#[ he's so........ hhhhhhhh i'm so interested in him and his story ]
despairforme · 2 months
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Going to the gym for the 5th day in a row. Feels so good...
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Oh my god oh my god oh my god
I didn't actually think people would be interested but I love talking about this uwuwurhrh
-i don't think there is much to say, because this is one of those aus where I have scenarios but not the entire plot but uuhhh
-So basically it all happens because they're all fucking with the neo world program settings, and Hajime was put into the program
-With the mix of Nagito's luck, some romantic era machine fuckery, and the fact that Kamukura killed God long ago, they all get sucked into the simulation, back to the past.
-In the Class's point of View, two bitches fell out of a vortex and right in the middle of the diner. Hajime falling and hitting the floor and Nagito right on top of him. They still look like one of those anime shoujo type landings and Nagito makes no move to make themselves look presentable. He gives no fucks about the rest of his class standing there atm. Like he loves them but not as much as Hajime
-obviously, the room falls into panic when the sight of the two intruders are recognized. Souda and Nidai panicking and yelling because they thought they got rid of Nagito already? And they grab him but then Hajime is like, "stop ❤"
-after much questioning, and a lot of sweet sounding passive aggression from Nagito (which he makes sure everyone knows is intentional) they finally believe the two fancy looking men in suits (and komaeda's green jacket) are in fact, future versions of IG! Hajime and Nagito.
-They get flocked with questions immediately, about all kinds of things, especially with the arm (Nagito "accidentally" thwacks Souds in the head hard enough to make him cry) and Hajime's heterochromia.
-Hajime gives a bullshit answer that nobody is very convinced with, and Nagito, the better manipulator of the two, does not try to help him. Hajime takes this as a betrayal.
-Its also when Hajime looks at his boyfriend and then at his in game counterpart, that he remembers IG! Nagito is nowhere to be found. So they gotta bring him in.
-imagine being Nagito, starving and toed up in the other area of the building and some bitch who looks like the aged up and more mature and sexy version of your potential sugar baby crush just busts in like minutes after the OG straight up left him to his fate like a cold mf. I'd shit.
-Anyways, Nagito has always been the smartest person in that game from the get go, there is no doubt he figures out what's going on.
-PG! Nagito and IG! Nagito having a little,,,rivalry with eachbother. Not that they hate or even dislike each other (although they'd be passive aggressive to each other ig. Self esteem reasons ig). PG! Nagito finding his old self developing puppy love for PG! Hajime but also being a hit jealous because "hey! Your own boyfriend is there, give me mine."
-(PG! Hajime knows this, and teases his boyfriend about it.)
-Uuuuhhhh,,, blablahblah idk,,,the future komahina know what will happen and successfully manage to make sure no more killing. It pissed Monokuma off.
-When they depart, there are still many questions, and while the improv story of their life goes pretty smoothly, Hajime suffers from passive aggressiveness from both the class and his lover.
-this happens only once PG! Hajime spills that he and PG! Nagito are dating. Fiancé's, even.
-The passive aggressive war happens because the rest of the class thinks PG! Nagito is still evil and manipulative and are "subtly" leaving him hints, and Nagito, petty pretty bitch he is, makes sure everyone know he knows. He's making it everyone's problem and doing well so far.
-i think it would be funny if PG! Hajime kept pleading for his boyfriend to see reason qnd try to compromise and not start shit, and PG!Nagito taking it personally cause usually he gets spoiled and gets Hajime's attention but that's not happening right now.
-So he starts showing IG! Hajime affection. Straight up holds him close and kisses his cheek. The class already knows they're dating but holy fuck Nagito. PG! Haji is jealous.
-(And if Kamukura is still there lurking I his brain, he will be feeling both pride and jealousy. Dumbass jealous bastards, the three of them)
-i don't have much more plot for this, but I so imagine at some point Monokuma gets fed up by the fact that PG! Nagito is thwarting his plans and there is no killing, enough to the point where he nearly punishes him, with a collar to his neck and the spear of gungir about to fucking make a mess out of him, but while everyone else in class looks in horror, PG! Nagi looks perfectly relaxed and unafraid. The reason that is because between the terrifying, withering glare Hajizuru sends monokuma, and Nagito's insane luck, the simulation glitches and monokuma has to let him go.
-Meanwhile all of this is comedy central and angst central for the PG! Class watching this. They're not stuck forever, soda and Wild Destroyer are working on it, but ffs.
(I only realize now that there would be a lot of angst because of chiaki, but I'm not emotionally stable enough for angst atm. So fluff only.)
oh i love this so much dkfjskdbxkdb god. just. the absolute chaos that is them just. Popping out of nowhere lmao.
also imagine being monokuma and just being cockblocked from your beloved murders by one (1) little shit and his fiancé and knowing full well you can’t do jack shit about it skdjskndksbc.
also hhhhhhhh i forgot about chiaki but my heart is breaking just thinking about her gahhhhhh..............i imagine she and pg hajime and nagito would end up talking the night they appear. they’d fill her in on the real story and i could see hajime wanting to talk to her a while longer.
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alemanriq · 3 years
I just read that you didn't like how the snk manga ended up. Where about in the story did you start disliking it? Like was the main ending in 139 the biggest problem or was it the final arcs like I've heard others saying?
I am still confused myself how I feel about 139 Im just interested to see where you felt like the manga wasn't for you anymore. 😅
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Disclaimer: hhhHHHhh first of all, I want to make clear that I am no writer but as a media consumer like everyone else, I am able to assimilate situations and stories, and if I see something that doesn't work from my PoV that doesn't mean I think I can do better myself..if that was how the world works, many critics would be unemployed 😅 My opinion isn't even professional anyway so anyone is free to disagree and leave their comment if they want to talk but know that I won't engage in any further conversation that takes more than a couple of mins because I'm only answering a question here and come to have a good time gjdfkg.
Now to the answer hmmmm, is not exactly just the ending but more like a progressive thing ( I assume that's what you mean with the latest arcs?).
It kind of started with the serum bowl for me actually ahahah idk if that's too behind 😂. Fandom's reaction aside, the stage Erwin and Armin were brought into was way too convenient to give Erwin the farewell he had (which doesn't mean I didn't love it btw, his interactions w Levi and hanji made me cry) and a bit too overdone to prove once more how much Eren loves his friends. From that point I was like "mmmm ok it was a risky move to bring them to the rooftop out of nowhere like a ring fight, with this new random bootlicker guy on the side but is ok it cannot get weirder than that right"
Then when the whole Marley arc appeared I gotta admit I entered a VERY long hiatus, because I was just starting to digest what was going on with historia, Eren and the grisha flashbacks, also what was going to happen with Armin since the scene in the rooftop seemed SO important and eager to pass the role to him and a bunch of characters compared him to erwin as if it was going to be relevant to the story. Also I gave up with Annie ahsjfddg.
So yeah this "other side of the story" was like starting over (which I knew was the point yes) and I wasn't ready for that, I know I was weak pls don't yell at me.
So I waited til the main cast appeared again (my friends were updating me on the story hahaha) to reunite some willpower and get myself back in track. I went back a bit before I left the story at, and swallowed all those war chapters all together. And I was kinda impressed, it was even entertaining. I thought "I guess I just needed a break, my interest wasn't 100% lost"
It felt like I was reading chapters like in uprising (in my opinion, a good balance between politics and the action everyone came for: shonen titan fights) it was going good...
Then I cannot recall in which point everything started to be a bit overwhelming (again is prob because it wasn't just a single thing), more information was coming and new characters were taking turns in the spotlight....Mikasa with the asian bloodline, Annie's daddy issues, Falco's hinted destiny, Reiner's deadpool-like sad life, Levi and his promise, Hanji's ideals and their struggle as a commander (the latter was left so so abandoned for the sake of implying that the "idea" of commander in their universe basically died with Erwin, which brings me back to being upset at the unnecessary drama pushed on Armin, he was just sad for killing people like a normal person and that's it), the motivation of the SC, Historia and her baby, the Ymir's sick love and the no-ymir's past... these are only the ones I can get from the top of my head...
All of these little unresolved/forcibly closed stories I felt were like the freebies in a big box, the things that give you the sensation that the prize is bigger but they really don't give any more weight once you open it.
I just felt I was being mislead all the time. (you can tell by memes like this that many people was mislead in one way or another, they could sense the story was going on a direction where none of these scenarios could happen, and yet they happened in the last minute) The cherry on top is that I thought Eren was going to be allowed to be a true villain lmao.
The final events were just the Coup de Grace and I wasn't expecting anything at that point, so the Avengers assembling against Thano-I mean Eren and anything that came after it, didn't rlly leave an impact on me (positive nor negative), I just went with the flow and couldn't feel anything hfgdf, no anger, no sadness, I just wanted it to end.
If I told you a story about a kid that was chasing a chicken, then I decide to spend years developing complex sub plots around them and the people they meet, as if they also will have a concrete purpose in the long run, maybe hoping to add more depth to my story...all of this to tell you in the end "Anyways the kid died but got the chicken. I did everything I did because is interesting, I told you since the beginning the kid was just trying to get it so that's what they were gonna do, is just that there was no other way, they had to do all of this to get there see. Why are you not convinced? I gave you hints that that's exactly what the kid was going to do.." You'd probably feel like me ahhahahaa.
Then I've read other people say "there's only three protagonists, no need to work harder on all the characters" "all the characters had a reason to do what they did, it says so in the story 🙄" well, again I'm no writer but afaik that doesn't make a story automatically well done or compensates any lapses...is like
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It gave the impression that yams wasn't rlly planning out this outcome 100%. I know writers do changes in the middle of writing..but he took too many risks imo (is his first story too right?) Whether it was bc of his own decisions or any influence he had from others...something definitely didn't go right. Still mr Itsallama I don't mean to re-write your story and I'm sorry I rlly didn't like how it went down, I still feel grateful for all the good times though. Thanks for the ask anon, I hope this cleared your thoughts...if not, have a cookie 🍪 :D
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