#// just thought 'dheginsea tall' and then everything else sprouted from that
knighteclipsed · 3 months
♡ he cannot stop me from sending this he is powerless in this ask>:D
am i going in order? no. do i care? not really tbh
send me a ♡ and i’ll make up a fankid (open for probs just another 24 hours)
motherfucker is huge
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Name: Alastair
Gender: M (cis, he/him)
Class: Warrior
A loud and bold individual with a strong sense of justice. A boy with no restraint despite his parents and circumstances.
Appearance and Personality
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Alastair is oh-so loud. He’s so so loud it’s a problem sometimes, even. It’s a trained skill for him to keep his mouth shut for longer than ten seconds around other people—at least he’s able to filter what he says? Sort of? He’s got a good heart, at least.
Not that one could tell at first glance. He takes after Dheginsea’s monstrous height, reaching a bit taller than the short dad (I say, knowing Valter is much taller than I, the mun)—Valter has a problem with this. He does not say so. Stacked on top of that height, he likes to pack on muscles—Alastair may not be an actual laguz, but he likes the idea of using his bare fists to fight all the same. Heroic!
The child was spared the baldness genes though it seems—though, perhaps just for now? Changes what he does with his hair daily since he can’t make up his mind. At the very minimum, during fights, he knows how to keep it out of his face.
His brand on his left shoulder, which oddly enough stays covered most of the time! Though some folks suspect he might be branded (tbh, he looks a lot like the royal dragons [shrug]), his presence is usually intimidating enough that no one tries anything—or, you know, if they find out he’s kind, that only makes them all the more afraid! Loud little (big) gremlin.
Definitely the type of guy to wrestle wyverns for fun. Would also probably suplex Valter if that dad would stay in place long enough to get slammed.
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The type of kid to get into a lot of fights when he was young! Very headstrong type of person who didn’t understand the complexities of courts and castles and whatnot: good is good and bad is bad, right? Just act accordingly!
This went well hand-in-hand with his parents being generally protective of him—branded and whatnot. Aside from just wanting to be strong to do good, he wanted to ease the load off of them a bit; make it so he’s able to hold his own. He also ends up being pretty protective of those who are important to him: he’s super blunt about it though. I don’t know what else to tell you.
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Fist-fighter all the way! It might not be the smartest decision, but he’s all for throwing himself head-first into battle and punching his way through! His parents don’t know how he wound up like this.
Aside from straight-up brawling though, he’s also an axe type of guy—Valter tried once to make him a lance user, but Alastair… was not very interested in doing anything more than swinging around a weapon with no rhyme or reason. Fights pretty darn good though—with an axe. And his fists.
Good for him, though! He did not inherit the ‘I like hurting people’ gene! I think it might’ve canceled out with the ‘I want to protect people’ part and then there were some leftovers. Still gets enthralled by battle, but Al’s more interested in the adrenaline rush than actually inflicting pain on his opponents. So long as he wins, that’s all that matters!
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He’s an oddly intuitive individual—trusts his gut and doesn’t tend to be wrong! Alastair likes to do what he can to help people, though he generally prefers manual labor and knocking about some louts to the sort of tasks that require thinking. Gets along well with folks who aren’t out to get him—who would’ve guessed?—but he’s also stubborn in his judgments of people. Once he forms an opinion of you, it’s hard to change—good or bad.
The map where you recruit him would have him engaging with a group of bandits all by himself—secondary to the main objective of the map. Whether you help him out or not doesn’t change much and he’s actually able to manage himself well! Makes good use of his terrain and knows how to avoid biting off more than he can chew. Actually recruiting him is very easy though: have any allied unit talk to him and the conversation will end up with him having a positive opinion of them. Or it’s negative and he joins you to keep an eye on that person. There’s no in between.
Unique dialogue against both parents, of course, though only Valter would counter (Valter is a menace; I asked Wild about Dheginsea). Would feel bad about attacking them, especially since he finds it hard to believe they’re bad people—part of that unwavering opinion thing combined with the fact that they are his family—but what must be done must be done, and he’d rather put in the hard work and effort than leave it to somebody else. Call it one final spar, hm?
Also as a bonus! The chibi where I designed him + a domesticated Valter for height reference (Valter is 6'0 flat).
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