#&&. not-so-pretty boy | xander
haunted-xander · 2 months
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It's Riku! Riku's here!
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sieglinde-freud · 2 months
i love playing fire emblem heroes and completely ignoring my objectively good units in order to make this one guy who fucking sucks mildly useable bc i like that they stuck him in pastels and bunny ears. #meta #gamer
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lilbitosunny · 2 years
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Xander's angry >:3
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elysianholly · 4 months
This fucking guy
My villain origin story is people claiming that Riley's biggest crime in the series was being boring. He wasn't just boring. He was a passive-aggressive chauvinist who the show bent over backward to defend. A while back on Reddit, I made a list of reasons why Riley sucks. This is that list, and I'm adding to it.
The only reason he punches Parker is because Parker is mouthing off about a girl Riley likes. Everything about this interaction suggests that Riley has heard him say similar before, and hasn't cared until the woman in question was someone he had a vested interest in.
He calls Buffy stupid for not wanting to date him (if this guy slid into your DMs and called you stupid for turning him down, lbr, this would not lead into a healthy, lasting romance)
He immediately puts himself in competition with Buffy. Even at his most inoffensive, he says things like "I don't even know if I could take you."
He has an inherently chauvinistic view of the world (established in The Initiative)
He is upset that Buffy had a significant relationship before she knew him and assumes Buffy boinked Angel in The Yoko Factor
He uses abuser language to excuse his shitty behavior like, "I love you so much I can't think straight."
He decides that Buffy doesn't love him all by himself
When he decides that Buffy doesn't love him, he confides in Xander and doesn't communicate his relationship issues with Buffy
He wants to help Buffy but only in jobs that are "manly." In No Place Like Home, for instance, he nopes out when Buffy suggests he help with the spell to identify what might be wrong with Joyce. Even if there wasn't a lot for him to do, he could, idk, stick around to be moral support for his partner who is trying to figure out what might be attacking her mother. That seems like a pretty standard partner thing to do.
He gets upset that Buffy "doesn't get all worked up over him" the way she did with Angel when "getting all worked up" in CONTEXT means "isn't constantly miserable."
He is sad boi at Buffy in OoMM for also prioritizing her mother's health after she believes Riley is healed rather than sticking around to play nursemaid
He wants Buffy to show emotion over Joyce at a time when Buffy literally cannot (if you've never had a parent in the hospital with a life-threatening illness, maybe you don't know that there are times/places to break down and "in the hospital" where you're supposed to be strong isn't one of them)
He doesn't care that his girlfriend's mother is sick, possibly with something life-threatening; he cares that he got to be the hero of the piece, the shoulder for Buffy to cry on. His only reaction to any of that was to be hurt that Buffy didn't respond the way he thought she should; no concern for her well-being or Joyce's, just Riley getting his feelings hurt because he wasn't the center of Buffy's universe or the rock for her to lean on when all went to pieces
This is further confirmed by the way he just doesn't mention Joyce's absence at all in As You Were. When he leaves Sunnydale, it's after Joyce has had a successful operation. He returns and she's not there and no questions? No condolences? It's because he doesn't care.
He doesn't ask about Buffy's death when she lets him know she died.
He starts separating himself from the Scoobies and then gets mad for not being included
He literally cheats on Buffy with vampire sex workers (there are people who say they were not sex workers, but in a show where monsters are metaphors, you have to be especially dense or willfully obtuse to not realize this is what they are)
Riley intentionally puts himself in a position where he might be killed or turned specifically to SPITE BUFFY, which demonstrates his lack of consideration for what she might have to do later if things go bad
Riley blames Buffy for being roofied by Dracula (again, monsters as metaphor)
He never apologizes or owns that he was unfaithful
He blames his infidelity on Buffy, actually
The first time Buffy learns Riley isn't happy, she's told she should've seen it, which is classic victim blaming and happens from Xander AND Riley (and a good amount of fans who want to excuse that behavior)
He is fine with torturing sentient creatures, and in fact had a stake made specifically so he could torture vampires without killing them
He goes behind Buffy's back all the time
Riley was not boring. If he were boring, he would be inoffensive. Dull to watch but not rage-inducing. But he is rage-inducing because, despite all the passive-aggressive gaslighting bullshit he gets away with, people in this fandom still believe he was "Buffy's best boyfriend." That she was to blame for the deterioration of this relationship. That he was the healthiest of the Buffyverse men. The show does, too. That's why Xander (Wh*don's mouthpiece) gives that sanctimonious little speech to Buffy (the audience in this case) in Into the Woods to scold us for not treating Riley better. Then they double down in As You Were to make Buffy fawn all over herself to let this gaslighting asshole off the hook for everything he put her through.
Riley's sin is not being boring. It's that he was actually awful. Wh*don himself once called Riley a "healthy relationship" for Buffy, and if that doesn't tell you something, there's no talking to you.
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judgmental-eyebrows · 2 months
I’ve seen so much excellent gethan discourse, I need to throw this little idea into the ring.
Imagine that Ethan comes meandering back to town in season 6. He escaped from the Initiative awhile back, and decided it would be fun to come and annoy his best friend ex boyfriend former partner in crime Giles. Y’know. As a lover of chaos magic does.
But Giles has left, gone back to England. So, Ethan runs across Buffy and has a Thought. Maybe he thinks that if word gets back to Giles that he’s hanging around his Slayer he’ll come back, or he wants to prove something to Giles, or it’s just too good of a chance to pass up. He could lie, and say that he’s there because Giles told him to keep an eye out, but who would believe that?
So Ethan stays in Sunnydale and proclaims himself to be Buffy’s new unofficial Watcher.
It solves more problems than it causes, which is weird for everyone:
The trio of evil nerds are dealt with very quickly—they’re amateurs, and their work is just uninspiring.
Rack leaves town, having had a run in (that he does NOT wish to repeat) with Ethan years ago.
Willow’s still a bit shaky with the magic from time to time, but she, Tara, and Anya are so busy keeping him from stealing supplies from the Magic Box that she really doesn’t have much of a chance to do any major spells.
Xander has an honest talk with Anya after Ethan sprinkles hexed glitter in his work gloves.
While Buffy is really not pleased that Ethan is so persistent in sticking around, social services have been suspiciously absent lately… but it probably has nothing to do with Ethan standing outside her house and muttering something about “ignorance” and “overlooking”, while waving his hands, right?
Ethan is delighted by Buffy and Spike—they get into the best sort of trouble together. As he tells Buffy, he’s always had a soft spot for a bad boy, especially one with such pretty eyes. Spike’s flattered, and Buffy’s not sure if Ethan is seriously flirting with her vampire (and looking for a broken nose), or trying to irritate her. Either way, she’s not taking any chances.
When Giles returns (for whatever reason—Anya and Xander’s successful wedding? In expectation of the spring apocalypse?) he’s flabbergasted to see Ethan sipping his good liquor at the Magic Box.
“Ah hello, love,” Ethan says smoothly. “Since you left so abruptly and without instructions, I presumed custody over the various children. Join me for a drink?”
Dawn and Anya protest the most at being referred to as children, Spike says something about the number of British gents in the room, and Buffy flings her arms around her stunned Watcher’s neck.
“You have no idea how glad I am to see you. He’s the most annoying, obnoxious man I’ve ever met!”
“Yeah,” Xander pipes in, “and she’s dating Spike.”
“Speaking of dating…” Willow starts. “How come you never told us that you and Ethan—?”
And with that, Rupert Giles turns and leaves. He’ll come back in about five minutes, in the hopes that it was all an elaborate daydream.
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silly-little-gooses · 26 days
random tig headcanons pt.3!
I haven’t done these in a while, so let’s go!
~ all of the hawthorne brothers have dimples. jameson and xander’s are really prominent and nash’s are more subtle. grayson never smiles, so only a few people are sure about his.
~ avery hates dust jackets on books and takes them off every time. it doesn’t matter how pretty it is, it’s annoying.
~ part of nash’s personality is what I like to call “grandma nash”. he calls everyone ‘sweetheart’, he knows how to knit, he plays candy crush, he doesn’t know how to take a selfie, and his hearing isn’t great.
~ jameson loves dogs and always asks to pet a dog whenever he sees one. he’s not scared of any dog, big or small.
~ grayson likes to act all tough like he’s immune to everything but in reality, he has a bunch of allergies and is severely allergic to nuts, fish/shellfish, and blackberries. he’s also lactose intolerant.
~ max has an auditory processing disorder and can never hear what people are saying correctly. she’s the friend that asks ‘what?’ every time you say something.
~ while jameson loves to drink, avery hates the taste of alcohol and never drinks. she’s always the designated driver at parties and events.
~ jameson can do a bunch of crazy voice impressions - kermit the frog, elmo, kronk, and a bunch of other celebrities and cartoon characters.
~ when xander is in the sun for a long period of time, you can see that he has quite a lot of freckles and they’re so cute.
~ when the hawthorne brothers were little, tobias constructed a massive indoor playground for them to play on as kids. they still play on it as adults. ~ libby likes to do nash’s eyeliner, and god, does he look good
~ max cannot spell for her *life*. her texts to avery always look like gibberish and no one can tell what she’s trying to say.
~ grayson hated middle school pe but jameson was that one boy that was just a complete show-off. he could do a hundred push ups and sit ups, run the mile in five minutes, do the most laps on the pacer, etc. it made all the ladies swoon ofc.
~ oren is the KING of just dance, convince me otherwise. xander is a close second place.
~ avery is a ravenclaw, jameson is a gryffindor, nash is a hufflepuff, grayson is a slytherin, xander is a hufflepuff, max is a gryffindor, and libby is a hufflepuff!
that’s all I have for now, byeeee! <3
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herondalesbooklover · 4 months
Phone girl × Hawthornes headcanons
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So finally I am making the headcanons that I wanted to make.
She doesn't like Jameson at first, and neither does he like her. She thinks he is the typical rich boy that gets away with things just because he is rich, and he doesn't trust her.
They can't have a conversation without roasting each other.
They eventually become besties.
Phone girl might not be very competitive, but when it comes to competing against him she likes to win.
When Jameson needs a relationship advice he goes to talk to her.
Phone girl loves Xander like a little brother, and treats him like that too.
When she met him, she thought he was adorable like a puppy.
They are karaoke partners. They also like dancing together.
They are pretty childish together.
Phone girl felt comfortable around him right away.
Xander showed her all the Starwars movies, and she became obssessed with them.
Nash adopted her as his sister (like he does with everyone) though they have a more equal relationship.
Nash calls her little lady (idk why, but I think it is cute), and she calls him cowboy.
Nash is her favorite Hawthorne.
They have long and meaningful conversations.
He gave her a red cowboy hat.
Nash was the first Hawthorne she trusted.
Stylish couple. They match outfits.
He is gonna save her life at some point (because my gray needs to save someone to heal apparently).
They go to coffee shops once a week.
They stay late together working.
He teaches her how to swim.
Forehead kisses and late night swimming sessions.
Both are pretty protective.
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riddles-n-games · 5 months
You know what we’ve been really missing out on? A dance headcanon. It may have crossed your mind at some point or you have never thought of it, but trust me you actually have, so here you go and you’re welcome.
We’ve certainly gotten sprinkles (read: karaoke scene, I mean, we were about to get FED and bam Grayson pity party) of such things throughout the series but not in any outright way as is the case with many of the things that could give us more background on the Hawthorne brothers. (Why you holding out on us JLB??? Huh?!) Anyways, here. Read.
Nash-He does line dancing, I mean, you should have seen that one coming. He's basically the country star of his family and he owns it to the fullest; he's literally one of Taylor Swift's back up dancers for goodness' sake. Nash's favorite version of line dance is square dancing and being the sweetheart he is, he will go to retirement homes on dance nights and be one of the choreographers or partners to help the old folks who want to dance. Of course, when there's a festival, that's when he really gets down. But, this might surprise you; he's also had a stint with hip hop and he's pretty darn good at it. He can do the dougie for sure. In fact, he got so good at hip hop that he also started adding his own style to it and gave it his country flare at freestyle competitions (Jamie and Xander's minds were blown, at first, before the big brother cool wore off that is but they were still impressed🤭).
Grayson-All of them learned how to do ballroom dancing (mainly waltz) but someone had to be the best of them, too. Enter Grayson Hawthorne. He is certainly the go-to brother for these types of dances but he excels at tango and waltz which also give him his greatest enjoyment. Certainly, at school events, he was always sought after during the slow songs and was always leading man for the school's ballroom team. It was the one chance the ladies were allowed to swoon without a certain redhead ruining everything. Though he competed nationally and worldwide, he preferred the simple entry level competitions for the sake of the peace. It was also more fun. He also challenged himself by learning flamenco and he was enamored by it, loving the fast steps and quick changes from one thing to another. However, his grandfather wanted him to push it further since he was already pursuing the dance so he wanted him to do competitions and as much as he put his heart and soul into it, Gray hated doing competitions when he wanted to do this for fun. After his grandfather died, he quit comps and stopped dancing flamenco for a while but his brothers (read: Xander) have been encouraging him to take it up again as a fun hobby. He's been warming up to the idea.
Jameson-Should it really come as a surprise that this boy can tap dance? Because, yes, he can and he is damn proud of it. It’s a favorite party trick of his to pull on the dance floor or in the middle of the club and he’s always tearing it up. He also loves Irish stepdance and after watching the famous Riverdance live, Jameson was obsessed. That was how he and Xander ended up being trained by the very Riverdance company itself and they trained for two years until Xan no longer expressed interest but Jamie got good enough that he even went on tour with them. Also, he's been expanding his repertoire with street dancing, mambo, and most recently disco due to a certain someone's obsession with the 70s.
Xander-Despite Gray being the undisputed king of ballroom in the family, his youngest brother still takes to the swing better than anyone. He has been the most enthusiastic about it and loves the energy which matches him well in every aspect of the dance. Unlike his brother, competing never really bothered him and this is actually one of the things that he gets him into a perfectionist complex. He was a junior world champ on two occasions and now is teaching Max how to do it. On the more casual side of casual side of things, he also knows how to shag which is one of his favorite things to do on little dates with Maxine when they aren't going anywhere. And, of course, being the most sporadic of his brothers, Xander always shocks people when he tells them he also has done ballet. He never got to become a principal dancer as a junior dancer but he did get to do a few pas de deux and was a soloist when he was with the Texas Ballet Theater. His favorite ballets are The Nutcracker and Don Quixote; he appreciates Swan Lake but hates the unhappy versions.
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raisedbythetv89 · 26 days
joss's sick obsession with not just causing pain and suffering - but punishment and humiliation to his "pretty popular girl" archetype characters aka Buffy and Cordelia and his favoritism of the most horrible mediocre white men aka riley, xander, and angel is never more apparent than in Into the Woods
The writers opted not for the FANTASTIC call back to season 1 with owen and Never Kill a Boy on the First Date when Buffy says "two days in my world and owen really would get himself killed…. or I'd get him killed… or someone else...."
which set them up perfectly for the road map of Buffy's attempt at a "normal" relationship that angel, her mother, and the scoobies keep trying to push her to have (when she's not normal herself so of course it's gonna be a disaster which is soooooo trying to force a queer person to be straight coded which is why spuffy is inherently queer on top of them both being canonically bisexual because Buffy embracing her love of Spike is embracing her inherent queerness)
But could you IMAGINE how amazing it would have been for season 1 to have foreshadowed riley being turned at the suck house (because literally all that evil in Sunnydale and NO ONE takes the opportunity to turn the slayer's boyfriend into the perfect secret weapon to take her and her whole family out??? PLEASE)
Then vamp riley almost killing Dawn and her mother (because Dawn would be the one tricked into inviting him in as a call back to Dawn accidentally inviting Harmony in and Buffy saying she's gonna get us all killed plus angel tricking his little sister into inviting him in once he was turned)
Buffy is forced to kill him after pleading with him to remember he loves her or any part of who he was (which would further show how exceptional Spike's ability to form a truce with Buffy, keep it, and fall in love with her all without a soul is)
Making riley her second (third if we count ford being left for dead and then having to dust him) turned evil boyfriend she's forced to kill.
Buffy would still be DEVASTATED and it's Buffy so she'd still punish and blame herself even though it'd be all riley's fault (demonstrating how this storyline would still cause immense pain for Buffy and be very high stakes drama for the plot but again joss elected for humiliation having Buffy literally chase after the man who was cheating on her with vampires while she was dealing with a sick mother and a hell god after her sister. Favoring a white man's character over the best plot line)
All while also further setting up her and Spike's relationship because of the "if that's what I wanted I'd be dating Spike" of it all which was her basically saying if I didn't want normal, Spike would be who I'd choose and now she's tried to be normal and he got killed, almost killed her family and then she had to kill him just like season 1 Buffy knew would happen when she broke things off with owen!!
AND the poetic irony of her trying to be “normal” and it ends with the exact same result?? The lesson being that rejecting who you are is not the answer and the only true answer is self acceptance because pain will happen no matter what so might as well love and embrace yourself ???
BUT NOOOOOOO the writers aka joss opted for riley's narrative to be that he's a hero and a good guy always, no matter what because joss has a big fat crush on marc and guys like him, angel and oz all get written off by treating women like shit without being villainized for it at all and then leaving. Getting to go on to live rich and fulfilling lives while Kendra, Tara, Cordy, and Anya are all violently killed off with barely any time spent grieving their deaths by more than one character..... (I haven't ever been able to finish ats so I don't know how much this applies to cordy's but my guess is the pattern didn't change much)
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fallenlightsif · 1 year
So who would your romance options romance in other games?
Okay, here’s the ask I messed up posting last night lol! This took way longer than I wanted it to because it was really hard to decide!
Florian: I think I’ve said this before (?) but Arthur from @the-kingshound because he’s very loving and supportive and Florian definitely needs that. He’s also an example of nobility that isn’t toxic, which Flor also desperately needs (that and a hug).
Marcella: K de la Renta from Golden by @milaswriting because she’d want to find out what was beneath the surface and proceed to fall ass over feet in love (as she does).
E: Kallias from @greatprotector-if because they might actually be a good influence. E is so repressed and would be hella flustered so it’d be hilarious. Then again, E is also used to being a babysitter so it fits.
Ari: Jun Hyuga from @mata-aetara-if because she loves a challenge. She could beat his ass and then proceed to heal him when he’s being an idiot, so obviously it’s a match made in heaven.
Dimitri: Gotta be Xander from @unwilling-souls-if because he’d want to know why he’s like that and he’d be intrigued by him and then trip and fall into love lmfao.
Orion: He would totally romance someone like Sebastian from @infamous-if because at his core he’s a sucker for sweet and slow romances with lots of longing. Honorable mention to Orion also from Infamous because that would be funny and very confusing.
Rowan: Noah from Novaturient by @kalorphic because, let’s be real, Rowan is moronsexual. They’d also totally help with the taking over the world thing; that’s definitely a Rowan thing to do.
Kira: Hannie Blackthorne from @thrill-seeker-if because she loves a good rivalry and would also make them hand made knitted goods with fae magic. Would protect them with her life.
Cier: I think Grayson Donohue by @if-mirrormine because he longs for that kind of devotion and loyalty. Would be just as loyal in return and also would love the cuddling.
Ilaria: This one was especially hard but I landed on Marco from Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff because he might actually be able to make her smile. She’d fall pretty hard and fast after that.
Ezrah: Levi Harcourt from The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim because he totally has a thing for haunted boys that are good at cuddling.
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dixonsemoboy · 26 days
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xan/xander, ftm, he/him, ur fav living dead boy
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NEEDY MORNING || ୨୧ || ftm reader, smut
DARYL W/ SOMNO KINK || ୨୧ || ftm reader, smut
DARYL W/ SIZE KINK || ୨୧ || ftm reader, smut, drabble
BOYDAD! DARYL || ୨୧ || ftm reader, fluff (with moodboard)
COMFORT || ୨୧ || ftm reader, fluff, sad
MEAN DARYL || ୨୧ || ftm reader, smut, drabble
SUBBY DARYL || ୨୧ || male reader, smut, drabble
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS || ୨୧ || feminine ftm, moodboard
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i will NOT write:
fem! reader, it's uncomfortable for me to write and since i'm male i can't apply myself to the story. no fun in it for me.
any weird kinks, scat, piss, feet, etc (i doubt there's any of u out there who even fw those anyway)
underage reader with smut (ew...)
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i WILL write:
male reader, mainly ftm because that's what i am.
gn! reader.
fluff, smut, angst
pretty much any kinks besides the ones listed up above, i'm open to most things and trust, i'm a freak.
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i'm a beginner writer, so excuse me if what i write isn't the best. i'm still improving.
daryl is a switch imo, so i can write him as submissive or dominant
this is a strictly norman centered page, i only write for his characters. he's the only man ever. 🎀
don't come into my inbox talking about sum "daryl's straight, daryl's straight!!" cuz trust me i do not gaf. mind your own business.
feel free to send me asks!! my inbox is pretty empty rn.
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spectres-fulcrum · 4 months
I did finish binging the Alexander docuseries last night but by the end I had a migraine so I went to bed early and just hung out on my phone cause my mind was so not up for bed but it was the most light my head could handle(If I didn't move).
Overall, I did really enjoy it and I learned a lot. I didn't care much for the battles of Alexander in my fandom days, caring more for the relationships and people around him. I also just find imagining action pretty hard. I'm semi okay with Star Wars battles in space but I've like. grown up with them. They don't count. So I learned a lot about Alexander the tactician I think.
And I really did love the acted parts. Like can we get a full drama on Alexander, some TV network???? It could be SO LONG. Cause if there's one thing about Alexanders, they will never sastifyed. The Great, Hamilton, Claremont-Diaz, Kallus. Also: I hated the nicknames Heph and Alex(It's Phai and Xander thank you very much) but the stupid nickname Ptol grew on me. Ptol is so stupid but so cute. But I will never shut up about the lake make out scene cause it's so perfect and Phai giving Xander a place to be human and back out is so perfect.
I really did love the Persian parts too. It was great contrast, and perhaps happiness. Love between Stateira and Darius, luxury, Stateira's actions driven to protect her daughter in contrast to Phillip disowning Alexander when Alexander didn't like him siding with Attalus hoping his new wife would grant him a son, Barsine having to grow up so quickly. Memnon is always love for me and they did him very well. Darius deserved so much better than to be slain by a traitor. I could rant about Hephaestion being in Babylon after the death and how if that was accurate then in my fanfic where he and Drypetis fell in love during the Persian campagin then I could've used that for a good scene but it wasn't accurate so it was all hurt/no romantic comfort :(((((( And I'm kinda salty they changed that up not knowing what they were missing. But I'm not going to rant. (She had Bagoas though at least!)
I wanted so much more. Wanted Aristotle and the boys at Mieza and the flashbacks to taming Bucephalus(I cannot be bothered to check if that is the correct spelling) and more of the Persian royal family(Drypetis! Being strong during Stateira's death! Sisygambis!) and Bagoas and mentions of Phai being Xander's Patroclos and oh and Darius's brother and his daughter Amastris in the baggage train and more of the companions(Not including Leonnatus is a crime imo. Just cause I like Leonnatus).
Like I recognize they needed a small cast but also-a girl can dream. A girl can dream of what she was teased with. One day, maybe we'll get a proper series. *le sigh* I did really like that Lloyd historian guy too.
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hathorneheiress · 3 months
Forgotten pictures of the past
14 years ago
The patter of running feet could be heard throughout the massive halls of Hawthorne House, as the grand walls echoed in childish laughter.
Two young boys at the age of six and five running after each other at full speed. The younger lad was ahead of the older. Mischievous green eyes sparkled as fairly flew down the halls. Dark brown hair falling into his lightly tanned face.
"You're never going to catch me!" He squealed in excitement.
"Don't be so sure." The older lad was running almost as fast as his younger brother. Steely grayish blue eyes gave him a determination like no other. Light, wavy blond hair also was flying into his perfectly chiseled face. 
Both ran on and on. Whenever the older lad seem to catch up with his brother, the other seem to get burst of speed. Making the game of tag go on longer then usual.
It wasn't until they were in one of the smaller rooms, but by no means less elegant, that the younger lad, Jameson, looked behind him to see how far his older brother, Grayson, was. Unfortunately, it caused him to trip.
 If it was any old game of tag, Grayson would have tapped Jameson. But it wasn't just any old game where the Hawthornes were concerned. And Grayson couldn't just tap Jameson. No. It involved jumping on top of him and tackling him. For a moment they rolled around the ground, grappling for control.
Grayson won.
With Grayson on top, they had a silent staring contest. Mentally daring the other to look away. Grayson lost this time.
As ever the Gentleman, Grayson reached down and helped his brother up.
"You can't tag me again." He insisted. "You know the rules. You can only tag the same person two times before finding someone else. I've been tagged twice. And by you!" Grayson explained. "Go find Xander or Nash."
"Well, I don't know where they are." Jameson whined.
"Not my problem." Grayson insisted. "You can't tag me again."
"Fine." Jameson huffed. "I'm sure Xander is in the kitchen. That should be easy."
Grayson watched as Jameson ran out in full speed. Maybe he should hide? He thought. So my brothers don't find me.
As he was contemplating this thought, he happened to glance out the window, overlooking the well kept garden.
Sitting in a white basket chair and dressed in a flowery summer dress was his mother, Skye. He didn't know why, but he could feel the breath in his throat catch. There was something about her. She looked so beautiful. So pretty.
As he was silently admiring his mother's beauty, he noticed she was posing for a painter. No wonder she dressed her best. Not that she didn't, mind you.
It was then that he realized he wanted to capture it to. For himself.
Quickly running to another room, he knew what he needed: a pencil and paper. 
It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for. Quickly he jumped back into the chair. Leaning over the desk, his eyes scanned over his mother's figure.
He was no professional drawer by any means, but he was very talented and he was a Hawthorne. And a Hawthorne was expected to extraordinary, even at the tender age of six.
Taking the pencil in his hand he began to slowly and methodically draw the outline. He barely knew he was doing but didn't care. It was oddly relaxing.
The sun was beginning to set by the time Skye was done. Unfortunately, Grayson wasn't. But it was ok, because he had most of outline down. You could tell it was Skye.
A sense of pride came over him. Had he really just done that? It looked so real and life-like. The plain paper was becoming a masterpiece.
He was carefully adding the waves to the hair when Jameson came running up beside him. "Gray," he said breathlessly, "it's dinner time."
"I'll be just minute." 
"We need to be there now. The old man said to get your butt down here." Then Jameson noticed what his brother was doing. "That's nice." he said softly. Before Grayson could register his brother's uncharacteristic niceties, Jameson was gone in a flash.
Sighing, he purposely set his pencil down and quickly made his to the massive dining room. Everyone was already seated.
Trying to fade in, Grayson solemnly took his seat. He knew he was late, and he knew the old man knew he was late. And Grayson wasn't allowed to be late.
No one said anything, but he knew from the brief look his grandfather gave him they would talk later. There was surely going to be a consequence for his tardiness.  
The old man finished first. Grayson could feel the old man's eyes on him as he rose from the table. 
"Grayson." he said, his voice neither harsh or gentle.
Grayson met his grandfather's eyes. "Yes sir?"
"When you are done meet me in the small sitting room int he west wing. You know what I am talking about."
Grayson knew exactly what he meant. "Yes sir." he acknowledged.
Any appetite he had instantly disappeared. Five minutes he discretely excused himself. With a knot in his stomach, he made his way up to the room, taking the secret passageway. Cracking open the swinging bookcase he saw his grandfather standing near a burning fireplace. He watched in silent horror as he saw the old man throw a piece of paper in the fire. No doubt the picture he had drawn and sketched by his own hands.
A part of Grayson wanted to run away, going to go sob into his bed. But he didn't. Even at six, he was raised to be the best, emotionless being his grandfather wished. 
Confidently, like he hadn't seen what had just happened, he pushed opened the secret door. "You wished to see me." 
The old man turned. "I did. Come here." Grayson silently obeyed.  "You know why I called you up here, right?"
Grayson nodded.
"Because I was late." He looked down. 
Tobias took his grandson's chin in his hand, lifting it up till Grayson's eyes met his. "I don't ever want that to happen again. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir."
Tobias's eyes watched the burning fire before them. "Remember son, just like this fire, the choices you make can either reward you with warmth or destroy you completely. It's up to you which one you will choose."
Without saying another word, Tobias walked away, leaving Grayson alone. For almost 5 minutes he didn't even move. He had failed, again. He was supposed to be the best, but he let his own desires get the better of him. 
Present day:
Avery stared at the huge desk before her. Tobias had been larger then life, and so was his desk. Avery was sure she had searched every inch of it. Looking for clues to be discovered. But there was one draw she seemed to have overlooked.
She didn't realize there was a secret draw, though she shouldn't have been surprised. She was searching for some paper Alisa, her lawyer, said she had. Even though didn't remember having it.
He sharp brain noticed the draw wasn't as big as it looked. That when it dawned on her there was another secret draw underneath it. It didn't take long to unmask it.  
Peering in, she saw more things that got to see what a man Tobias Hawthorne man was. Old pipes, an empty whisky cup, papers with riddles scrawled on. She was getting ready to look over them when something tucked at the back caught her eye.
A simple framed picture frame. Turning it over, Avery gasped. Inside was a drawn picture of a woman. The artist captured the waves of the woman's hair. The round face, long eyelashes, half smile half smirk on the face. It was beautiful.
And the woman was no other than Skye Hawthorne.
Just then Jameson Hawthorne walked in. "Heiress, Alsia is bugging me to come see if you found the paper." He smirked as he snuggled up to her. "What's you got?"
She handed him the frame. "That's Skye."
"It is. Where did you find it?"
Avery showed him.
"Hmm." Jameson looked at it better. "It looks familiar, but I'm not sure how."
Avery shrugged. 
"Wait!" Jameson said, "I think remember. But it can't be."
"It was so long ago but I remember there was this one time Skye was getting her picture painted outside. And Grayson was drawing her from a room upstairs. I never saw it after and I assumed Gray hid it away. Not the old man."
"Well. there is one way to solve this." Avery got up. 
They found Grayson sitting in his office. Papers, pens, and an empty coffee cup beside him. He ached his eyebrow but said nothing as they walked in.
"Avery found something and we want to show you." Jameson got straight to the point.
Avery handed Grayson the frame. "Do you remember that?"
She watched as Grayson took the frame. He hardly ever showed emotion, but she could see the look of surprise on his face. "Where did you find this?" he asked hoarsely.
"A secret compartment in the old man's desk. I guess he was keeping it."
"I thought you kept it." Jameson said.
Grayson shook his head. "The old man destroyed it. Or so I thought."
Avery was outraged.  "Why would he do that?!"
Grayson looked at Jameson instead. "Do you remember how I was late for dinner that one time?"
"Of course I remember. It was the day Skye got her picture painted. She was throwing a fit the whole day because it wasn't going as she wanted it to."
Grayson nodded and swallowed. "Well, the old man made sure I was never late again for dinner. I thought he burnt it."
"But he didn't." Avery said. "Which means whatever happened with you being late, he still admired what you drew. And so should you." She then noticed a screw sticking out from the wall.
She hung the frame up. "There," she declared "out where everyone can see it. Not hidden anymore. But we should get going, because ironically, dinner is almost ready and Alisa will have our hides if don't get down there."
Smiling, she locked an arm around Jameson and one around Grayson, leaving the room and the forgotten picture of the past.
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coraniaid · 2 months
Do we see anybody that we knew as a human turned into a vampire after The Harsh Light of Day? Do we see how the others react to that?
(I know we see Sandy from Doppelgangland as a vampire later, but that's not what I have in mind: I'm talking about characters that Buffy or the rest of the Scooby Gang actually knew as people.)
I've complained about this before at least a couple of times (although Tumblr's search feature wants me to believe otherwise), but the way the gang react to finding out that Harmony is a vampire in that episode just feels iike such an abrupt tonal shift. And I'm wondering whether it marks a genuine change in how the show deals with newly sired vampires completely, or if it's just the last time the issue ever comes up.
Yes, Buffy's vampire lore isn't particularly well-developed, but prior to this point the show had been pretty consistent. You don't 'become' a vampire, there is no true continuity of self. You die, and a vampire with your memories takes over your corpse. Yes, that vampire's personality is often based on yours -- even if the show isn't explicit about it until Season 3, that's obvious from the first time we see Jesse become a vampire in The Harvest and continue his obsession with Cordelia, and it's the only reason that can explain why Giles keeps telling people that various vampires were hardened killers even "before" becoming vampires, which he does as early as Season 1's Never Kill A Boy On The First Date -- but the show maintains a clear distinction between the vampire's victim and the newly risen vampire. You do not become a vampire. You are not them, however similar they are to you in appearance and behaviour and desires. You are dead.
So we have Giles talking to Xander about Jesse in Season 1's The Harvest:
"Listen to me. Jesse is dead! You have to remember that when you see him, you're not looking at your friend. You're looking at the thing that killed him."
And Buffy talking to Ford in Season 2's Lie To Me about his plan to "become immortal":
"That's not how it works. You die, and a demon sets up shop in your old house, and it walks, and it talks, and it remembers your life, but it's not you."
Even in Season 3's Doppelgangland [which has the gang treating Willow's vampire alter ago very oddly at the end] everyone's reaction to seeing Willow as a vampire is still to be shocked and saddened and speak about Willow in the past tense.
Here's Angel breaking the bad news:
"Something's happened ... Willow's dead."
And earlier, Buffy blaming herself for her friend's death:
"I-it's [my fault]. She must have gone out and gotten attacked [...] And now my best friend is..."
Or Willow when she walks in on them mourning:
"Jeez, who died?"
As late as the Season 4 opener The Freshman we have Buffy's reaction to finding out what happened to her new friend Eddie:
"I was worried that something had happened to you ... and of course it has, 'cause you're a vampire.  I'm sorry."
Not explicitly saying that Eddie's dead, sure, but certainly acknowledging that something bad happened to him (and completely consistent with the take on vampires that goes all the way back to the beginning of Season 1).
Then we get to The Harsh Light Of Day, just a couple of episodes later, and the collective reaction to finding out that Harmony is a vampire -- Harmony, who Buffy's known for years and the others have known for longer, who it's at least strongly implied was killed during the battle against the Mayor in Graduation Day, meaning that unlike Eddie or Theresa or Jesse or whoever else Harmony's death actually is Buffy's fault, at least a little bit -- and how does Buffy react?
She laughs.
"Harmony's a vampire? She must be dying without a reflection."
And I know none of the gang like Harmony -- I know Harmony was very hard to like -- but isn't this just remarkably callous? Harmony isn't "dying" -- she died months ago, helping them all fight against the Mayor's Ascension. She didn't decide to "become" a vampire on some fickle whim. She died saving the world. The Gang could at least pretend to be sad about that for five seconds.
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silly-little-gooses · 1 month
Nash and Libby headcanons! <3
they’re so underrated and so adorable, so I have do to them
they introduce each others music taste to each other and Nash now likes rock and Libby is warming up to country
Libby bakes him his birthday cake every year and it’s freaking delicious
Nash helps Libby heal from her previous relationship with Drake and he’s always so sweet and gentle
Libby doesn’t hate Alisa. In fact, Libby is always super sweet to Alisa and shares baked goods with her and stuff, completely catching Alisa off hard.
Nash and Libby get matching tattoos!!!
When Nash and Libby get married, Libby has a black wedding dress (Jennifer pls I beg)
Libby and Nash definitely make playlists for each other
Sometimes Nash will casually walk into the kitchen or something not knowing he has black lipstick smeared all over his face…
Libby and Nash LOVE to tease Jameson and Avery, it’s so much fun for them
Nash calls Libby “darlin’”, “honey”, and “pretty girl”
Libby calls Nash “my love”, “sweetheart”, and “country boy”
Libby hates taking photos of herself and doesn’t think she looks good in any photo but Nash loves to take random pics of her
Nash’s contact name in Libby’s phone is ‘Nashed Potato’
Since Libby is always making baked goods, Nash decided to try and surprise her with cookies and that did not end well…(Xander almost lost his other eyebrow)
Since Libby and Nash are around each other so much, sometimes Libby will start speaking in a southern accent and not even notice
Libby loves to do Nash’s makeup, mainly eyeliner
Libby is the only one who can make Nash REALLY laugh, like ‘I’m about to pee my pants’ kind of laugh where you sound like a dying cat or smthn
Nash absolutely adores when Libby plays with his hair
Idk what they would dress up as but they would def have matching Halloween costumes
Nash taught Jameson how to sneak into Avery’s room through the fireplace bc that’s what he does with Libby too
Nash converts Libby to Swiftieism
Libby loves to steal and wear Nash’s flannels, old t-shirts, etc.
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shmules · 7 months
what instruments i think the drdt cast would play if they were in high school band
self indulgent drdtposting bc im bored and waiting for pt 2 to drop
teruko: piano (reasoning: its the least likely to break or catch on fire LMFAO)
xander: trombone (reasoning: i picture him emptying his spit valve on the floor like a FREAK also my friend said so)
eden: piano (reasoning: she’s probably got pretty intricate fingers from working w clocks so much so she’d be good at it)
min: flute (reasoning: im a flute player and i relate to her and i say so)
nico: clarinet (reasoning: idk they js give off that vibe… not too loud but not super quiet either. they’re probably pretty good at it too)
whit: trumpet (reasoning: look at him 😭 also he reminds me of someone who used to be in our trumpet section)
hu: bass (reasoning: i dont think hs bands have zither players so that’s the closest i got to what she actually plays)
charles: bass (reasoning: he did it for the community service and art credit so he picked the instrument he thought would be the quickest to learn)
j: drums (quads specifically) (reasoning: all the boys played the drums and she wanted to be “one of the boys”)
arturo: flute (reasoning: i hc that his sister played it and so he picked it up with her. giles siblings fans where are you)
arei: alto saxophone (reasoning: idk i js feel like she’d absolutely shred on the sax. also she kinda reminds me of one of the alto saxes at my school)
rose: xylophone (reasoning: she reminds me of the xylophone player at my school. also she likes the way it sounds)
ace: drums (reasoning: he takes his anger out on them. hes probably not that good either LMAO)
levi: tuba (reasoning: he looks like he could carry around a big heavy instrument)
david: tenor sax (reasoning: he reminds me of the singular tenor sax in my band who’s like an npc and tries so hard to be a leader but fails miserably every time. also hes got that sax player build yk what im saying)
veronika: clarinet (reasoning: she found it aesthetically pleasing. also she wanted to learn the hardest instrument that was available) (idk if clarinet is actually the hardest but ive tried it before and it was pretty difficult)
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