#;;goldengrove {the castle}
maidofgoldengrove · 2 years
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˚*❋ WIP the Castle of Goldengrove ~ ˚*❋
please excuse the wonky perspective , I am not skilled at drawing castles :')
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
Finally the Hand and the council of regency decided to grant Lady Baela’s hand in marriage to Thaddeus Rowan, Lord of Goldengrove. Rowan was no doubt a prudent choice. His second wife had died the year previous, and he was known to be seeking a suitable young maid to take her place. His virility was beyond question; he had fathered two sons on his first wife, and five more on his second. As he had no daughters, Baela would be the unquestioned mistress of his castle. His four youngest sons were still at home, and in need of a woman’s hand. The fact that all Lord Rowan’s offspring were male counted heavily in his favor; if he were to sire a son on Lady Baela, Aegon III would have a clear successor. Lord Thaddeus was a bluff, hearty, cheerful man, well-liked and well-respected, a doting husband and a good father to his sons. He had fought for Queen Rhaenyra during the Dance, and had done so ably and with valor. He was proud without being arrogant, just in judgment but not vindictive, loyal to his friends, dutiful in religious matters without being excessively pious, untroubled by overweening ambition. Should the throne pass to Lady Baela, Lord Rowan would make the perfect consort, supporting her with all his strength and wisdom without seeking to dominate her or usurp her rightful place as ruler. Septon Eustace tells us that the regents were very pleased with the result of their deliberations. Baela Targaryen, when informed of the match, did not share their pleasure. “Lord Rowan is forty years my senior, bald as a stone, with a belly that weighs more than I do,” she purportedly told the King’s Hand. Then she added, “I’ve bedded two of his sons. The eldest and thirdborn, I think it was. Not both at once, that would have been improper.” Whether there is any truth to this we cannot say. Lady Baela was known to be deliberately provocative at times. If that was her purpose here, she was successful.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
I love how the emphasis is on traits a noble woman should desire, not a single mention of Baela's true personality or preferences. A mold to fit her in, so she loses all those pesky undesirable attributes, just in case she ends up on the throne...
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lucreziasredwyne · 1 year
who: @seffora-merryweather
setting: a continuation of this thread, moving from the dining halls to distribution dinner to the smallfolk before the towering gates of highgarden, stood before the large three walled circles around the main castle keep
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they had conversed for some time as the lines of people dwindled, going through basket after basket of freshly baked goods, leftover preserved meats as well as wines to be distributed to the poor. but eventually, perhaps due to how long they had been on their feet, there had been a comfortable silence that settled between the two women. "indeed, directly from the king's kitchens." she engaged in conversations, and thought of how time seemed to blur.
she would do this with her own mother. how loss seemed to suddenly creep back over and haunt her, in the memory of all her people stood for. her lineage, her culture, values. charity was a value in itself. "we are almost finished." and as the sky began to darken just slightly, lucrezia raised her hood over dark chestnut curls, framing her face as she watched seffora serving the last of the night, a small, graceful smile crossing her feature. "zakat, or giving alms, is considered pivotal in our worship of the gods; our fasts are not accepted without it. you must have seen it in goldengrove?"
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ofgoldengrove · 6 months
setting: the crownlands during the coronation of jaehaerys targaryen, mathis attends, as a spectator, the jousting tournament being held in the new king's honor ;; starter for @cerissalefford
the colliding of lances and roaring crowd could be hear from some paces away outside of the tournament grounds. it had long been since mathis rowan had seen a proper tourney, and longer still since he had been in the crownlands. king's landing was still less then memorable from his experience so far. while vendors bustled about shouting their wares, lord and ladies prattled on, it was nothing he would consider remarkable.
it was a warm day, the sun beating down on his skin, an element that he used to crave, he now felt himself desiring to slink away from. once a comfort, now a reminder. he nearly turned around, to head back to the red keep and find something to do in the shelter of the castle walls, but the son of goldengrove pressed on instead. entering the tournament grounds, he willed himself to utilize the distraction of the games rather than shutting himself away for the day. the next contestants were readying themselves for their round, he heard excited calls for the vale king, graham royce, as brown hues scanned the crowd for an open seat.
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he shuffled passed some onlookers, finding an open seat next to a woman with hair of gold. he recognized her as one of the lefford sister's, though her name admittedly escaped him. "is anyone sitting her, my lady?" he asked, hand gesturing to the space next to her. "seems to be a busy day around here." mathis added with his usual good-natured tone.
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mercurygray · 10 months
30. — countdown
Decided yesterday I really wanted to do some House of the Dragon - and I still need to get caught up on your fic! Here's Elin Florent.
It would be quite a treat, sitting in the royal box.
That was what Elin's mother had said, practically flying with pleasure after they'd gotten the summons. The new Queen would need ladies in waiting, and Otto Hightower was adamant she would have girls from the Reach with good names around her. Hightower cousins, of course, no surprises there, but Oldflowers and Redwynes and Tyrells - and a Florent, too, since the gods were good. I am certain she will be a good influence on the Queen, the Hand had written, being of more mature years and graces.
Just how could he manage to make a compliment sound like a threat?
Well, she was here now, for better or for worse - and at the Queen's right hand, too. Cecyly Hightower might have been named their chief, but Elin had the honor of the chair next to the queen; Alicent would not have it otherwise and had dragged Elin there herself, wedding pearls still sparkling in her hair.
It was a wonderful vantage point - no one could deny that. Yet even from here Elin could still hear her cousin Lysa's voice, speaking all of those years ago at the tournament at Goldengrove. Best be careful, my girl - when you sit where they can see, everyone watches you.
Yes, indeed they do, Elin thought to herself. Even the people you think are your friends. This was Alicent's seat, once, when she sat here with Rhaenyra. People will mark that.
But the Princess was on her father's other side today, and would not meet her friend's eye. People would mark that, too. They were waiting now for the games to start - the King had already made his remarks and the heralds were working out some small shuffle of the matches. "Shame of the prince to miss his own brother's wedding," someone was saying behind them as the heralds re-arranged the wooden markers with the house colors. "If Daemon were here we'd have some real sport."
"We're better off without turncloaks and traitors," someone else replied. "We'll have a good show without him - Corbray and Errol are here, and Whent, and Criston Cole will ride for the King."
There was a brief noise at the front of the box - Sir Gwayne Hightower with his castle-headed helm, standing at the front of the box on his destrier and in very merry spirits indeed. He might stand to win today, if Daemon isn't in the lists, Elin thought to herself. "I've come for the honor of your favor, sister! Let me win this tournament for our new queen."
But Viserys, it seemed, had other plans. "You'll forgive me for not wanting to share my wife today, Sir Gwayne," he interjected, one hand resting on his new wife's while he tapped the circle of red and black ribbons already pinned to his surcoat. "I've already claimed the honor of wearing her colors - I do not want to see them come to harm."
"Here, brother," Alicent offered, gesturing with her free hand. "Take Lady Elin's. She is as good as my right hand here - and she was a queen once, too."
Oh, Alicent, why must you say such things? Your father will want to wring my neck. Even from here she could feel Otto Hightower's eyes on the back of her head. "Not half so high as you, your grace," Elin said adroitly, rising from her chair with the circlet of blue and spotted white in her hand - flowers and ermine, the Florent banner. "A queen only for play. You wore them well at Highgarden, Sir Gwayne, I pray you do so again - for your sister and for me." She slipped the favor down his lance, its pointed tip glinting in the sunlight, beautiful and dangerous.
Just like wearing a crown, then.
If Gwayne was disappointed, he hid it well, and smiled up to the balcony with practiced ease. "With two such pretty ladies cheering me, I cannot help but win."
He spurred his horse away and the crowd cheered. None of them had heard the conversation, only seen the action, a maiden's favor for a lance. Sir Gwayne was a good rider, and had won wearing those colors before; Elin Florent was pretty, and a favorite of the queen. That was all the story they needed. Idle minds would fill in the rest as they liked. By the end of the day, she was sure, there would be another poem on the streets about how Gwayne was in love with her. That was the way it always went.
Alicent was in raptures when Elin sat back down, capturing her hand with excitement. (Her nails were ragged again, poor thing. They'd have to salve them later.) "That would be a fine match for you, Elin - I will speak to my father. We would be sisters, then."
Elin held her smile. Me, wed to Gwayne? The gods would laugh. House Florent hasn't got enough to offer to make it worth Otto's while, not after his daughter just became Queen.
"I mean to see all my ladies well-settled," Alicent said aloud, as if reminding herself of her responsibilities in the world, getting a series of smiles from Viserys and the older ladies around them.
She's still such a child, Elin realized. Is that all that being queen is to her? To look pretty and say pretty things? It's a heavy crown - she'll have to learn it'll take more than that to wear it. I doubt her father taught her that. The Hand of the King was still standing behind them, watching his daughter, watching his son. And that's just the problem, isn't it, she thought grimly. I doubt her father taught her anything. He bid her marry, and she did; he'll bid her bear a child and she will, not really knowing why. He means to use her like a puppet. She'll grasp for things she thinks have meaning because she has no mother, either, who might show her what soft power looks like, how to coax and wheedle for what you want. And she'll have to learn it all alone.
The heralds were drumming down to the start of the first pass, and Elin glanced for a moment at Alicent, her smile fixed, one hand resting underneath her husband's again, the perfect picture of married grace. The other was in her lap, her thumb skating restlessly over the edge of her nails, clawing at the skin for a moment until she remembered she should not, counting down the lances until she might look away.
Counting down to what? What is there for her after this? A lifetime spent in Viserys' bed? No one can look away from that.
No, I don't envy Alicent at all, Elin thought to herself, letting the roar of the crowd fill her ears, smiling along with the rest as the drummer stopped and the horses surged forward. The only thing I have is pity.
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tiriusrowan · 9 months
| @ofgoldengrove | | a continuation of this thread here banter length|
"Your new keep. Standfast is stronghold that once belonged to House Osgrey. Standfast is on the hill, bigger than it looks with much of it built underground. It is quiet fortified, three villages to it's name and perhaps more should you take the stronghold and I strong suggest you take this castle for yourself. You're close to House Webber and to home, a few days ride from Goldengrove and only a few more from Highgarden. It tightens the Rowan hold on the Northmarch, gives you a place of your own for your children and theirs." He hoped his brother would find it in him to marry again, to give life a chance to show him a happiness Tirius once knew.
"Standfast was conquered and it is now property of House Rowan. You are a son of House Rowan. My brother. And you should have the seat." Subtle changes. Before, Tirius would have ordered him to take the seat and heard no complaints regarding the matter. And while he wished to stressed the importance further, it would be Mathis' choice at the end.
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"She is doing well from what I know. I monitored their interactions before they were wed and they seemed to get along well. I've written her and she will either come home or once things settle we will travel to see her. What do you think?"
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visxionaries · 2 years
who: @wcrdsarewind​ (tirius) where: the king’s personal audience solar, the castle of highgarden, kingdom of the reach
The presence of the eldest son of Goldengrove had always been a fleeting one in the life of Cedric Tyrell, at least until the incapacity of Lord Serwyn Merryweather resulted in a vacancy that needed filling on the table; though he had intended to perhaps look upon the abilities of Lord Oakheart's heir, there was no denying the firm voice and respect Lord Tirius Rowan had always obtained from across the Kingdom of the Reach. 
As different as night and day compared to the nature of his only and younger brother, it had taken Cedric time to decide on whether to appoint two men of the same family onto the same council, in such significant positions.
And in seeing the swift decisiveness of Tirius himself, who seemed to increasingly be a voice of steady reason and conservative traditionalism upon the council, the King of the Reach understood that a variety of stances within his realm were now reflected upon his table. There were times where the individuals seemed to clash, where conversations became heated, though was that not the nature of the job itself when it comes to judging opinions?
Upon the raven from Longtable arriving to his chambers and being read out within the council table, Cedric's own quiet nature was juxtaposed with the likes of disbelief, growing disillusion in hearing of family members that had declared for the other side and knowing they could face them upon the battle field should this war of ravens not see the matter resolved...though it did not last time, did it? 
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Longtable held a key figure that remained within the walls of Goldengrove, as much as she perhaps did not see herself as one; one with a claim to the mighty estate and vast holdings once this matter was settled.
“I believe you would find this of your interest, My Lord.” The King’s writing was initially to be in letter format, though considering the cultural differences that never seemed to truly matter with Mathis, the man knew better than to risk insulting the pride of one of his steadfast Lords - for a worthy leader knew how to adapt and behave differently around those who needed behaving differently around. 
Following the marriage of Lady Sienna Merryweather to the false king, Alaric of House Tyrell, all ownership and right over the lands of House Merryweather have been immediately seized from the eldest trueborn daughter of Lord Serwyn Merryweather. The line of succession follows down to the Lady Seffora of House Merryweather, the current ward and guardian of Lord Tirius Rowan - who shall be henceforth betrothed to Lord Mathis of House Rowan, the Hand of the King.
“The pieces all fit together.”
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The Ruling lord of Ashemark is EREN MARBRAND. 
Ashemark is the castle of House Marbrand in the westerlands. Located in hilly terrain, the castle is situated southeast of the Crag, northwest of the Golden Tooth, and north of Sarsfield.
Rhoynish merchants and settlers settled on the lands of Ashemark. When the Andals came, Ashemark followed the laws of their kings. The Marbrands haven’t allowed marriages between their house and Andal houses. 
The smallfolk of Ashemark speak the Old Rhoynish Tongue (Turkish) sharing a language with Fair Isle, Goldengrove, and the Arbor.
All men of Ashemark must learn to fight and they sent some to Fair Isle for naval training. 
A very religious region, Ashemark doesn’t have brothels. There are septs dotted throughout the land, large and small. They are renowned for their ability to use every part of the animal focusing on the power of being self-sufficient as they have been throughout time. 
Note; Because you’re either Andal, Rhoynar, or First Man in Westeros some muses outside of Dorne descend from Rhoynar who settled throughout pockets of Westeros. 
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biiscione · 2 years
(  FROM HERE  ).  @reynlrunnr
"We don't."
The words echoed from her lips softly, almost inaudibly had it not been for the fact the two were locked in an embrace. Lilac eyes fell upon his dark ones and she reached for his face, gently caressing it before sighing deeply.
"I long for home, too."
Home. Years ago, the crimson colored castle had been her home. She had spent her childhood in bliss within its thick walls, playing and running wild with her siblings. Yet now it felt alien to her - distant and unknown. All traces of the old king and his dozen of children were gone. A new King sat on the throne, a new royal family, a new Princess of Dragonstone lived in what was once her home. And she was little more than a relic of the past, the daughter of a former king and only aunt to the current one.
With each year that passed, her proximity to what had once been home and her station vanished. At times, she felt the cruel hand of time move sharply against her. Though there were times, like these, where she was thankful for its sting. Thankful to be removed from the court and its politics, from the leeches that had descended on her nephew upon her niece's death.
Oh, how much things had truly changed.
"But it is our duty to be here for the King and this... Lady Hightower." There was little she could do to hide her distaste of his soon to be wife. No, there was contempt for the woman in her heart that went back years - back to the reign of her father. And the years had done little to qualm it. Her voice did, however, soften when she spoke of the king. "We must be here for him. If not as the proud Lord and Lady Rowan of Goldengrove, then as his sweet aunt and dear uncle. For Baelon and Alyssa, too. And Daella, and her darling Aemma."
Another deep sigh left her. So many had left her already. Time was cruel.
She forced herself to smile - the same uneasy smile she offered him when she tried to hide her true feelings - and she reached for his hands to hold. "And for the Princess of Dragonstone, too. She is still a babe, my love. Only nine. We shall remain for them and then fly home."
      Lady Rowan need not say a word, lilac hues spell out all the grief and loss that lays heavily on her heart. Rafi takes her hands in his own, thumbs distractedly running along her knuckles. It is unfortunate, in his age, that he has become so accustomed to the sanctuary that he and his princess made in Goldengrove         he forgot the politics of the court. Lord Rowan forgot how inordinate Hightower ambition was; he saw much of it when he was a young lord in the Southmarch. In truth, he is more than untrusting of any dealings with his southern cousins.      Rafi bends, pressing kisses to the knuckles of each hand before stepping from Rhaenyra. Yes, the air here weighs heavily upon one’s shoulders. It was once warm and bright, first dimming with Daella’s passing and more with Alyssa’s, and quieting with Baelon’s. It was with the Conciliator’s death that something sinister tinged the air, and then Aemma         the only torch for Viserys to hold in order to navigate the suffocating dark. Princess Rhaenyra is but a refined candle in the darkness, fighting alone against it. Does the king see it? See her?      What now lays in store for their nephew? His light of a daughter? Lord Rowan didn’t know               Grief exacerbated by duty, he thinks, pacing the stone floor of their chambers. A terrible thing. Guilt lengthens his features as he muses on not knowing the loss, grateful to have a healthy wife and four healthy daughters. He made sure of it, took his maester’s counsel, expressed his concerns with his princess, his wife, the mother of his children. Four daughters were well enough for him, the satisfied father and husband he was. Perhaps he, too, in his grief, would seek counsel from the likes of a Otto Hightower. Perhaps not. No, the Ladies of House Rowan would allow no such thing.        Neither would the Princess of Dragonstone with the king, he wagers, but she is, like Lady Rowan says, but a wee girl. Who will champion for her?       “Hmm,” the ever-musing Lord hums, cutting through the thickness of the air. “I presumed my uneasiness was unjustified, unshared.” Lips part, the following words lingering on his tongue as he keeps his back facing his wife. “Perhaps I put too much stake into sentiments. Perhaps I am getting too old.” He laughs, loud and genuine, like his young self would. “Perhaps I miss the gardens, all of our daughters together, laughing, playing, arguing      ” Lord Rowan faces his wife now, in the patterned shadows of the window’s shutters. “I want to hold them, all four of them, in my arms at once...       Oh Rhaenyra, lover. In my woesome reminiscing, i have neglected you.” Large hands delicately cup her cheeks, thumbs rhythmically running along the length of high cheekbones. “Indeed, our presence is owed to no one but the king and princess. I only wish we could offer more than our courtesies and silent support.” Hands lead her head forward, a kiss being pressed tenderly to the bridge of her nose when it is close enough. “The Princess Rhaenyra shall not be a dragon alone.” What a cruel fate that would be.
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myriamas · 3 years
an hour ahead of schedule, despite working against their estimated arrival time to the castle of goldengrove, was exactly how myriam allyrion preferred wading into such unnerving waters - feeling as though there was still an element of control the woman had on the situation surrounding her. the land was entirely evergreen, as though spring itself never died in this corner of the world, and yet her untrusting gaze seemed to fall upon every beautiful rose as though she were looking for the serpent beneath. paying no mind to the beautiful halls of goldengrove, where the orchids seemed endless, the consort of dorne swiftly expressed her sole desire; to see her husband, and quickly.
the amber on her anklets glittered as she walked closer to his chambers, the halls of goldengrove chiming with each step, coming to a pause by the doorway of the apartments as the squires announced the prince's visitor. even when the prince of dorne turned to face her, she remained a silhouette in his doorframe, her orange coloured silks glinting in the candlelight. she made her way toward him, a torn expression on her face - for how she wished to beam, but how she wished to also let out a sigh as though something burdened her very soul. 
closing the distance between them, she gently trailed her arms, lined with golden bangles, around his neck to rest behind him, keeping his gaze for a few silent moments before muttering. “what would you have had me do, if i had lost you?” she asked, her tone of voice uncharacteristically quiet, though there was pain dwelling at the core. “to the land of rivers?” 
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maidofgoldengrove · 2 years
˚*❋ || Askbox || Anonymous asked:: Wait, is Goldengrove a town? I had no idea! ||  ˚*❋
It is! Well...is at least marked as a town in the book The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones. However, Goldengrove is also referred to as Castle Goldengrove, which leads me to assume both the town and the castle are significant, sort of how Duskendale is a town with a large castle directly connected to it, while most other towns generally have a fairly small castles and houses associated with them (eg Bitterbridge or Ashford) Nobody can convince me that a house as old, prominent and wealthy as the Rowans doesn't have a significantly big castle. But seeing as Goldengrove have yet to make a proper appearance or even get a decent description in the books, it's mostly speculation and headcanons.
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roombachicken · 4 years
Why Renly didn't know about the incest.
A popular theory is that Renly Baratheon knew about the incest all along. It's so popular it's treated as fact.
But I maintain that he didn't know, and I think the text supports my assertion.
Here I've listed the common arguments for why he knew, and my rebuttal to them.
It's impossible for Robert to set Cersei aside without the incest
Then why do all these people think he can?
He's still in love with the sister, the insipid little dead sixteen-year-old. How long till he decides to put me aside for some new Lyanna?
( A Game of Thrones, Bran II)
"He was a wretched king . . . vain, drunken, lecherous . . . he would have set your sister aside, his own queen . . . please . . . Renly was plotting to bring the Highgarden maid to court, to entice his brother . . . it is the gods' own truth . . ."
"And what was Lord Arryn plotting?"
"He knew," Pycelle said. "About . . . about . . ."
"I know what he knew about," snapped Tyrion, who was not anxious for Shagga and Timett to know as well.
(A Clash of Kings, Tyrion VI)
Both Pycelle and Cersei think that Robert could set Cersei aside if he wanted to. You can argue that Cersei is paranoid and not well versed in politics, but Pycelle? Pycelle is a maester who would have an in depth knowledge of Westeros history.
Pycelle says Renly was plotting to bring Margaery to court so that Cersei would be set aside, and that Jon Arryn knew about the incest, but he doesn't seem to think Renly knew. Tyrion, a very well read person, does not express surprise or disbelief at Renly's scheme, but takes it in stride.
And there's that word: "put aside". If Renly was planning to use the incest, Cersei would be executed, not put aside.
The Knight of Flowers writes Highgarden, urging his lord father to send his sister to court. The girl is a maid of fourteen, sweet and beautiful and tractable, and Lord Renly and Ser Loras intend that Robert should bed her, wed her, and make a new queen. Littlefinger … the gods only know what game Littlefinger is playing. Yet Lord Stark's the one who troubles my sleep. He has the bastard, he has the book, and soon enough he'll have the truth. 
(A Game of Thrones, Arya III)
Varys also doesn't seem to think Renly knew. He's afraid of Ned revealing the truth but doesn't imply that Renly was planning to reveal the incest in his scheme. Why?
“I had never suspected you were so clever, Stannis. Were it only true, you would indeed be Robert’s heir.”
“Were it true? Do you name me a liar?”
“Can you prove any word of this fable?”
Stannis ground his teeth.
“We both know your wedding was a mummer’s farce. A year ago you were scheming to make the girl one of Robert’s whores.”
“A year ago I was scheming to make the girl Robert’s queen,” Renly said.
(A Clash of Kings, Catelyn III)
At the parley between Renly and Stannis, Renly denies knowledge of the incest while freely admitting he was planning on making Margaery queen. If the incest was necessary to make Margaery queen, why doesn't Stannis accuse him of knowing about it and using it in his scheme? If the Margaery plan was so impossible, why does Catelyn not think about that when Renly tells the everyone present at the parley about it?
Also, are we supposed to believe that Renly was so careless with his Margaery scheme half the court knew about it, but not a whiff about him supposedly knowing about the incest?
He had to know, otherwise the Tyrells wouldn't agree
I have a counter to that as well:
1) It's not known if the Tyrells did agree. We only hear of Renly and Loras urging Mace to bring Margaery to court, but we don't know if he was going to or if the letter had even been sent (Varys might have prevented it).
2) Margaery being queen would still be a huge coup.
Plans had been under way for some time for the two of them to make another progress the following year, returning to the westerlands for the first time in twenty years. Shortly after their falling out, the queen informed Jaehaerys that he should go alone. She was going back to Dragonstone, alone, to grieve for their dead daughters.
...By that time, the queen’s absence had been noticed, and His Grace would oft find himself seated next to some lissome maid or handsome widow at feasts, or riding beside them when hawking or hunting, but he took no notice of any of them. At Bandallon, when Lord Blackbar’s youngest daughter was so bold as to seat herself in his lap and attempt to feed him a grape, he brushed her hand aside and said, “Forgive me, but I have a queen, and no taste for paramours.”
(Fire and Blood, Jaeherys and Alysanne: The Long Reign)
We know that even being the king's mistress is very desirable based on how many girls were trying to seduce Jaeherys at his first progress without Alysanne.
Aegon IV also had many paramours. With their influence on the king they were able to get their family wealth and power. Robert could hand out council positions, lands, castles and favours to the Tyrells.
Robert still also has many years to live, so the Tyrells could also exert their influence on Joffrey and his siblings, to make sure by the time Joffrey ascends the throne all the gains aren't reversed.
There's no precedent!
That isn't quite true either.
"Wars are bad for trade," said Lord Dorian Hightower, when he set aside his wife of twenty years, the mother of his children, to take an Andal princess as his bride.
(The World of Ice and Fire - The Reach: Oldtown)
Garth the Great extended the borders of his realm northward, winning Old Oak, Red Lake, and Goldengrove with pacts of friendship and mutual defense. Garland accomplished the same in the south, bringing Oldtown into his kingdom by wedding his daughter to Lymond (the Sea Lion) of House Hightower, whilst putting his own wives aside to marry Lord Lymond's daughter. 
(The World of Ice and Fire - The Reach: The Gardener King)
Beldon tells us that in 239 AC, Ellyn Reyne was accused of bedding Tytos Lannister, urging him to set aside his wife and marry her instead.
(The World of Ice and Fire - The Westerlands: House Lannister Under the Dragons)
Daemon found the Vale of Arryn boring (“In the Vale, the men fuck sheep,” he wrote. “You cannot fault them. Their sheep are prettier than their women.”), and soon developed a mislike of his lady wife, whom he called my bronze bitch, after the runic bronze armor worn by the lords of House Royce. Upon the accession of his brother to the Iron Throne, the prince petitioned to have his marriage set aside. Viserys denied the request but did allow Daemon to return to court".
(Fire and Blood: Heirs of the Dragon)
A fortnight later, Alyn Velaryon and Baela Targaryen were married in the sept on Dragonstone. The bride was sixteen, the groom nearly seventeen.
Several of the regents, outraged, urged Ser Tyland to appeal to the High Septon for an annulment, but the Hand’s own response was one of bemused resignation.
(Fire and Blood: The Hooded Hand)
The marriage took place without the leave, knowledge, or presence of King Aenys. When it became known, the two half-brothers quarreled bitterly. Nor was His Grace alone in his wroth. Manfred Hightower, father of Lady Ceryse, made protest to the king, demanding that Lady Alys be put aside.
Vexed and angry, King Aenys gave his brother a choice: put Alys Harroway aside and return to Lady Ceryse, or suffer five years of exile.
(Fire and Blood: The Sons of the Dragon)
Assuming the throne in 209 AC, Daeron’s second son, Aerys, had never imagined he would be king, and was singularly ill suited to sit the Iron Throne. Aerys was learned, in his way, though his interests were largely to do with dusty tomes concerned with ancient prophecy and the higher mysteries. Wed to Aelinor Penrose, he never showed an interest in getting her with child, and rumor had it that he had even failed to consummate the marriage. His small council, at their wits’ ends, hoped it was simply some dislike of her that moved him, and thus they urged him to put her aside to take another wife. But he would not hear of it.
(The World of Ice and Fire - The Targaryen Kings: Aerys I)
As can be seen, there have been marriages which have been put aside or which have been petitioned to be put aside, which tells us it's possible. It's also worth keeping in mind that no one hearing of Renly's scheme questions it.
We also know Renly doesn't care about precedents:
"Tell me, what right did my brother Robert ever have to the Iron Throne?" He did not wait for an answer. "Oh, there was talk of the blood ties between Baratheon and Targaryen, of weddings a hundred years past, of second sons and elder daughters. No one but the maesters care about any of it. Robert won the throne with his warhammer." 
(A Clash of Kings, Catelyn II)
It's very in-character for him to concoct a scheme without keeping in mind legalities.
Everyone else in the Small Council knew
Barristan didn't know.
Littlefinger has a spy network.
Varys also has a spy network.
Stannis only found out after 12 years of being in the capital, and it's also hinted that someone told him.
"He accuses my brother and sister of incest. I wonder how he came by that suspicion."
"Perhaps he read a book and looked at the color of a bastard's hair, as Ned Stark did, and Jon Arryn before him. Or perhaps someone whispered it in his ear." The eunuch's laugh was not his usual giggle, but deeper and more throaty.
"If you were not this whisperer, who was?"
"Some traitor, doubtless."
Varys tightened the cinch.
"I named no name."
(A Clash of Kings, Tyrion III)
Then Stannis went to Jon Arryn:
“Lord Stannis,” [Catelyn] asked, “if you knew the queen to be guilty of such monstrous crimes, why did you keep silent?”
“I did not keep silent,” Stannis declared. “I brought my suspicions to Jon Arryn.”
(A Clash of Kings, Catelyn III)
They investigated, Jon Arryn looking up genealogies in the book and he and Stannis looking up Robert's bastards.
However no one even hints at Renly knowing about the incest. Neither does anyone mention Renly investigating things in the capital.
Keep in mind that Renly was only around 20 in A Game of Thrones. It's safe to assume he became Master of Laws only when he was 16, so that's only around 4 years in King's Landing.
Why was Renly so scared of Cersei when Robert's dying? It makes no sense unless he knew about the incest!
That's patently untrue.
Consider what kind of person Cersei is. Cruel, and very overprotective of her children's rights.
She wanted Arya to lose a hand for striking Joffrey:
Ned Stark's daughter had run off after her wolf savaged Joff, you'll recall. My sister wanted the girl to lose a hand. The old penalty, for striking one of the blood royal. Robert told her she was cruel and mad. They fought for half the night . . . well, Cersei fought, and Robert drank. 
(A Feast for Crows, Jaime IV)
Let's think about another protective mother, Catelyn:
Catelyn said nothing. Let Ned work it out in his own mind; her voice would not be welcome now. Yet gladly would she have kissed the maester just then. His was the perfect solution. Benjen Stark was a Sworn Brother. Jon would be a son to him, the child he would never have. And in time the boy would take the oath as well. He would father no sons who might someday contest with Catelyn’s own grandchildren for Winterfell.
(A Game of Thrones, Catelyn I)
That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell."
(A Storm of Swords, Jon XII)
Catelyn wanted Jon gone because he or his children could threaten her children's claim to Winterfell. The same would hold true for Renly, being the uncle of Cersei's children, he could challenge their claim on the Iron Throne. He could even be made Regent to the children, which would ensure a bitter power struggle between him and Cersei. There's no need for Renly to know of the incest to fear Cersei.
The Lannisters are regarded to be treacherous:
"Not our men," Ned said patiently. "Lannister men. The lion of Lannister flew over the ramparts, not the crowned stag. And they had taken the city by treachery."
(A Game of Thrones, Eddard II)
He swore to trade her for his brother," she said numbly. "Sansa and Arya both. We would have them back if we returned his precious Jaime, he swore it before the whole court. How could he marry her, after saying that in sight of gods and men?"
"He's the Kingslayer's brother. Oathbreaking runs in their blood." Robb's fingers brushed the pommel of his sword.
(A Storm of Swords- Catelyn IV)
So more than enough reason for Renly to fear Cersei even without the incest.
In my opinion, Renly's suggestion to Ned supports the argument that Renly didn't know.
Lord Renly took a step back, taut as a bowstring. "Every moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare. By the time Robert dies, it may be too late … for both of us.
(A Game of Thrones, Eddard X)
When Robert is dying, Renly asks Ned to sieze the Regency and take Cersei's children in hand. He is genuinely scared of Cersei siezing power.
So why then didn't he tell Ned about the incest?
Cersei would be executed, and her children as well. One can say: Because Ned wouldn't believe him. But in that very instance he was planning on storming the Red Keep and potentially dying. If he thought that risk was worth it, why not this one? One can say: Because Stannis would be king. But again, storming the Red Keep is much more dangerous than assassinating Stannis once he comes to the capital.
Alternatively, he could have told Robert on his deathbed, like Ned planned to do but which he could not make himself do.
So that's my argument for why Renly didn't know about the incest. Since it's so widely accepted as fact that he did know, I had to put it out there.
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lucreziasredwyne · 1 year
where: one of highgarden’s feasting halls within the main keep of the castle when: following the first day of fasting for laytal-al-ikhlas, the sun had now set which allowed for followers of the old way to finally break their fast.
traditionally, it was the rowans of goldengrove who hosted the grandest and largest of celebrations for nights such as these. how often it seemed as though the first three weeks upon the isle of the arbor, where her home seemed more like home than ever, would fly by before departing for goldengrove’s festivities for the final few days. there was something regarding these nights that made her wish to devote herself to something more than prayer, but better practice: in the mind, and in body. 
it was during these days and nights that lucrezia redwyne felt the most at ease and confident in her own skin, with a clear purpose of what she wished to have achieved by the end of the holy month. and as she drank water now, quenching the thirst and the headache that had flared at the very back of her head, she was grateful. for the chance to reflect, to repent, and to embraced by their mercy. 
“does it not feel las though these halls feel more like home than ever before?” she asked across the table, reaching forward as she peeled at the pomegranate, her tone able to be heard over the sound of the strumming.
how peculiar was it, that the month always seemed to come when one’s soul needed it most; following the years of tension within the fertile rolling hills of the reach, there was nothing like the feeling of peace and serenity that came with wishing to find the goodness in humanity. there was no idealism behind her thoughts; it was clear to see how much they wished to help one another by the mass influx of giving to alms and charitable donations. and now, as the houses of the old way and the rhoynish reachmen sat within the very heart of the realm they no doubt helped secure and consolidate, there seemed to be elements from home. 
the lanterns were of those one would find within the bustling lanes and villages within goldengrove, old oak or the arbor, the smell of incense burning, the decorations etched with their old scripture. the sounds of their music, deep and meaningful from lutes, flutes and piano alike. 
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the ironborn were gone, the war was won, and now it truly felt as though they would never be forced to flee from another home ever again. that night, during their communal prayers, she would pray for the souls of those lost against the valyrian freehold in the wars that sent her people to flee. she would pray for the souls of those who did not make it to see the paradise the gods had bestowed upon them. the souls of lord mustafa chester, his family, and their smallfolk. the lost souls of the osgreys. she would pray for mathis rowan, and pray his soul had finally found a sense of ease to be able to rest. 
“allaha şükür kötü günler geride kaldı.“ 
the souls of lord arlo redwyne, lady maria redwyne and the lord of the arbor, adnan redwyne. she remembered now more than ever before, how lucky she was to see another layat-al-ikhlas. the bards began to play one of her favourite tunes on the lute, and her hazel hues flickered behind her shoulders. the lady of the arbor was the happiest she had been in months.
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LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels with Ghosts, Ghouls, and Gothic themes 2019 - Updated October 17
A list of titles that either came out after the last update in 2018 or were published this year. Many series!
Gentleman Wolf by Joanna Chambers
- An elegant werewolf in Edinburgh…
1788. When Lindsay Somerville, the most elegant werewolf in Paris, learns that the man who held him in abject captivity for decades is on his way to France, intent on recapturing him, he knows he must leave the Continent for his own safety. Lindsay cannot take the risk of being recaptured—he may have been free for a century but he can still feel the ghost of his old chains under his fine clothes.
… on a mission…
While he’s in Edinburgh, Lindsay has been tasked with acquiring the “Naismith Papers”, the writings of a long-dead witchfinder. It should be a straightforward mission—all Lindsay has to do is charm an elderly book collector, Hector Cruikshank. But Cruikshank may not be all he seems, and there are others who want the papers.
… meets his match
As if that were not enough, while tracking down the Naismith Papers, Lindsay meets stubborn architect Drew Nicol. Although the attraction between them is intense, Nicol seems frustratingly determined to resist Lindsay’s advances. Somehow though, Lindsay can’t seem to accept Nicol’s rejection. Is he just moonstruck, or is Nicol bonded to him in ways he doesn’t yet understand?
Note: this is the first book of a duology – the story continues and will complete in the second book, Master Wolf.
A Hidden Beauty by Jamie Craig
- Student of letters, Micah Yardley wants one thing: to meet the poet Jefferson Dering. After hearing his idol speak at Harvard, Micah travels to Jefferson’s home in nearby Wroxham, entertaining visions of discussing poetry over dinner and drinks. What he experiences exceeds anything he ever anticipated. Jefferson finds Micah mesmerizing and passionate, everything he has ever wanted. But after getting caught in a compromising position with another young man a decade earlier, he exiled himself from Boston and from affairs of the heart. Jefferson represses his longing for Micah, but his tumultuous emotions cannot be contained. Micah denies the truth of his desire for Jefferson. Jefferson refuses to act on his passion for Micah. But all it takes is a single kiss in Wroxham's haunted church to change the course of their lives ... and ignite the flame that could fulfill a generations-old promise.
Deosil by Jordan L Hawk (Whyborne & Griffin series finale!!!!)
- Whyborne, Griffin, and their friends have faced down cultists, monsters, and sorcerers. But their greatest challenge is now upon them. On the return voyage from Balefire Manor, Whyborne receives the worst news possible: Widdershins has fallen before the onslaught of the Fideles and their servants. There’s still time to stop the return of the Masters, but that window grows shorter by the hour. Together with Christine and Iskander, Whyborne and Griffin must reach Widdershins to face the ultimate test—and decide the fate of the world, once and for all.
The Ingenious Mechanical Devices series by Kara Jorgensson (bisexual, pansexual, asexual, persons with disabilities, and POC characters in this series!!!)
Book One = The Earl of Brass
- Eilian Sorrell is no stranger to cheating death, but when a dirigible accident costs him his arm, he fears his days of adventuring are over. As the eldest son of the Earl of Dorset, Lord Sorrell knows he will face a bleak future among London's aristocracy unless he can escape. On a quest to return to his old life, Lord Sorrell commissions a prosthetic arm, but the craftsman isn’t quite what he expected.
Fenice Brothers Prosthetics is in trouble. Hadley’s brother is dead, and she is forced to pick up the pieces and finish what he started. When clients begin turning her away, she fears she will fail until she crosses paths with the enigmatic Lord Sorrell. In exchange for a new arm, he offers her a chance at adventure in the deserts of Palestine.
Beneath the Negev’s sand lies something far more precious than potsherds or bones. A long lost crystal city has been found that could change Eilian and Hadley’s world forever, but they aren’t the only ones who know its secrets. Will they make it out alive or will they, too, be buried beneath the desert sands?
Shinigami by Xia Lake
- A coming-of-age love story between an orphan and the heir of the richest family in the Land of Yamato. The human world meets the yōkai in a power struggle for the fate of Fujiwara no Hirotsugu. While he battles to find his own path, Hirotsugu finds solace in a boy who will become his secret friend, then his salvation, and then as they become adults together, the love of his life.
The Sea May Burn by Rose Lerner (Part of the St. Lemeston universe, a f/f retelling of Jane Eyre!!!) COMING SOON!
- Goldengrove’s towers and twisted chimneys rose at the very edge of the peaceful Weald, a stone’s throw from the poisonous marshes and merciless waters of Rye Bay. Young Mary Palethorp had been running wild there, ever since her mother grew too ill to leave her room.
I was the perfect choice to give Mary a good English education: thoroughly respectable and far too plain to tempt her lonely father, Sir Kit, to indiscretion.
I knew better than to trust my new employer with the truth about my past. But knowing better couldn’t stop me from yearning for impossible things: to be Mary’s mother, Sir Kit’s companion, Goldengrove’s mistress.
All that belonged to poor Lady Palethorp. Most of all, I burned to finally catch a glimpse of her.
Surely she could tell me who cut the strings on the guitar I found in the music room, why all the doors in the house were locked after dark, and whose footsteps I heard in the night…
Lost in Time series by AL Lester
Book One = Lost in Time
-  Lew Rogers's life is pleasantly boring until his friend Mira messes with magic she doesn't understand. While searching for her, he's pulled back in time to 1919 by a catastrophic magical accident. As he tries to navigate a strange time and find his friend in the smoky music clubs of Soho, the last thing he needs is Detective Alec Carter suspecting him of murder. London in 1919 is cold, wet, and tired from four years of war. Alec is back in the Metropolitan Police after slogging out his army service on the Western Front. Falling for a suspect in a gruesome murder case is not on his agenda, however attractive he finds the other man. Both men are floundering and out of their depth, struggling to come to terms with feelings they didn't ask for and didn't expect. Both have secrets that could get them arrested or killed. In the middle of a murder investigation that involves wild magic, mysterious creatures, and illegal sexual desire, who is safe to trust?
We Met in Dreams by Rowan McAllister
- In Victorian London, during a prolonged and pernicious fog, fantasy and reality are about to collide—at least in one man’s troubled mind. A childhood fever left Arthur Middleton, Viscount Campden, seeing and hearing things no one else does, afraid of the world outside, and unable to function as a true peer of the realm. To protect him from himself—and to protect others from him—he spends his days heavily medicated and locked in his rooms, and his nights in darkness and solitude, tormented by visions, until a stranger appears. This apparition is different. Fox says he’s a thief and not an entirely good sort of man, yet he returns night after night to ease Arthur’s loneliness without asking for anything in return. Fox might be the key that sets Arthur free, or he might deliver the final blow to Arthur’s tenuous grasp on sanity. Either way, real or imaginary, Arthur needs him too much to care. Fox is only one of the many secrets and specters haunting Campden House, and Arthur will have to face them all in order to live the life of his dreams.
The Clearwater Mysteries by Jackson Marsh
- Book One = Deviant Desires
The Victorian East End lives in fear of the Ripper and his mission to kill rent boys. Silas Hawkins, nineteen and forging a life on the streets could well be the next victim, but when he meets Archer, his life changes forever. Young, attractive and rich, Archer is The Viscount Clearwater, a philanthropist, adventurer and homosexual. When Archer suspects the Ripper is killing to lure him to a confrontation, he risks his reputation and his life to stop the madman's murders. Every man must play his part, including Silas. A mashup of mystery, romance and adventure, Deviant Desire is set in an imaginary London of 1888. The first in an on-going series, it takes the theme of loyalty and friendship in a world where homosexuality is a crime. Secrets must be kept, lovers must be protected, and for Archer and Silas, it marks the start of their biggest adventure - love.
Highland Haunting: A Townsend Halloween Story (The Townsends) by Lily Maxton
- For the past few months, Ian Cameron and Robert Townsend have been settling into their new life together, but when a series of odd events occur at Llynmore Castle, Ian begins to suspect that he's being haunted. The question is, is the spirit malevolent or benevolent? Does it want to harm him or warn him of something to come? As Halloween draws closer, the ghost becomes stronger. Ian and Robert will have to trust each other and trust themselves to find the answers they need before it's too late. *Highland Haunting is 16,000 words and features the main characters from A Scot's Surrender
The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall by Sebastian Nothwell (f/f!!!)
- Heatherhurst Hall
Cumberland, England
American heiress Kit Morgan is heartbroken at the wedding of her dearest school-friend. At her lowest moment, she is rescued from her agonies by the mysterious and alluring Alexandra Cranbrook, sister of a visiting English baronet. Alexandra is beautiful, charming, and effortlessly beguiling. Kit cannot help but fall in love with her.
When Sir Vivian Cranbrook proposes marriage, it seems natural for Kit to accept—if only to live with the woman she desperately loves.
But the Cranbrook’s ancestral home of Heatherhurst Hall is not all it seems. The attic is forbidden. Strange scratching noises echo from within the walls. Wraiths stalk the corridors by night. And worst of all, Alexandra’s love has turned to scorn.
Still, Kit is determined to earn her happily-ever-after and save the Cranbrooks from the horrors of Heatherhurst Hall.
If only she could know Alexandra loved her in return.
~The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall is a Gothic romance rife with horror and heartache, wherein an American heiress makes an ill-advised marriage to bring herself closer the woman who’s stolen her heart.
Read by Candelight series by Gillian St. Kevern (7 book so far, with m/m and f/f love stories!!!)
- Book One = The Secretary and the Ghost: A Gothic Paranormal Romance
Pip Leighton is in a fix. His sister’s marriage hinges on him staving off the family’s impending financial ruin by taking the job of secretary to Lord Cross, a reclusive man with a temper befitting his name. Developing a passion for his employer was not on the cards. Neither was getting caught up in the deep mystery surrounding Foxwood Court and its resident ghost, but Pip has never been one to shirk a duty. As Pip delves deeper into the past, he discovers that his only hope for a future with Cross may depend on a man long dead—a man with a curious resemblance to himself.
The Gentleman Attraction: a short victorian mm paranormal romance by Connor Peterson
Emerson Mallory never mixes business and pleasure. His eyes might wander but he certainly wouldn’t risk his professional reputation over a tryst. Not even for a silver-haired scoundrel who clearly knows his way around a bedroom and makes his heart race with just one look.
When a flirtatious train ride turns into a weekend in close quarters, Bennet Clarke doesn’t agree that it would be best to leave their attraction at the door. He gave up worrying about human sensibilities the night he became a vampire centuries ago, and right now he wants more than one taste of Emerson’s charm and unnerving ability to see past his cavalier masks.
Their host has a few secrets of their own and a madcap plan that requires Emerson to enlist Bennet’s help. When the inevitable happens, Emerson begins to think that maybe Bennet’s way of looking at things isn’t so bad. Bennet, however, is faced with a dilemma. Keep up the ruse, or confess that Emerson has no idea who he’s gotten involved with.
Amidst the flurry of activity surrounding their host, the two men will have to keep their affair secret, plan a successful party, and decide if forever is too much to ask.
Spellbound: A Paranormal Historical Romance (Magic in Manhattan Book 1) by Allie Therin
- To save Manhattan, they’ll have to save each other first… 1925 New York Arthur Kenzie’s life’s work is protecting the world from the supernatural relics that could destroy it. When an amulet with the power to control the tides is shipped to New York, he must intercept it before it can be used to devastating effects. This time, in order to succeed, he needs a powerful psychometric…and the only one available has sworn off his abilities altogether. Rory Brodigan’s gift comes with great risk. To protect himself, he’s become a recluse, redirecting his magic to find counterfeit antiques. But with the city’s fate hanging in the balance, he can’t force himself to say no. Being with Arthur is dangerous, but Rory’s ever-growing attraction to him begins to make him brave. And as Arthur coaxes him out of seclusion, a magical and emotional bond begins to form. One that proves impossible to break—even when Arthur sacrifices himself to keep Rory safe and Rory must risk everything to save him.
Hayden Thorne is reissuing many of her LGBT romances this year, with some of the most original content in the genre. Many are YA options, but very enjoyable for adults!
Extensive 2018 Halloween List 
Since links have been failing in Tumblr, here is the URL for Halloween 2018: https://lgbtqiahistoricalromance.tumblr.com/post/188457088709/lgbtqiahistoricalromance
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goodqueenaly · 5 years
House Words Wednesdays: House Webber
Welcome to House Words Wednesdays! Each week, I take a House without known canon or semi-canon words and present what I think could make sense as that House’s motto. You’re free to suggest more as well, if your favored House has not yet been suggested; take a look at this link to see what has already been suggested, and shoot me an ask through Tumblr if you have another House you’d like to see done.
House Webber is a noble House of the Reach, sworn vassals of the Rowans of Goldengrove. It is unclear how ancient House Webber is, since no history is known for them before the time of the Targaryens, though the Webbers might well be a good deal older as a family (since the Osgreys, their close neighbors, might have been around for roughly five thousand years before the Conquest). The WOIAF app states that after Maegor the Cruel stripped the Osgreys of Coldmoat following Lord Ormond Osgrey’s protests, the castle “then fell under the control of House Webber”. When the Osgreys and Webbers fell on opposite sides of the First Blackfyre Rebellion, the pro-Blackfyre Ser Eustace lost his sons at the Redgrass Field and his daughter as a hostage to the crown, while the pro-Targaryen Webbers were granted the Chequy Water from the Horseshoe Hills to Leafy Lake, as well as hunting and forestry rights in Wat’s Wood. (It might be that pro-Blackfyre sentiment kept Lord Wyman from agreeing to a match between Addam Osgrey and his Rohanne, though there are other reasons I think that foundered as well.) Despite this antagonistic history between the Houses, however, the two came together in marriage at the end of “The Sworn Sword”: compelled by her late father’s will to marry within two years of his death or have Coldmoat and its lordship pass to a Webber cousin, and caught in a dispute over the Chequy Water with Ser Eustace Osgrey, Lady Rohanne solved both problems by marrying her neighbor.
What happened to Rohanne after "The Sworn Sword” is somewhat known, but filled with mysteries as well. Sometime between the end of “The Sworn Sword” and 218 AC (but I lean toward earlier), Rohanne married one of her most persistent suitors, Gerold Lannister. Despite five childless (or probably childless - I tend to think she and Ser Eustace had no children) previous marriages for her and one apparently childless marriage for him, Rohanne and Gerold had four sons together: the twins Tywald and Tion, Tytos (the father of Tywin), and Jason (the father of Joanna). Unfortunately, Yandel notes that Gerold’s “beloved second wife, Lady Rohanne, vanished under mysterious circumstances in 230 AC, less than a year after giving birth to his lordship’s fourth and youngest son, Jason”. Likewise, what happened to House Webber is also unknown, though I have theorized that Tion was betrothed to a Rowan to make him Lord of Coldmoat on his mother’s death (or his majority), and that after Tion broke his betrothal, Lord Rowan took back Coldmoat for House Rowan (perhaps explaining that Webber in the Windblown, a web-tattooed warrior who “nurse[s] claims to lands lost in Westeros” - maybe he is a descendant of the sometime heir-presumptive Wendell Webber). @joannalannister also has a theory that Dancy - a pug-nosed, red-haired, freckled prostitute at Chataya’s - is a bastard daughter of Tywin Lannister, Rohanne’s grandson, and takes after her Webber great-grandmother in appearance (hardly surprising, given that Tywin Lannister built the secret tunnel to Chataya's while Hand and that he was all-but-certainly the father of Marei, another prostitute in the same brothel).
The Webber sigil is a reference to the family name, a black field with a red and white spider on a silver field. Taking this spider theme, for the Webber words I settled on Patience Conquers All. The primary virtue of a spider might be said to be patience: while other predators prowl their own territories to find prey, the spider (well, the web-building spider, anyway) builds her web and waits for unsuspecting insects and animals to become ensnared, so that she can have her meal at her leisure. Rohanne Webber certainly had need of patience: through five husbands (most of whom were much older than she), a father convinced that she would never be able to exercise power without a “protecting” husband at her side, a castellan who regularly bullied both her and others to force her into marrying him, and lordly neighbors waiting for a misstep to undermine her powers, Rohanne learned to endure and adapt to the patriarchal challenges of Westeros. Her patience was rewarded, since she not only kept Coldmoat for herself but married the witty, wealthy, and handsome Gerold Lannister, who seems to have genuinely loved her. Dynastically, in the end it was Rohanne who had the last laugh; from her descends the modern branches of the immensely wealthy and powerful Lannisters. That Webber in the Windblown might feel the same about patience: serving as a soldier in Essos while he nursed his claims would certainly require some patience, enduring years of hardship on the belief that the Webber lands would one day be his.
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tiriusrowan · 11 months
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Goldengrove, or Castle Goldengrove, is the seat of House Rowan. It is east of Red Lake in the northern part of the Reach. Goldengrove is on a river which flows from the hills near Silverhill south to Highgarden.
Goldengrove, or Castle Goldengrove, is a sizable complex spanning several acres and encircled by massive walls. Golden Village is outside the castle and spans beyond the walls. Golden Village (within the walls) houses much of the staff who work the castle and grounds while those outside the walls work and live in the businesses around the wall. Built in the Reach Proper Goldengrove is one of the oldest castles in the Reach. Within the walls, there are dozens of courtyards, gardens, fountains, and small open spaces. Weapons training takes place throughout the open spaces of Goldengrove. Notably, the castle takes on an andal appearance while inside it is a stark reminder of beautiful rhoynish culture and traditions.
Inner Castle:
The Great Keep
The Great Hall
The Sept of Goldengrove
The Tower of the Guard
Courtyard and Other Buildings:
Many apple orchards, gardens
The Golden Keep
The Apartments
The Library Tower
The Crypt of Goldengrove
The Golden Rookery
The Maester's Tower
The Guards Hall
Tower cells, cellars, dungeons, and so on.
Two massive walls defend Goldengrove with a dry moat filled with spikes between them. Standing two different heights the walls hold guard turrets, watch turrets, and many archers.
The Battlements Gate
The Archers Gates
The Hunter's Gate
The Marcher Gate
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