#< idk how many times I’ve said that since I watched Heartstopper for the first time
freakylilnutjob · 2 years
I can’t believe I was sitting on my couch looking for something new to watch, happened upon Heartstopper, read the synopsis and said “that sounds cute, let’s try it out” and here I am two and a half months later, finally accepting myself, getting more involved/informed with everything LGBTQIA+, reading again, creating again… this show is literally life changing. I don’t know that I would have ever truly accepted me for me if I hadn’t seen it. I wouldn’t be so inspired like I am right now. I am forever grateful for this show.
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peachypunk22 · 4 years
tag game: 50 Qs
was tagged by @coffeeandchemicals thank you!! 🥰🥰
I’m tagging @bambixxblue @chidorimedaddy @colonel--sarge and anyone else who wants to! 
under cut bc this is pretty long
what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s blue and its not good and ive had it for like 5 years idk 
name a food you never eat: ooh that’s hard. maybe Naengmyeon, which are cold korean noodles, it was literally the only thing i didn’t like in korea
are you typically too warm or too cold? i always run warm!
what were you doing 45 mins ago? eating dinner
what’s your favorite candy bar? do reeses cups count?
have you ever been to a professional sports game? not in a couple years but I’ve been to baseball and hockey games
what is the last thing you said out loud? “god damn it”
what is your favorite ice cream? french silk is like a coffee and chocolate one thats really good. or chocolate cherry garcia
what was the last thing you had to drink? apple cider spiked with fireball
do you like your wallet? no,it’s too big and i need a new one
what is the last thing you ate? I made sesame chicken and rice for dinner
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope!
what’s the last sporting event you watched? probably hockey. probably the red wings.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? a lot of butter and salt or the sour cream and onion seasoning you can get
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my mom
ever been camping? Yes and I miss it so bad! I wanted to go this year but no one wanted to come with
do you take vitamins? i started taking a gummy multivitamin a month ago
do you regularly attend a place of worship? Nope! definitely agnostic
do you have a tan? I burn and then go back to being a ghost
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Pizza
do you drink your soda through a straw? Not usually
what color socks do you usually wear? i love colorful socks! my favorites right now are pink with pineapples on them
do you ever drive above the speed limit? i usually drive a couple over on regular roads, but 10 over on the expressway
what terrifies you? hm, maybe being lonely for the rest of my life?
look to your left, what do you see? black nail polish and War of the Foxes by Richard Siken
what chore do you hate most? dishes! I love to cook and bake but it always means so many dishes!
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? surfers probably? and would ask them why the fuck they’re in MI and how they’re faring with the weather
what’s your favorite soda? its pop and i love coke zero
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive-thru
what’s your favorite number? 19 or 22
who’s the last person you talked to? irl? my friend lauren who came to visit last weekend
favorite cut of beef? I like a good NY strip steak, but I’m cheap so for cooking I would just get some chuck
last song you listened to? Space Ghost Coast to Coast by Glass Animals
last book you read? i’ve been reading a Lot of fanfic lately, so the last book was a month ago when I picked up the Heartstopper graphic novel
favorite day of the week? Friday. I can usually sign off work early and make it a really long night
can you say the alphabet backwards? yep
how do you like your coffee? first thing in the morning? black. if im getting it from a place? either cold brew or a macchiato 
favorite pair of shoes? a second hand pair of combat boots
time you normally get up? it varies but usually around 9 since i’ve been working from home
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets! they’re so pretty
how many blankets on your bed? two
describe your kitchen plates. they’re boring. cream with darker speckles
describe your kitchen at the moment. Sink? Mess. Counter? Okay. Table? overrun with a home office and a fresh loaf of banana bread
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? my go to cocktail is anything with pineapple and tequila. usually i just get a cider or citrus-y light beer
do you play cards? the only thing i know how to play is euchre, but i also play a mean game of uno
what color is your car? black
can you change a tire? my dad showed me once, but every time i’ve popped a tire its been raining and i was too scared to do it myself
your favorite country? idk i need to travel more to find out
favorite job you’ve had? I worked as a set up tech/office assistant for a medical simulation center used for training medical students and other healthcare ppl. i was a very hands on and interesting job where i never did the same thing twice. i would have loved to stay there but it was only part time
I tag: whoever wants to
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