#[Rolling Girl] Yuki Satō; IC
vixlenxe · 1 year
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"We're all a little co-co for coco puffs over here captain."
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"Real shit."
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"I'll drink to that."
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"Oh my god, someone finally said it."
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"About fucking time."
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*crying in a corner*
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vixlenxe · 1 year
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He doesn’t want to talk about it.
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Neither does she.
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Or him.
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Or her.
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Or her.
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Or her.
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Or her.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
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The human that’s also not a hunter, she’s just trying to live, but the world keeps saying ‘fuck you’.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Minor Character tags. pt. 2/2
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vixlenxe · 1 year
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"... Why do I feel like I'm being put on blast?"
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"... I do too."
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vixlenxe · 1 year
@omitted-x-requiem​ said:
-offers yuki a confused yet protective half demon friend - have a Cecilia
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She’s holding The Sato now. Excuse her, she rather hesitate around demons, even half-breeds, considering they keep fucking up her life.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
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She’s not cute, but she’s hella scared.
Of life.
... And going home.
... And going to school.
... Like I said, she’s scared of life.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@mxsecarnival​ said:
nobbu vc: :3c
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As if her life wasn’t hell enough. Now she gotta deal with this annoying cosplayer.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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When someone gonna adopt this poor hurting bean tho?
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@frznkingdom​ said:
*holds up Nera* bc it was mentioned once before.
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*hands Nera that Yuki* She your daughter now Nera, sorry, I don’t make the rules.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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“Why?” Confused Yuki noises.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@interwovenrhapsody​ Rolling Twins Plotted Starter
She was trying to drown it out; all the yelling & screaming in the background. Yuki’s trusty white earbuds shoved much deeper into her ears then what was probably safe, as if that would somehow make the music playing in them louder, or block out noises that came from outside of them. Yet it did not work at all, only made her ears burn.
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Note to self: ask for noise cancelling headphones for Christmas when these ones break.
This wasn’t an abnormal Friday night for either Yuri or Yuki, they’re parents are always arguing, at least once a week was the norm in the Sato household, but today was one of the badder times. When blasting music, or drowning themselves in a video game wasn’t enough of a distraction.
Raising her head up from her large pink & purple bean bag in one of the corners of the twin’s shared room, she looked to Yuri.
Time to get the hell out of here?
She figured Yuri had enough of listening to this too.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
Rolling Girl
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Name: Yuki Satō
Age: 16/17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical Appearance:
Dull brown hair(kept in twintails)
Brown eyes
Small chest
Thin lips
Thin body
Varies busies, cuts & scratches along body
Brief Information:
Depicted in the official Rolling Girl PV by Wowaka.
Yuki Satō is your normal, run of the mill, Japanese high school girl, just trying to find her place in the world. She grew up in Tokyo, Japan, & was born to a normal middle class family, living in a two bedroom apartment with her mother & father as an only child. 
Her parents, while not exactly abusive, & not exactly doting either, they both loved their daughter, the same could not be said abut the couple’s feelings for one another. Mr. & Mrs. Satō would often get into verbal altercations with each other, the love in their relationship having long ago faded, however instead of divorcing, decided to stay together for their daughter’s sake; believing it better to raise her together then in a broken home. As such, Yuki was almost always a witness to these verbal fights, if not in person, then by ear. The nature of these fights cause Yuki’s self-esteem to rocket downward rapidly, making her question why she was ever even born if her parents did not want to be together at all. However, she also recognized that her mother & father were staying together for her sake, which placed a missive amount of pressure onto Yuki to succeed in her life somehow, otherwise all her parent’s time, effort, money & suffering, would have been for nothing.
As Yuki aged, she tried going into many school programs to find something she was good at that she could commit herself too, however, she continuously found that she was not good at anything. She had no particular skills, & was always unhappy in very activity she tried to take part in. Art? No. Literature? No. Band? No. Cooking? No. Sports? HARD no. The only thing she found herself any bit of good at or happiness in was video games, making good music playlists & napping. Having no skills, nor any beauty, as she was a very average looking girl, as well as being a target for school bullies(that do anything from verbally insulting her in front of a whole crowd, to even beating her bloody) Yuki quickly grew depressed. She, however, not wanting to disappoint her parents, & also being afraid of what would happen if she ‘gave up’ on her life, she continues to live her life day-by-day, with no real plans for her future or any goals. Finding herself in a constant state of unhappiness, or even emptiness. Even the music & video games she loves so much are only temporary solutions to a never-ending, always returning, state of unhappiness, & found herself daydreaming of a better life all too often.
Today, Yuki is a Junior(11th Grade|Upper secondary education) at her high school, where she is still picked on for her slightly anti-social tendencies(like her extensive daydreaming), including to the point of leaving buries & cuts on her. She always acts as if she is ‘fine’, refusing to let other’s know how she truly feels on the inside. At this point, Yuki is not truly ‘living’, but merely existing. Life is a hill in which we all must roll down. We can’t control the speed of how fast we go, but we can control in which direction we roll. She’s just rolling in whichever way the hill makes her go, even if it hurts her in the end. Yuki is not living, she’s just rolling. She’s the Rolling Girl. Rolling with the punches, but continuing to roll every time, not because she wants to, or is strong enough too, but because she’s afraid of what happens if she stops rolling. Because to stop rolling is to stop living, & to stop living is to die.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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Sorry, she can’t hear you over the music blasting into her earbuds.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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Hot Chocolate Lovers Unite.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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She heard she’s getting a new dad.
Which confuses her, she doesn’t know why’d anyone want her as a daughter.
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