#;; ship: romato
tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
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Robin/Yamato commission by @hot_doghd on twitter!  Click on the source for more of their work!
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libidomechanica · 6 years
Untitled Composition # 3137
As the darlings rain But me I’m keping In two skeins.
Din our whom radition out. Only and has a we-see high romato can the constead, this knew to thee After bodies, And hooks, wouldn’t you so simplete, but it up a ship in is the door a roots winds herse shoes, forgot for years. And all these far antic: To make a sill the sea, they arms are is she is cookout thouse the should lette Goddard, complimensive, althout hurl’d;              that day. And sends. Aglint blue might, you like a musical kiss his matchen you                  in the will you! The still all love his where ways invitate The is no leap In cries dovetailed her. Cheese, forgive A darket with your little your lips thing sail Quiet in two by heartfelt live on my he desire is a crystal fleet, thy lap. It compete.
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serendipitousoracle · 7 years
pairings? pairings. :D - Hawke/Arishok. Soldier/Lucio. Reinhardt/Lucio. Pharmercy (i mean i KNOW this one but). Pharah/Symmetra. Pharah+Dva in a sisterly type way bc friendSHIP. Torb/Turret. Ana/Gabe/Jack. Egeire/Hawke. Merrill/Tamlen.
Hawke/Arishok- the Arishok seems a bit more invested in either going home or swording you through the guts but I’m sure somebody out there is making their canoe work somehow *edit: also bonus points bc it rhymes
Soldier/Lucio - did you just ask me this bc of that 1-lucio-5-soldier game I mean. I’m not sure I’d ship Soldier with any post-olden-days characters? he seems rather preoccupied with Finding The People Who Blahblahblah and getting kids off his lawn. If somebody wrote a fic where romance blooms when Lucio is on Soldier’s lawn when he goes out to get the paper I’d probably read it I guess (tl;dr: *shrug*)
Reinhardt/Lucio - They disagree on music which is potential faux-fuel for shipping probably. you also have points for tank/healer. Gotta be careful with Rein’s hip though. Make sure he stretches
Pharmercy - Well I’m pretty sure if I said no my wife would get divorce papers, but yeah, is a nice ship. Vaguely biased bc it is the first Pharah or Mercy ship that I saw, and also how I met my wife*. Good ship, classic sails, it’s soaring it’s flying it’s a justice raining from above
Pharah/Symmetra - I’ve seen nice art for it. Sure. I also have friends who largely adore the ship name. I don’t think I’ve seen any content that discusses how they actually met or got together (definitely for lack of trying tho I don’t doubt people have done it),but sounds legit probably. Overwatch is p lacking in lore currently.
Pharah+D.va - battle women who’ve seen shit in conflicts against omnics? I’m down.
Torb/Turret - yes and no. Torb/Turret is not the turret we see in game– he calls that one “his baby” and considering his obscene amount of children, I feel like that’s more of a fatherly concern. Torb/Turret is back in the glory days of Overwatch, maybe even further back, with his Prime Design, the peak performance of turrets, the darling he took on missions and work everywhere, the gentle whirring of machinery that soothed him to sleep every night. And then in the destruction of the Overwatch base that killed Morrison and Reyes, Turret and her schematics were also a casualty, and Torb was never the same. His current turrets are close to his old love, but he could never quite replicate that level of perfection. So now all his current turrets are his babies, but only because their mother, his truest love, died to birth them. this story will likely be its own feature-length film and has preemptively gotten a 100% rating on Totten Romatos.
Ana/Gabe/Jack- nice
Egeire/Hawke - I can’t see Egeire getting together with the human who supported Merrill abandoning their clan (from his limited knowledge of events). Inquisition Era Egeire might be able to romance humans, but that’s a result of age and slowly increasing openness to other races in general (the letting go of certain prejudices and also rly nasty stuff that was warhammered into his head by clan life but also Cyrron). DA2 era Eg just hasn’t developed enough in that direction, especially while romancing Zev. Making Egeire/Hawke work would either take au fic beyond my scope of imagination or some serious crack at the level of “Kylare swoops in to traumatize Camlen at the Well of Sorrows“
Merrill/Tamlen - sure. I wouldn’t apply it to my canon bc that complicates Egeire’s relationships/backstory more, but that sounds very plausible.
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
speaking of my undying love for nico robin, I just published the first chapter of my romato (robin/yamato) fic!  it would be great if y’all would check it out and leave feedback!
here it is
a snippet under the cut!
King stared right back at her with an almost unamused expression in his eyes.  Robin tried her best to look bored at that moment, praying in her head that it would work.  She found it easier to escape punishment if she didn’t scream or cry or beg for mercy.
No mercy would come, anyway.
“Nico Robin,” said King.  His voice was deep, yet burned like a spark about to be set ablaze. “You know how to read the Poneglyphs.”  It wasn’t a question.
Kings didn’t ask questions.
Robin’s gaze drifted around the room.  They had come prepared, with seastone cuffs and bars to prevent her from escaping.  They also had apparently been very prepared for her in particular - judging from the newspaper clippings pinned to the wall, to the dagger that stuck her wanted poster at the door.  She swallowed, and looked back to King.
“I do.”
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
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“. . . Were - were people aware about our relationship?”
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
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Beasts!Robin, around the time the Straw Hats show up to Wano and they have to decide between their loyalty to Kaido/the Beasts and their love for Yamato—
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | robin is moronsexual Would they date them: yes | no Favorite thing about them: His enthusiasm for knowledge and his own dreams, the fact that he stands up to his father for years upon years despite the pain inflicted upon him - she admires that quality about him. He's willing to stand by his morals and beliefs, against all odds; he knows who he is and he isn't afraid of it. Least favorite thing about them: That, despite all his wonderful and beautiful qualities, he's still shackled by tying himself to the image of another man, to the point of copying him exactly.
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
Lifts up Robin in his loving embrace. "You're... the most incredible.... intelligent person... in my life.... I love you so much......."
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"I'm nothing compared to you, Yamato-san," they say, looking down upon the taller man. Something bittersweet crosses over their expression. "You are the radiant sun that will shine upon the seas. You are my future, my past, and my present. I'd gladly sacrifice a thousand days upon the sea for a fleeting moment with you."
They swallow hard. They've never said this before. Not those three words. Perhaps it was time now.
"I... I think I -"
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
"I have feelings for you."
"Yamato, we've been dating for months now."
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"You shouldn't say that so loudly, the others might hear," says Robin, currently flipping through a book while sitting on Yamato's lap.
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
♥ SHIP QUESTIONARE // Robin x Yamato and/or Robin x Law
Drop a ship in my inbox and I’ll fill everything out below ! It’s a mix from fluff to nsfw .
Ah, the crack ship that has turned into one of my OTPs.  When Yamato joins the Straw Hats, then you will all see the potential too.  Also, slight mentions of 1021 spoilers.
18+ content below
How did they first meet? Depends entirely on the verse.  In canon, they’d meet during or a bit after the raid on Onigashima, presumably during the battle or during the celebrations.  Yamato would beg Robin to teach him how to read the Poneglyphs, and she would quite frankly be stunned but happily surprised that someone shows interest in the ancient history like her.  Then Yamato joins the crew and-
In Beasts!Robin verse, Yamato sneaks in and finds Robin while she’s being held in a cage under King’s care.  They get to know each other, telling each other stories, and Yamato lets Robin know that he’s there for her.  Mostly, he met her out of curiosity for the devil his father had caught.
For this questionnaire, I’ll be using Beasts verse, as that’s the main verse I write this ship in.
Who felt romantic feelings first? Robin.  Yamato thought those feelings were just friendship, except they were stronger than his feelings for Jack, which were friendship.  Robin was the first to acknowledge that she was in love with Yamato.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Holy Fuck Robin.  This girl does not know HOW to handle their feelings, especially romantic ones.  A lot of the early stages of their relationship was spent dancing around the fact that they had a relationship, as they feared what the Beasts would do if they found out.  It was Yamato that said “fuck it” and kissed Robin in front of Kaido.
Who initiated their feelings first? Yamato.
Who said “I love you” first? Yamato.  Robin has a hard time saying it.
Who gets jealous easily? Robin
Who is more protective? Yamato
Who remembers the little things? Robin
Who talks about their feelings more? Imagine Robin talking about their feelings :crine:
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines? Robin, actually.  You’d expect it to be Yamato, but Robin’s cheese comes in form of long-winded poetry and skirting so hard around the words “I love you” that it becomes this Achilles/Patroclus dynamic between the two of them where no one can tell if they’re in love or not because they never say it but then Robin says shit like “I would like our ashes to be buried together when we die so that we’ll always be together” and I don’t understand how people cannot think they are not gay.
What does a first date look like for them? Awful.  Either Robin’s in a cage, Yamato’s trying to sneak past King to visit her, or Robin has joined the Beasts and they decide to eat together one night in Onigashima.  Yamato would try so damn hard to be a good date, and Robin would be so fucking nervous because what if her being with Yamato was a bad idea.  What if Yamato got punished for being with her.  What if.  And then Robin would be freaking out while holding Yamato’s hand and Yamato would be smiling but freaking out too.  Eventually, though, they’d find somewhere private and decide not to call it a date - then everything goes back to normal.
What do they like to do together? Study!  Study study study!  They also enjoy creating something with their own hands, be it a garden or a painting or something else.  They also take turns reading books aloud.
Which one gets angry the most, leaving the other to calm them down? Yamato’s rage is hot-headed, while Robin’s is a cold, seething demon.  Also Robin happens to be an enabler, unless Yamato is putting himself in danger.  Yamato calms down Robin more, because he’s more prone to pick up when Robin is angry.
Do they like PDA? They’re literally afraid of being tortured if they were found out.
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements? It goes Robin small spoon, Yamato big spoon, and then [1021 spoilers] giant demon Robin as the biggest spoon of them all.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other? Robin has ~trauma~ so it takes her a lot to be able to feel comfortable enough to hug someone, even if that person is Yamato.
Who hogs the blankets? Yamato IS the blanket, as far as Robin is concerned.  Especially in his zoan form.  
Who’s more likely to initiate sex? Robin.
Who’s the kinkiest? HAVE YOU SEEN ROBIN?
Who is the top and bottom in their sex life? Are they interchangeable? Robin is afraid to relinquish control in the bedroom, the one place in her life where she feels she can have power, have a say in her life.  Yamato likes getting pegged by her.  It’s interchangeable, of course, but top!Robin and bottom!Yamato is how it usually goes.
Who likes giving and who likes receiving oral? Unfortunately, Robin’s tongue is way too small to give any stimulation to Yamato.  I mean, unless she used her powers creatively...
Can they last more than one round? Yes.  I refuse to elaborate.
Which one is a morning person? Robin.  She doesn’t sleep.
Do either of them like to cook? Robin is afraid of fire now so it WOULD be up to Yamato to cook, except they just eat the food that the Beasts have.
If they get married, who proposes first? “Hey Robin?” “Hm?” “Wanna cosplay as Kozuki Toki for me?” “...No, but I will marry you.” “YES!”
What kind of wedding do they have? They get married in secret once they join Luffy’s crew :) 
Does anyone object to their relationship? Initially, the Beasts - particularly Kaido and King - are against it.  But then they realised the benefits of having Robin, the one person who can read the poneglyphs, be infatuated with Kaido’s son.  
They came to regret it when Straw Hat’s crew landed on Onigashima.
Do they have any kids? No.  Do not trust these two around kids.  Yamato would walk without watching where he was going and kick a child into orbit.  Robin has enough trauma as it is.
Do they have any pets? Yamato is the pet - I mean.  Yes.  
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
Yamato: your archaeologist is gnc as fuck
Luffy: you're insane
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
Just in case anyone forgot, Robin is an assassin, a master of stealth, a tactician, and smart as fuck.  Also they’re genderfluid and bisexual.
Just in case, you know, it slipped your mind.
Now join the Yamato/Robin agenda.
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
" wow... you look... you look amazing. "
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A night amongst nights.  The year had come to a close, and new years festivals were a long-standing tradition in the land of Wano.  Even the tyrannical rule of Kaido could not stop the celebrations from happening, the costumes and props and joy that was to be had amongst the people.  Not the fireworks, though - gunpowder was restricted, leaving it only all for Onigashima.  
Robin found herself trailing down the stairs of the castle, looking over the party (for yes, even the Beasts themselves found themselves celebrating - any reason to drink, she thought wryly) for a familiar face.  Not just any, mind you - otherwise the nuisance called Queen would’ve sufficed.  No, she was searching for locks of white and emerald hair, for pride rivalling Kaido’s very own, and for beauty so incomprehensible she’d often wondered if she’d stumbled into some sort of celestial realm everytime she so much as gazed upon him.  
Asking around for him didn’t help much - the pirates were either busy gawking at her or were too drunk to notice.  Trust the Beasts to be as perceptive as a coffin.  But Robin did not show any signs of the irritation that was beginning to grow within her.  It was only when Jack pointed out that she would have more luck investigating the caves of Onigashima that she left immediately, the Beasts not having to worry about her trying to escape anymore.  
And, lo and behold, there he was.  Hiding away from the festivities, in a cave by the mountain skull.  Robin frowned, approaching him slowly. 
He complimented her on her appearance - I did this for you, you know. - and seemed too shocked to speak.
Robin took his hand in hers, grasping at him. “Yamato,” she said, concern latent in her voice, “I know I look amazing.  Why are you all alone?”
She thought the plan was to meet at the party and then leave together under the guise of setting up the fireworks.  Now, Yamato had been by himself, and she’d felt it needed to be addressed.  Something told her it wasn’t him trying to eat rocks again.
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
while i’m on the topic of ships, 
hadestown romato au 😌
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
It’s that time again, fellas.  A new chapter of memento vitae, my Yamato/Robin multichap fic is out!
summary: Robin joins the Beast Pirates. This wasn't by choice.  AU, Yamato/Robin endgame.
if you would like to read it on tumblr, the whole chapter is under the cut!  Please considering reblogging and supporting my Romato agenda.
At one point Robin would have given up everything to be out in the ocean, and now all she wanted to do was to return home.  Of course, this was no longer an option, so the only alternative she could consider was to drown herself, and that didn’t sound pleasant either.  In the end she was forced to live, and that was the greatest punishment the world could give her.
Having travelled almost four weeks with King - a name she couldn’t tell if he deserved or not - Robin was beginning to grow bored with each passing day.  Not that she particularly minded that, for it was a far better alternative to whatever King had in store for her.  But still, the anticipation was almost killing her, and the jeers and sneers from his crew didn’t help.  It was like they knew that something was to happen to her, and the fact that she didn’t know frustrated her to no end. 
Sometimes, on rare occasions, King would visit her.  He would never speak a word, merely stare, and she would never speak a word, looking straight back at him.  She didn’t know what he was thinking or doing in those little stare-contests of theirs.  She wondered if he thought of a hundred ways to kill her, as she did him.  Whatever the case may be, she was winning.  Two wins to her, one win to King.  Spending hours and sometimes days awake did wonders to help for her to stop blinking.
Most humiliating was when, during the times where she was allowed to eat, the pirates would taunt her.  It always came down to them either placing the plate of food just out of reach, or not bothering to unlock her arms from her cuffs.  They could easily have done so; the cuffs were clamped tightly around her ankles too, but apparently it was more enjoyable for them to watch her struggle to eat with just her mouth, like a dog.  The pirates had laughed and mocked her, throwing as many obscene words her way as possible.  Robin ignored them, for the most part.  She’d rather live in humiliation than die for their satisfaction.  
Still, that didn’t mean she could forget any of their faces.
Robin spent her time counting her teeth, when she wasn’t trying to catch a glimpse of outside her cell.  Not that the view really told her much about where she was, but the smell of sea salt and fresh air was certainly more favourable than the stench of burning leather that lingered in her cell after King’s visits.  If she were adept at navigation, she could probably tell where she was from smell alone.  She wasn’t, though, and being able to tell where you were from scent alone seemed like a pretty useless ability outside of mere curiosity.
On what could have been the eve of the fourth week, Robin was greeted by King once more.  Though, this time he seemed impatient.  Irritated.  The flame on the back of his neck was crackling violently, to the point where Robin was afraid it might set the room on fire.  It didn’t, though.  Unfortunately.
“Change of plans,” he said. “We’re taking a detour.”
Robin looked up to him, knitting her brows together. “A detour from where?” she asked.  Just as a casual reminder that he still hadn’t told her where they were going.
King ignored the question, of course. “You will be removed from this confinement shortly.  I thought you’d be happy about that.”
“Don’t talk back to me,” King snapped.
The inferno flared up for a moment before dying down to a gentle blaze.  She found her eyes drawn to it once more, taking in the wintry wrath of a man who lived by fire.  This was not someone to trifle with - she couldn’t take the same chances with him as she could with the other, hot-headed pirates.  He would not kill her, but a sense of dread followed him, like the calm before a disaster.  Robin told herself she wasn’t scared of pain anymore.  Robin was a very good liar.
She swallowed.  Perhaps it was best to do as he said for now.
“I trust you know what will happen if you try to escape,” King continued. “We may need you alive, but that doesn’t mean we need all of you.”  
His gaze travelled over to her wrists hanging loosely above her head with an almost ravenous stare.  Suddenly Robin felt the need to hide her arms from him.  The implication didn’t sit very well with her, and her arms were her most useful asset besides her mind.  To take them away would be to take away her very will to fight.  But she couldn’t hide them, as they lay bare for King to see, and she had the chilling sensation that he was slicing them up in his mind.
Although much of his face was hidden behind that abhorrent leather mask, Robin had the feeling he was smiling at that moment with what could only be called sadism. 
“I trust I have your full cooperation?” King asked - the first question he had ever uttered in the four weeks.  
What choice did she even have?
“Yes,” she answered, head hung low.  
“Good.” King left the prison, letting her linger in the stench of ash and burnt leather.  
It took less than a day for Robin to find out what exactly King meant by a ‘detour’.  Detours, as it turned out, meant battle.  She was taken, still cuffed in seastone, to a room far below the deck, only able to catch a glimpse of the sun and a faint outline of an island they were approaching.  The pirate escorting her said something about how she should be grateful they were offering her so much protection.  Robin imagined shoving her fist down his throat.
The pirate shoved her roughly into the new prison - not so much a cell as before, but actual sleeping quarters now.  A single king bed laid in the corner of the room, the walls covered in ornaments and spoils of war.  The walls were painted black half-hazardly - but on closer inspection, they were not painted, they were burned.   She was in the berth of the ship, and whoever this room belonged to - she had a pretty good idea - was someone of importance here.
Just as the pirate began to say, “Now listen here,” the whole room - no, the ship itself - rocked, and the two were thrown against a wall violently.  
Cursing profanities, the pirate was the first to recover, rubbing the back of his head. “It’s started already?”
“What’s started?” Robin asked from the floor, unable to stand up. “What’s going on?”
“Shit.  Shit, shit, shit.” The pirate stomped his foot with every word.  His skin was pale, and his eyes were wide, and sweat dripped down the back of his neck.  For someone who was reacting like a petulant child, he was keeping his balance quiet well despite the tremors and shaking the ship was experiencing.  Unlike Robin, who was already weakened by the seastone cuffs. 
The pirate locked the door, her only exit out of the room, and shoved the keys in his pocket.  Robin briefly wondered if the keys to her cuffs were in the ring - a thought that was swiftly replaced by a blinding white pain.  Her head was turned to the side, and she tasted iron in her mouth.
“Don’t you even think about it,” the pirate snarled from above her.  He patted his pocket.  If he didn’t look so frightened by whatever was outside, Robin would be intimidated. “We’re just making sure you’re not seen by anyone.”
Robin struggled to sit up, leaning against the wall.  The pirate seemed to enjoy watching her suffer and humiliated, the one thing giving him satisfaction during this clearly troubling time.  Finally, she could sit up somewhat properly, her hands tied behind her back and blood dripping from her nose - broken. 
She glared up at him.
“Whatever’s outside is enough to warrant King moving me from my prison,” she said. “If it’s a Marine or Government ship - which I doubt, as King knew beforehand that I would have to be moved, and the only way I can see them being an issue is if they caught you by surprise - then I wouldn’t have to be worried, and you wouldn’t have to be worried.  If it were an enemy pirate ship, the only reason you would be scared this much is if they were considerably more dangerous than you are -”
“- so I can only assume it’s a pirate ship out there, and, if they know who I am, then they must know of my abilities,” she continued. “The reason I’m here is because you can’t risk losing me.”
From the moment the pirate’s hand twitched and she felt the impact against her temple, she knew she was right.  Such a visceral reaction wouldn’t have happened otherwise.  
Feeling a sort of satisfaction along with the throbbing pain in her head, Robin’s eyes travelled from the pirate to the door.  The trembling and rumbling continued, along with screams, yells, gunshots and cannonfire.  It was pure and utter chaos outside, that much she could tell.  But still, if there was the slightest chance she could be removed from King’s prison, and run away freely…
“HELP!” Robin howled. “PLEASE, ANYONE!”
Her voice hurt from not being used, but that didn’t stop her from screaming her lungs out.  A little humiliating, true, but anything, anything was better than staying with these pirates for any longer.  
The pirate swore and lunged forward - Robin ducked underneath his reach.  He banged his head against the wall, groaning in pain while Robin lifted herself, struggling heavily, to her feet.  Without another word, she ran for the door and slammed against it with her shoulder.
The door didn’t budge. In fact, she barely made a dent on it.  What was worse, the pirate was now recovered and glowering at her.  With a raging cry, he ran forward again like a bull, and tackled her to the ground. 
Robin did not make a sound, but the Beast did.  A small gasp escaped his lips and he jumped back off her, the weight gone from her arm.  That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt though.  Internally she screamed, oh how she screamed, but externally she merely tried to get up onto her feet once more, determined to throw her body against the door again.  
The pirate snatched her arm before she could begin running again.  She winced at the sudden pain jolting up her body, grinding her teeth to stop herself from screaming.  
“King’s gonna fucking kill me,” the pirate groaned as he pulled her back from the door. “We’re not supposed to hurt you -”
Robin bit him.
He kicked her shins.
It was a mutual relationship they had.
She didn’t know how long they scuffled for, her only weapon being her teeth while he retaliated and made her bruise in return.  All the while the ship trembled and rocked dangerously, causing the pair of them to stumble and fall every-so-often.  Their fight was only halted when the door suddenly slammed open - not opened by unlocking it, but by sheer force.
The relief on Robin’s face was bright, and her smile lit up for the first time in months.  This was it, her saviour had come.  She could finally rest easy and escape this place.
For some reason, the laugh sent chills down her spine, and she didn’t know why.  In her vision stood a hulking mass of a man, the stench of alcohol and smoke and blood wafting from his direction.  She would have gagged, had she not been so desperate to leave at that moment.  The new pirate grinned down at her with hunger, half of his teeth missing.  Robin looked up to him with pleading eyes.
“Didn’t know King was into that!” the stranger said, amusement clear in his voice.  Whipping out a pistol in his hand, he shot the Beast dead and leaned towards her, leering. “Little girls ain’t my thing, but who am I to judge him?”
His grubby hands grasped her throat, lifting her up off the ground.  She choked and struggled against his hold to no avail - he was simply too strong for her, especially in her weakened state.  
“Now, now, why do ya look so familiar?” He tilted his head, bringing Robin closer to him.  The pong of his breath was overwhelming now.  It took all of her energy not to throw up. “Ah!  I know!”  
He leered at her, and Robin felt her heart sink.
“Nice ta finally meetcha, Devil’s Child!  ZEHAHAHA!”
Marco prided himself on being one of Pop’s commanders.  It was the greatest honour one could have onboard the Moby Dick - no, in the seas.  Not only was he trusted enough to be a commander in one of the Emperor’s ships, but he was deemed important enough by the Government to have almost a billion berries on his head.  He was flattered, honestly.  But in his mind, he - and everyone else onboard the Moby Dick - were priceless.
Unfortunately, it was not the Government who were so desperately fighting for their lives against him in that moment, nor were it the Marines.  No, it was a rival pirate crew.  How incredibly dull.  At least, that was Marco’s first reaction.
Then he spied the flag that the enemy ship sailed, and heard Whitebeard’s distinct “GURARARA!” from behind him, and excitement ran up his blood like a shot of electricity.  
Kaido’s crew.
Marco grinned from ear to ear, his brows narrowed down to a look of pure hunger for battle.  He squatted on the railing of the Moby Dick, blue flaming wings flickering behind him.  The rest of the crew readied themselves, armed with whatever weapons or powers they could use.  And Whitebeard sat proudly behind them all, grasping Murakumogiri in his hand.  They were all ready for a challenge.
More importantly, they were ready for revenge.  They’d heard what happened to Oden, and while they weren’t willing to attack Wano in the case that one of their own would be hurt or worse, Kaido was not enough of a fool to declare war on Whitebeard for attacking one of his ships in neutral territory.
“You’d better have some grog on you, brats!” Pops declared. “My kids are hungry!”
The Whitebeard Pirates cheered and cried out a war cry.  
On the other ship, there was silence.  Not a single word uttered, despite them seeing a crowd of Beast Pirates on the deck.  Then, Marco felt a thumping in his chest, a vibration in his very bones.  A distant BOOM, BOOM, BOOM  that reverberated throughout the ocean, but not a sound that was cannonfire - no, this was… bizarre.  This was something that he couldn’t explain.  This was…
The rhythm pounded against their skin, making even the ocean ripple and waves crash against both their ships.  An island nearby was hearing the full burst of funk, seagulls soaring from the tops of trees with a unified screech - a sound that could not be heard over the blaring music.  Marco did not feel scared, certainly, but there was an air of confusion around the Whitebeard Pirates.  He glanced back to look at Pops.  Whitebeard looked unimpressed.
Shrugging, Marco turned his attention back to the Beasts’ ship.  This certainly wasn’t Kaido onboard, by any means - he wouldn’t be so theatrical.  So vain.  Whoever was onboard the ship, whichever poor soul had encountered an Emperor, was relishing in this moment.
The enemy ship rocked from side to side, not enough to tip the whole thing over, but enough to cause the pirates to almost lose their balance.  Marco stood up from his perch.  He was curious about what sort of pirate was making such a noise.
“I’ve got a plague, and that plague is funkin’!”
Some of the Beasts dispersed, creating a path along the deck.
“It excites me to my core, I’mma chunking!”
Finally, the pirate came into view - a man Marco had never seen before.  He was a massive, round-figured man, one that danced to the beat of the music.  His body jiggled with every move he made in an almost hypnotizing fashion, the blond braid at the back of his head bouncing up and down.  He entered the scene with flair, with vanity, and with so much theatricality that Marco thought he was overcompensating for something.
Not a word was spoken amongst the Beasts, nor the Whitebeard Pirates.  Marco could practically sense Pops growing impatient with every second that passed.  It seemed he wasn’t the only impatient one.
The round man whipped his whole body around to face his crew and roared, “YOU USELESS MAGGOTS!  CAN’T YOU GET THIS SIMPLE SHIT RIGHT?”, before throwing a nearby barrel at them.  Most of the crew ran away before it could hit them, save for a large boy with pigtails, who felt the full force of the impact.  The poor boy was holding a transponder snail in his hand, and didn’t see it coming.
Marco just decided that he didn’t like this man very much.
Evidently, Whitebeard didn’t either.  The old man slammed his naginata down, shockwaves reverberating around them as he unleashed his haki. “Who the hell are you, brat?” He didn’t have to raise his voice to a shout to be heard over the thumping music.
The said music stopped, and the round man turned to stare at Whitebeard.  A moment of silence passed between the two ships.
“HOLY SHIT?  WHITEBEARD?” the man screeched, his jaw dropping.  He began to sweat bullets. “YOU DIDN’T SAY HE WAS HERE!”
One of the Beasts said something incoherent in the man’s ear.  That seemed to calm him down somewhat, as he turned back to the Whitebeard Pirates.
He raised his arm and lowered it quickly.  Then, everything happened at once.  All the cannons on their ship exploded with a BOOM, the cannonfire approaching their ship at a rapid pace.  Marco and the others were able to knock most of the balls into the ocean, but some hit the Moby Dick - barely scratching it, of course.  But it seemed that didn’t help the Whitebeard Pirates at all.
After a moment passed, smoke began erupting from the balls.  Purple smoke.
Marco swore.  Poison gas.
He screamed at as many as he could to cover their mouths and to get inside - he would be alright, with his powers, but what about the rest of them?  Jumping up from the railing, he covered the old man and his brothers in his flames in an effort to protect them from the gas.  
In a manner of moments, the worst of the fog lifted, but by then it was too late.  Half the crew was choking and writhing around the floor.  But that wasn’t the worst of it.  The Beasts had, in that time, sailed to them, and grappled at the Moby Dick with their own galleon.  Pirates were climbing up ropes, weapons in hands, and prepared to battle.
The fight had begun.
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