#<- random short thoughts/just chattin!
sinhasfluffyheadfur · 2 years
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Welcome!! This is the introduction for my page and has a bunch of information about what I post here. Keep reading if you’re interested!
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Yona of the Dawn, Pretty Boy Detective Club, Anonymous Noise, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, Sky: Children of the Light, Shadows House, Pokémon, To Your Eternity, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, The Promised Neverland, Bungo Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Purrfect Tale, Ms Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Gravity Falls
There’s probably more so if you want a character but aren’t sure if I know them just ask!
I’m also a pretty avid utaite fan, and currently learning Japanese :]
For fanfics:
Requests currently: open!
You can request anything from any of the fandoms listed above, or you can check and ask if I know a character from a fandom not listed!
I won’t do some characters, but if that’s the case I’ll say that when responding to a request
I specialize in fluff, but can do angst and other genres too!
I’ll usually do gender neutral/enby reader (since that’s what I am) I’ll do male too but no female reader because ✨issues✨ and ✨needs therapy✨
For art:
Requests/suggestions: open :D
Art for fandoms, ocs, really I can do anything
I’ll probably be posting stuff from all over the place because my current obsessions change fast heh
Not much else to say here, but I’ll probably include little doodles for characters when I write too
That’s all I can think of for now!! I’ll update this in the future if I remember anything more
Enjoy your stay! <3
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stormpainter · 5 years
Last Tuesday at 1:43 PM
pleapseletmequiirkriight Hey uh. II waψ beIIng a fuckhead on purpoψe, and you were juψt there,  IIt waψn't. About you. At all. Ψo. Ψorry.
wickedpainter oh uh hey i dont ...theres a lot of things wrong with how highbloods is, and i am one
pleapseletmequiirkriight II mean, you weren't any of mIIne. You weren't 1 of the clownψ who trIIed 2 kIIll CarmIIn. II wouldn't be ψorry 4 beIIng cautIIouψ around you or ψnIIde but that waψ. WIIld, of me.
wickedpainter i coulda been though, i was raised to be a laughsassin,i aint that now, but i was. thanks for apologizin for what its worth
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah of courψe, II'm not lIIke. The AC2AL worψt. II apologIIze 4 ψtuff.
wickedpainter did your rail yell at you
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol. Yeah, a lIIttle.
wickedpainter 'm sorry
pleapseletmequiirkriight >You're the worst person who's ever existed, holy shit. Dude no, what?? No. Not your fault.
wickedpainter Mm. people is allowed to get mad about highbloods doin shit highbloods do
wickedpainter you dont gotta know me and my story it aint required
pleapseletmequiirkriight II DON'T know you and your ψtory but II ψtIIll thIInk II waψ a dIIck.
wickedpainter most trolls is dicks really thats just how we get on
wickedpainter but yeah uh, if you need me to say the pology is accepted it is i didnt expect one
pleapseletmequiirkriight Why would you, II waψ WAY obnoxIIouψ.
wickedpainter you were but you werent wrong
pleapseletmequiirkriight Truth IIψ not good. IIt'ψ value neutral.
wickedpainter you sure?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Not about anythIIng, no.
wickedpainter me neither
pleapseletmequiirkriight TwIInψIIeψ.
wickedpainter hahaha
pleapseletmequiirkriight Your moIIraIIl IIψ wIIld.
wickedpainter he need to be told off?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol, no no. He'ψ juψt weIIrd.
wickedpainter ha yeah
wickedpainter whats he doin now
pleapseletmequiirkriight TryIIng 2 get 2 know me.
wickedpainter hows that weird?
pleapseletmequiirkriight II'm an aψψhole, aψ we've eψtablIIψhed.
wickedpainter hes an asshole to its a perfect match
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah, ψo IIt would ψeem.
wickedpainter ..I'm Antony but I go by Wicked
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh rIIght. Hey dude, II'm Puldex. Or Ψ.
wickedpainter the Psionic, right?
wickedpainter my best friend is a captor
pleapseletmequiirkriight The ΨIIonIIc, yeah.
wickedpainter I caint make that symbol I'm sorry
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh, no bIIg deal, lol. IIt'ψ not common anymore.
wickedpainter I seen some of the older ones talkin bout all the missin and added letters sometimes here on tumblr i mean
pleapseletmequiirkriight IIt waψ old when II pIIcked IIt, but ψtIIll around.
wickedpainter i'm headin back hive in a minute, been chattin from schoolin
wickedpainter ..hey i'm glad your an asshole
pleapseletmequiirkriight Hey.
wickedpainter riggin ruins some trolls so yeah
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh, wIIld. Well. II would never claIIm 2 not be ruIIned.
wickedpainter that private stuff?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Nah, II mean, II don't have handψ. Alψo II can't handle tyrIIanψ, but who can.
wickedpainter cybernetics?
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah!
wickedpainter I know some guys if shit aint advanced enough out there hahaha most've my digestive system is cybernetics, and my eyes
pleapseletmequiirkriight II mean, II can't ψIIgn anymore but II don't really need 2. II have handψ ψo II can't complaIIn.
wickedpainter you can always complain, make'em give you the good stuff
pleapseletmequiirkriight II thIInk II have the good ψtuff.
wickedpainter you sure? cause motherfuckers will pass off shit if they think its for a lowblood
pleapseletmequiirkriight Mm. II'm not ψure.
wickedpainter if you caint sign they aint done the best they can do probably. Not what you could get with good money
pleapseletmequiirkriight God IIt'ψ gonna be ψo annoyIIng 2 fIIx thIIψ. Thankψ, dude.
wickedpainter no problem, I just seen good work before
wickedpainter highbloods dont tend to settle for 'this is the best we can do' you get even one highbloods ever lost a hand or arm then they can do better
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol, true.
pleapseletmequiirkriight When II waψ a kIId 1 of my ownerψ had a hand about lIIke mIIne but that waψ hundredψ of ψweepψ ago. There haψ 2 be better,  II'm juψt a rube.
wickedpainter if equius zahhak exists over thataway his alts do *real* fine cybernetics work course they've got Opinions but yeah
wickedpainter his alt over Prosperty way replaced my old gut cybernetics for me when they got too small real good guy was makin arms and hands round five sweeps old
wickedpainter my matesprit did my eyes, he specializes in eyes in particular
wickedpainter ...sorry I'm babblin bout cybernetics you probably dont care much Last Tuesday at 9:31 PM
pleapseletmequiirkriight The archer'ψ kIId?? Hard paψψ. He waψ there after II got unIInψtalled and clearly dIIdn't want hIIψ tIIme waψted by the lIIkeψ of me. You're not babblIIng.
wickedpainter thats a shame, not unexpected, but a shame i dont uh, usually talk to much, todays been more talkin than usual
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol, a blueblood beIIng a dIIck 2 a helmψman? No, not a ψhock.
pleapseletmequiirkriight Man. II can't belIIeve II made you MORE talkatIIve.
wickedpainter I been in a more talkie mood for a bit, it was a lil touchy though this mornin you wanna see somethin funny try orderin him to do somethin just any random ass thing
wickedpainter if he doesnt turn blue in the face and sputter I owe you a fish
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh my god. Really? Lol.
wickedpainter he deserves it for bein a dick
pleapseletmequiirkriight He abψolutely doeψ.
wickedpainter lemme know how bitchin someone out bout your hands goes, cause if they wont fix it I'll hook you up
pleapseletmequiirkriight Thankψ, dude.
wickedpainter just fuckin hate them gettin away with that shit
pleapseletmequiirkriight Hey, II'm not the bIIggeψt fan eIIther.
wickedpainter yeah but you're the one havin to put up with low grade cybernetics
pleapseletmequiirkriight They're not TERRIIBLE.
wickedpainter your standards are low
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah.
wickedpainter anythin is better than not havin hands I put up with insides that were causin me pain for over a sweep because my mechanic died, that doesnt mean that was a good fuckin idea or necessary
pleapseletmequiirkriight ]:
pleapseletmequiirkriight That muψt have ψucked.
wickedpainter not as much as gettin shot in the gut in the first place which is pert much where I base whether or not pain is bad from
pleapseletmequiirkriight Lol. Relatable and faIIr.
wickedpainter probably a bad way to figure it
pleapseletmequiirkriight Maybe but bIIg ψame.
wickedpainter you you um wanna know anything bout me
pleapseletmequiirkriight What are you doIIng IIn ψchool??
wickedpainter learnin to control my powers i'm what they call godtier
wickedpainter and it didnt come with an instruction manual sos i found a place that'd teach me or really my kismesis found a place that'd teach him and i followed him there
pleapseletmequiirkriight Huh. That'ψ 1 of the doom game thIIngψ, yeah? GodtIIer.
wickedpainter yeah, your timeline skipped that so i didnt figure you knew much about it my aspect is actually doom- that'd be your aspect too if you had played
pleapseletmequiirkriight Not a ton, but CarmIIn played IIt when he waψ KankrII.
wickedpainter huh
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh. Lol of courψe.
wickedpainter ..shit i hope that doesnt mean you're in a doomed timeline )o: now i'm all worried about you
pleapseletmequiirkriight EverythIIng IIψ doomed, lol.
wickedpainter do you know what an irreprible paradox is?
pleapseletmequiirkriight No.
wickedpainter okay it works somethin like this carmin was kankri right, he lived a life, even if it was short, as that person, then time restarted itself and he was hatched into a new timeloop ..well except not, not hatched, game players are created and then sent into the world by the game
wickedpainter so if the game doesnt get played in the new loop the people in it were never created an it tears itself apart at the seams
pleapseletmequiirkriight That ψeemψ lIIke an eaψy fIIx. Plan 2 play and then poψtpone conψtantly. The verψe won't come apart becauψe the game wIIll be played.
wickedpainter i dont think it works like that n the game bombards whatever world its initialized on with meteors so thats like fuckin a thing
pleapseletmequiirkriight WaIIt, IIt'ψ confIIned 2 1 planet???? II thought IIt waψ a bIIg deal.
wickedpainter yeah, just in the case of most of them its the hive planet, an makes the royal lusus do the vast glub
wickedpainter everyone dies
pleapseletmequiirkriight Oh yIIkeψ.
wickedpainter well everyone except Her n the players who arent there theres some other bullshit but that doesnt always happen where they blow up the entire universe
pleapseletmequiirkriight Ugh.
wickedpainter now i'm gonna worry bout this shit
pleapseletmequiirkriight The IIdea of Her beIIng 1 of the only lIIvIIng trollψ ψuckψ.
wickedpainter yeah its kinna awful
pleapseletmequiirkriight Not a fan.
wickedpainter ..hey maybe if we're lucky you're in a post game world where the game was already played and they got reincarnated again, that happens sometimes
pleapseletmequiirkriight FIIngerψ croψψed.
wickedpainter i don know how to tell even though doom is my aspect i'm supposed to be able to destroy doom but i aint never done such a big thing just took out natural desasters that shit
pleapseletmequiirkriight DeψtroyIIng doom.... huh.
wickedpainter yeah! i'm a bard, i can invite the destruction of my aspect, or destruction through my aspect
pleapseletmequiirkriight Rad.
wickedpainter mm. maybe sometime down the road when we know each other better n i know my powers better i could see if i can tell
pleapseletmequiirkriight II'm ψure we're fIIne. >All this game stuff is so distant to you.
wickedpainter ..i should prolly talk to carmin bout it..
pleapseletmequiirkriight He knowψ more than II do. II waψ gonna be more ψpecIIfIIc but lol, true.
wickedpainter :o?
pleapseletmequiirkriight He knowψ more than II do about game and fate bullψhIIt.
wickedpainter was wonderin about the be more specific thing
pleapseletmequiirkriight Yeah that waψ the more ψpecIIfIIc.
wickedpainter :o! okay
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