#[ and my watercolours of course ahaha ]
despairforme · 2 months
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Who is gonna make him laugh like this?
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fidelishaereticus · 6 years
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@mywoesaregranular​ hmmmm yeah, i see the problem. i do talk about what colours i like, and of course everyone’s blog had a colour scheme. kinda....colours....your judgement....ahaha 
to clarify tho, i do talk about that Blue like it’s one particular shade, but there’s a spectrum of blues that do qualify, and i do in fact love blue best when it’s in some kind of spectrum, like, blue-engulfed-by-black, or dark blue glass where there’s lots of reflections and stuff, or a dark ultramarine, prussian or phthalo blue or watercolour stain  like....this thing or the blues in this picture or this picture or for a less flashy example, even something my shirt here will do it for me
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kolwyntjie · 3 years
I am glad I made you happier with my words, I was only being honest. And if it’s only a hobby, so what? If it makes you happy, nothing else matters. Besides if it isn’t your main job, it’s better that it’s a hobby. That way it’s an escapism for you if things get too tough. You can just turn to drawing and lose yourself in the world of coloring, sketching and all.❤️
How long have you been drawing for?- recent anon
(Also I am very much in love with the Eris piece but I assume you already gathered that👀)
Ahh yes hello! Still, it’s so lovely of you, thank you!
You’re absolutely right - it certainly is a way for me to relax and enjoy my downtime - although my career is also in the heavy creative field, it’s not quite illustration like this (though that may change in the future, we’ll see!) and the subject is WILDLY different, ahaha!
Ooh I really can’t give you an exact time for how long I’ve been drawing - for as long as I can remember, since I was a kid. I started becoming serious about drawing and art when I was in High School, and took design and art subjects in my final years, as well as design courses for my degrees - so I’d say rougly 8/9 years of being serious about art in general. I’ve gone through various stages of developing my style and work, but the work I do on here is what I love doing the most. I actually used to be completely traditional but the job I ended up in pushed me to digital and I’ve mostly switched over (though I still do my watercolour paintings when I have the time!)
Also I’m so glad you like Eris! He is honestly a pleasure to draw (I really hope we get more info on him in the future book(s) - I want to see his story and character develop!)
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danikatze · 6 years
I've been seeing your Shino watercolor (which is absolutely lovely, by the way) going around and I was wondering which materials you use? Like-- brands. It looks-- the consistency is absolutely amazing and I was wondering if you just had some superpower or something
Ahaha wah thanks ^///^ 
Umm well first of all you should know that I didn’t actively choose the brand I’m using at all. Should you be interested I’ll explain what I mean by that under the cut. x)
I have this Van Gogh thingy and I use this one to refill it from time to time. And sometimes I use ecoline if I want really bright colours. As for brushes and paper: I tend to go for the cheapest, that’s usually what my decisions are based on, haha.. I mean I still buy paper with a certain thickness and size, but I couldn’t tell you what brand I use.
And honestly I think anyone can make beautiful things with anything as long as long as they don’t overthink it :))
Until about five years ago I used to only draw with HB pencils and charcoal occasionally. When I was young my parents would try to get me to use colour and bought me coloured pencils and pastels and such. About 15 years ago they bought me the first watercolour box I showed you. I probably gave it a shot five or so times and then gave up because I didn’t get colour and I really didn’t get watercolour.
So after that I barely used it for 10-12 years (my poor parents).. Five years ago I followed a one-day watercolour class and had completely forgotten about my first box by then, so I bought the only/cheapest one available at the course.I used that one more successfully a couple of times (I made this Chris Hemsworth drawing for a friend for example), but really, it was much more trouble than it was worth.
So once again I sort of forgot about it. Then four years ago I started using ecoline and then two or three years ago? I finally started understanding watercolour. So that’s how and why I still have watercolour from ages ago and I’ve never had to make a decision about watercolour brands haa x)
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