shifting forms, splitting the ocean, and fighting Phantylia.
He hates his IL/vidyadhara form. Far too much emotional baggage associated with it. No, he's not his predecessor. But given his circumstances growing up and the events on the Luofu, he can't look at his reflection in that form without something twisting inside him.
The human form was originally a purely pragmatic choice, a way to not be recognized anymore. After being exiled from the Luofu that was incredibly unlikely, but when he found out Blade was after him that was the clincher. It evidently didn't throw off the assassin hot on his heels, but he kept the form anyway. You can never be too careful. And over time it helped him separate himself further from his predecessor, step out of the shadow he had always been forced into, and truly see himself as his own person.
It helped him with his identity issues when he could look in a mirror and see someone that wasn't in a history book labeled with a different name. Someone that wasn't vilified for a crime he had paid for instead. It helped when he could look in a mirror and see something he chose himself; someone that is purely him.
And yes, after the mess on the Luofu, after dealing with Phantylia, his friends from the Express have helped reinforce that it doesn't matter what he looks like, he is himself and no-one else. He appreciates that immensely, even if he doesn't verbalize it much.
But... he still prefers the appearance he chose to take, not the one his predecessor passed down to him. They are both him and no-one else, he accepts that now, but given the choice he will don the appearance that twists his heart less, the one he chose to be. Just as he crafted his own name to reinforce his own identity, a name that felt right, he crafted an appearance of his own that felt right.
He just can't afford the energy cost right now to spend on shifting to it, not when there are still loose ends to tie up.
When he returns to the Express with his friends he plans on recording everything that happened into the databank, passing out for a while, and the next time he ventures into the Parlor Car it will be with his human guise.
From then on his IL/vidyadhara form will be reserved exclusively for dire straits that need such power, such as perhaps another incident equivalent to Phantylia or Cocolia.
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tellescope · 10 months
//A potential scene that wouldn't leave my head, and more of the rare Little Shit Dan Heng:
He fucks up some social expectation due to lack of knowledge and gets asked some variation of, "Were you raised in a barn??" and he's so done at this point he just deadpans, "No. Prison."
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