lixyarts · 6 months
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lixyarts · 6 months
Homemade Scar Wax
A few tips and tricks I've learned in my time of making homemade scar wax.
I am in no way in shape or form a professional, just someone who picked SFX makeup up as a hobby.
There's a couple of recipes I've found, and both are pretty similar except for a few key differences. Both of them are pretty much a wing it processes, but it is a bit easier if you have them. I will link them as I go so you can go and watch them. However, if you're like me and prefer to read instructions, I'll sum them up for you.
Recipe #1 - Vaseline
Vaseline (petroleum jelly would work best)
Closed storage container
Foundation (optional)
Start by mixing 1 half flour and 1 half vaseline into a bowl until completely blended together
Your scar wax shouldn't be sticky or crumbly. If sticky, slowly add flour until playdough-almost texture and vice-versa for if it's crumbly
Store in closed container
Instructions for Use
Apply layer of liquid latex to area of application
Apply scar wax and shape to your liking
Smooth out edges using vaseline
Apply foundation on top
Recipe #2 - Vegetable Oil
(This is the one I use/used and have more personal experience with)
Vegetable oil (or any oil, this is just most common)
Closed container
Start with 1 part flour and 1 part oil and mix, adjust as needed. Your scar wax shouldn't melt or crumble when held. If melting, add more flour and vice-versa if crumbling.
Mix until satisfied with consistency
Store in closed container in cold environment (fridge)
Instructions for Use
Apply layer of liquid latex to area of application
Apply scar wax and shape preferred shape, use oil to smooth and mold
Wipe excess oil
Apply foundation on top
My Personal Tips
School glue works well as an adhesive in a pinch or allergy to latex
Oil based scar wax doesn't need adhesive if blended enough
Oil based scar waxed won't perish if not stored in a cold environment. It's just harder to work with
Don't use much oil/vaseline to mold, just enough to coat your tool thinly. All using more will do is disintegrate your scar wax
You need to be very careful wiping away excess oil/vasaline from when you were molding. I know it seems very tempting to use a cotton pad for this, but do not. Resist the temptation. Use a paper towel very gently or a Q-tip or a cloth, anything that will not fall apart while wiping up excess (I can not tell you how many looks I've messed up by doing this, it never works with cotton pads.)
Be even more careful applying foundation to both. They don't act exactly the same as actual scar wax
Oil based will suck up powders like it's no tomorrow, perfect for burnt looks
Vaseline based scar wax dries and can be worn on areas that have lots of movement (ex: cheekbones) with minimal cracking
Oil based scar wax never truly dries and can only be used on areas with little movement (ex: forearm) as it is more prone to cracking
So, essentially,
Vaseline based: good for on the go, like Halloween or conventions and semi long-term use
Oil based: good for photos and short-term use use
I hope this will have helped someone! Thanks for reading! <3
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lixyarts · 6 months
Ever feel like a zoo animal prowling the edges of its enclosure late into the night while watching the night shift guards dangle food in front of your face? That's vibe tonight, babes. Expect updates tonight for anything.
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lixyarts · 6 months
Gore Trigger Warning
Seriously, my main form of art is special effects makeup with a heavy focus on wounds. If you can't handle the sight of (fake) blood or skin, please DNR or leave. Thanks!
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lixyarts · 9 months
Hey! I have apparently become an amateur SFX makeup artist now, so that's fun. This page has been dead for a while, but I'm planning on posting my progress and things I learn while desperately trying to make good art, lol. Hopefully it's entertaining-
Anyway, I refuse to watch a YouTube video on how to do anything because I have the attention span of a toddler for videos. So any tips anyone is willing to share will be amazing!
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lixyarts · 2 years
Bakugou Katsuki My Hero Academia
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lixyarts · 2 years
Why do you reblog your own fics so much?
Because someone might as well!? And look at this. Look. At. This.
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Does this look right to you??
These are just the last three fics I wrote. I appreciate the likes, believe me I do, but you have to understand. Likes do nothing for content creators. It’s the reblogs. Because that’s how you find shit on your dashboard. Through reblogs. Not likes. This isn’t twitter or tiktok or instagram. This is a website that’s run by the reblog system.
Reblogging helps content creators put their stuff out there. Why do you think so many people stopped writing fanfic and creating beautiful fanart and edits? It’s because they put in hours of work and don’t get nearly enough notes for their masterpieces. Yes we do this because we enjoy it but like…some validation won’t hurt. A boost of confidence here and there might be all someone needs to finish whatever thing they started and left.
Anyway, I’m still going to reblog my shit…
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lixyarts · 2 years
Anya Forger
Spy X Family
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lixyarts · 2 years
Chalk pastel skull
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Kayo Hinazuki from Erased
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lixyarts · 2 years
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Art I did inspired by the song Devil Town by Cavetown
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lixyarts · 2 years
Kenya Kobayashi from Erased
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lixyarts · 2 years
Mei Hatsume one of my favorite characters
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