#[Russet Bron]
solar-throne · 1 year
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"Damn it, what'd you do?" Russ typed something into his wrist pad. The nanobots shifted from the pack to form over the boy's eyes into a pair of goggles.
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"Dude, how many more forms does this thing got?" Kash asked as he turned to face Russ in time to see him round a corner.
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"A few, but I'm still working out the bugs on the others. Yours should be enough to see through the dark, I'm having D.A.I.S.Y. run through the nearby system looking for any heat signatures or abnormalities." He explained as he pulled up the map D.A.I.S.Y. had gathered from what was left on the receptionist computer.
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"Aren't the lights supposed to give the pets cover?"
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"Yeah, from us, whoever ran this place wouldn't be stupid enough to let them roam completely free without some way to track them. Come on this way."
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"They sounded pretty confident over message, makes you kinda curious on what they got going...."
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"Not curious enough."
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"We're not going to fight it?"
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"Nah, we came for information."
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"Oh, so we're just going to let someone else deal with it?" Kash tilted his head as he stopped behind Russ in one of the meeting rooms. Without a second thought, he laced his fingers together, giving Russ the boost he needed to reach the air vent above them.
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"Yup." Russ nodded as he popped the cover of the vent off before hoisting himself in. He turned, offering a hand to pull Kash up. "It's almost like that one Nivis job, but underwater and with weird monsters."
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"Oh, so nothing like the Nivis job?" Kash teased as he pulled the vent cover back into place.
Russ typed a different protocol in for D.A.I.S.Y. before he began to lead the way through the vent, making far less noise than one would expect from the two jokesters. It was clear this wasn't their first time using an air duct to sneak around. With Russ's direction, it didn't take them long to pop out of an I conspicuous room in the 2nd ring.
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"You think boss is worried?" Kash asked as he snooped around the room for anything of note while Russ had D.A.I.S.Y. work on their next route as he worked on one of the doors.
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"Nah, it's been like what? 20 minutes at most."
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teamvnla · 3 years
Cutscene ; Turnabout
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“Do I look familiar?” The doctor asked in a soft tone, his eyes looked over Kashmere’s face. He had certainty grown, yet there were still distinctive features the shown through.
Kashmere stared at the man, his mind abuzz. Something about him looked so familiar, yet the young Faunus could swear he had never seen him before...however there was a chance that it was true that he knew the man and that HE didn’t know him. He took a tentative sip of his water.
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“You look quite familiar, what’s your name?” Fir pressed on, there was no doubt in his mind of who the boy who sat before him was. He had never expected a reunion, let alone one like this. The lack of recognition in the boy’s eyes showed no sign of a front. What had happened to him?
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“....my head hurts…” He mumbled, lips grazing against the plastic rim of the water bottle.
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“Ah, of course. Just wait here a moment, I have just the thing.” He stood with a gentle smile, Kashmere couldn’t quite place his finger on how to feel about it unless the aftertaste at the back of his tongue was any sign. Once the man had left the room Kashmere steadied himself, pressing his ear to the door for any sign of movement on the other side. Receiving a response of silence, he slipped from the room taking the bottle with him doing his best to casually make his way out of the hospital.
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He nearly flinched at the screech of his earpiece only now noticing that it had been inactive, however he didn’t hear any voices. There was no way he wouldn’t be getting an earful had it actually been working, maybe they had some faulty equipment. He tried to push what the doctor had said to him from his mind, whether that man knew whatever was before who he was now didn’t matter...right? Despite his attempts the lingering questions and familiarity remained in his mind.
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“What the hell happened back there?!” There was the earful the porcupine had been waiting for, though he hadn’t expected it the minute the door behind him closed.
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“I felt sick..” He muttered, pulling the earpiece out of his ear, “That wasn’t much help anyways.” He added tossing the earpiece onto the coffee table, while Opal was ready to give Kash a lecture on the importance of maintaining a connection to your home base Russ was quick to swipe up the earpiece cracking it open with a small pair of tools. Opal’s head swiveled upon hearing the other boy break apart a piece of her equipment, though before she could spiral into a new lecture she appeared to come to the same conclusion Russet just had.
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“It’s totally fried.”
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“..it wasn’t just a simple dead zone..” She muttered a manicured nail held between her teeth, the annoyed expression left the beautiful woman's face replaced with a furrowed brow as she found herself returning to her desk quickly typing eyes roaming the multitude of tabs opened. Upon seeing Russet make his way over to join the older women pointing over her shoulder and commenting on something, Kash decided to make his way outside to the balcony figuring the cold air would help him think.
He leaned forward against the balcony, slipping the water bottle from his coat pocket tracing a finger over the label of the bottle,it wasn’t like it was going to aid their job anyway, but knowing that no one from the hotel room had seen the interaction between that man and himself made his thoughts muddle up. He let out a puff of air letting his head come down a rest against the cool metal of the railing, it was soothing against the warmth of his forehead.
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“...Maybe I should just start smoking like Van..” He chuckled to himself.
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“Quite a nasty habit, hard one to quit at that.” He felt the tips of his quills bump up against his shirt upon hearing the sudden voice, but from the accent alone Kashmere could tell who had entered the balcony, he hadn’t even felt her approach though that wasn’t unusual for a certified Hunteress. “What’s on your mind, boy?” Tarragon asked with a warm smile, unlike when Leo referred to them as ‘kid’ or ‘boy’ to Kash hearing the older women call him ‘boy’ felt anything but condescending.
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“Dunno, just thinking…” It wasn’t even a good excuse, he turned leaning back against the railing to face Tarragon. His gaze rolled over her analytically, out of the three hunters they were traveling with he had decided Tarragon was his favorite. The questions she asked never seemed to have an ulterior motive. He was a people watcher, see, when you aren't too sure who you are taking on others personalities is lot easier than you'd think. Tarragon's personality was far kinder what he had expected when he first met her, that was besides the point. The Faunus paused, gaze shifting to the building nearby. "The thing is….I have this gap in my memory...I wouldn't really call it a gap though. Its more like...like falling asleep at the beginning of a movie and waking up in the middle. So, you try to piece together your own plot from the pieces around you." He ran a hand through his hair failing to remain casual upon explaining his situation.
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Tarragon watched the boy's expression, for being so stoic Kashmere was still very expressive in his own ways. Having this team around who happened to be the same age as her own child, really reinforced her reason for taking on this job with such vigor. Her thoughts shifted as his words came to stop and his gaze moved back to her looking for a reaction to go off of. Bring a hand to her chin she mulled over the new information. "So now you're wonderin' if the plot line you've come up with is anythin' close to the original?"
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"I don't care about the original plot line." Kashmere was quick to respond, lips pressing together in a thin line after, it made Tarragon wonder if he was saying to convince her or himself. “I mean...why should I care? I have everything else set up just fine around me, what does the past matter?” He clearly struggled with the new emotions bubbling in his chest, he shot his gaze away taking a deep breath attempting to regain the aloof composure he was known for.
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“Kash,” She began softly, “Are you worried that whatever happened that you don’t remember is going to change you?” She tilted her body trying to put herself back into his view, his gaze glanced to her briefly making eye contact. “I can assure you it wont, you’re a bright boy with a strong personality and will. Finding out what you don’t know ain’t gonna change ya, if anythin’ it’ll just make ya even more sure of who you are in this moment.” She spoke warmly and encouragingly.
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“So..you’re saying I should find out.”
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“I’m not saying you shouldn’t.”
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“Sometime’s speaking to you is like solving a riddle.” Kash commented with a huff, he couldn’t tell if his thoughts were less muddled than before or if they had just gotten worse.
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“How sweet, well my dear boy join the rest of when you’re ready. We’re ‘bout to have supper, you deserve a warm meal after a hard day of work.” She responded with a wave over her shoulder as she turned to exit the balcony.
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Kash leaned against the railing further tilting his gaze up to stare at the darkened sky for a moment longer, what he wouldn’t give to be a bird and not have to deal with breaks from the mundane.
A few days had passed before Lye was being suited up for another appointment, Kash had yet to be called on for another exploration into the hospital and given few chances to be sent on reconnaissance either. He was practically bouncing at the chance to do something instead of given more times to stew in his thoughts, even his best friend was too busy to have a conversation.
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“Russ, I’m probably going to head out to see if there anything I can find out from that lead from the other day.” He approached the redhead who was switching between typing away at his laptop and writing notes down. “It’s the one from the old hag who kicked you out of her shop,” He chuckled remembering the jokes they had made after the incident. “Wanna join?”
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“Ah..” Russet finally looked up from the screen, a hand came to the side of his neck rubbing as he tilted his head. “Sorry man, Opal gots me workin’ cracking pass some of the firewalls for a lot of the restricted areas. Van might be willing to go with you though?”
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“Yeah, Van..” Kashmere nodded nearly shocked that the person who knew how to read him the best couldn’t see the disappointment written across his face, the canine Faunus shot him a smile before returning to his work.
He made his way to the living room which had been converted to the main hub of the operation, Opal was briefing Lye on the particular details she would need for the job today. He figured it would be best to make it quick.
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“Lye, do you know where Van is?” He stepped in glancing towards one of the tablet screens with a feed of code he couldn’t quite understand.
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“I don’t, and frankly I don’t care.” The curt response quickly reminded Kashmere of the tension still remaining between the Marigold twins. Mood clearly soured Lye purse her lips, turning her attention back to Opal. “Sorry, kinda busy right now Kash.”
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He gave a silent nod taking it as his cue to see his way out, he knew she was pissed at Van, but a simple no would have been enough to send him on his way.
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Kashmere poked his head into the penthouse kitchen where both Jae and Leo were mulling over blueprints of the hospital.  “Have you guys seen Van?” He asked, feeling as if he was interrupting despite it feeling like the millionth time he had walked in on the pair going over blueprints.
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“I saw him earlier..I think he was heading out.” Jae glanced towards Kash while the only reply Leo had was a gruff shrug.
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“He went with Tarragon on some reconnaissance.”
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Titus queried a brow at the blunt response, he figured that the boy would be more happy to receive an answer. “I can tell you where they were heading, I don’t think they’d mind the extra set of hands.” He added feeling a sense of the pity for the young hunter.
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He nodded almost hesitantly, he headed out after receiving the coordinates though once a block away from the hotel he stopped abruptly. Staring at the ad of the great owl tucked in amongst the branches of the tree, in that moment his conversation with Tarragon flashed in his head and before he knew it his route had changed in the direction for the hospital.
Kashmere knew what cameras the team had their screen focused on, he also knew the routes that they had gone over using. Combining bits pieces he managed to assemble a route straight to the head office, were it not for the waves of nausea and the thumping in his chest he would’ve been quite proud of himself for doing so. The route he took was practically a cake walk, maybe he’d have to give the team the signal that it was far easier to infiltrate than they had originally thought.
He swallowed hard staring at the grand oak door before him, he could feel a cold sweat forming on the back of his neck. The door struck had something deep within him that he couldn’t place his finger on, instead of dwelling on the feeling he grasped the gold handle and pushed the door open.
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“We need to talk.” He stated the door shutting behind him, facing the old man sitting at a large desk with a beaming smile quite the opposite of the tense expression the young Faunus wore.
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“I was worried for a moment you wouldn’t return.” Fir stood gesturing to one of the lush seats in the middle of the office. “May I offer you some tea before we start, chamomile is known to help ease nausea.”
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your-high-lady · 5 years
Summary: This story is about Feyre. She has a couple of small dreams she wants to achieve but turns out it isn't as easy as she imagined it would. Trust me, the story is better than the summary. Modern AU. Feysand.
Chapter 1    Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Horror
IMPORTANT: Please read
Initially, I rated this story K+. I have now changed that to T because of the content in this chapter(I didn't realise how mature this story would turn out). If you would like to continue reading the story but avoid the particularly graphic rape scene I will leave a marking for you to indicate where it starts and finishes so that you don't read something you don't want to read accidentally.
Thank you. Read ahead at your own risk.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to the spectacular Sarah J Mass.
Tamlin insisted he takes me out to the movies today. It is our one-year anniversary. I'd just wanted to snuggle up into his arms and watch a movie for the night, but he insisted we go out. "Why watch a movie at home, when you can watch one in the cinemas?" I still hadn't been convinced, but then he'd started kissing me and I just... melted.
I couldn't believe it had almost been a whole year, though. It felt like it was just yesterday that Tamlin had given me that smile. Tapped me on the shoulder. Asked me out. But more time had passed since then. A whole year had passed. And that's what we were going to celebrate.
Hearing a knock on my door, I quickly checked that I've got everything I might need for the night. Wallet, check; phone, check. Keys, check. Lipstick, check. Just as I was walking to the front door, I passed a mirror hanging on the corridor wall, catching a glimpse of myself. I'd donned one of Mor's sexier dresses. A dark midnight blue lace-y thing, coming up to my mid-thighs. And it was shoulder-less, too. The whole time I was getting ready, I kept thinking about how stupid this is. This isn't me. I don't dress like this. I don't ever wear this much make up. But among those thoughts, were also others: Tamlin will like this. He'll like that I put in an effort. He's always asking me to put on sexy clothes, dresses that barely cover anything. He'll like this; he is the one I'm wearing the dress for.
I'd never been great at hiding my emotions and Mor had seen the nervousness clear on my face while she watched me go through her closet. "Feyre, are you sure Tamlin is the guy you've been waiting for, for so long?" She'd asked. In turn, I'd given her a weird look and said, "Yes, of course, Mor. Why would I be with him, if that weren't the case? He is the right guy. I'm sure of it." But as I'd talked to her, I'd been unable to look at her. As if I knew that whatever I'd see in her eyes would convince me that this was wrong. That she was speaking the truth, while I was shielding myself from it.
I could hear her, now. She was sitting in the living room, watching a sitcom, laughing and eating dinner. Looking back at the mirror, I quickly brushed some stray hairs back and pushed my bra up before putting a smile on my face, and opened the door.
"Feyre! Are you ready for the movies?" He asked with his big smile, that had blinded me at first. Before I could answer, he leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips, before taking my arm. I quickly shouted a bye, Mor, before stumbling down the driveway behind Tamlin.
In the car, he asked me about my day and other things before turning up the radio. He had some eighties music on. I went to change the channel but Tamlin stopped my hand, asking me with a little frown, "What are you doin'? Leave it on." Though his words stung a little, he was smiling, which in turn made me want to smile. I didn't know what to feel. It was so weird. Just yesterday, I'd loved everything about Tamlin. I'd found everything about him just perfect. I could feel his love for me every time he looked at me. Did this have something to do with what Mor had said? Was Tamlin really not the right guy? No, of course, he was. He was the one who made butterflies appear in my stomach. He was the one who protected me. Loved and cherished me. That was what I wanted, and that's what he's giving me. That makes him the perfect one, right? Right?
I couldn't concentrate on the movie.
Mor's words kept going through my head; my own thoughts kept going through my head. I just couldn't stop doubting myself. Wasn't this what I'd wanted. Wasn't this the right thing for me. What's wrong?
I turned my head to look at Tamlin. Unlike me, no thoughts seemed to be attacking him; his expression was one of delight. We were watching a movie about racing cars. Of course, he found it interesting—he was a man. I sighed. At least the movie was almost finished.
"Well, wasn't that an amazing movie?" Tamlin said to me as we exited the cinema hall. I smiled at him but didn't say anything. He gave me a small frown before linking my arm into his and said, "I've got a surprise for you." His smirk made me curious. Rather than asking him what the surprise was, I just let him lead me to where ever he wanted.
Turned out we had to drive there. I was surprised when he parked the car in front of a bar. It was called The Ale House. Hmm. "I want you to meet some of my friends." He said as we went inside. Inside, I could see many people dancing on the floor. Among those people were the ones who didn't have any respect for the people around them and were rubbing there near-naked and sweaty bodies against others. It was disgusting. I grabbed Tamlin's arm. "I don't want to be here." My voice came out meeker than I would've liked.
He just said, "Come on." I followed him. Later I wished I hadn't.
He led to the floor above the dance floor. Up there were small seating areas were made up of round couches. In one corner, the one we were heading towards, I could see four men and a woman. She noticed us coming and immediately alerted the others of our presence. We were within hearing distance of them know. "Hey Tamlin, got a new girl, have you?" One of them shouted, leering at me. I, subtlety, pulled my dress down. The pure greed in his face made me shudder. Instinctually moving closer to Tamlin, I linked my arm in his.
"Hey bro, how ya doin'? Tamlin said, slapping a scrawny boy with brown hair on the shoulder. As we took a seat, he introduced me to his friends. "Guys this is my girlfriend, Feyre. We're out celebrating our one-year anniversary." I was greeted by a lot of "ooh's" at that.
Tamlin then told me each of their names, starting from the left. Hart: A powerfully-built man with black hair. Dagdan: a skinny guy with black hair. Brannagh: the female version of Dagdan, also his twin sister. Bron: the man Tamlin had slapped on the shoulder. And then finally Lucien. A red-haired man with a russet and gold eye. His left eye had been replaced with a metal one, which gave him a badass look. Despite that, he seemed to me like the nicest one of all of Tamlin's friends.
After that, I mostly tuned them out. At least, until I noticed the look Dagdan was giving me. "—shot was so—" Bron was saying before Dagdan interrupted him with, "Tamlin, can I take her?" Tamlin raised his eyebrows before glancing at me. Turning back to Dagdan, he gave the smallest of nods. I whipped my head around to look at him, incredulously. He didn't even seem to be worried. He was just letting me be taken by Dagdan, who definitely did not have good intentions in mind. I tried to keep my face expressionless, despite the horror coursing through me.
Now standing in front me, Dagdan took my arm. I tried free myself from his grimy grip but it was too strong. He simply pulled me on to my feet and dragged me away with a vicious smile on his face. Tamlin didn't turn to look at me once.
Through a back door, Dagdan led me to a dark alley. I could see garbage bins overflowing with more bags on their sides. I gagged at the rancid smell. Unfortunately for me, Dagdan found this suitable enough for what he was planning to do. And I knew what he was planning to do, what Tamlin had let happen. He'd let Dagdan take me somewhere secluded so that he could do whatever he wanted to do to me. And Dagdan wanted pleasure; sex. I didn't want to do it with him. I was going to be raped if I didn't find a way out of this. But my mind had gone blank; I couldn't think past the buzzing noise in my ears.
He pushed me hard against a brick wall. I whimpered in pain, in fear. I was so scared, I felt like I could puke. But honestly, that wouldn't be so bad, if I did it on him. I huffed a laugh, at the image, before reality came back to me. I was pressed against a wall and Dagdan was pulling his pants down. As he did that, he put lips against my neck, smelling me. I felt his lips caress a sensitive spot just under the ear and shivered. His pants bunched around his feet before he put his grubby hand on my thigh. I trembled with disgust. Why, why, why did I not listen to Mor. She warned me, and I chose to ignore it. And now I'm paying for it. I could feel his fat fingers pulling my panties down. I could feel him cup me, feeling how wet I was. Damn my body for reacting to his… yuckiness. I felt tears silently drip down my cheeks. I felt dry, cracking lips, a tongue forcing its way down my throat. My hands shot up to take a hold of his arms, trying to take them off from me. But then he slapped me across the face and then thrust himself inside me. He didn't give me time to adjust. He just forced himself into me in one go. And he wasn't gentle. I was able to let out just a whimper, instead of the scream building in my throat. I didn't want him to remember me as the weak girl, who was so easy to take for himself. He tangled his fingers in my hair before yanking my head back, exposing my neck to him. He bit me, hard enough to bruise. He sucked on the skin before biting again. And again. And again. And all through that, I kept whacking him on his shoulders, arm, anywhere I could connect with him, in an attempt to push him away. But with each time he bit, it felt like his teeth got sharper, rougher, and I just couldn't. Suddenly I didn't care. I just went limp and wished for it to stop. He pulled himself out before thrusting again. Letting go of my hair, I felt him roughly pull down my dress. The sound of cloth tearing filled my ears. Then I felt his hand release open the latch of my bra. I could feel the bitter cold air touch my nipples, as they hardened. I felt his lips close around my right nipple just he bit it, hard enough to draw blood. His hand pinched my other one. I hear the whimper that gets let out of my mouth, without actually processing it. And throughout all that, reluctantly, I can feel my own arousal growing. But I don't want this. I don't want Dagdan. I want… wanted Tamlin. But not anymore. Not after he let this happen to me.
Please, stop. Please, stop. Please, save me from this, god. I start sobbing and heard Dagdan laugh, as he enjoyed the mental and physical torture I was going through. He thrusted a couple more times, each one harder and faster than the last. He bit my other nipple, just as hard, too. He did everything. Everything, that could possibly hurt me but please him. Everything. Until he finally came. He groaned and moaned as he spilled himself inside me. Thinking about his semen inside me wanted to make me puke. I even felt a little of my dinner rise up my throat.
When he was finally done, he let me drop down to the ground and pulled his pants up. I could see my panties lying in front of me, tattered. Pulling my torn dress over my breasts so that they were covered, I wrapped my arms around myself. Looking up, I saw Dagdan grinning at me. I spat in his face. He blinked at me, wiping the saliva from his face. He stared at it, frowning, before slapping me. I felt blood pool in my mouth before I spit that out on the ground. I turned to glare at him, but he was already gone.
AN: Thank you for reading. Please review.
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teamoliv-archive · 5 years
☭ [randomized results] Russet vs Onyx,Jae vs Ivory,Nava vs Jade, Lye vs Lilac
Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse (RWBY EDITION)
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Battle Theme: In the Shadows
Battle intro: “So you are one of their companions, are you?”
Victory: “Weren’t expecting that, were you?”
Defeat: “I still need to recover it seems.”
Assist: “Careful, I cheat.”
Taunt: “Am I the only one with any refinement here?”
Reacting to Taunt: “I’ll take that bet.”
Flee: “I think that’s enough for now.”
Reaction to Flee: “You could have just surrendered.”
Tie: “Not bad at all.”
Perfect Victory: “Is this a joke?”
Semblance Activation: “How good are you at handling this?”
Finishing Move: “It’s time to finish this, wouldn’t you agree?”
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Battle Theme: Numquam Vincar
Battle intro: “Sorry, but I’m not holding back.”
Victory: “Welcome to the games, Jae.”
Defeat: “Where did this come from!?”
Assist: “Molly, let’s go!”
Taunt: “You want to see Lye again, don’t you?”
Reacting to Taunt: “Don’t you start with me!”
Flee: “I’ve got to get out of here.”
Reaction to Flee: “Don’t worry, it’ll just be a leg shot.”
Tie: “When did you get good?”
Perfect Victory: “This might not even be worth it.”
Semblance Activation: “Targets, go!”
Finishing Move: “Say hi to your dad for me-”
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Battle Theme: Each Promise
Battle intro: “Clever of you to find your way in here, but this is the end of the line.”
Victory: “That was hardly a performance.”
Defeat: “Now don’t let this go to your head.”
Assist: “Robin, I’m tired of this. Take over.”
Taunt: “I bet your parents will love the tape I send them.”
Reacting to Taunt: “Rather barbed for someone so refined, don’t you think?”
Flee: “And that’s it for the show.”
Reaction to Flee: “I have a stage to see to. Go kill her for me. Take pictures.”
Tie: “You know, trying to tire me out will only get you so far.”
Perfect Victory: “That was hardly worth my time.”
Semblance Activation: “Do you really want to fight me, little girl? Look around you.”
Finishing Move: “I didn’t want to have to use one of these. They are just so expensive.”
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Battle Theme: LINK
Battle intro: “Alright, kid, let’s see what you’ve got.”
Victory: “Not quite there yet.”
Defeat: “Hey, not bad. I need to make some adjustments to the coat.”
Assist: “Don’t forget about these.”
Taunt: “No offense, but my mom would have hated you.”
Reacting to Taunt: “Don’t piss me off, alright?”
Flee: “That’s all for now. Later.”
Reaction to Flee: “Well at least you have a sense of survival.”
Tie: “Yeah, Nyxie will be fine around you.”
Perfect Victory: “Real talk here, that was pathetic.”
Semblance Activation: “Let’s see how those work.”
Finishing Move: “Alright, blow her to kingdom come!”
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solar-throne · 1 year
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"Come on, we've don't got all night. We don't know when other people might show up." Russ called up as Kash lingered enamored by the glass panes showing the outside water, he had reached out grazing his finger against the wall as they descended. Their packs were for the most part silent minus for the faint rumble, they could feel in their chest from the motors.
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"Huh, guess it was a good idea to have her cloak us," Kash commented taking note of the lights in the lobby, the boys took off in different directions. He b-lined towards one of the vending machines while Russ headed to the reception desk.
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"See if there's anything you can pull from here." He removed the glove of one of his hands, pressing his palm against one of the intact computers at the desk a faint glow of circuits appeared on his hand before he pulled it away and began to rummage through the desk drawers.
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"You think she's going to find anything?" Kash asked approaching the desk with a mouthful of sweet treats he had gotten from the vending machine.
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"Surprised you didn't get your arm stuck this time," He glanced up at the desk for a moment. "Not holdin' out hope, thinkin' she might be able to scrape together a map if anything."
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"Had change," He responded to the initial comment, "hmm, I think we should go left."
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"I was thinking right."
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"Rock, paper, scissors?"
After a few rounds of the game, the pair decided on going through the left doors. Russ allowed both D.A.I.S.Y. to roam a bit away from him, instructing them to keep an eye out for anything of note. He chose to be more cautious of their surroundings though he knew Kash would be able to handle himself.
0 notes
solar-throne · 1 year
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"What do you think they were researching here? Those notes from earlier kept mentioning the war and Awakened abilities."
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"People have been studying Awakened abilities for ages. The war only made people more desperate to figure them out."
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"What'd they figure out?"
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"Jack shit, every research paper leads you down a wack job theory or to a dead end. All because no one wants to accept the fact that it's like the lottery, not everyone's a winner." There was a time when Russ had poured over every paper and study he could get his hands on, desperate for an answer that had been hidden from him. Every delve into the subject had only ever proven to be more fruitless than the last.
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"Hmm..." Kash tilted his head, mulling over Russ' rueful statement. "If you could have any ability, what would you choose? I think I'd go for Set's."
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"And break literally every bone in your body? Yeah, sounds real fun."
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"Maybe you would, my bones are basically made of steel ."
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solar-throne · 1 year
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"Damn, everything really did get picked through." Russ sighed folding his arms in front of his chest, he nudged the broken generator with his boot.
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"You gonna fix it?"
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"I could, wouldn't take that long, but doesn't really seem worth it."
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"It'd tell others we're here too..." Kash pointed out, earning a slight nod from Russ. The pair had been tipped off about the facility by Hades tossing them a pair of keys paired with a 'Have fun' before they were sent on their way. "We could always just dig, we're bound to hit the facility eventually."
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"...." Russ gave him an unamused look. "I didn't come to dig, I came for sick goods." He blinked his left eye fully activating the cybernetic that was held within. "Hey, this is just going to be like another training session, so pay attention 'kay?" The tone he used was a clear indicator he wasn't talking to Kash.
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"Why do you always talk to it like it's a baby?"
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"I don't, you've gotta start being nicer to her, this latest update is showing a lot of promise. Now, turn around." Kash did as he was told, he flinched feeling a cold piece of metal placed at the tip of his spine.
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"... jeez, gimme a warning before you start probing me.." He grumbled as he turned around hand immediately moving to the back of his neck curiously as he watched Russ place something on the back of his own. "This what you've been holed up in your workshop for?"
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"One of 'em, this one just seemed like the most applicable to the situation."
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"What is it? Gonna really straighten my posture or something?" He quiet laugh was cut short as the device activated releasing a minuscule swarm of nanobots that formed snuggly around his chest forming what appeared to be a sleek harness and jetpack.
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"....." He looked from his chest to Russ with a wide grin. "Dude."
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"Pretty sick right? I'm working on boots next." He grinned in return before nodding for the other boy to follow him back into the facility. "Come on, rather we'd get as much of a headstart as we can."
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"D.A.I.S.Y. activate hide-n-seek protocol," Russ ordered as they opened the doors of the elevator shaft.
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"I thought you said the generators were a bust?"
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"Topside, I'm not a hundred on the lab below...it's better to be cautious than to get bit in the ass later."
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"I think you're just bein' a wuss."
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"I'm no-" He was cut off as Kash shoved him into the elevator shaft, he dropped a foot before his pack fully activated, he heard Kash's quiet laugh as he jumped down after him.
The pair began their descent down the elevator shaft, both buzzing at the chance to get some energy out after staying low for longer than they particularly liked.
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solar-throne · 2 years
The initial work in Delta Town and Aurora Vale was simple enough to complete,  traps, chimera, monitoring devices, they were all things the boys had dealt with before on a variety of occasions. It was a task that was as mundane as washing their hands. So was the following task, though the restrictions weren’t unfathomable they were rarely ones given.
The first, a banker entering their late fifties in Solis Heights, or rather in this situation an unmarked warehouse. They had awoken with a fright, gagged and bound, though they were quick to try to bargain with their captors, when that didn’t work they turned to threats.
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“Big talk for someone who’s just run off with their sugar baby, what will your family say....”  Hermès shook his head with a click of his tongue, sat balanced on a nearby crate putting the final touches on the doctored footage. Which in his opinions was even easier to make than the photos and messages.
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“The tabloids are going to have a field day...” Loki commented crouching before the banker, an amused grin tugging at him lips. Hades voice rung in his mind before he could get ahead of himself. With a pout he flicked open the container on his belt with a sharp movement of his hand turned the bankers attempt to cry for help into a low gurgle as their mouth filled with blood.
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“Thought you were going for a clean job?” Russ looked away from his screen with a quirked brow.
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“It stayed on the tarp this time.” Kash protested choosing the overlook the spatters of blood now decorating his shirt, as he returned the now muddled water back into it’s respective container.
The second, a train operator, 40. The heavy rain was the perfect cover for Kash, Russ had chosen to stay at the base still able to keep in contact with his partner through various comms. 
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“....” His eyes flicked over the area, Russ had given him a different plan, but the moment he heard the train whistle Kash had already decided his own. Concealed by the heavy rain and shadow he placed his hands down onto the train platform, his ability activating was almost like a second sense awakening. He found it easier to focus on the water soaking the platform instead of each individual droplet of rain, he had to time himself right. Feeling the rumble of the train drawing closer he took a breath, a chill running down his spine as how felt the water cool to thin layer of ice that quickly grew slick from the rain. All the was left was a push. One that led the train operator to topple onto the track mere moments before the oncoming train hit.
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“I hate that, that worked.” Russ didn’t bother hiding his annoyance through the comms.
The third, a tunnel maintenance worker, freshly 25. Luring them deeper into the tunnel was harder than they initially expected, tiring them out was easier especially paired with the harsh smack from Russ’ shield was enough to knock them to the ground cold.
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“You’ve got the rest?” He looked to Kash clearly out of breath, the other boy nodded in response.
Drawing water from the container on his belt Kash drove icicles down pinning the workers body to the floor, he stepped back until he had a full view of the icicles Russ had instructed him to wedge into the weak points of the walls of the tunnel. He looked to his friend for approval, once given such he returned the icicles to water, withdrawing it into it’s previous container. Instantly the walls came crumbling down onto the unconscious body of the worker, the pair leisurely made their way out to unobscured path to the exit, Russ was able to delay the alarms long enough for them to get out while Kash continued to push along the collapse of the walls behind them.
The fourth, an archivist, 30s, proved to be the most trouble. The pair had snuck into the home in the dead of night, expecting to make quick work of disposing of them in their home. 
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“Shit!” Hermès gasped out feeling the air being knocked out of his lungs upon receiving the hit that knocked him into the wall, picture frames clattering to the floor below. “He hits fucking hard!” He groaned scrambling to his feet, frantically looking around for his axe among the debris of the current fight. 
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“I thought librarians were suppose to be ner-” Loki cut himself off barely managing to dodge the fist heading his wave, he could feel it graze his nose. At least it was giving Russ enough time to move, the archivist clearly picked up on the divide in skill level between the two. He attempted to kick at the archivist’s sides as he was pinned to the wall while he did what he could to prevent them from wrapping their hands around his throat.
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He would’ve been offended by the judgement had it not given him the perfect opportunity to grab his axe, he clenched his jaw upon picking it up, he was sure his shoulder was dislocated. Using what remained of the adrenaline pumping through his system he rushed forward using thee broken furniture for leverage to spring himself off of, he brought the axe down between the archivist’s shoulder blades.
Kash’s gaze shifted to the curved blade of Russ’ axe that protruded from the archivist's chest, glancing back up to see the life drain from their eyes as Russ yanked his axe free.
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“Boss is gonna be pissed.” Kash ran his hands through his hair looking at the carnage throughout the room. “What do we do?” His gaze turned to Russ for guidance.
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“Easy, we torch everything.” Russ stated using the back of his hand to wipe the blood from his nose, there was a spark behind crystal blue eyes at the particular solution. 
The home had went ablaze leaving little to nothing salvageable, the archivist’s body, well more appropriately, skeleton was found in where the bed previously was determined to have been burnt to a crisp in their slumber. 
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solar-throne · 2 years
He had faced worse odds, but he had also faced better. Though, seeing that the only one who had defeated the beast so far was the stuffy looking guy from the Leviathans only made him giddier for his turn. He approached the bull with a newly lit determination in his eyes, he hopped on clearly no technique to his positioning.
It was nothing like he expected, he had been tossed around many times before, but this was the first time it was consensually and considerably less amount of blood. Landing on the matted flooring he let out a puff out air, it didn’t hurt like he expected it to. He sat up gaze eagerly turning to the timer, SIX SECONDS. A noise of disappointment fell from his mouth as he glanced toward Uilliam and his small friend, before spotting a familiar red head.
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“So much for your honor.” Russ couldn’t hold back his laugh as he continued to record even as Kash approached him.
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“I’ll never recover from this.” Kash half heartedly swatted at the camera as he sulked.
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teamvnla · 3 years
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“The tunnels basically give you access to anywhere too..”
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“Plus if you’re lookin’ for something specific, there’s always someone who knows a guy.”
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“Or someone who knows a guy, who knows a guy.”
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“Or even someone who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy..”
The pair continue on like giggling amongst themselves.
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teamvnla · 3 years
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“Oh come on, you’re telling me that you couldn’t round up more than half that herd.”
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“Shut up, I’m just warming up.”
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“Sure, whatever you wanna say. Come on we gotta load up this batch and start on the next.”
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“Y’know this would go a lot faster if you actually helped.”
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“You say that like I’m not the one literally tracking the herds.” Russ gestured to the intricate gauntlet he wore which threw up a small projection of where the herd they had just tracked was heading next, this wasn’t standard tech nor programming that would be handed to a civilian.
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teamvnla · 3 years
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“Bit of ingenuity, bravery, and a lack of common sense? Sounds like the job was made for us.”
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“Think we’ve got all of those covered, lets check some things out before jumpin’ in with the rest of the animals.”
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teamvnla · 3 years
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“I know that look.”
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“What look?”
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“You’re getting that itch in your fingers.”
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“...you say that like you aren’t thinking the same....let me know when you come up with a plan...”
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teamvnla · 4 years
Cutscene ; Siblings
They were staying in the main city for the time being, until Tarragon arranged transport to the city with the hospital. Initially the airship seemed like the best idea though after some consideration it was decided that a more subtle approach would work better with the lack of military involvement in Athenestead. The first night was left for rest after their long flight as long as they remained near the hotel, however the kids already seem to have other plans seeing how they had all bumped into one another in the hallway the moment they left their rooms.
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“Didn’t know star students were so rebellious, Jae.” Russet teased with a chuckle.
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“I’m going to see my family.” Jae responded bluntly. “What are you three doing?”
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“Oh. Well tell them hi for us?” He was a bit surprised, he hadn’t heard much of Jae’s family beyond the bits and pieces he got from Opal. “Well its been a while since we’ve been in Atlas so we’re gonna check some things out.” Kashmere gave a small nod agreeing with Russet, the three began to make their way towards the elevator. Lye was about to follow until she felt a tug on her arm.
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“I’ll meet you guys in the lobby.” Van called out earning a small wave from Russet over his shoulder, Jae glanced over to Lye who gave a nod confirming the same. She turned following her brother into his room, the moment the door shut she spoke up.
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“What is it?” She watched as Van rumaged through his bag for something, a short pause before she continued. “Do you think Razz is going to come see us?”
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“Gods I hope not, I’d rather not deal with Razz’s lecturing when trying to do a jobs.” Finally a reply, about what she was expecting. Van and Razz did tend to struggle to see eye-to-eye, even when they were children. “Ah! Found it.” His ears stood, he turned back to face Lye grabbing her hand and placing two small trinkets in her palm.
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She paused a moment before realizing what they were for. “Why don’t you just come and give them to Mai and Dia yourself?” She asked with a quirked brow.
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“Nah, I’d rather not make it awkward for them.” He gave a small shake of his head, bringing a hand up to scratch the side of his neck.
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“You could try not acting like a child for starters.”
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“You say that, but you just don’t get it.”
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“You’re right I don’t get it, Jae didn’t do anything to warrant you to act like a baby. So explain it to me.”
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“He left, Lye! He left us, without even saying anything!”
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“I do not want to hear that from YOU of all people! You left me, Van! Twice! Out of everyone you have no right to act above it all!” Lye stepped forward jutting a finger into his chest, whatever either twin seemed to have been holding back was seeping out in this moment. Her tone held a sting to them and for a moment he swore he saw a flash of yellow.
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“I had good reason to leave.”
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“Really? Because it sure didn’t feel like it! You were thirteen when you first left, a child! You went off and joined some gang!”
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“They were helping people!”
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“They were just wracking up fear!”
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“It was giving results!”
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“Really? Where are they? I sure haven’t seen them, or do you I need to wear a mask to receive them?”
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“And I’m the childish one here?”
The twins continued trading verbal blows back and forth digging deeper into whatever pent up qualms they had been holding onto, long rabbit ears raising with each response and recoiling every other. They switched between common and their mother tongue making their comments sting just that much more, finally they reached a point where he decided he had enough.
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“You can defend him all you want, but did you ever stop and take a moment to think that maybe you’re part of why he left?” He spoke lowly, steadily. What was he doing, he knew what he was saying would hurt her but the words were just spilling out. He leaned forward. “Maybe he left because he was scared of you.” He watched Lye’s expression fall before he even had the chance to take back what he said.
There was no anger in Lye’s expression, it was purely hurt. The lack of response is what made it worse, the upturned brows and glossy eyes. She refused to let him see her cry, she shoved him in the jest quickly turning on her hear and practically running out of the room. The moment the door closed Van leaned forward until his forehead hit against the wall, he let out a groan. ‘You’re an absolute dumbass, Van Marigold.’
On the way to the Aryl home Lye had been noticieably quiet, Jae didn’t point it out assuming that maybe she was just nervous having her Faunus trait so out in the open. Lye followed him up the snow slick staircase of the apartment building, he stopped in front of the door unlocking it. He knocked his boots against the outside wall to remove some of the snow before entering.
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“Mother! Dia! I’m back home for a bit and I br-“
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“Lye!” The familiar voice called as the younger Aryl came speeding at Lye, she had gotten more control over her wheelchair since Jae had last seen her.
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“Dia!” Lye responded just as happily, she tried not to look surprised upon seeing the wheelchair knowing the younger girl would hate the pity. She leaned over giving her a tight hug, Dia grabbed Lye’s hands quickly leading her over to the living room. Jae shook his head with a sigh, but in all honesty he was happy to see Dia so excited. He knew how much she looked up to Lye, even going as far as to style her hair similarly.
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Mai had been in the kitchen when they arrived already preparing dinner for of them, she had expected Van to come as well, but when she brought up the topic upon receiving the trinket he had sent she noticed the look on both Lye’s and Jae’s faces and decided to move on to a different topic. After dinner Jae and Mai sat at the table drinking coffee while Dia and Lye caught up.
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“Why did you cut your hair? Your braid was so long and pretty”
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“I thought it was about time to try something new, plus Vacuo gets pretty hot.” She gave a happier reason compared to the actual one, with a small shrug as she watched Dia looking over the end of one of her twintail braids. “How about I teach you a new braids before we have to head back to the hotel.” She offered, Dia’s expression returned to the bright cheerful one as she nodded eagerly.
The chances of the two groups returning to the hotel at the same time was slim, the chance of them riding the same elevator was even slimmer apparently not slim enough seeing as the five of them were crowded in the room. The reason for both twins mood being so off that evening became apparent in the elevator, they stood on the far ends away from one another. Lye wouldn’t even look in Van’s direction, Van maintained what seemed to be a relaxed quirked smile however there did appear to be a tension behind it paired with the tapping of his foot.
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“How’d you visit go Jae?” Russet spoke up unable to take the deafening silence int the small room.
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“It was nice, I do wish I could have stayed a bit longer though.” Jae replied somewhat surpsied Russet was asking about him, though looking back on it both Russet and Kashmere had been rather friendly towards him,
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“You have a little sister right? I think Lye told me about her, she thinks you’re like the coolest doesn’t she, Lye?” He attempted to bring Lye into the conversation his ears flicking nervously.
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“Yeah....” Lye gave a short reply looked over her nails not showing much interest in the conversation, Russet scratched the back of his head not sure if he should try to push the topic anymore.
He made more attempts to start up a conversation, but every one seemed to fizzled out back into silence. When the elevator doors finally opened upon arriving on their floor he couldn’t help, but let out a sigh. Both twins exited the elevator walking down the hall, Van walked leasurely with his hands in his pockets while Lye walked with her hands balled into fist at her side. It didn’t help that their rooms were situated across from one another.
Upon finally making eye contact with her brother, Lye’s eyes narrowed. Her lips pursed as she slammed the door, Van blinked mommentarily surprised. He scoffed shaking his head, if thats how she was going to act then maybe he shouldn’t apologize yet. He wasn’t in the mood to get electrocuted that evening, he closed the door of his room with a bit more force than intended.
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“You think they’ll sleep this one off?” Kashmere asked tilting his head towards the other boys.
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“Jeez,I hope so, I don’t think I can handle that another day.” Russet groaned ears laying against his head.
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“I don’t know, Lye seemed pretty upset. Did Van say anything about it to you two?” Jae asked facing the two Faunus boys.
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“Nope, but you can just tell when he’s upset about somethin’.”
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“Yeah, his mannerism start to feel forced rather than natural.”
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“And he starts scratching his forearm when he starts thinking about whatever’s bothering him.” Jae added earning a surprised look from both boys, before Russ let out a soft laugh.
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“Yeah, he does doesn’t he? I don’t think he notices he does that. I don’t know why I’m so surprised, you lived with him for a few years huh?” Despite the stoic nature Jae initially gave off it seemed like he really did pay attention to his friends.
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“Alright, we should head to bed. Today was considered our resting day so Leo’s likely going to wake us for training in the morning.” Jae glanced at his watch before heading towards his door. “See you in the morning.” He gave a small smile.
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“Night.” Russet responded with a grin as Kashmere gave a small hum and wave in reply.
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The next morning Leo had waken them for training like Jae had said, it wasn’t too different from the training that had been going through before leaving for Atlas sans the fact that Opal and Tarragon weren’t present. Even Leo took note in the twin’s mood, Lye’s attacks were more agressive while Van seemed to be seconds behind with his movements.
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“We’re just as much in the dark as you are.” Was the reply he had received from Russet when he asked about it.
They finished their training for the day by lunch, needing to head over to Tarragon’s agency’s building for a meeting. So the group cleaned up and quickly made their way over, though not without a complaint or two about the lack of lunch. Leo only managed to get them to be quiet upon offering to take them to eat after the meeting, he wouldn’t admit it but he was growing somewhat fond of these kids.
The meeting was mainly to go over what information they had and where it connected, what the plans were once they arrived in Athenestead.
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“Kash and I are going to act as patients?” Lye questioned looking at the screen.
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“For the time being yes, Kashmere will mostly use that as cover to survey the area some while you, Lye will be acting as a patient under one of the in house psychiatrists.” Opal explained with a nod, Lye long ears shifted nervously.
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“It’ll be fine, your job is mainly to build up trust so that seeing you around the hospital grounds won’t seem too out of place.” Tarragon added on placing a reassuring hand on Lye’s shoulder.
About an hour into the meeting Tarragon perked up upon hearing the frantic voice of the floor’s secretary quickly approaching.
“Sp-Specialist Marigold, you can-can’t go in there. Mrs.Tarragon is in the mi-middle of a meeting!”
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There was one reply before the door to the meeting room swung open revealing a familiar figure, the secretary in the process of trying to hold Titus back from entering the room. He slipped his arm free easily, stepping into the room.
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“Razz!” Lye stood up surprised, but before the older Marigold could get a word out there was a flash of red as Van was already in the process of leaping across to stand on the edge of the table.
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A flash of white as Titus’ specialist coat flapped, before Van’s fingers could even brush Crosshare’s handle he felt the cold barrel of one of Titus’ pistols against his forehead. Jae, Kashmere, and Russet watched with varying looks of surprise on their face, they had never seen anyone beat Van in a draw before.
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“Tch..” Van held his hands up away from his weapon, he felt somewhat embarrassed in their current position.
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“What are they doing here?” Titus asked holstering his pistol back under his coat.
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“Who could you possibly be referring to Specialist Marigold?” Opal asked with a quirked smile, Tarragon stood up assuring the secretary everything was fine and quickly closing the door.
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“Why are they here, Amas?” He asked tone firmer this time, he wasn’t in the mood to play around.
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“They’re here for a mission, like any other Hunter in the room.”
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“They’re students who haven’t even graduated yet.”
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“They’re my students, Titus.” Tarragon spoke up.
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“When did this happen?”
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“It was by chance, they’ve been pretty helpful so far.”
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“Assign me to where you’re heading.”
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“What? Since when do you get any say in this mission Razz? You’re not even a Huntsman.”
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“What makes you think I have that sort of power, Razz?” Opal feigned innocence, purposefully using the name the twins seemed to constantly refer to him by.
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“It’s Titus.” He corrected Opal. “You and I both know you have a heavier sway in this than you let on.”
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“This is why you’re my favorite of the specialist, alright I’ll go ahead and assign you as an escort. You must remember though that doesn’t mean you can meddle in your sibling assignments.”
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Titus was going to respond until a buzzing in his pocket alerted him of his scroll, he stepped to the side pulling it out and answering. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be there right away.” He responded before ending the call. “I’ll expect to hear from you soon.” He looked to Opal before taking his leave, on his way out he grabbed a dark blue cloak from the secretary.
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“Who the hell was that?” Russet asked lost on what had just happened.
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“Specialist Titus Marigold.”
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“I have to go to the restroom.” Lye stood from her chair quickly leaving the room, she made her way through the floor and down to the lobby catching a glimpse of Titus as he left the building.
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“Razz!” She called out chasing him down the side walk, he turned around upon hearing his younger sister’s voice.
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“Lye, this isn’t Vacuo. You have to be more conscious around here.” He scolded taking off his cloak in a single motion he wrapped the cloak around her, gently he tucked her ears under the hood. “What are you doing out here?”
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“Are you really coming with us?”
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“If Amas stays true then yes. What happening why are you and Van all the way in Vacuo? I thought you two were back home?”
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“Our friends missing, she was taken from an event her family was hosting. She’s not the only one, there’s been a string of incidents like these all the was from here to Mistral, we managed to catch someone who’s involved with whoever it is that orchestrating all this. There hasn’t even been a call for a ransom, so I don’t even know what they would want Nava for.” Lye let everything spill out as her ears shifted back and forth under the hood, finally given the chance to acknowledge what had happened so far she couldn’t help but ramble.
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“I see...” Titus paused taking in the new information, he could only piece together so much from what was on the screens in the meeting room. Before he could say anything more he felt his scroll buzzing in his pocket, slipping it out he looked at the screen. “I have to go, but just let Amas know you want me to come along. My numbers still the same, call me if you need anything.” He spoke to Lye softly, assuringly.
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“I will.” She stepped forward wrapping her arms around her older brother. “I missed you Razz.” She muttered with a squeeze.
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“I missed you too.” He responded with a quick squeeze before let her go. “Stay safe and stay aware.” He turned to leave, Lye stood watching him for a moment before turning around and scurrying her way back to the meeting room.
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teamvnla · 4 years
Cutscene ; MKRL meets COAL
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Jae nearly fell back from the weight of both Silverlight holstered on his back and the rabbit Faunus throwing herself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her taking a step back as he managed not to fall over.
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The other quickly caught up with Lye, Cinnamon looked frantically between the girl and Van for some kind of explanation.
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Van felt same bitterness from when they had first seen Nava again, crawling up the back of his throat. A stark contrast to the cheerful aura from Lye and Jae.
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"What are you doing here?" She asked pulling away from the embrace.
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"I assume for the same reason you are." He responded gaze glancing away from Lye to the others around them.
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"Mind introducing us to your little friend here?" Leo spoke up, cocking his head to the side as he looked over the four new faces.
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"Lye and Van Marigold...." Opal muttered to herself, her gaze rolling over the twins. Her comment almost went unnoticed, almost. Van's eyes flicked to the women, he didn't recognize her yet she recognized them.
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"This is Lye, we were on the same team at Beacon." Jae looked to Van. "And that is Van, he was our team leader." There was a tentive pause. "Its good to see you're well."
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"Wish I could say the same." The response was blunt surprising Lye as well as Kash and Russ, there was an obvious tension as the pairs eyes met. Jae didn't appear to waver, almost as if he was expecting that reply.
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Feeling the rising tension, Cinnamon spoke up. "Why don't we hurry to the briefing." Her ears shifted as she gestured for them to continue down the hall.
The two groups walked some of the tension dissipating as idle introductions were exchanged between the group, mainly through Lye, Jae, and Cherry.
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"I thought there was only one group scheduled for the day." Slate commented not sparing a glance at Cinnamon.
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"Well..." Cinnamon began, but paused trying to figure out an explanation.
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"No need to worry, all our paperwork is in order and has already been handled through Cinnamon. Shes a pretty hard worker if you ask me." Van answer for her, patting her shoulder casually.
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"Ri-right, I'm sorry I didn't let you know ahead of time."
Slate gave a small hum in response, he knew how bad of a last she was, but now wasn't the time to cause a scene he made the choice to trust her.
The meeting room was just as ornate as the rest of the building. Both groups opted to stand at opposite sides of the table, Leo stood back leaning against the wall. A work habit, it gave him the best view of the whole room and everyone in it.
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"All the information from todays briefing will be sent to your scrolls upon them being set on the table." Slate mentioned, giving them a moment to do so before beginning the presentation.
There was a general overview of the sequence of event from the gala to the attack. The victims missing and access to any of the cameras around the estate. They went over the main pieces of footage.
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Both Russet and Kashmere felt a sense of confusion wash over them upon seeing an array of White Fang mask. It's not like there had never been missions like what happened that night, but something didn't sit right. It felt off.
After the presentation the group were led to different areas that were shown in the footage they had reviewed.
As they were looking around the main ballroom, Jae noticed that they were down one rabbit Faunus. He quickly slipped out of the room just in time to see a flash of white slip around the corner, he followed after making an effort to remain quiet. Peeking around a corner he watched as Van slipped outside onto a balcony. He moved the curtain in time to see Van pick something up from the ground and slip it into his pocket.
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"What was that?" Jae asked opening the door to the balcony.
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"What was what?" Van responded turning to him casually.
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"You put it into your pocket." He shifted as Van tried to step past him.
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"A pebble, you satisfied?"
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I"With the current situation, I'm not."
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"What, you think that because the White Fang might be involved that I'm somehow involved in this? That I'm running amok crashing some uppercrust party?"
Jae pursed his lips, not because of Van sharp tone, but because that is what he was thinking. He didn't want to admit it, but upon seeing the White Fang was involved and Van's sudden appearance caused the thought the surface in his head.
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"Show me." He stood his ground, not wavering under the piercing gaze of the rabbit.
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"What's happening here?" Cherry voice came from behind Jae as the rest of the group caught up with them.
"He slipped off." Jae responded not breaking his gaze from Van. "I wanted to see why."
"Van? What is it?" Lye's brows quirked, maybe he had found something that could help.
With the gazes focused on him, Van sighed and pulled out the cigarette bud from his pocket. His cigarette from the night before.
Opal perked up. "That was on the balcony? There could still be traces of DNA left on it fr-" She was cut off as Van spoke up.
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"No point, its not from any of the perpetrators."
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"You don't mean..." Lye knew the cigarette looked familiar and she knew Nava didn't smoke and doubted to guest from last night smoked that brand.
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"Its mine, I was here last night. Before you start pointing fingers, I left before all that shit went down." Van shoved his hands back in his pockets. "Check your cameras if you doubt me."
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Russet opened the other door to the balcony stepping out along with Kash, he took a look around. His gaze shifted to Slate and Cinnamon faces that paled at the mention of cameras. "They can't." He commented, the groups attention shifting to him. "This balcony is a blind spot isn't it?"
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"That would explain how this was missed, unless cracked panels are a Mistrali aesthetic." Kash pointed out tracing his finger over the crack in the wall, his finger caught something. Taking hold he pulled a piece of brunette hair from the crack. "Was this here last night?" He asked looking to Van.
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"No, that's new." Van responded, still processing the new information of the balcony being a blindspot.
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"She was taken from here, that's why there was no footage of her."
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"We-we're still going through it, we ass-assumed you would find something when you went through it." Cinnamon explained, everything was happening so fast that she could hardly keep track.
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"Send me the list of the estates blind spots immediately, that is critical information." Opal order as Slate quickly pulled out his tablet to do so.
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"Satisfied?" Van spoke directly to Jae, shoulder checking him as he walked past into the hall.
The rest of the walkthrough went rather calmly, despite the underlying tension. There was far less chatter compared to when the two groups first met. The groups were led to a back exit to avoid and unwanted attention bu leaving through the front.
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"We will provide any other information as we receive it, if you have any other question please feel free to contact me at any time." Slate informed with a polite bow, very formal and straightforward as expected.
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Cinnamon gave a bit of a strained smile to the younger of the two groups, paired with a small nod. She didn't say anything, the four Faunus seemed to understand what she meant.
The two groups began to walk drifting their sepparate ways, until Leo halted suddenly his attention having been occupied by something on his scroll.
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"Y'know you kids shouldn't be meddlin' with adult business." He commented turning to the group of young hunters, he held up his scroll which displayed Van's student ID.
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"They offer jobs like this to fourth years, we're practically about to graduate." Van replied a lazy smirk cross his lips as he turned to face the older man.
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"Theres no information on your other friends."
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"Students records can't be transferred across continents right now, we go to Shade."
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"Yet yours and your sisters came up no problem."
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"Says Beacon? Old records my guess."
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"So if I were to bring this to light you have no worries?" He pressed with a slight tilt of his head.
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"Nothing to worry about."
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"You bluff well, but..."
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"But?" He repeated maintaining his confidence.
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"She doesn't." Despite there only being one person Leo could be talking about Van's gaze follows where hes pointing to the paled expression on his sisters face.
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"Leo, leave the kids alone."
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"Hey, I'm trying to help us out here. Less competition, though you'd appreciate it."
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"Or less competition and new allies." Tarragon spoke up from the back of the group.
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"What?" Jae was audibly surprised, brows furrowed as she walked past him. She walked passed and brushed Leo to the side from where he was sizing up Van.
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"Allies are always good to have, especially in something like this where information is limited. Theres a chance the White Fang could be involved or that those apart of it are being coaxed in it, but as you can see none of us are Faunus." She gestures behind her to Leo, Opal, and Jae.
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"Ah so, you want to use us to get information?"
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"No, not use. I'd actually like to partner up." She smiled, a genuine smile. Feeling his uneasiness she decided to continue. "I actually saw your teams work at the Vytal festival, I guess you could consider me a fan." She glanced over to Lye.
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"If we were to partner with you, you would just let us help find Nava without reporting our situation?" Lye's ears began to lower towards her head, Tarragin felt very maternal that it made Lye comfortable and she didn't quite know if she should trust it or not.
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"I can sign you lot off as my students, it's what I'm doing for Jae." Another pause. "I can do it right away if they will make you feel better." She offered her hand.
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Everything Van was reading from her told him she wasn't lying to him, after so long of no one ever being so genuine with him he felt a bit thrown off. He looked over his shoulder to the others.
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"We'll follow your lead." Russ stated as Kash gave a nod in agreement.
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His gaze fell to Lye who had brought her hand up to grasp the top button of her blouse, she was trying to ground herself. The mention of the Vytal festival was the likely cause, she met Van's gaze and gave a nod.
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"We're in your care then." He turned back to Tarragon and shook her hand, she had a much firmer hand shake than he expected.
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teamvnla · 4 years
Cutscene ; Atlas bound
Russet tapped his fingers against his thighs from his seat in the back of the car between Kashmere and Van. The adults had headed out first while Jae had taken the others to their loft to grab their things.
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"I didn't think they'd take me this seriously...." He muttered his ears shifting anxiously.
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"Give yourself some credit, apparently it was a connecting piece for the information they've got." Van reached over tussling Russet's hair.
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"Where are we heading?" Kash shifted forward in his seat towards the front where Lye say in the passenger seat and Jae drove.
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"Atlas." Jae stated bluntly.
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"Before that."
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"We're going to the warehouse where Opal stashed the ship we used to get here."
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"We could get in trouble for this stuff so that's why we're heading out so late and far." Lye explained turning in her seat.
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"Kinda shady if you ask me." Van commented looking out the window.
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"Like you're one to talk..." The response Jae made under his breath reminded the other three Faunus of the tension between the two boys. They had thought it had simmered down after the week and few days that had passed, but clearly it was still there. The remainder of the drive remained quiet.
Upon arriving at the warehouse they all hopped out and began unloading their bags from the car, Lye and the boys already traveled light considering their main means of travel was by foot. Jae had what he deemed his essentials, he came to learn that what he didn’t bring with him could be provided by the agency Tarragon worked under. He assumed he’d follow the path of a freelance Huntsman after graduation, but working under and agency didn’t seem like too bad of a path.
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“We aren’t bringing HZ with us?” Kashmere asked glancing around noticing the lack of lizard Faunus, he assumed that Opal and the other would have brought him along.
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“He under the custody of some friends of mine, it’ll be easier to keep an eye on him that way while we continue the investigation.” Tarragon explained as she loaded the cases that held Opal equipment into the airship.
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“And he’s a pain the ass.” Leo added on with a puff of smoke as he worked on finishing a cigarette before having to fly.
The group loaded into the airship, it seemed something along the lines of a passenger transport. Judging by the insignia plaster everywhere this was an Atlas ship, from Russet’s knowledge none the adults were under the Atlas military so how’d they manage to get their hands on this.
The trip got bumpy the moment they hit the storm that they had received a weather warning upon when they had taken off. Jae pressed his body back into his seat trying not to focus on the jerk of the airship, his motion sickness wasn’t typically this bad perhaps it was the lack of sleep. A rough hit from the side knocked the airship off course, causing it to drop briefly. Leo cursed under his breath flipping a few switches as he fought the console to return to their path.
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“What was that?” Lye’s ears stood up, even she could recognize that wasn’t a hit from the storm.
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“A Teryx.” Opal stated simply as she stood up to look out the windshield trying to spot the monster, she flipped her coat as she turned on her heals.
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“There’s a hatch up top, Van, Kashmere, Lye, go help Opal take care of this.” Tarragon ordered as her gaze looked over some of the monitors in the cockpit, she didn’t know how to fly as well as Leo but she still could provide some assistance.
The four made their way to the top of the airship, Kashmere went to work at collecting the water from the snow guiding it around the top of the ship where they stood.
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“Van, you have that tracking Semblance don’t you?” Opal questioned, looking towards the rabbit.
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“I’m already on it.” He responded as he squinted his Semblance searching for information among the haze of the storm, for a brief momment he saw a silhouette before it disappeared. “I think it’s usin’ the storm as cover!” He called to open pointing out where he had seen the silhouette.
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“That means this is probably an ol-“ She was cut off at the jolt of the airship under their feet. “Hold it steady!” She yelled into the hatch.
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“I’d like to see you try!” Leo responded with a faint growl.
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With the wind whipping the hair around her face, Lye squinted trying to find the Grimm among the snow and clouds that seemed to blend into one another. “There!” She shouted seeing a glint of ice and red eyes, Van turned his attention locking onto the beast. He lined up a shot firing as the beast dove causing his bullets to catch on the ice on it’s back. The beast flapped it’s wings as it dove before shooting back up.
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“Kash! Me and Lye will keep it’s attention on us, wait until its drawn in close enough to and skewer it!” Van ordered looking to Lye with a nod, the Teryx flew high before lunging down at the airship. Both twins fired shots at the grim while Kash worked on collecting the ice from the back of the beast. It flew off trying other tactics only to continued to be pelted by bullets, seeming to have made it’s decision after attempts to flap it’s wing to try and throw them off balance. The Grimm lunged forward claws out grappling onto the ship. “Now!” Van shouted taking a step back shooting a hand out to pull Lye back with him, Kashmere arms flexed eyes a sparkling blue as the water he had collect from the snow and from the Teryx itself spun turning into jagged spikes. He brought his hands down the spikes piercing all over the beast’s body, it let out a screech thrashing in it’s final momments. The final thrash jerked the airship, the slick surface throwing the twins off the side.
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All she felt was falling, her pistols didn’t have enough power to get her back up to the ship. Her eyes widen a stark yellow as she felt herself panic, she could see Van shouting for her but the wind pounding in her ears drowned him out. Instinctually she reach a hand out, the moment his fingers brushed her he grasped tightly to her hand. He felt his body jerk as a whip of blades wrapped around his waist, he glanced up seeing Opal hanging off the edge holding onto Kashmere who had used ice to lock his feet to the craft. Van flipped Crosshare around firing to aide Opal in hoisting them up, he realized the reason why Tarragon had sent her up with them.
Kashmere was the last to enter closing the hatch with a sigh, he wasn’t cold but his close were wet. The twins moved to their seats, Lye felt a relief wash over her. Van felt the familiar rush disapating, the jobs that had been taking up hadn’t been that exciting in a while.
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Opal moved to the front pushing wet hair out of her face. “They did well.” She stated. “How much longer before this clears up?” She asked gaze shifting to Leo.
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“Best guess? Maybe an hour..” He stated brows furrowed has he focused on navigating through the storm especially watching for any more Grimm.
It felt like the momment they had cleared the storm and caught sight of a cliff of Solitas, the radio kicked on a voice coming over rattling off the code for the ship requesting for it to dock nearby. Lye and Van sat up looking to one another, despite the static of the radio the voice sounded familiar.
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“They’re going to search the ship? What are we going to do if they find us?” Lye asked ears shifting slightly.
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“Just leave it to me, all you four gotta do is stay out of sight.” Leo responded visibly at ease as he began to head to dock, upon landing Lye and the boys found various spots to hide certain light dimmed to imply that some of COAL had been sleeping during the ride. Tarragon was first out of the airship walking down the ramp, followed by Opal and Jae. Three soldiers stood waiting, two in typical uniforms and one in a specialist uniform with a familiar black scarf.
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“Leo Cornell?!”
The pair of soldiers excitedly called out upon seeing the blonde, Titus rolled his eyes.
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“Mika! Melo!” He called out with a wide grin. “My two favorite faces!”
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“What are you doing all the way out here?”
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“We’re heading back from a mission, you know how long this stuff takes with the borders.”
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“On border duty, Titus?” Opal questioned with a quirked smile.
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“Quite the coincidence I know.” He knew it was not a coincidence, he turned to the other two to tell them where to search.
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“Oh, come on Titus. It’s Leo, this is our easiest inspection so far.” The pair began chatting with Leo excited to see and catch up with the Huntsman, Titus folded his arms looking over the other three before a flash of white caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.
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“I’m going to do a run through on the inside of the ship.” He didn’t wait for a reply as he began walking to the ramp.
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“If you spot any dirty mags they’re Jae’s!” Leo called after him.
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“Wh-what?!” Jae looked to Leo in surprise.
Van and the others had tucked themselve’s into various spaces in the ship, with the added stealth of Russet’s semblance to conceal any noise they could make. Russet and Kashmere didn’t recognize the man, but something did seem oddly familiar. They watched as he inched around the ship, continuing towards the back unviewable from outside. Kashmere uncapped the pouch of water on his hip preparing his Semblance as the man grew closer to where Lye was hiding, he paused seeing Van hold up a hand signaling for him to hold.
Titus hand went to his gun holster under his coat the moment he sensed a presence, he pulled the gun as the front of his jacket was pulled. He was about to aim his gun but came to a halt upon coming face to face with someone he didn’t expect.
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“Lye?” He whispered brows furrowing, he felt a built guilty having aimed a gun at his baby sister.
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“Razz, I’ll explain everything later, but you need to let us through.” She pleaded in a whisper back fingers grasping the front of his jacket, he held her gaze for a moment. He reholstered his gun with a sigh, removing her hands from the root of his coat. He turned back towards the enterance and for a moment Van thought that their cover was blown.
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“It’s all clear.” He called out walking out of the air ship.
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“See? You’re so serious, its fine to relax.”
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“Especially when it’s such a trustworthy guy like Leo.” He added nudging the older man.
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Leo laughed with a grin. “Alright we‘ve got a schedule to keep, so we should head out.” He stated as he swung the keys around her finger, the group passed Titus as they walked back to the ship. Opal reached out grabbed his shoulder, she leaned in.
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“We’ll be spending a few nights in Atlas, you’ll be able to find us at Tarragon’s agency’s building.” She informed lips quirked. “See you later, Titus.” She bid farewell before walking up the ramp, the airship took off with ease and soon enough the group was approaching the main city of Atlas.
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