#//CHORUS OF FISTS__Various muses
bladedalchemistreplica · 11 months
Activity level: Hiatus
Accepting level: Non-Selective
Event-Current: EMPTY
Future event: EMPTY
Questions: ask box open__
Friendly towards: Crossover, OC's, outside of Voltron fandom(s), same characters of muses and other AUs/realities, Multiverse-e.t.c…
M!A: N/A-Open
Pages up: About mun || Guidelines ||Basics
|| MAIN Muse ||Secondary muse(s)|| **Links below*
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Side blog_Main- @fadednorth || Branched off @themisplacedtruth-vld [[Seperate thing so-not connected to any events]]
Please be aware that if you haven't seen Voltron; legendary defender and is interested in watching it or are watching it currently there may be spoilers
Blog[[ I work longer days on the route, so I won’t do a lot of thread responses, so asks can be sent in for a queue response. Not all will be reserved for those days but it’s a little treat until I do more! This is also for longer responses and artwork/responses with asks! 8/31/23-updated
Muses for each verse or ones I play will be located under here. More may come int he future!
[[click names for more info if you wish ^^
ALFOR ||__MAIN-overall
THACE ||__secondary
Muse tag dump || Locations of musss
MASTERPOST -Art-screenshots- doodles- Drabbles ||
MASTERPOST-Various asks/muse related prompts ||
MASTERPOST-Kolivan and Alfor hc/ask++Various ask/headcano posts ||
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🥃 - Alcohol! The stronger, the better, or do they have a low tolerance for those types of things? Do they drink alcohol by itself, or do they commonly have it with a meal?
This is ranked from who has the BEST handling to alcohol to the WORST handler. with some fun tidbits of intell! ((Bonus is ranked like this as well.
Even if he hasn't had a ton of experience with this substance, he does carry a naturally high tolerance for the substance. He has had this by itself, he doesn't like to do it publicly since it does carry a reflection of being a Relaxer to those who are able to get their hands on it.
[[The blades sometimes do come across the substance on rare occasions, usually if they bring back supplies in bags or crates.
He has a very high tolerance for alcohol, this is due to it being EXTREMELY common among the freedom fighters way of life,not only being associated to a comfort drink but as well being known as a social gathering type of drink. The older you are the easier it is to get a hold on the stronger stuff. Though he does prefer it with a meal if he's able to, he isn't against drinking it alone.
[[Te-osh's father would let him have a test taste of it from time to time. As he has gotten older he's become fairly well versed in different types of drinks.
She isn't as used to it as Zephrid or Ezor. But he definitely holds a better tolerance than Prince Lotor, the taste of some isn't as bad, but she does prefer the lighter stuff. usually with a meal if she'd able to have it. Though she usually drinks alone as opposed to being with others, it's her 'me-time' to sum it up. When she was younger the older galra would let her have some taste testings of many drinks, though not many would let her join them in public settings. Which may be why she isn't fond of joining her fellow generals on outings.
[[Axca tends to eat with Narti and split a drink with her. Or else she'll get a wicked headache.
Indifferent to the drink, he doesn't hate it but doesn't like it that much, he's had it a few times alone but beyond that none at all. Even the stuff offered to him on different planets with the other paladins. It makes him sick and easily dizzy. He also hates the fact it makes him so vulnerable.
[[His father would let him have sips of his own stuff, usually with a meal, either during their eating or after. ((Full stomach for the boy)
He hates the stuff but feels he must have it to fit in with the mold. It just burns his throat and causes him to become ill. Not to an extreme stance but enough to be uncomfortable. He will usually have it alone, a meal just seems to make things worse for himself.
[[He also is paranoid it would make him more vulnerable to slip ups or attacks.
Back before and during Voltron's reign, there was a special rule created for him, one of which each of his fellow paladins and Coran would follow without fault. DO. NOT. LET. HIM. DRINK. There was a time in which he would join and help himself to a drink of Daibazzal's alcohols and wines. Until they found out rather quickly how think his tolerance for the substance was.
[[He was prone to be rather fizzy and tiresome, but as well have his adventurous nature amped up 100% afterward.
Don't let her have it. A rule made for her when she had only half a cup. Even for how small it was you bet it was something to see her sleeping ontop of one of the lions. A simple mistake to never be made again.
[[On the colony there wasn't much for this substance, and if there was it was only for the adults and elders. Only enough for them to gain a high-tolerance.
She has a naturally high tolerance of it. Alcohol is a very common thing among her people and way of life, nothing too uncommon for the adults to allow the children to join them in social gatherings. However, it's nothing to overbearing and unsupervised.
Very was common among her kind, though she grew her tolerance from being with Te-osh, being able to take in enough to put even Ozar to shame. She is well-versed in different types of alcoholic beverages and styles of making them.
He isn't a fan of it but he does like it in some sodas, not all of them but some of them are quite nice. Usually if he's with his father or mother, working on a project or with Shiro.
He's come across it one, but the blade found out rather quickly how bad it tasted. After downing a container after another member brought it to him, Kolivan was not pleased to say the least...
Even as the largest of the blades, he cannot have much of it as he's found out how sick he'll get afterwards, and how fast it acts on his systems.
Not horrible, and vastly better then Alfor, He's able to handle himself well and keep his mind clear of most things, though he won't push himself beyond a few glasses.
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I know it's not freedom fighters centered but!]]
Freedom guys! What's the options on the galra? Do you hte them, want them to die? They took a lot from ye.
●●it's all fine! They need a bit of love as well ^^
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"I mean...I haven't been hear for long but they definitely know where earth is...I saw what they did to whoever they had captive...I mean...for the entertainment aspect for them and whoever was crazy enough to align with them." He blinked hard a few times before breathing in and out.
"They took a lot...a lot. I...I still don't know...what happened to my...dad." He murmured.
And if they got to earth? He hated them for everything they did, not just what they did to him, to everyone. They had a lot to pay for. Stuff he wasn't even sure he ever wanted to know of.
But then again, he lacked a lot of knowledge to the thousand year war. He didn't know if he wanted them dead or not, he wasn't there for thousands of years. But he's heard a lot of those who wished them dead, a lot of them wished them dead.
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"The war has taken its toll...but I have been through much of it with those who believed in a slice of light in the pitch of darkness...my father had always reminded me, as a child, that not all the berries are soured or rotten. Those who are born for their own learn of their own... they learn and know what they are taught." Her voice was heavy, somber, a grave look on her face.
She knew not all were with the galra's reign, but most were. The ones who had not been would be targeted, seen as a bad omen, someone they should fear and eradicate. Words always came back to her of the rare confession of targets upon lone and unaffiliated galra' backs.
Voltron's return was a sign of hope and inspiration for them. Yet, she wondered if they would care for the galra who were not directly aiding the cause, the ones who were civilians. She wondered how badly they were affected by Voltrons' return and resistance being made.
It was a difficult topic to move around. Extremely dicy, not many freedom fighters seemed to speak on those parts, not even she dared to. Not yet at least.
"Do as they have been told all their lives...and those are very long lives. I just wish for...everything to be over with, one way or another."
"I lost my husband and brother to the war. My boys lost their father. They lost half their family to those galra. Te-osh lost her father and half er' family, Ozar don't even know his parents...a lot o' us lost family...friends...brother, sisters, uncles and aunts..." rage, she remembered it so well, sadness to realizing her mother's family was all dead, her brother had died because of them, and her son's would never see their father again.
She hated them for it and promised to make things right. She had a difficult time understanding how their commander could be so-level headed at times.
But she was alive and well. She knew she had to do her part to stop the never-ending war against them. "I do want them to pay for what they took. Not from me, forneveryone here..." it hurt to not be with her sons, but it was for their future. She was glad Voltron was back and kicking Galra ass again.
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"The empire has done damage to everyone, everyone here was either...ya' know...a captive, slave, refugee, anything like that. Hard times fell for us and them. We can do what we must to help them get out of those situations and gain a few soldiers...I mean--uh, if we can...we don't force them, Commander Te-osh wouldn't ever force them." He leaned back and crossed his arms as he continued.
"They do as they are told, like we do. They follow orders and were raised that way. I don't hate them, but I hate the fact they've been doing so much to the innocent peoples of this universe...got to admit...Voltron probably helped a lot in ramping that up." Voltron was a savior when they returned, a story he'd been told and waited for.
But as they returned, the Galra had ramped their hostility up in response. Behind the paladins back, he'd seen what was done, the result of such. Yet, he couldn't blame them all. Outcome of being raised to follow your emperor, and what is right in their eyes.
"I don't want then to die. Not everyone under their fist, just one of them..." His voice was bitter as he spoke.
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All of you need a vacation
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"SOMEONE SAID IT. YES." The teen jumped up and feel to his knees, clasping his hands together before bowing and praying to whoever.
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"Vacation? At this time? Maybe...I just hope the galra can take one themselves." Even if they could, what was there to do anywhere close by? Pidge and Hunk, Lance would know. Maybe even Matt and the younger freedom fighters...
"A vacation? One of em' leaves? I'd love to imagine that, it's a nice thought but I have got work to do. The galra don't exactly sleep like a lavian...you' know that, right?" Civilians could do so, but they could not, he could not afford that.
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"With the galra empire still in function and having a boost with the displacement of our forces and depletion of the Blade of Marmora, it is highly unlikely we could have a vacation." There was work to do and blades to call in, there would be much healing before any breaks could be had.
"The thought is comforting. The younger members should have a chance of peace for their work against the empire, it would do well for their health." With how young so many soldiers were. Though he even knew it was not possible, with what has occured.
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So question, if I have a laser point and turn it on, who would chase the light? And this includes if those lions do it too.
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"A lazer?" The Blade leader threw a glance to their youngest member, who had a devious grin on. "I...would not say we have encountered such."
For a moment, he broke character, a millatick of a shift in voice. Perhaps something had occurred in the past.
"Lions chasing oversized lazers?!" A huge, remanicing yet eger grin made it way across his face.
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"Sounds like something Blatyz and Alfor would get into!" Behind him, Keith approuched and listened to what the question had been and corans response. Some curiosity in his eyes.
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"Sounds like a disaster." With how bad they were, at first, maneuvering the lions. The lions reacting to a Lazer like a cat? He could imagine the chaos that could and would bring to them all.
Pidge and Hunk were throwing glances at one another, he knew the smiles they were getting. And it made him worried.
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