#[ kaz raval ! ]
tomasespinosa · 1 year
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the world tilts.
axis kaz: x
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alexlwoo · 1 year
What's something you would tell your younger self if you could?
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"I could probably give a super cynical answer to this and it would be a warning, right? About avoiding some major heartbreak, or disappointment, or something else bad that happened to me. I'm not going to do that! I believe everything happens for a reason and if I avoided one bad thing, another totally separate bad thing would've happened. My advice would be all about seizing opportunities. I'd tell my younger self: hey kid. You're doing great. Ferret out any hard feelings between Lanelle Williams and her daughter. See if you can get Lina's mom cut from Hairspray. Date Bryan Blum instead of just hooking up with him. Find out from Pearl Blum how she really felt about her daughter. Act Kenzie Royal like he's a complete dickhead. Kiss Kirk Elys really good before he tells you no."
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wrenaugustine · 1 year
Status: closed for @kazxraval Where: By the edge of the tree line
Wren was probably the most excited she has ever been to see Kaz. After everything that happened, it seemed like there was some kind of shift. Yes, it was confirmed that certain people were taken and replaced with doppelgangers. Most of the people Wren spoke to had been replaced, and yet, she was still hopeful that the things this fake Kaz had said to her were things that the real Kaz had felt.
She let herself believe it was true, even if that meant that the hurtful things others said to her might have also fallen under this classification. Secret truths that the doppelganger could use to hurt people or draw them into the Labyrinth. So upon seeing Kaz, no longer trapped by those vines (a sight that might haunt her for a while), she called his name and ran over to him eagerly, like he might disappear if she didn’t reach him fast enough. It was abnormal when it came to the two of them, but it felt instinctive for her to wrap her arms around him once she reached him.
“Mashallah, you’re ok. I’m so glad you’re alright.” she said, hugging him tightly. “You are ok, right? You went to see Neshdan to make sure? I-I tried to help you, I really tried, but I didn’t know what to do and my attunement didn’t really work when I thought it would and I still had that fake Emre trying to stop me and-and I didn’t want to hurt you...” she sputtered out, going a mile a minute before taking a deep breath to collect herself. “I’m glad you’re safe now.”
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lina-delgado · 10 months
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@kazxraval overhears the truth about Lina's "pregnancy" and tries to convince her to come clean before he does it for her.
In light of recent events, the smokehouse sat neglected. He assumed the next several hours would be spent to prime, clean, stoke a fire, check on stock. Mindless work to clear out any remaining cobwebs in his mind from long months of not being himself in so many ways. 
Almost there, he slowed his walk. Years of practice allowed Kaz to tune out non-essential nonsense around him. Sounds, voices, conversations he had no interest in. Two voices floated through the static. Lina in whispered tones to Alex. He pulled that convo to the forefront-- if they were bragging about what they stole from his grotto weeks ago, he absolutely wanted to hear. 
He got more than he bargained for in eavesdropping. Dark brows pulled tight together in focus. A hand brushed several times over his beard. Fuck. A shock, a certain disbelief settled in to process what he heard. Alex left for somewhere, and then silence. Kaz turned, cloaked in his own quiet, and walked towards their house. "What in the fuck is wrong with you," a message on the air found its way to Lina.
"I mean, it kind of worked out perfectly. At some point I was gonna have to explain why I didn't have a baby bump. That was gonna be annoying to fake, so better I got out of it this way." Lina explained to Alex, sounding more exhausted than anything. It was hard to lie about ending a pregnancy you didn't have in the first place. But her plan so far seemed to be going smoothly, nobody seemed to be coming for her to call her out on everything being fake so even if Emre was pissed, she still got away with it.
That is until the familiar voice came flitting by on the air with a harsh accusatory question. Great, of course Kaz was lurking around, eavesdropping with impeccable timing. "You know it's not nice to listen in on other people's conversations." She answered back, as if she didn't do that on the daily, as if she hadn't already done much worse.
"Why don't you mind your own business? This doesn't concern you so you can just move along." She waved her hand in the air as she sent her message his way, as if a verbal message on the wind would pick up her hand movements as well. But she knew that Kaz wasn't going to simply leave her alone, whether she asked him nicely or not so Lina at least sat up to prepare herself for Kaz unnecessarily stepping in.
Kaz walked to Lina's front door and pushed it open. He leaned against the frame. "It's not nice to listen to conversations," seemingly an agreement. Then a beat. "It's also not nice to lie to people and tell them you're pregnant with their kid." 
Georgie pulled the same shit on a teenage Kaz. Early on, her first lie and, all things considered, the least harmful of the them. He was smart enough to leave her for a while. Dumb enough to go back, his own fault. 
This wasn't Georgie-- her level of lying near delusional. To hurt herself, mostly. Kaz couldn't say what Lina's aim was. "You've got to tell him."
Yeah, it didn't seem like Kaz was going to be minding his own business here. Lina crossed her arms across her chest and when he said that she had to tell Emre that she was lying, she raised her eyebrows at him, giving an indignant look.
"Excuse me? I don't have to do anything." She protested, because who was he to tell her what she should do. "It's already settled, why should I say anything? It's not like it'll change the outcome, he's still not getting a baby." To Lina, her little pregnancy era was over, and she successfully pulled off this lie, so there was absolutely no reason to come clean. Even if Kaz knew it had all been fake, he wasn't going to make her fess up.
"And why the hell do you care? Hoping to be an uncle or something? There's no reason to tell him I was lying, what's done is done and I have no interest in saying anything when it was executed so flawlessly." She shrugged, knowing in her mind she had a good reason for doing what she did, and owning up to it would be like admitting defeat. "So like I said. Mind your own business."
Kaz watched Lina's train barrel ahead with no care if a car had stalled on the tracks ahead or not. Let her go on. That old saying, you can live without sex but not without a good rationalization. Or something like that. 
Lips pursed, his head wobbled. "Doesn't matter why I care. But now three people know the truth. Or more?" Who else might be complicit, he didn't know. "Not fair to let him walk around not knowing." 
Kaz stayed glued to the doorway but his eyes scanned around, in case something of his, that they stole, happened to be lying around. 
And then his attention returned to Lina. "But if it's settled, well. Then how was it settled?" 
"I'd say it matters seeing as you're here to bother me about it." Lina shot back, annoyed and much more interested in turning things onto him rather than be stuck on her misdeeds. She nearly scoffed at his reasoning that it wouldn't be fair to leave Emre in the dark about all this, as if she cared about what was fair. "Right, like he deserves fairness. Like he doesn't thrive on lying and hurting people." 
Lina easily believed that she had been wronged by Emre, so of course what she did was justified. Telling Emre the truth didn't need to play a part in this and Kaz wasn't going to suddenly change her mind about that.
"I don't need to tell you anything about what happened, you know. It's none of your business! And you don't need to come here and save Emre's feelings either. He's a big boy and I'm sure he's gone through much worse things than being lied to by someone he's slept with." He threw his little temper tantrum, sure, but he would get back to his normal swagger and attitude soon enough. "He'll get over it. And frankly, your idea of telling him the truth is just gonna make it even worse for him. Let him move on and forget about it instead of upsetting him even more." 
Of course, Lina didn't care about more hurt feelings, but maybe the heart Kaz had that wanted her to fess up so badly would also care about Emre's wellbeing.
Brows rose and fell to her first remark. One did not need to get in the weeds of picking apart every comment. The second one though... "He lied and hurt you then? How? So this is your revenge?" 
Kaz bobbed his head. "He is a big boy. But if I heard what you said without even bothering to listen, other air attuned in the area did too. Ones even nosier than me." 
Let him move on and forget. He paused, the heat of Emre's viciousness flashed over his neck. "See, that's the real problem here. Could've not bragged about it. A secret is only kept by one, yeah? Now more people know. Not right to let someone walk unaware around while others have heard all this." 
His teeth scraped over his lower lip. "And, frankly..." to echo Lina. "You'd do better to explain it yourself. Now, if you absolutely don't want to, I'm recording this." A hand rested over a pocket of his shorts. He had been a journalist once. Accuracy came straight from someone's mouth versus paraphrased words. "You don't want to bother? I can let him listen to this conversation."
Kaz continued to stand there in her doorway, asking her question after question as if Lina had any interest in giving him any more information than he already picked up on. "I'm going to say this again. This-" She swirled her hands around, gesturing to refer to the situation she was in. "Is none of your business. Coming to my place to ask me questions like this is some kind of interview? Why would I tell you anything?" Why would he believe anything she might come up with to explain why she pretended to be pregnant in the first place?
"Please. First of all, I have a feeling most of the other air attuned people aren't as savvy with the hearing thing as we are. And second, nobody could possibly be nosier than you."
Maybe he was right that she shouldn't brag, if anything, she was just expressing relief to Alex that she didn't have to put up the facade anymore. But now she was being faced with a taste of her own medicine it seemed. "Didn't realize you were such a force for justice around here. There's no baby whether I lied about it or ended the pregnancy for mine and the child's safety, so why get in the way of whats already done?"
Her eyes narrowed as they darted down to the pocket he was gently patting. No way he was recording them right now. "You're bluffing." She scoffed as she took a step closer to him. He had to be, he was clever, sure, but Lina didn't even walk around with recording devices on her so why would he? "If you're recording this why even give me the ultimatum, then? Just go play it for him if you want him to know the truth so badly."
“Oh, I’m finding out there is someone much more nosy than me.” The identity clear in a mirror, if Lina had one. She kept wanting to know why, and Kaz had already given the answer. And Lina wasn’t an idiot. 
She accused him of bluffing. Even his basic phone had voice memos on it. Kaz kept his gaze firm on her. “Guess you’ll find out when I play it for him. Thought you’d want to do upfront damage control. Handle it privately.” Kaz most definitely would, but alright Lina. “I was trying to spare you…” A quick smile sharp around the edges, there one second and gone the next. “Titanic lady was really on to so much, damn should’ve listened to her.” A nod. “But what d’ya think would happen if everyone found out about these lies you tell? No more people to play with, hm?” 
His fingers snapped in decision. “Okay. We can do that too. I gave you choices and you give me none, so guess that’s the deal.” Kaz took a few steps backwards out the door. “I’ll play everything back for him and it’ll be all over. Like ripping a band-aid off. You can even thank me for saving you the trouble.” 
Lina was still trying to figure out how she wanted to handle this. Obviously she didn't want Kaz going around outing her for what she did. But it wasn't like she wanted to tell Emre either. He was already pissed off that she didn't want him to be around for the fake procedure, she wasn't sure she wanted to see what he'd do to her for making the entire thing up. So maybe private damage control was the best solution, but she was pretty sure telling Emre anything wouldn't control any of the damage that had been done. 
"You keep yourself busy around here your way, I have my own ways. Sure, maybe I keep myself entertained in a less...conventional way. And this one went a little too far, I'll admit that, but is it really such a big deal that you need to try and expose me to everyone? Nobody is dead. Or physically injured. Emre knows I'm not having a baby, this is probably the best outcome for everyone so why ruin that?” 
She assumed Kaz had a heart, that he didn't want to be the one to unveil the truth to Emre out of whatever loyalty he had to him. But Kaz agreed with her, deciding he would let Emre know the truth. He didn't look like he was bluffing and if he was really recording and ready to take her down, she didn't want to test it. "Fine, fine! You want options? How about we make a deal then? I'll get back that thing Alex stole from you, because that's what you want, right? You're pissed about us snooping in your things and taking something. So I get it back to you, you delete your recording and we're even."
Lina did her best to reason, and Kaz had reached the end of the line on the conversation. He turned to walk back and stood steps away. A message whispered so only she could hear, through gritted teeth. "Here's the thing. It's not entertainment to fuck with someone's head with that kind of lie. And it's no longer a secret. Because more people than just you know." 
And secrets tended to spread. Today three people knew, tomorrow who could say. Kaz didn't want Emre to walk around like that. Alex was enough, and holy shit. A disaster waiting to happen. 
"Once again, you are not going to trade me what is already mine. My property, that you stole. Same answer as last time. No." The admission was excellent though. "Tell him. Today. Get it over with. I got nothing more to say." He didn't.
Lina had no way to argue. They had much different ideas about what they considered to be entertaining. So what was she going to say? Actually, lying about being pregnant with someones baby is a lot of fun and everyone should try it? No, obviously not. This wasn't even meant to be a fun lie for her when she blurted it out in the first place. It was petty of her to accuse Emre of getting her pregnant after he embarrassed her and insulted her, laughing in her face when she was at what she considered a low point. 
But it wasn't something Lina could explain and be met with understanding. She made a bad, impulsive decision, and she followed through with it. She couldn't expect anyone to feel bad for her so it made more sense to play it as an intentional attack on her part. 
She wasn't going to stop Kaz from storming off, even if she felt like her trade was a good one. If this zippo was so important it shouldn't matter that she was trying to trade him for his own belongings. It was in Alex's possession now, not Kaz's at the very least he could have gotten it back sooner and easier if he just agreed. "Nice chatting with you then. Have an invitation next time you show up on my doorstep, though." she sent back to him, letting out a scoff at his demands that she tell Emre immediately. Get it over with. Right. If she was going to tell him, she'll tell him if and when she damn well felt like it.
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panopticonrpg · 9 months
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NAME: Kaz Raval AGE: 39 GENDER: cis male PRONOUNS: he/him DATE OF ARRIVAL: August 2010 JOB: Scavenger/Raider
tw: child abuse mention, drowning
When he left his abusive home on a broken promise, Kaz didn’t know he would lose his sister to another act of violence. On the threshold of adulthood, he decided to escape the baggage of survival. Kaz wanted to live without the need to run for cover or merely take the harsh blows dealt to him. 
He started a blog to tell the stories of people who had been abducted like his sister. A woman named Nadia guided him towards another path into investigative journalism for a local newspaper. The life he built for himself wasn’t perfect, but it belonged to him. And no one could ever take it away. 
At least not another person. During a tropical holiday, Kaz swam alone to a coral reef in the deep blue sea. The water was crystal and temperate enough to leave behind a minor hangover and major ills. The sunlight shifted overhead, the edges of his vision turned dark. Or, no– the water dimmed and blackened, it clawed and grappled. A horrific void of nothingness consumed until he began to free fall to the bottom of the ocean. 
When his lungs finally inhaled a real breath and the sting of salt wiped from his eyes, Kaz found himself on an island called Panopticon. No rhyme or reason known for the place other than existence. He remade and reconfigured into an old familiar setting: survival mode. Once again, Kaz became cautiously guarded and chose a solitary way of life on the island. 
In 2020, the collapse of the world ushers Panopticon into a new era. Kaz remains wary of some, especially new arrivals. But the lure of the teleports runs as deep as the waters he disappeared in. He scavenges through the remnants of the broken world on the other side of the teleportation system. All to gather items he brings back for trades in the marketplace (some of those trades under the table). Kaz also keeps track of the locations he’s been to and those he’s met along the way. To help others or to simply pass the time? Even Kaz isn’t certain sometimes. Does he want to keep sleepwalking in his self-protection or stake a real claim on Panopticon? 
FC: Avan Jogia. Played by Nova
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Adarsh knew the island was not in need of any kind of police force, and he'd never trusted the police force at home either, so it wouldn't make sense to put himself in such a role. However, in this new life, it seemed that it was the perfect solution to being able to understand every single person on the island and see what they were up to: or what new missions could lay in the future for him.
He snuck up on Kaz' little stand without much difficulty, his approach being hidden by the noise of the market place. The dealer always thought he could hide his business in clear sight, and Adarsh would let him, because technically there were no clear cut rules about drugs on the island, but Adarsh liked to form the world around him like the one he'd left behind.
"Raval," he said, loudly, as he grabbed Kaz by the back of his head, his appearance right away scaring away anyone there. He smiled relentlessly. "What counter-legal things have you been up to lately?" Adarsh still spoke with a heavy Indian accent, even if his English dictionary had grown over the years.
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kazxraval · 9 months
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Plots/Wanted connections here
Name: Kaz Raval Birthdate: March 28, 1984 (39 years old)  Star Sign: Aries Birthplace/Hometown: Seattle, WA, USA Gender: Cis male (he/him) Languages: English (fluent), Gujarati (conversational and can read) Family: Father, mother, two younger twin siblings (brother and sister– his sister went missing when Kaz was a teenager and is presumed dead) Arrived on Panopticon: 2010 Former occupation: Investigative journalist, blogger Panopticon occupation: - Scavenger (who doesn't mind getting involved in shadier deals) Additional: - Tracks/collects info on people/places from scavenging (maps, people who might be searching for loved ones, etc.)
Hair/eyes: Dark brown  Height: 6′ Drink/Smoke: Yes/yes (weed, occasionally cigarettes) Piercings/Tattoos: Yes, several linked here Scars: Yes Injuries: Old shoulder injury from an attack during scavenging Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship status: Single (+): inquisitive, creative, resourceful
(-): apathetic, sarcastic, blunt
(continued bio follows, tw child abuse)
Before Panopticon:
His father ruled the house cruelly, with minor offenses weighted heavily for punishment. Kaz continually rebelled, often drawing his father into heated debates which turned violent. His mother was withdrawn from homelife and treated the children with a certain detachment.
He dropped out of high school at seventeen and found refuge with friends until he was able to build a life for himself.
His sister Ani was abducted when she was sixteen (she is not on Panopticon).
Initially he had little drive other than to bounce around and self-medicate. A woman named Nadia Chaudry encouraged Kaz to develop his skills (tenacious curiosity and a decent voice as a writer) into a job at a local newspaper. He began in the mailroom and worked (talked, lied) his way into reporting.
Kaz also began a blog to highlight missing persons cases, particularly highlighting POC cases.
He was looser pre-island, charming, and looked for a good time to forget his problems. Acquaintances and party friends kept him busy but real connections were few and far between (if only to prevent old wounds of hurt and doubt from being reopened).
Played music by ear from a young age, focusing on piano, guitar, and drums.
His father was arrested in a real estate tax scam. Kaz started the ball rolling on this and surreptitiously gathered much of the evidence needed for the arrest. His father’s trial was scheduled to begin only a few days after Kaz landed on Panopticon. 
Outwardly Kaz can come off as ambivalent, sarcastic, and/or prickly. He has warmed up to a few on Panoptican that he trusts but continues to rely mostly on himself.
Remains curious about the apocalypse, Panopticon, and any information he can acquire from the outside world.
Old habits die hard. He collects information on the outside world (and will consider trades) for his own theories and speculation.
Drifting around as a spectre is his preference but he can press people – out of boredom or an innate interest. He isn’t shy and can be blunt.
Suffers from night terrors (since childhood).
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tamyrawilliams · 2 years
[ @kazxraval ]
This just couldn’t remain like this. The island might have been able to make some permanent changes, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t keep themselves safe and try to find a way to undo it - or at least protect themselves from the dangers of a new situation.
Which was why Tamyra was currently on the bridge, a good, safe distance away from the entrance of the jungle, the labyrinth, whatever it wanted to be called - the dangerous part of the jungle that didn’t have a gaping, open hole into it until now. Some people said it was easier to avoid, but what worried Tamyra more was what could actually get out of there. Because if they could easily just waltz through the tresshold, anything inside of it could just as easy waltz out, too.
And she didn’t want to have to sleep with one eye open from this point on, always terrified what might be spilling out of here.
So a barrier it was. Somehow, something so big and sturdy that could keep anything out - and maybe discourage some idiots from going in there.
“Kaz! My man! Just who I need,” she called out when she noticed the movement of her friend. “Come help me and check out this article I found, too.” Maybe building a barrier also came with digging through some things just to see if she could find something usable - and it lead to Tamyra stumbling onto a newspaper with a Kaz Raval original piece. “I worked with this guy back in the days and hey, look at that, the author of this article also seems familiar.”
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thestrandedrpg · 2 years
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Kaz Raval (Ghost) is seeking a former colleague/source and ex-hookup.
Label: UTP
Name: UTP
Birthdate: no more than a few years +/- 35 years old
Gender: Male, female, or non-binary
Years on Meridium: 0-2 years
Group: UTP
Faceclaim: UTP
Bio: Hi! I’m looking for a connection from my character’s past before he arrived on the island. Potential backstories are flexible and I’m open to brainstorm with you. I have a few ideas, one of which is that your character worked at a rival news outlet and exchanged leads/sources in a not-so-ethical way with Kaz (the hookup part). Or they were another type of source for his reporting, an advocate for the missing, a family member of one of the missing persons Kaz wrote about, a true crime blogger, etc. Whoever they were, it was a messy entanglement.
Happy to look at other angles and ways to go with this! As well as length of time on Meridium, FCs, and anything else!
Contact you? Yes please: @kazxraval
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victorbakker · 3 years
When: Early July-ish Where: Inventory warehouse Who: @kaz-raval​
The warehouse wasn’t a place Vic really chose to hang out. It wasn’t all that interesting. Really he couldn’t imagine a job much more dull than organizing and counting and maintaining stock of supplies and having to deal with exchanging tokens for goods with all the grabby hands of the town. It was like being a service clerk in a shop but the inventory was extremely limited and no one really ended up leaving happy. The customer wasn’t even always right. 
The only reasons he ever showed his face at inventory was to quickly grab a couple things he needed - a fresh change of clothes, toothpaste, shit like that - or, in this particular case, dropping off what had been gathered during the latest run.
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“Guess what,” he remarks to Kaz as he approaches the building with a bag in hand. “We’ve got the same shit we’ve already got on hand. Isn’t that exciting?” They needed to go further out, really, to see if they could scavenge anything better. But a few canned goods and odds and ends from a corner store that had still been left behind by the last group through (probably with no means of carrying more at the time) was better than nothing, he supposed. 
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alexlwoo · 2 years
FMK. choose.
"yeeee-OOOOOH! This is a dangerous question. I guess we're doing anything goes rules? The assumption that all people involved are giving enthusiastic consent? Except for the kill person. Although maybe they might consent. Okay okay no no no I'll just answer. Right? It's better when you just answer. So!
F: Kaz because it's sort of narcissism in a way since I was gonna be him in a movie based on his life, but also because Kaz would hate himself after and that would be SO fun. So fun.
M: Lily because then I'd inherit leadership from her when her parents die, which I'm sure wouldn't at all be for years and years and years unless something weird happened! Nothing weird happens on Meridium so they're safe.
K: Sae-byeok but I'd do a REALLY sloppy job so she'd know exactly what was happening while I killed her but then she wouldn't die all the way, she'd just lapse into a coma. A never-ending coma that it would be easy to keep her alive through, but for all intents and purposes, killed. So it's not cheating the question!"
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@kazxraval , @starlit-lilies , @redriverdawn
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wrenaugustine · 1 year
Status: closed for @kazxraval​ Where: around Kaz's humble jungle abode
Wren had taken her time to figure out how she wanted to approach Kaz after their argument. When she first talked to Tamyra about it, it made her desire to apologize even stronger. There had been some mixed signals going on but she had to talk to Kaz for herself, apologize herself and see if they could get back to normal. Or maybe if she was lucky, better than normal, less fighting, more support.
When the labyrinth started to go haywire that morning, she knew that this was the best time to go see him. He was living out in the jungle now so, obviously, as a friend, she had to check on him and make sure he was okay. He might have wanted to be on his own but if something happened to him, it should be reassuring to know that someone was looking out for him and making sure he wasn't hurt. That was a good start to making up.
"Kaz?" She called out as she walked along the tree line, turning her head as she searched for him. "If you're hurt somewhere make a sound and I'll come find you. If you're not hurt and would rather be left alone...well, you don't have to make a sound but I'd prefer if you did cause I wanna talk to you."
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lina-delgado · 1 year
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@alexlwoo enlists Lina’s help to snoop through @kazxraval‘s grotto home to find anything that could be worth taking for themselves. Easily getting themselves caught, the pair use their endless abilities to be annoying charming to get them out without much consequence (for now).
"I'm telling you, he's not here, it's fine. Have an air-listen if you don't believe my scouting skills."
In all actuality it probably would be prudent of Lina to double-check Alex's work, so to speak, but he really was fairly confident that the resident of this out-of-the-way grotto wasn't there. As much as Alex wanted to be a burr in Kaz's side, he didn't relish actual physical confrontation. Something more sneaky-deaky was the better option. Kaz looked like one of those guys who'd be all cool in a fight, maybe get beat on for a while, and then make a dramatic comeback in the last round and stroll off like nothing had happened. JGL in 'Brick', yep, that was the vibe. Alex had no intention of finding out if his supposition was true or not.
Nope, much more fun to just break into Kaz's house and take a look around. What was the harm, right? He turned to look at Lina as they stood on the threshold of Kaz's home, one last moment where they could turn back and still be completely innocent. But what fun was that? "You ready?" Alex asked Lina. "If he catches us remember our story. Somebody told us that he had the, um, the doohickey that Dr. Nesh needs. What was the doohickey again? It's been so long since I watched a primetime medical drama. I can't remember anything except suppositories, my mind's totally blanking."
"I trust your scouting skills, ok? He'd probably be harder to find just by listening anyway, even with my incredible hearing." Lina knew that Kaz was air attuned as well so she knew how easy it was to stay silent if hidden. Plus it wasn't like she had any stakes in this hunt of theirs. She really appreciated Alex having her back when Jupiter came around and told him she owed him one. He seemed to have an idea for that favor very quick.
But she agreed because her encounters with Kaz were so brief, back in the world and here too so what was the harm of doing a little snooping? Clearly it was a compliment, she just wanted to get to know him!
"Let's go." She said as she took the first step across the threshold, as if she was expecting some elaborate boobytrap to go off once she did. But when nothing happened she happily skipped around the place looking around the rocks and crevices to see if anything caught her eye. "You think I know anything about doctor doohickies? The only thing I can think of is a stethoscope. So if we want to say that, otherwise you could throw any wild claim and I'll agree with you. Oh! Look at this!" She cooed excitedly, walking over to a rocky area where in the holes and gaps she started pulling out multiple pairs of sunglasses. "Holy shit, do you see how many he has? No wonder I haven't found any for myself he's hoarding them all!" She complained before putting a pair of pink heart shaped sunglasses on. "How do I look?"
Lina's clear hesitation as she took that first step only validated Alex's own concern that the place would be rigged or trapped somehow, but it seemed that he hadn't had the time to set up a whole Holy Grail situation for them to Indiana Jones through. He followed her eagerly, looking around at the grotto with a long whistle. The sound got chewed up by the rockface, eaten instead of echoing, but that wasn't of much interest to Alex. Yet. He'd ponder the peculiarity of acoustics later. 
"I think you wanna know about doctor doohickies," Alex said teasingly. "Little birdies told me that you made passes at both the hot doctor guys. Did either of 'em bite yet? They seem like they might need some extra coaxing." But Lina had found something interesting, and as much as Alex loved gossip he loved the idea of pawing at Kaz's treasured belongings more. Kaz seemed like that kind of guy who lived a minimalist existence but had a few Pieces that had been carefully curated. 
And as Alex watched Lina excavating the sunglasses stash, he practically reeled in delight. "What a bitch!" he agreed, breathlessly, hopping over to poke through the collection and popping on a non-heart pink-framed pair to match her. "You look maaaahvelous, dahling! Not hard to do but those sunnies really bring out the--" Alex kissed his fingers, making a ping! sound, "--heart in your heart-eyes!" He idly tucked another pair (mirrored) into his pocket and kept scouting around. There wasn't much. "Either he hasn't been living here or it's routine for him to pack up and hide all his stuff," Alex said. "What a freak."
Lina threw a glare Alex's way at his innocuous, playful remark. She was sure his little birdy was just him eavesdropping and while she respected the nosiness she wasn't in the mood to talk about her failed attempt to seduce the doctors of the island. "I don't think that's really important right now. Don't you have some junk to find?" She obviously deflected trying to shoo him off to look around the place some more. She didn't care what they were looking for or what was being found but for once she didn't want the conversation topic to be on her.
But the sunglasses were a good distraction. It felt like it would never end the amount that kept being revealed. She flashed a wide smile, placing her hand under her chin and tilting her head up to strike a little pose at the compliment. She didn't plan on taking the pair she had off but did admire a few other options while Alex continued to look around. "Honestly, like, paranoid much?" She snorted, as the person sitting in his place invading his privacy. "What exactly did he do again? Called you a hack or something? Did he use his air powers to slap you across the face? Cause I can tell you that shit hurts."
Lina didn't feel like moving from her spot but sat up again anyway with a couple sunglasses in her pocket and the heart shaped shades now resting on her head. "Tell me if you find anything good. See if he's one of those who keeps a diary or something to share all of his feelings that he doesn't tell anyone about so he can keep up the sexy, mysterious, brooding guy act."
Ooooh, that irritation was very interesting. Alex's tally of Lina's success rate around the island was an informal one at best, whenever he happened to stumble upon some new information -- it was nowhere near as comprehensive as one might think. But clearly Lina was smarting about her failures, and clearly she thought that he knew about it and was itching to poke fun at her. Alex might have, if he thought he could get away with it. But they were already in the middle of a delicate situation, so he just shrugged and said, "Win some lose some, right? Besides, we all have an eternity of looking exactly as hot as we are right now. You'll get 'em in time."
Alex was pleased with how selfless and encouraging he was, and with the stash of sunglasses that just made it feel even better. Especially when he and Lina could bond on scoffing at the way Kaz chose to live his life. He bristled a little when Lina asked to be reminded of why Alex had beef with Kaz, and he said with only the tiniest bit of sourness, "I told him about the Netflix miniseries, how I was gonna play him in it, I was gonna be -- well, they changed his name to Kenzie Royal, I guess for legal purposes -- but yeah, I was gonna play the Kaz role. And he was such a dick about it! He said I was sure to suck and he said -- he said I wasn't hot enough to play him."
Even the memory was irksome, and Alex suddenly was smarting from it just as much as Lina was feeling slighted. He picked up the pace in hunting around, finally finding some kind of bag. It only had a few meagre items in it, but Alex brought it over for Lina to hold while he sifted the contents. Phone, iPod, boring; notepad, more interesting; zippo lighter, best of all.
Lina wasn't sure how reassured she felt by Alex's encouragement. It took a bit longer than an instant for her to start thinking to herself, yeah! We're gonna be this hot forever! This is just a bit of unfortunate luck that will pass. And even then, she was really forcing herself to believe that. "You're right, you are just so right. Can't win them all! And getting worked up about it isn't gonna do me any favors. Besides we have possibly important things to find."
At Alex's explanation of why they were doing this, Lina knew to expect something petty. That was what they were, completely underhanded for the most unnecessary reasons. But when Alex told her what Kaz said, she snorted in amusement before immediately backpedaling. "Sorry, sorry, no that's not funny! That's such a conceited asshole thing to say! You're not hot enough,  you're plenty hot. If you couldn't pull off Kenzie Royal they wouldn't have hired you! What a tool." There, bring supportive was easy. 
She held onto the bag Alex found, peeking in as he rummaged through it, pulling out a few things, tossing them back in if he wasn't interested. "Hey, hey, pass me that, I wanna see that." She told him before he put the ipod back into the bag. It wasn't like there would be anything of note on there but Lina was really hoping to find some sort of hilarious showtunes or boy bands on his playlists. But before there was any time to even turn the thing on let alone snoop through the artists, something in the air felt off. She wondered if this was the soft, nearly impossible to pick up sound of an air attuned's natural gift of stealth. "I think he's back." Lina whispered so softly it might have been barely audible to Alex.
Another sleepless night, but nothing unusual about it. Kaz waited for daylight to trek down the beach and set up fishing lines in the lazier spots of the tide. Eventually habit had Kaz checking on the surroundings and further afield with his hearing. 
He picked up on the two. Slagging him off, when they barely knew him-- but alright. Whatever. Then he realized exactly where they were sharing insults. 
Those motherfuckers. He began a quick glide back, even though Lina's air would likely sense Kaz was on his way. He slipped up the steep slope to the entrance of his hideaway and saw them. Helping themselves. Going through his shit. Like Kaz having net zero wasn't low enough for anyone, they had to root around for more. 
He leaned in the doorway and crossed his arms, attempting to keep a combustible anger from exploding. The hinge of his jaw locked tight. "Anything I can help you two find?" A pause. "Trespassing, stealing-- an interesting trajectory happening here." His attunement yanked at the dry bag to bring it to him, same with the glasses Lina wore. How deeply, inherently fucked up they were. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Alex scoffed at Lina for a moment, clicking the zippo open and closed in rapid succession. "How could he be back? He's been off wherever it is he goes for ages. He's not even interested in being here anymore." All of this was wild speculation, considering Alex wasn't anywhere near knowing what Kaz's schedule and priorities were. And especially since Lina was air attuned and would know with far more certainty than he did -- in fact, the only reason he even knew she'd said anything was because he happened to look at her and see her lips moving.
So when Kaz's actual voice spoke up from the doorway, Alex jumped, dropping the lighter. He bent to scoop it up again immediately, using that moment to gather his composure again and decide on which way to play this. "We're not trespassing," Alex said, as he straightened up again, zippo tight in his palm. "This place is abandoned! We're canvassing to see if it's suitable for somebody to live in. Since you left it. And left all your crap, too--" Alex swiveled around, gesturing at nothing. "Nobody's a mind reader, Kaz. You keep disappearing and reappearing and expecting everything to be the same? Come onnnnnn."
Lina expected Alex to have some faith in her as she quietly alerted him of Kaz's presence. Unfortunately it was harder to pick up his movements from further away so it kind of made things pointless. She knew he was here but there was no way to make an escape. So they just had to think on their toes.
At the sound of Kaz's voice, Lina raised her eyebrows at Alex as an 'i told you so' while he bounced around at the surprise of being caught. She tried to turn around with a smile on her face, but as she did the air snatched up her sunglasses from her and she watched them get sent straight into Kaz's hands. "Yeah, we were just having a look around! Alex mentioned this cool place that could have been a step up from our current place. It's so hard to tell when things have been left behind for good or not, how are we supposed to know?"
These two were fucking children, and he was far from being a babysitter. Alex played it perhaps a little better than Lina. The overconfidence of an actor almost hitting their mark while ensuring their good side was towards the camera. (Tough, the guy really didn't have a good side at all).
Lina gave some bullshit excuse. "Oh? Most wouldn't consider this to be a step up from an actual building. How interesting..." He pocketed the sunglasses taken from her. And then, to answer both of them. "If all my 'crap' is still here, obviously I am too."
"But, since you two dipshits don't have a brain cell to spare between each other, I'll make this crystal clear: I. Live. Here. Easy, hm?" 
Alex had swept something off the floor as Kaz stepped through the door. Too clever in the scoop, too quick to rigidly stand back up... Kaz craned to see a tightly fisted hand at Alex's side. "The hell do you have?"
Alex wasn't dissatisfied with his own fire attunement, not really, but -- knowing that Lina's air let her pick up on what everyone was saying even when they didn't want her to, and now seeing Kaz whisk things away from them with his air? He was feeling a considerable amount of envy. "You can't spare even one pair of your hoarded sunglasses for Lina? Not cool, man. Other people have eyes that need protection from the sun too and I bet you don't even wear half of these. It's just sheer meanness not to let her have one measly pair to stop her from having eyestrain or getting eye cancer." 
Alex sidled over to stand next to Lina, putting his hand protectively in the small of her back. Or rather: 'protectively', because he took that opportunity to slide Kaz's lighter down the back of her panties. "I don't have anything and I don't see why you're accusing me! I told you why we're here. It didn't seem like anybody lived here because you don't even HAVE much crap. So we can leave if you wanna keep squatting on this URL instead of letting other people use it."
Hopefully Lina knew how to walk with something concealed in her underwear. She seemed like that kind of girl. Alex huffed, nose in the air, and started edging towards the door. "Selfish," he chided Kaz again.
"If you saw how tiny our place was, you'd understand." Lina replied back to Kaz's suspicion. She didn't even need to lie about that one! It wasn't that the place was bad, they definitely made it work but it could have been completely plausible that they'd take a nice wide open cavernous grotto over their little shack. Even she could admit that they gave off the vibes of a spoiled heir and heiress who needed more space for their big egos.
Crossing her arms across her chest, Lina nodded along as Alex reprimanded Kaz for his 'meanness' of not sharing even a single pair of sunglasses with her. She didn't realize that this show of support was to slip whatever Kaz saw him grab in her underwear but, okay, sure, fine, she could work with this. "Okay, look, how about a trade off? Those cute heart shaped sunglasses for your ipod that I have, and our total disappearance from here. That's like, such an easy deal for you. Getting us out of your hair and never coming back here for one pair of sunglasses? Come on."
She held out her free hand to Kaz with a smile on her face looking like she was already waiting expectantly for the swap. "Or, if you want just one of us back, I can always come back and sweeten the deal for you. Make up for the opportunity we missed at that music festival forever ago." She offered, having never been above offering up sex as a distraction and this seemed like as good a time as any if it meant they got out of here with minimal berating.
Kaz recognized inane prattling to buy time when heard it. Why, though, was the question. What the hell were they up to? It certainly wasn't measuring windows for curtains, as they claimed. 
So he wouldn't entertain too much more of the talk. "Uh, if Lina had asked for a pair like a normal fucking person, if she decided not to be a fucking thief. Then yeah, maybe I would've given her a pair. I don't have much 'crap' but you sure as hell wanted to dig through it." To Lina, he feigned seriousness. "So sorry about the potential eye cancer." 
He scoffed at Lina's 'traded off' with a slow blink. "No, I'm not interested in anyone 'trading' for my own possessions." The fucking balls on this one. Lina's allusion to sex, well. He did stop to think about it ahhh... but no, no. 
"I want you both out. With empty pockets and empty hands--" said pointedly, "Alex." For fuck's sake, it really was exasperating. Anger barely covered. "Both of you. Show me."
Alex had to admit, it was fascinating watching the two of them exchange their distinct brands of audacity. Lina, convinced that anybody in the world would be swayed by an offer of her body to the point where she would trade Kaz his own items for his own items; Kaz countering with mights and maybes as if those should be taken as a sure thing, just because he said so. 
If he wasn't wanting to escape this unscathed, Alex might have been tempted to just sic them on each other and enjoy the show.
But no, that lighter was in Lina's underwear and he wanted to fish it out as soon as possible so Kaz couldn't catch them in an act of bizarre theft, so Alex pushed himself bodily forward to turn out the pockets of his shorts, unbutton his tropical shirt, kick off his flip-flops. "You wanna inspect closer?" he asked Kaz cheerfully, reaching up to fold his ears over and turn his head each way. "I got no secrets! You can look all you want, Kaz, though I have to say--" Alex made a sad face, puppy dog eyes. "It's sad that you suspect your fellow islanders this way. Did somebody hurt your trust when you were little? It's okay. Your feelings are valid. But it's not healthy to live like this."
"Well how was I supposed to ask when I didn't know you had them up until now? They were practically hidden that's not my fault!" She complained even though they all knew that it very much was. Well, it was more Alex's fault if anything since he's the one who wanted to come here but Alex wouldn't appreciate being thrown under the bus and Kaz wouldn't care whose idea it was so she kept it to herself.
As Alex put on his little show of showing off how he has absolutely nothing on him, Lina just meandered over considering she had something pressed against the small of her back, held there by the waistband of her underwear. She handed over the ipod in her hand to Kaz and then took the extra pair of sunglasses she had out of her pocket and handed that over as well before holding her hands up and walking backward as she moved away from him. "That's all I've got. Enjoy your monopoly on sunglasses, I guess." 
It didn't really matter what they said in their defense, Kaz was obviously pissed but Alex seemed to have gotten what he wanted out of this since it was hidden away on her. The plan now seemed to be just hit Kaz with whatever nonsense they could think of so that he would just shoo them out instead of searching any further. "Should we get you set up for a therapy session once you kick us out? It's nothing to be ashamed of, and I'm sure there's someone on the island that would be willing to analyze why you're so secretive and suspicious of people. I'll make sure to look into that for you, no need to thank me."
The goal was not a strip search (unless absolutely necessary). Not interested in checking coin slots. The manner in which Alex flung off those flip flops felt particularly aggravating to Kaz. Other than a clench of a fist, he kept it to himself. 
All a big fucking act with Alex. With the both of them. He wanted them out. Without resorting to using his air-- no reason in giving these assholes more to gripe about, not if it wasn't needed. "Yeah. Trust broken, but didn't fling myself off a cliff about it." They threw plenty of jabs to get a rise out of him, so only fair Kaz do the same. Alex would probably return with how he flew like a dove or something equally dramatic. 
Lina lodged empty complaints, but did return what he thought to be the most important item, the ipod he pocketed. He popped the sunglasses on his head. "I will enjoy my monopoly, so very kind of you to say." 
His lips formed a flat line to match his expression, with all the heat at a boil in his eyes. He scanned them each over again. Lina tossed another remark out. "Mm, therapy would serve kleptos better, I think. Now fuck off." 
Kaz moved away from the door and to the contents of his bag spilled on his bedding. Scattered, disregarded, their grubby hands had been over it all. He frowned for a moment. There was something else important gone. It was possible he'd left it at his other camp. Unlikely, but possible. His mouth turned into a tight grin. "If I find anything else missing, like say... a Zippo. I'll be in touch."
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panopticonrpg · 9 months
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Thank you for your application, you have been accepted to Panopticon:
Kaz Raval (FC: Avan Jogia) played by Nova
Orion Carnell (FC: Jared Padalecki) played by Dove
Micaiah Falkov (FC: Ben Barnes) played by Dove
Mik Baptiste (FC: Charles Michael Davis) played by Grey
Nicholas Vincent Ambrose (FC: Laith Ashley) played by Dion
Tamyra Wiliams (FC: DeWanda Wise) played by Enci
So happy for Kaz to start living his misanthropic life to the fullest on Panopticon. Only time will tell if he settles into island life!
Looking forward to Orion's finding his place on Panopticon, with a little help from his friends(?) and then some!
Micaiah's gonna have a lot of 'fun' trying to herd this bunch o' cats on Panopticon; and by fun I mean...best of luck!
Panopticon is sure to give Mik many business opportunities, totally fine! Never stop hustling, Mik! Always be grinding!
Thankful to Nick for bringing rampant hedonism to Panopticon! Can't wait for more champagne wishes and caviar dreams!
The star has arrived! Panopticon is rolling out the red carpet for Tamyra. Can't wait to see her recapture her fame and glory!
Please refer to the checklist to get started, and welcome to the island!
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amberxbolt · 2 years
location: the smokehouse, the farm closed with @kazxraval​
Amber kept her smile on after Emre had left, though once he was gone and out of earshot she exhaled, hard. Jesus.
But at least that was done, for now. She focused on her morning deliveries, keeping the door open for airflow and so the smell of blood didn’t overly nauseate her.
Movement outside caught her eye, and she glanced up to see someone meeting Kaz at the edge of the farm. A Castaway. I... Is... Isabella, yes, that was it. Meeting Kaz Raval at the fence. Kaz had joined the farm-fam as the smokehouse operator, as had many other people wanting to extend a helping hand to the Hardys post-attack, so his presence wasn’t new. But Amber hadn’t seen the Castaway woman before. Or if she had, she’d forgotten about it. Hm.
Amber kept one eye on them as she worked, preparing the meat that would go to the smokehouse, waiting until Kaz had returned to the smokehouse to start his shift. Only then did she gather everything needed, wash her hands, and head over to the smokehouse.
“Fresh delivery!” Amber chirped, shouldering open the door with a basket of meat cuts in her arms. She nudged the door shut with her foot as she gave Kaz a smile. “Good morning Kaz! It’s good to see you. Everyone you like make it out OK?”
Amber set the basket down. Ah. Her fingernails were still a little red. Unfortunate. She looked up. “I saw you talking to someone out by the farm’s edge. Everything good?”
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kazxraval · 1 year
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a kaz raval moodboard
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