#[ fantasia war pt. 1 ]
crossfists · 8 months
His new 'history' felt hardly different from his own, and so he had fallen into the role surprisingly well. At least, in the absence of being some agent in a war effort he didn't personally support.
His ears garnered him attention, but he was used to the amount of attention his appearance received. His holy garb was new, but the crosses were normal. It was an odd mixture of typical and new - much in a similar vein as this place was.
An odd mixture of the familiar and the unfamiliar.
But what he was seeking was the familiar. Using his phone seemed to draw the wrong kind of attention, so he had memorized the location discussed. Thinking nothing of it in the moment, the familiar, their jobs outside of here, he rapped his knuckle against the door before walking in.
The room was dark. Suspiciously so.
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His guard was up. After all, this situation was both familiar, and yet so very unfamiliar.
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mystiya · 9 months
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𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙰 𝚆𝙰𝚁 : 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙾𝙽𝙴  /  to kuya, the world is not unfamiliar to him  -  a place of magic and wonder. it reminds him of home, of tall castles erected to house the most haughtiest of people of societal standards, kings and queen  -  they all fall and rise and in kuya's long life, he has seen it all. he has seen kingdoms eradicate one another, has seen some stand against the waves of time. nothing is new, but the only thing that has changed, in this case : he is allied with the kingdom of airaisal. what may come of it he does not know, but the well and surge of magic pleases him  . . .  ah, how it feels like home once more.
kuya is a beastkin, he maintains his natural appearance which is that of a humanoid with his fox - like features and all his elegant, regal beauty ♥ for a reminder of his appearance, here is a reference image the only difference is that rather than short hair, he has long hair reaching down to his rear.
kuya is already a man with a natural affinity for magic, his natural abilities could shine through with his extensive knowledge of casting and manipulating them in unique ways which makes him a well rounded ally to have and a deadly, cunning fox to have as an enemy. he was worshipped for his strength for a reason.
that being said, the spells he would mainly utilize are as follows : 
defensive magicks : heal, restore, awaken
offensive magicks : fire, ice, lightning, and eclipse
status afflictions : poison, silence, paralysis, charm, and sleep
utilitarian magicks : light, water walking & breathing, lock/open, and invisibility
he can still transform into a fox, perhaps this could help with reconnaissance work in the future :)
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amoirsetpacis · 8 months
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fantasia war info!! ( .... 2!!)
art under the cut!
'roo didn't you already make this post' yeah im changing it 'we're several weeks into the event' shhh. shuh.
anyway reworking vash into being faekin, specifically he looks kinda like a moth! he's pretty benevolent for a fae-- he'll only sometimes pull a few light hearted pranks ... !! however, he still very much lives in what is currently yela alora, so there are often mean/questioning looks being thrown his way-- though it's nothing he's not used to already! he cans till very much be found sticking his nose where it doesn't belong in other people's business in some attempt at being helpful, but it's even more up in the air than usual if they'll actually accept any of his help.
as usual, vash continues to be stressed about other folks fighting all the time and will most likely constantly be sticking his nose in places where it most certainly doesn’t belong in an attempt to quell any sort of nastiness. even though he lives in what is now yela alora, you’ll most definitely catch him snooping in other kingdoms, regardless of the lack of warm welcome he might receive [it’s not like he’s not used to it anyway…!!]
he still has his guns– both the Colt and the one in his prosthetic arm, but as a fae is largely going to rely on magic.
although all magic currently listed is available, i think he’ll be more capable using it in a more support class role and primarily using his usual fare for more dps. things like awaken, paralysis, sleep, charm, and levitate [ this would be flight but. well. his wing. ] are more his style, though i think he would also be particularly adept at blessing as an offense. others are possible, but he’s not very good at them. [although i do have some ideas for healing spell usage. hehe.]
as usual, vash continues to be stressed about other folks fighting all the time and will most likely constantly be sticking his nose in places where it most certainly doesn’t belong in an attempt to quell any sort of nastiness. even though he lives in what is now yela alora, you’ll most definitely catch him snooping in other kingdoms, regardless of the lack of warm welcome he might receive [it’s not like he’s not used to it anyway…!!]
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kindliar · 9 months
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ouma's fantasia war info!!
he's a beastkin with fox features.
he generally hangs around the forest just outside diapool, rather than living directly in any city. he's aligned with the kingdom of airisal.
he generally specializes in defensive and utilitarian magicks; he's still a pacifist, after all!
he's a little thief man. he will steal from you.
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sunsage · 8 months
♈: What fantasy race did you choose for your muse? (And why?) ♐: Is your muse wearing a new outfit? What does it look like? ♓: What RPG music does someone hear when they run into your muse? 🌱: What’s a thread you really want to do with your muse? 🌿: Has your muse learned any magic? Do they use these spells? 🌛: how does wukong feel about the idea of being kissed on the face right now huh??? huh???? punk…. (kicks rock and fukcin falls over)
♈: What fantasy race did you choose for your muse? (And why?)
Human, because I love to torture him- I mean, uh. Well, mostly because he's already the most fantastical creature there is, so turning him into a different fantasy being just didn't seem too interesting to me. But removing the magic part of him that he was born with and carried with him his whole life? Now that is something I can explore if I find time for it
♐: Is your muse wearing a new outfit? What does it look like?
I wanted to draw it for this but I got laaazzyyyyy
Something similar to his journey outfit: red pants, black undershirt and yellow robe on top but with his current red scarf. Also a long tiger fur coat on top cause he's cold and I think it's funny.
And like whichever knitted accessories Gabriel's been secretly gifting him.
♓: What RPG music does someone hear when they run into your muse?
I'm not really a big gamer these days so this is not a professional opinion but I'd give him something like og Mêlée Island Theme from The Secret of Monkey Island (unrelated), cause it's chill and laid back and has monkey sounds in it.
For a combat encounter with him, Frogs are Friends from Everhood. It's a song for a tutorial enemy who teaches you how to play and doesn't hit hard (even though as you learn later he totally could).
🌱: What’s a thread you really want to do with your muse?
Thread where he gets to kiss a certain angel on the face. If I had all the time in the world... I'd like to have a thread where someone teaches him how to swim in the human form, that'd be cute and a new experience for him that also doesn't suck. Also some of the quests sound fun! I'd be down to throw him into any situations really.
I don't really want him to get reaped but I'd also be interested in a thread where he gets to talk down someone who has been.
🌿: Has your muse learned any magic? Do they use these spells?
He took one look at the spells and tried a few just to see how it works so naturally he's now very good at most of them. Other than Heal, which he can't really do well.
Doesn't use them though. Usually he just forgets he can.
🌛: how does wukong feel about the idea of being kissed on the face right now huh??? huh???? punk…. (kicks rock and fukcin falls over)
Oh no be careful...
I mean, he's all for it anytime; human, monkey or otherwise! Though he also doesn't ever expect face kisses so it might surprise him and he might get really red in the face at first. And then try to play it off by being cute.
It also probably feels different to be kissed with human skin on, so he might ask for more. Just to test it out of course.
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tagor-gor · 5 years
@exegesisindigo didn’t like for a starter, but we discussed this already >:)
He sighed, the Kindom of Yela Alora didn’t look easy to get into...Between the guards and moat that surrounded it.  There was enough foot traffic for Tagora to set shop up on the outskirts of the kingdom.  So, not all of it was a waste.
After he’d set up, he rolled out a blanket, though, mostly teal, with accents of indigo mostly being the tassels.  He was ready to go and yak on about all he had with him.
He’d been pretty successful throughout the day, managing to sell most of his heavier wares.  Don’t ask how he acquired a lot of this, he couldn’t even tell you.  As Tagora was getting ready to pack up shop, he noticed a man examining something he put to the side.  It was just a book...What was so interesting about that, anyways?
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“You must be the scholarly type.  That book has a lot of the history of Xalphina.  It’s a long read, but it’s good.”  After speaking and rambling on about more information.  He noticed the man’s eyes.  That familiar color that he so hated!
“Is that you, Galekh?!!?”  He already threw something small at him, because he knew the answer, it was just bewildering to him that he didn’t say anything earlier!  Galekh must have done that on purpose, why else?!
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phantommirrored · 5 years
He wasn’t opposed to playing dirty, he’d hid in the shadows their entire game, and now it was his turn to seek out the other.  Shadow was only winning because of how dirty he was playing.
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“You better find a good hiding spot.  I’m pretty good at this game.”  He chuckled to himself as he started to count, putting his arm over his eyes to give the other plenty of time to hide.
After he felt he’d counted enough, Shadow removed his arm.
“Ready or not, here I come, Link.”
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rightreflection · 5 years
After the initial shock had come and gone Rin had found herself enjoying her newfound abilities and wasn’t even entirely bothered by the sudden wings protruding from her back. If anything, she had started taking enjoyment from them thanks to the locations she was suddenly able to get to in essentially no time at all as well as the places she could reach that she never could before. They were probably her favorite part of the transformation, a small surge of pride at all of the mild dangers she had been able to avoid-- though only momentarily as the wings certainly had their limit-- simply by flying up and out of harm’s way. It was a lot to take in and it had taken time but the adjustment had eventually taken root and now she was far more eager than ever to explore and see what kind of situations she could possibly get herself into. 
It was easier to stay near trees as she could simply take a break and rest upon their branches when her wings grew too weak to support her weight any longer and Airaisal just so happened to be the perfect place for her to remain for the larger portions of her time. So long as she stays high up enough to keep a distance between whatever is happening on the ground below but also low enough (barely even skirting near the tops of the trees) she reduces her risk of potentially being unable to find a safe-spot midflight and pummeling far below once her flight ability weakens. 
...Were it not for the aerial view she is granted she likely would never have noticed Ryuji roaming the forest on his own let alone found him with such ease; the transition of the city had been massive and it was proving to take great difficulty for her to find the people within it that she cared about. Far too long for her liking. But the sight of him down below looking so small sends the heart that now resides within her chest thumping rapidly and suddenly, her stomach twists-- an odd sensation-- as she takes note of the sudden anticipation growing within her. She can only muse what these new sensations are and could possibly mean briefly before her excitement to reunite with her closest friend becomes impossible to ignore and she swoops down to meet him face-on, the call of his name echoing through and startling whatever birds had been residing in the trees so peacefully before this moment, “Ryuji!!”
The minute the tips of her toes reach the ground does she take off running towards him, arms spread to envelop him in a hug only for her to reach a dead halt the moment she draws close enough to get a better look at him. And he certainly does look horrible for lack of a better description. 
Her arms fall to her sides instantly, weight shifting from one foot to the other anxiously as her expression grows somber and a nagging concern coils deep within.
“What happened to you?” She’s so stunned by the shift in his demeanor that the question escapes her a second time.
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“...What’s wrong?!”
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sanpatron · 5 years
Frustration still resides within the man as he lies down in some secluded part of the woods—away from all the hustle and bustle of the town nearby. If you can even call it ‘hustle and bustle’ that is. He’s not used to any of this. Not used to the constant otherworldly and out of his means of comprehension bullshit that keeps getting thrown at his face. Not used to the fact that his gang is once again gone. And he is most certainly not used to the stupid wolf ears and tail he’s been given.
It was all too much for him. So much in fact that it managed to leave the Boss in what he could only assume to be a depressive funk. Nothing felt right. Nothing seemed to matter. As pissed as he was towards everything that had gone on he really could not for the life of him imagine himself being able to do anything about it. A tragedy given how often the Boss found himself doing what could be considered the impossible for what could be considered a ‘normal man’.
And so he lies there; no motivation, no real desire to do anything right now other than go about his days until this bullshit seemingly resolves itself. That or he winds up dying. Whatever came first, really.
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“ .......................... ”
@medblethderg // Fantasia War Pt. 1 Starter Call
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glorywaited · 5 years
@sundroptm​ || fantasia war pt. 1 starter call
      surroundings she doesn’t immediately recognise -- not in the caravan filling with rain water && her suspicions on the place the others wanted to go -- she can’t help but feel the same caution in her gut; the unwell feeling of something dangerous && unknown. she’d seen creatures of magic before -- heck, she’d been turned into a bird -- so it isn’t the most shocking thing in the grand scheme of their adventures && yet she has her intense suspicions with it. a cautious playing along of whatever it was she’d gotten herself into now -- oh, && is she ever happy that she’d seen at least one friend here ( despite that friend not entirely being her first choice if it were up to her ). 
      there’s a worry in her stomach -- she knows rapunzel can take care of herself ( oh, she told her as much; showed her as much ) but she couldn’t let anything bad happen again. she had to protect her -- keep her safe, prove that she could be trusted && that she could be her shield.
      a flash of familiar golden hair -- cassandra’s newly acquired wings folding downward toward her back in hesitance -- but as she approaches by foot, wooden sword in hand, she sees her suspicions confirmed.
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      ❝ raps? raps, is that you? ❞
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blazinginvokearc · 5 years
“Thanks for the business darling~! I’m glad this noble Elf could be of help to you!” Riku winked at the rather bosomly attractive bar owner after loading up the crates of rather expensive drafts in her cart. She got waived off with a blushing expression while one of the patrons stood next to her scowling. Oh was a nerve struck? Snapping the reins she was off to the next town where her own scowl came back and a rough sigh accompanied it. 
“Man I don’t get why he was glaring at me so hard, not like I’ve got charm magic or any shit like that. At least they didn’t see through my disguise. However...” Her pointed tail slipped out from under the bag where it rested and curled around a bottle, throwing it into the hooded cart.
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“How long are you going to sleep in there? Just because I happened to be heading in the same direction doesn’t mean I gotta give you a ride.” 
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ziodie · 5 years
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name: kanji age: 17-18 alliance: kingdom of airaisal ( cotes ) race: beastkin ( reindeer/caribou ) appearance: still the same tough looking dude except for his giant antlers, a fluffy tail that never seems to stop wagging, and nearing 7 feet in height. because he’s still trying to get used to these things, kanji is super clumsy, often knocking things and even people over. he’s also prone to catching things in them... laundry, birds, accidental thievery, you name it. because of this, he’s often seen hunching over or trying his best to look smaller.  personality: overall, he’s not mad that everyone’s turned into furries. aside from the political nonsense that’s going on, kanji’s just living his best life. after all, he’s a cute reindeer now. of course he’s wary of the war going on but he pleads to live a simple life, hanging with his buds and making new ones.  
canon abilities: can summon his persona twice a day, can use zio five times a day race-specific abilities: enhanced strength and smell event-specific spells: awaken, lightning, paralysis weaponry: his antlers, fallen off antlers, and whatever he catches in them
commonly found: getting stuck in things, wrestling other beastkin, beating up bandits in the forests of airaisal
occupation: adventurer, the boy has to make a living somehow
people tend to hire him to scare off crop thieves and crows... a glorified scarecrow if you will. he doesn’t mind it because he gets to watch over sleeping plants and animals.
dreams of settling down as a rancher one day, hopefully with a special someone :eyes:
still has a hard time talking to new people and because of how intimidating he is, has a tough time making new friends. doesn’t stop him tho
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amoirsetpacis · 8 months
★ --;; There had definitely been an... adjustment period to this entire situation. Wings sprouting out of his back hadn't been something entirely foreign to Vash for a very long time, at this point; but the bright red colour and the replacement of feathers for fuzz definitely had been. That, and the fact that no matter what he tried, they apparently weren't going anywhere-- constant weights between his shoulder blades.
Particularly nasty looks are also something Vash has been used to for a particularly long time, though for entirely different reasons. It had only taken a few moments of stepping outside of the house for him to realize that he very much was the picture of different in what had become of Fibonacci; while whatever transformation that had fallen over the city this time had changed everything and everyone so vastly, it seemed as though his changes weren't meant to be a match. There's probably something to be said about always being just that bit off, but he still hasn't found the words yet.
That's not to say it's stopped him in the slightest from wandering around where he probably shouldn't be, regardless of the time of day. Keeping his senses about him beneath his friendly air is old hat, and although he hasn't particularly had to that much on this island it's a skill hard to dispel. The sunlight is the real problem-- any sort of light, really. It makes his eyes ache, and even at night he's finding his sunglasses pushed far up his nose in a bid for relief.
So even at night he's skulking a bit away from the well-trodden path, lit up with torches at it tends to be, minding his own business for once-- when sudden movement makes his head whip to the side, whatever new figure completely backlit from the road as that same light bounces off of Vash's glasses, and it's so close he shrieks.
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Wings and antennae that had immediately flown wide in surprise promptly lower themselves back to their normal state. "Hi Steven. What're you doin' out here?"
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suplex51 · 5 years
Info Post For a Nerd’s Fantasia War
Name: Travis Touchdown Race: Draken Allegiance: 
Technically? Xalphina (formerly Archimedes). Actually? The people he cares about. That’s it. No political BS, for him. No fighting a war for a temporary world. 
Maybe it’s not what anyone would expect. But, hey, it’s a small cosmic consolation to our otaku assassin, to offset the angst of self-perceived failure. This event’s supposed to be fun, after all! And so, Travis gets to explore this brand new world (straight out of a fantasy anime) as a homage to one of his early video game favorites… Scryo the Dragon.
Think Travis, but with features grafted from this image here. For starters, for all you TSA fans, he’ll finally have the purple jacket! Along with that? Horns, wings, and a drill-tipped tail; All of which - in addition to Travis’s hair - are colored an icy cool blue. Sharper teeth and sharper nails (otherwise known as claws) are a must. Finally, a scattering of purple scales along his cheeks, resembling freckles, with many more trailing over his shoulders before fading away up his neck.
(Check the app for more details!)
Dark Step, which allows Travis to slow time to a crawl. A reflexive counter-power to his body taking an impact. Can be used six times a day.
Cartoonishly-high durability.
Lightning-fast reaction/burst speeds.
Enhanced strength. 
Race powers:
Ice breath. Absolute zero exhalation. That sort of thing! 
Gliding, maybe? Gonna be awful hard for him to learn, though...
Lightning, Ice, Fire, Slow, Barrier, Water-Walking
The dual beam katanas, Rose Nasty. Trusty battery-powered lightsabers.
Nightshade, a sword scabbard granted from the Nightmare Knight. By tapping into NK’s power, Travis can mold and manipulate a magical fog coming out of the guard. What he can turn that fog into is only limited by his imagination... and a steep time limit, one that only gets tighter the more power and magic Travis uses and alters. 10 minutes / 5 times for simple swords and whatnot, then 5 minutes / 3 times a day, and so on and so forth. Consequences for pushing those boundaries? We’ll just have to see.~
After that disastrous excuse for a last stand, Travis is going to be hanging around Rosa even more than usual. The girlfriend needs her Emotional Support Assassin, the ESA needs help being an ESA, and they both need time to relax. It’s rough. But when that’s not going on, you can pretty much find Travis anywhere in the setting, doing the usual: fighting, checking on friends, various odd-jobs / fetch quests (gotta “collect all the things,” as per that Scyro influence), etc. Plus... he’s got a lot of new toys to test out, and some stress to vent.
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sunsage · 8 months
Does your muse rely more on their exiting powers or their new ones?
Existing for sure. He doesn't really get a lot of buffs with this new form. If anything he got significantly debuffed.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how “out of their element” is your muse?
A solid 10. He's not new to looking like a human but this is his first time actually being one. Before, even when he shapeshifted into a human (or pretty much anything else), he was still essentially himself. In every form he ever shapeshifted to, he still had his tail to show that yes he looks different but he's still Sun Wukong. But with how he's been changed in this event, he doesn't really feel like himself at the moment. It's giving him a bit of an existential crisis, so he's really hoping these changes are temporary.
How do the townspeople view your muse? 
Not great! Most are very wary of him, especially the older crowd. Apparently he was involved in some nasty confrontations with the Opalaria's ruling families some twenty years ago and not everyone forgot it. Nobody is openly antagonistic to him (at the moment at least) but they still side-eye him whenever he's out and about. And the ruling families try to pretend he doesn't exist. That is probably one thing they all agree on, leaving him alone so he doesn't try and take them down again.
Kids love him though. Not in the least because he always has some sweets or cool trinkets or just money on him that he gives freely to any children that aren't too scared to approach him.
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crimetimefox · 5 years
Night... time? Everything is upside down, and extremely fuzzy. Last he remembers is word of... that... colossal hand being sealed. Two weeks to improve, two weeks to find his friends, two weeks and it might just happen all over again. Was this some sick game that the stars were just tossing together - that fight was atrocious! Even with some of the more godlike people around in that fight, there was hardly any fucking chance!
Gregg thrashes around upside down in a tree, foot caught in the middle of the tree-- as if he had kicked it down the middle! He knows he didn’t but gosh damn was he stuck nonetheless. The fox trashes back and forth, pulling himself upwards, trying to dislodge his boot however he can. ‘No WONDER I was out for so long, all this blood rushing to my brain has me feeling like shighdjtkgjfls’
Gregg manages to get loose, foot loose, not losing his rock-a-billy ass boot and promptly crashes to the ground (but not before screaming, of course.) “AAAAAAAUUHHHHHGa--hhh...”
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Forest. He’s stuck in a forest, quite a thick one at that, which leads him to ask: ‘where in the hell am I now...’
It’s gonna take a moment for his blood to properly even throughout his system, so it seems he’s going to lay there for a minute. Maybe someone will come and grab him in the meantime? Hopefully to help him. Hopefully.
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