#;out of hogdrogen
acradelius · 2 years
Can you do Scenario number 8 with Roadhog?
"Touch Them And You're Dead"
Fandom: Overwatch / Overwatch 2
Scenario Requested: #8 - "Touch them and you're dead."
Pairing: Mako Rutledge ("Roadhog") x Reader
Rating: Lime [🟢] (Equivalent to PG/PG-13)
Warnings / Mention Ofs: Implied Militia! Roadhog, Implied Spouse! Reader, Post Omnic Crisis, Implied Violence, Implied Darker Intentions, Soft Angst, Soft Comfort, Nickname Usage
Word Count: 738 Words
Author's Note: Mako = DILF
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“P-Please,” (Y/N) whimpers, sniffling slightly while proceeding to cautiously waddle throughout the charred, dismantled remains of their home, the home that the remember spending countless hours watching Mako building it board by board, “I-I’m not sure that there’s anything left worth taking, but I’m sure that there’s something.” They weren’t exactly sure what they were rummaging through the rubble for, but (Y/N) knew for sure that they anticipated that the Junkers that were currently surrounding them would find value in whatever item they could manage to pull from the rubble. Yet, between all the sniffling every couple of seconds, and the mumbled pleas for Mako to come home, it was quite difficult to focus on the task at hand. Along with the nerve wracking situation at hand, the repeating memories leading up to this very moment were beginning to cloud any situational awareness (Y/N) was attempting to keep hold of. 
It begins with the aftermath of the Omnic Crisis, government officials having gifted the Omnics not only the Australian Omnium but also the surrounding areas in anticipation that this action would establish a long-term peace accord. While the intention was well meant, the effects had become the opposite. These actions had caused a permanent displacement for the residents of the Outback, resulting in a violent rebellion to take place, along with the creation of the Australian Liberation Front. Mako had made the decision to join the liberation front, having spent most of his time afterwards on outings to take down the omnium and its robot population in hopes to take back the stolen land one day. Eventually these events continued to escalate until the front had decided to sabotage the omnium’s fusion core, changing the outback for the rest of the foreseeable future. 
Those actions had caused various consequences, the most major one being the situation that (Y/N) was finding themself within, being surrounded and essentially raided by Junkers. Junkers who thought that terrorizing individuals that were merely just trying to survive, finding amusement in their perturbed, intimidated expressions. Yet, with the Junkers decreasing the distance between themselves and (Y/N), (Y/N) knew that they must’ve had more vile intentions. Denying any offerings or trades that (Y/N) would attempt to offer them, shrugging off any mumbled threats that were thrown at them, laughing sinister at the way (Y/N) was visibly trembling from the dread of possibly what would be done to them. “Get away from me!” (Y/N) shrieks, their vision beginning to blur as tears begin to collect and spill down their cheeks, falling onto their behind after tripping on uprooted rubble. “Stay away from me!” 
Almost promptly did the Junker that was straying just a little bit too close for (Y/N)’s comfort had seemingly shrunk in size, leaving (Y/N) momentarily baffled and trying to process what exactly just happened, before briefly catching a glimpse of the metal hook wrapped around the Junker’s waist and coming to a realization. “M-Mako!” Now standing face-to-face with the Junker, despite his face being hidden by the custom-made mask with the “hogdrogen” inhalers, vexation was apparent in Mako’s features. Having Junkers making an appearance and deciding to terrorize (Y/N) all while he had been struggling to get back home after everything that they had gone through already, it was the last thing that they needed. 
It doesn’t take that much for Mako’s intimidation to strike fear into the Junkers, his enormous hand gripping tightly around their Leader’s neck, squeezing tightly all while hoisting them some feet up from the ground. “Touch them, and you’re dead.” Mako applies pressure, taking minor enjoyment in watching the Junker struggle, before letting them drop onto the ground and scurry away with the other Junkers. (Y/N) proceeds to take his attention away from the retreating Junkers by clutching tightly at whatever they could grab of his: his hands, his hand, cupping the sides of his mask. “M-Mako, you’re home! You’re here!” They begin to babble, babbling that begins to descend into sobs that they are now safe, and will continue to be safe as long as Mako is around. “Don’t worry, Little Pig,” Mako proceeds to console them, brushing their tears away with his thumbs, crouching down to their height, “Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, will lay a hand on my Little Pig as long as I’m here. I will keep you safe.”
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chainhook · 2 years
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The heat of December approached with all the subtlety of an unpinned hand grenade. The anticipation was short-lived, for summer exploded across the central continent, spurring residents to seek whatever cool comforts they could get their sweaty clutches on. Even for those long-since acclimatised, the soaring temperatures were a yearly trial that were coveted by none.
Slowly did Roadhog shamble about his farmhouse. Perspiration lined his forehead, his armpits, his thighs—hell, just about everywhere. It would’ve been a miracle if any spot on his body were without moisture. His breathing, too, was laboured; the humidity was downright suffocating here, and it made his asthmatic predilections tenfold worse.
He downed another canister of hogdrogen. Gulped it down probably a bit faster than he should’ve—and suffered for it. A coughing spell shook him, rattled his weakened lungs. Thick, meaty fingers loudly crunched the canister within his grip, crumbling it with all the ease of a wad of paper, and cast it aside. After the coughing spell ebbed—though not without sporadic vestiges squeezing violently at his chest—he heard another, different cacophonous clatter to his side, just out of sight.
It could only be one.
❝ What, ❞  he wheezed out, pain scuttling up his throat, threatening to curb his voice entirely,  ❝ are you doing? ❞
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ridesagain · 4 years
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( omg the new tracer comic is so CUTE. i hope the artist who drew it does more stuff, i like their style a lot )
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ridesagain · 4 years
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( the blizzard writing staff may as well give up now because no joke they ever write, no meme they ever invoke, no pop culture reference they make could EVER make me laugh as much as junkrat saying ‘ two ’ while holding up three fingers )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( at this point my hog muse just manifests periodically to express love and appreciation for his angelic wife and i think that’s beautiful )
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ridesagain · 5 years
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Rate it
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
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( EYYYYYY it’s the otp!! i’ve loved this ship since first gettin’ into ovw. always been a sucker for “ opposing viewpoints coming to an understanding ” - type ships, and ovw is chock full of potential for ‘ em so most of my ovw ships tend to be those.
kinda sucks almost nobody else seems to be anymore, but it’s alright. there’s enough love in my heart to keep the ship sailing until it’s inevitably sunk by canon. someday. probably?? )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( so i’ve noticed a lot of junkrats and hogs have their own unique lore and such to distinguish them from other junkrats and hogs. 
while my hog is not multiverse aware by default, i think in those situations, i might say he doesn’t have a junkrat? his didn’t die or anything, they just stopped working together for some reason. or never did to start with.
i just don’t really want to write junkrat and my main junkrat is no longer active so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( alright jeff
 the FUCK
are junkrat and roadhog )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( the other one’s old, time for a new starter call )
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ridesagain · 5 years
literally anyone: is soft, genuine, and sentimental with roadhog
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ridesagain · 5 years
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Rate it
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
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( i think there’s potential, but BOY would it take a lot of work. roadhog hates his doubles on principle. )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( i honestly haven’t given a TON of thought to what asher would be like as an adult. i’m torn between “ adorable, shy nerd boy” and “ his greatest ambition is to become the king of junkertown ” )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( been feeling really discouraged as of late. i can’t be as active as i want to be due to being at work for most of the day, and even when i AM around, it just feels like i can’t get much in the way of interaction or interest.
not sure if it’s because the ovw rpc is considerably quieter than it used to be, or people just aren’t interested in me ... )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( added a ‘verse for multiverse shenanigans, since my hog isn’t multiverse aware by default and i tend to operate under the assumption that any rats i interact with are his Mainverse rat unless there’s a plot reason they aren’t -- since i do know that’s built into the mechanics of some single ‘verse junkrats. )
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ridesagain · 5 years
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( oof okay, this is great fun but i got a long day of work ahead of me so 
time for sleeps! later all! )
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