#[Tarinx -headcanons-]
soulsxng · 11 months
Muses that can dance! (Top 5, in no particular order)
Pythius (Can do all kinds of dances, but tends to prefer swing/acrobatic swing dancing! He's really good at any "higher energy" dances like hip hop though)
Tarinx (Another that can do all kinds of dances, but he tends to prefer those that would fall within, or closely resemble, more Latin style dances! Can also belly dance well, which is. Nice c: )
Death (Lerato taught them to dance! Most of the time, they don't really follow any set style though, and tend to just do what feels right, and is fun for them!)
Ber (Like Seffie, Lerato taught him to dance! Not this timeline's Lerato, but shhh we're not talking about that here. Anyway, he prefers hip hop, jazz both regular and contemporary, tango, etc.)
Felesio (A lot of his training focused more on "graceful" and "classical" feeling styles A king should be able to impress people with their poise and grace, or so his parents always said, like ballroom, contemporary, etc)
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soulsxng · 11 months
Just wrote a thing about it that's in the q now, but because I'm thinking about it I wanted to write a quick little thing about the hierarchy among the Irekoli-- Tarinx's species.
It's very much a meritocracy, first of all. Strength, and skill, and ability, and accomplishments are all things that are viewed very highly in most species that reside in the realm as a whole; not just the Irekoli. Still, most cities and kingdoms and such don't really have very strict governances...as long as nobody causes any big issues, then people are more or less allowed to do as they please.
The Irekoli are the same way, though they're generally viewed as having a more organized and/or involved system than the other species and the areas run by them. People are still mostly allowed to live how they like, but there's still a solid structure in place to implement major rules and such to keep day to day things running smoothly.
One way they do this, is by putting together a sort of delegation comprised of some of the realm's strongest, most capable, accomplished people (how is that determined? In the beginning it was probably different, but these days there's definitely a lot of rigging done by the powerful and influential to remain in their positions throughout their entire lifetime...or until someone else gets sick of their shit and takes them out.
At the top of the council is supposed to be a figure sort of like a ruler. This individual is supposed to be decided as the overall strongest Irekoli alive. The Irekoli are also, however, surprisingly very spiritual beings, as well. They worship the realm itself (or more-so, the body of the realm, considering the Pirodeti that was Irekol's heart died shortly after Arin was born) for various boons, as many other places and people worship the gods.
As such, a second individual is elected to rule alongside the first. This individual is recognized as the Irekoli that has been "chosen" by the realm, and has the closest bond to it.
Generally, the idea is that these two are supposed to marry and have kids, in hopes that a new, stronger generation can eventually come of their offspring. Something that...because Tarinx is ruling with his younger brother...ended up getting scrapped. Which has the delegation up a wall trying to get Jaey to get married to someone powerful and give birth to this so-called hopeful new generation. The same goes for Arin, but it's easier to raise someone to be strong, than it is to find someone that the realm favors. (joke's on them though because Arin actually has the next closest connection to the realm after Jaeyani)
Anyway, so it's all really just a cluster and Jaey and Arin both tend to spend a decent amount of time away from home, working on diplomatic stuff. Things run smoothly enough with them stopping back every week or two, so they're not too worried about the rest.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Top 5 (it's 6 but shh) believers of "I can make him worse"
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5. Vanyllo/Tarinx
I've been trying to decide between these two since I started working on the other post, and I ultimately couldn't. Both of them are fucked up in more or less the same ways though, and while they wouldn't push the people they loved too hard to do bad stuff...it wouldn't be something they necessarily avoided, either. To them, it's just part of the way life is. Sometimes giving in and punching that person heckling you in the face is therapeutic, okay? Seeing the person who thought they could push your friend around beaten and bruised at your feet can be a thrill you don't find elsewhere.
The only reason they're so low is because a lot of what they would be making people worse with is violence alone, and not too much else.
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4. Ezzion
Possibly ironic for someone that used to be in charge of people that were locked away for doing messed up things. Still, Ezzi has always been of the mindset that if you want something, you take it. You deserve it, so you should get to have it! What? Someone else has it though? Well that sucks for them, doesn't it?
The only reason they're not higher, is because they usually don't care too much what other people do, as long as they're not stopped from doing what they want to do. If they try to convince anyone to do something bad, it's usually for the fun of it.
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3. Ber
Ber will almost always encourage the worse of two options, I can guarantee it. If it helps the one he cares for (or himself) come out on top, he's not above dragging anybody into his bs. A lot like Ezzi in the "You have power, why wouldn't you just take/do what you want?" camp.
Sometimes he'll even build someone up into doing fucked up things just so he can step back and blame them for something that he did. Serves them right for thinking he would ever choose them over himself. (though there are a couple exceptions that he would never do this with)
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2. Pereux
...Please tell me what you expected from someone who used to be referred to with titles such as "The Monsterous Nightmare", "The Nightmare/Terror Queen", and "The Phantom Queen"?
She's not quite as bad as when she was still going by Mórrígan, and she won't act in a manner that's against something she has foretold happening...but outside of that? She's as bloodthirsty and dangerous as any of the Aos sí and Fae can be.
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1. Death
They're honestly just a little nutcase. Absolutely batshit insane. And they have an energy that somehow manages to sweep up just about anyone in their shenanigans...regardless of whether they meant to be, or not.
Again, like Pere, I don't know what else would be expected from them. They're literally the final Horseman of the Apocalypse. They're gonna encourage some indulgence in the immoral whenever they have the opportunity to do so.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Apparently I never posted this on here, because I've been looking all over and can't find it. Anyway, this is what Tarinx and Jaey's scale coloring looks like, respectively.
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One of the main differences is that between between Tarinx's scales, it's a dark, reddish orange. And for Jaey, he has the same iridescent sheen to his scales that Arin's have, just milder.
The scales are thick, and in some areas-- along the center of the back side or their tails, for example, is more roughly plated and ridged than scaled.
Along the underside of their tails is soft, much like an actual snakes is. It's durable enough for them to be able to slither over jagged materials and such without being injured, but if they were to slither across something toxic, for example, it'd soak in and make them sick, unlike if something toxic was spilled on their scales.
Their scales are also typically fairly hot to the touch, Maybe not enough to sting when they're just relaxing, but if they're worked up or fighting? Steam will rise off of them, and that's a point when they should probably not be touched, because it can leave burns.
Typically, if they're somewhere they need to blend in a little better, they'll have their legs, as opposed to their tails...even though their tails are what they're most comfortable with. Same thing if they're somewhere that having to slither around might be dangerous.
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soulsxng · 1 year
For the day of nastiness, I offer you this list of muses that go through heat, or something similar:
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Ber and Niesal - Same species, they go through the same thing. They go through heat once every year to year and a half, but it usually lands somewhere between December and March. Lasts for about a week to ten days. Lots of period-like symptoms-- moodiness, bloating, cramping, fatigue, hot flashes, etc. They actually have a lower sex drive than usual during the beginning parts of their heat. It gets higher toward the end, when the worst of the other symptoms start to subside. Niesal usually goes through theirs with Reyul, since they're more or less synced up. Ber, on the other hand, tries his best to keep to himself during it, except in the verses that he's in a relationship with someone.
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Darrow and Eleare - They...sort of have a heat that comes around during the spring time. More accurately, it's that they're only fertile during a month or two of Spring, and then just...isn't, the rest of the year. Aside from that though, they don't exhibit any symptoms, unless they're around another being that's in heat. In which case, it's mostly just horny, more dominant, more prone to fighting, preening and trying to make themselves appear more attractive/appealing to whoever is also in heat. Effects usually last for a couple hours after they're away from whoever triggered the symptoms in the first place.
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Sivel and Alsina - I wrote a thing about the Vasyrus' heats here! One thing I didn't mention on there, is that the frequency of their heats largely depends on how long they've had a cycle for, as well as whether or not they're bonded/have a partner. Those that haven't had a cycle for long go into heat more frequently, and it gets a little farther apart the longer they've had one. Those that aren't bonded/have a partner go into heat more often as well, but have few to no "spontaneous" heats that they have to deal with. For Vasyrus that are bonded/have a partner, they can go longer between heats. However, they'll experience short, "spontaneous" heats that last for a day or two after starting very suddenly here and there between.
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Tarinx - Well. Technically he doesn't actually have a heat right now, since Irekol is a very tropical clime, overall. If he were to spend a lot of time somewhere colder though, or in a place with more variable seasons and such, however, he would experience a heat cycle similar (but more mild) to Aro and Eleare's. One that would be triggered by a change from cold to warmer, more humid weather (Like 90 and up, I would say?) and would last...maybe 3-4 days at a time.
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soulsxng · 11 months
Archetypes quiz | Tarinx edition!
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41% Rebel: The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
25% Athlete: The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
24% Explorer: The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. They take journeys, not vacations.
#[Tarinx -headcanons-]#I feel like rebel is a little bit high#just because Arin is mischievous but he doesn't like...go out of his way to be rebellious#As for the other two those are just about right#for Athlete it's more...I guess a cultural thing? The Irekoli as a whole view strength and cunning above pretty much all else#Which is also why (maybe surprisingly) his alternative to Explorer would have been Intellectual#But also just he loves to compete and he loves doing all sorts of things that tend to have him moving around constantly#As for explorer he always loves traveling#it doesn't even necessarily have to be somewhere new he just likes going places#part of that is to get away from home where people are constantly bugging him (minus his lil' bro. Jaey can bug him whenever and it's fine)#Because like...yeah he's technically the ruler of Irekol#but he only did that because otherwise Jaey (above mentioned lil' bro for those of you that didn't know) would likely#have been forced to marry whoever else became the ruler#since Jaey is the Irekoli with the closest link to the realm#and usually the way it works in Irekol is that the strongest and the one with the closest bond to the realm are supposed to have kids#...until Arin and Jaey#so now the nobility/council/what-have-you have been scrambling to try to determine who Jaey and Arin /should/ marry and have kids with#while the two brothers continually throw all kinds of wrenches into their plots because they don't wanna deal with it#anyway though wow sorry for huge info dump in the tags jeez
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soulsxng · 4 years
Me, coming to a realization: ...Green eyes, huh Arin? Arin: Look, I don’t have many preferences, but that’s definitely one of them.
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