#@wiltkingart - painting skills of a madman. the way he captures bodies in his work explodes my brain
sirguyofdykesborn · 6 months
hello! ur art makes me coocoo bananas!! do u or did u have any specific influences on ur artstyle?
this was a big big post in my drafts for a while and it mentioned all of my beautiful friends and mutuals, but i got shy and less intoxicated. ill put some of them in tags.
other than obvious monkey see - monkey do, i think the most influential thing was getting the basics of academic art? i won't say i was good at it (i wasn't. though my oil painting was fine, to my knowledge) but it did help me a lot. and believe it or not, getting medicated also changed my process and end result a lot. something in antipsychotics is forcing you to use every texture in the world and abandon line art all together
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