apilgrimpassingby · 1 month
Today, on my first full day as an Orthodox Christian, I served in the sanctuary.
For those who aren't aware, the sanctuary in an Orthodox church is the area behind the icon screen that contains the altar, the Eucharist (both before and after consecration), the vessels, icons not in use, the Gospel book and other liturgical items; the main purpose of it is the consecration of the Eucharist. You don't enter it unless you have some kind of liturgical purpose.
Service in the sanctuary was lighting the candles and carrying the cross used in the Gospel reading and the procession with the gifts respectively, and so I got to spend the service in the sanctuary.
And the word I'd used to describe it is numinous. If you don't know the word, the way I'd define it is "eerie in a good way". You're in a quiet (it seems quiet even with the priest chanting the liturgy) room shut off from the rest of the people, surrounded by religious items - some of which don't have an obvious use - and the censer's smoke curls sweetly upwards.
In there, I felt an invisible power and presence, something that was otherworldly but strangely warm.
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apilgrimpassingby · 1 month
My Lent Fast of Tumblr Is Over!
... and I have a bunch of things to share
So, to my mutuals ( @cactusflowerfemme, @rebelnurse, @roses-red-and-pink, @femme-et-traditionnelle, @miss-rogers-all-american, @gewoon-een-man, @godslittleprincess, @tradwifesblog, @tradfemcutie, @lamby-yogurt, @melisssg99, @thekitchensblog)
I got baptised today! I'm officially a member of the Greek Orthodox Church now, my prior sins have been washed away and I'm ready to receive the Sacraments of the Church and participate in Holy Week.
As part of it, I received my baptism name (George, for St. George), my baptism cross and a gift icon of the Twelve Apostles; I'll share pictures of them by DM if you request them.
Face reveal on my Orthodox aesthetic sideblog @rejoiceunweddedbride
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apilgrimpassingby · 4 months
My Orthodox aesthetic blog @rejoiceunweddedbride is up and running!
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apilgrimpassingby · 4 months
Thinking about it; current title idea is @rejoiceunweddedbride (the name comes from here)
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