augustinewrites ¡ 2 years
omg wait which 5 stars do u have bcos i have xiao n zhongli but my team comps r lwk bad LMFAO
also what is raiden like i did her trial but her gameplay still confuses me LOL
raiden and qiqi are my only 5 stars rn bcs i literally only started playing the game? maybe two months ago? and i have shit luck with banners. so i’m literally the WORST person to ask about comps 😭 i’m really just running around inazuma hanging out w thoma and whacking at lvl 90 lawachurls in domains with kaeya while my bf’s tartaglia does all the work 🥰
but i’ve heard pairing her with any damage multiplier is best!!! she’s pretty fast and her skill & burst are good but if she gets smacked twice she’s a goner 😐 though there’s probably ways to combat that! if anyone has any real advice pls send help i can’t handle world level 7 and am NERVOUS for zhongli’s second story quest hehe
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augustinewrites ¡ 2 years
OMG UR TRYNA ROLL FOR AYATO ALSO???3&292 PLS MY PRIMOS R ALL SAVED IF I DOJT GET HIM ILL LITERALLY CRY. cos im debating rolling for raiden rn cos i heard shes good for a xiao team comp😭😭
yes!!!!! i’ve been building my pity trying to roll on kokomi’s banner and xinyan is obsessed with me or something i stg 😭 BUT I JUST WANT AYATO I’LL GET HIM SOMEHOW
also raiden is good!! ive been using her nonstop bcs her skill is so great to have
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