#; ch ( basilia )
naanqueen · 7 months
Coffee and Christmas a sharpagne story
Dr champagne McGregor
The sharp gang all buzzed around decorating the base for their Christmas party but one member was absent champagne sat stroking Macy while trying to think of something to get Benny he try to thinkof all the things that sharp enjoyed tec, jokes, him as he said that a idea hits him.
Benny sharp
The food was being prepared as Benny was dealing with a dilemma made people their presence using his technological skills but any tech stuff that champagne wanted was in his arm funny status his favourite picture while him and champagne we're talking he got one of his cameras to take a picture you could see you half of basilia's face but it was mostly focused on the slightly smiling x dinosaur geneticist.
The party
Everyone enjoyed the music and the food the three friends made a circle so they can give each other's gifts vrazilian had one for Keith too benny-handed champagne his gift the man stared his sleep deprived eyes at the picture " it's one of the only pictures I got of you where you smiling and I want to remind you that you actually do like me at least a little" Benny gave kind grin ch of mysteriousness. It was time for Benny to open his gift off champagne he built the ribbon off the brown box and opened it he pulled out a mug that looked very similar to champagnes own but instead of a pixel art dinosaur it was a pixel art robot. "A lot of ideas but this one was the one I landed on" Champagne mum board "I am never drinking out of anything other than this" the grouchy doctor appreciated the smile it brought his moron.
The end
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thevagabondexpress · 3 months
it does me no good (to be good to me now): ch. 10 of progress marches on
this episode: wynne is having a spectacularly bad night, and makes a lot of bad decisions. terrence is recalibrating to being himself again. collision course set, captain. word count: appx. 1.9k worth of chapter. content warning: this chapter contains mention of disassociation, foot binding, dysphoria, ptsd, related auditory flashbacks, non-con (mostly implied), all the wonderful stuff (sarcasm is deep). also some smut but that's pretty non-explicit.
"I—" Terrence looked away, at the floor to the side of her. "I don't know. I just—" He met her eyes again. "You do things that . . . I would think anyone else mad, but you're not really mad, are you? You're too methodical in your madness to truly be insane."
"How do you know that? How do you know I didn't escape here from the Basilias?"
"You act like you're doing things on impulse, like you're reckless, but if you really were as reckless and impulsive as you seem, you'd have faced awful consequences a long time ago. It's like you know just how much danger is enough, and just when to stop before you get in too deep. You're trying so hard to convince us all that you're mad, but why would you want anyone to think that? That's what I don't understand. That's what I want to know."
@tleeaves @chaosandtwo @quantummeep @oursoulstheyplay @faithfromanewperspective @caterpillarinacave
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ohkraken-a · 3 years
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Director Basilia Atilana Goytia y Berrios edits ( 1 / ? )
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ohkraken-a · 3 years
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Director Basilia Atilana Goytia y Berrios edits ( 2 / ? )
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