taeggukstime · 2 years
what difference in opinion led to you and kayla parting?
Well, last time I checked she very strongly believed they were officially engaged and even toyed with the idea of there being chances of them already being secretly married...which isn't compatible with my believes of them not even dating, at least if we didn't change our methods. She tends to make these offhanded claims that the TL is factual, but it's obviously not. It's full of speculation from top to bottom, and if we wanted to continue our collab we would've had to go back and edit it all out, keeping it purely factual. Neither of us liked that idea because we both had theories we wanted to share, and we agreed that there were many people that treasured the original version of the timeline, so we naturally split without much discussion. I let her keep our Tumblr account because it's what made most sense, as I was the one deviating from the original theory, but it would've been a nice gesture if she at least ASKED ME rather than just changing the password without warning 🙄 especially since I was the one that came up with the idea of moving to Tumblr and had to think it all through, design it and come up with tricky hacks to get around the system...but hey, I get it. I guess she felt entitled & felt the need to protect the original version as quickly as possible, not trusting me whatsoever. What's funny is that she made sure to thoroughly question me regarding all the doubts she had about Tumblr's workarounds right before blocking me out 😂 She totally knew what she was doing, and I did as well, but I acted like I was oblivious because it was pointless otherwise. As I said, I thought she should keep it. Regardless, the way she handled it still kinda bothers me because we were supposed to be friends.
With that being said, I already had plans of parting ways even before I changed my theories, and I let her know a while back so that she could ease into it. The main reason was that the collab was taking up too much of my time and I was going to start working again, therefore I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up as I would prioritize my personal life, hence me being inactive nowadays. I'm bad at balancing out things. Additionally, there were other factors that added up to me being overwhelmed. Kayla would pile things up that she wanted to add to the TL (at a high speed) and I was left with the duty of, not only finding the date & adding my own little thoughts/observations, but also back-cheking & verifying everything...which I found to be absolutely vital. End result was that I'd end up heavily modifying half of her posts, and sometimes it was pretty exhausting convincing her that a so called TK moment wasn't what she thought it was. We clashed way too much in that sense. Anyways, I felt I was making her quite insecure about her research, as well as making the TL update slower than she'd like to, and tried to encourage her by saying she would absolutely have an audience that would love & appreciate her work if she were to go solo, and I truly believed it. I knew that the same way I knew I would get hated on. Each to their own.
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taeggukstime · 2 years
miniyoonminsuji()tumblr(.)com/post/166163283000/can-you-share-why-you-like-yoonmin-so-much-like here's a post for yoonmin I found for the anon it's what made me look deeper into their dynamic hopefully it helps!
Ups, should've posted this earlier. Since I'm being the intermediary & people constantly misunderstand, I feel the need to once again say that I respect people that BELIEVE in Yoonmin, but I'm not one of them. They're cute though.
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Hello. I recently came across your timeline and I do agree with a lot of things you've said. I can also see why you can't theorize about tk 2020 onwards because there haven't been moments that especially stood out as suspicious. And I agree, that is more than valid. But see here's my question- bh already tried the handling suspicious things in a suspicious way track before and clearly it didn't work that well since a lot of people were able to figure out the weird cuts and closeting strategies. And tk were also much younger back then and protecting their images in a strict way was necessary. But why do I feel like they have decided to take it easy now? Not employ heavily closeting strategies because they are mature enough to handle themselves? Sort of like a hiding in plain sight? Idk this may be far fetched, and they could just be friends, but I think they care and adore each other a little too much to be satisfied with someone else. I've also noticed this trend ever since the its talk. Maybe we won't be able to see slip ups anymore as bh is not trying to actively "hide" their relationship. What do you think?
I mean, that's a valid theory? I guess I didn't rationalize it like that because the last things that I found suspicious/telling made me think their relationship progressed in a non-dating direction, at least in my interpretations, but I could be totally wrong. If something super telling happened that COULDN'T be easily explained as them being good friends, having fun, or doing a bit of FS, then that would change things for me. Nevertheless, yes, it could be what you said. We don't really know what happens behind the scenes. Also, I'm actually not up to date with TK moments since I couldn't get over the sadness every time I thought about them. I look forward to discovering these moments & cherishing them. Maybe I see something that changes my mind?
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Why did Tae room with Yoongi (Yoongi strikes me as wanting to sleep alone in his own room) though and not RM? I'm sure they had separate beds though right?
In relation to this:
No one was supposed to sleep alone. Tae, Jk, YG & RM had to choose a roommate among themselves (2 + 2). Jk not showing up to his & RM's room wasn't planned...he simply didn't show up when the time came & slept on the couch every night.
I don't know if Tae and YG shared a bed or not. Why do you think they wouldn't? I guess it was either a single king size or twin beds. BTS always share beds during travelling shows - they're used to it - and Jk literally went out of his way to habitually sleep in Hoseok's bed back when they shared dorm. I remember Jhope complained about it a couple times back in 2017 & 2018, saying he was there almost every night, and Jk reasoned his bed smelled nice 😂 we know he's sensitive to that. I see it as completely innocent and adorable, Jk being Hobi's baby, but listen. I don't see it making much sense if TK were a serious thing... I'd rather go cuddle with my partner if I had the possibility.
~ Answered on March 8, 2022 ~ 3 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
What private trip happened in 2018 can you list another instance where this was mentioned?
They also talk about it here, which is 2018 FESTA content (click to increase quality):
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But they talk more about it in the video I linked in my prior post (timestamp 4:20 - 8:00):
It was done during their free time, during their vacations, and it was suggested by Taehyung. It was supposed to be a bonding trip. I think they hinted they cried during that trip (timestamp 18:10, https://youtu.be/K4Melso7MPU) -
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I feel like it's related to the part in "Break the Silence" where YG mentioned they all cried when he first played "Tear" for the members, since he wrote his verse about them while they were considering disbandment (which was around that time).
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Idk, giving you more context.
~ Answered on March 8, 2022 ~ 4 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Answered a couple curious cats:
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Dear Sara, thank you for all the things you’ve shared with us over the years. We’ve talked sometimes on twitter and yt about Taekook. (I don’t think you will remember)
I’ve never shared my opinion online cause i would be attacked by Taekookers who believe they are in a longtime committed relationship.I unfollowed most Taekook accounts because it affected my mental health, including yours i think 🤔 I just can’t deal with the toxicity anymore.
The most recent insta post by Tae re-affirmed my believe that Taekook is not a committed couple. He and PHS had such an intimate vibe that they could be having some fling and I can’t blame them tbh.
If Taekook were living together as a couple, would this be alright for JK and Tae,to be this close to another man, who is rumoured to be gay himself? And age is not a problem lol. I would be more cautious with my posts if i was Tae because they both are getting a lot of hate.
I believe wholeheartedly Taekook fell in love in their teens and were ‘an item’ for a while but in 2018, when Tae moved out of the dorm he tried to follow his own path. They knew the relationship had no future due to all the difficult circumstances. This resulted in Tae feeling depressed, like he admitted to this. Nowadays they could be spending some time together but they don’t live together. Sasaengs, anti’s would have no problem outing them and so on. Taekook realize they cannot take the risk. JK lives mostly with his brother according to Koreans.
I do wish both Taehyung and Jungkook all the happiness in the world!
Sorry for my rant and good luck to you.
I completely understand you unfollowing accounts including mine. Do whatever is necessary for you to feel more at peace.
About Tae and that man having a fling, who knows. I'm not going to negate that possibility but I can't jump to conclusions like that with just a video of them drinking wine & singing together at someone's place. Even if they were both lgbtq, they could still be friends and hang out by themselves, whether they had a partner or not. That's just my opinion though. I'd break up with someone if they had issues with me having friends and inviting them over...but if you get the vibe that there was something between those two then that's respectable &, as I said, inside the realm of the possible. I get that the atmosphere can give that impression.
Tae mentioned he had big self-love issues and his depression had to do with that, coupled with all the pressure and expectations, lack of personal life, etc. We're speculating he's lgbtq, and if we're right then I'm sure that also played a part because he wouldn't be in the easiest position. He'd have to make really tough decisions. Anyhow, we don't know about all the factors involved.
Yeah, I'd bet TK don't live together. If anything they may share dorm during heavy schedules, but idk. Remember how Taehyung recently got covid & BH said he hadn't had contact with other members? Jk still hasn't contracted the virus. That's just a recent example that points towards them living apart. There's certainly more reasons.
Don't apologize! Different opinions are welcomed :) Thank you for your good wishes ❤️
~ Answered on March 6, 2022 ~ 5 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Your answer to this ask about Tae marrying a woman bc he wants children being illogical came off as very eh to me. Like it didnt even came to your mind that the anon was talking about this in general and u straight up dived in the TKK theorizing when JK wasnt mentioned at all. Sorry but thats why many lgbt ppl dislike shippers, you're truly not considering the possibility Tae is a real life lgbt person who could have another boyfriend than JK only hoping he is involved in your gay couple fantasy
In relation to this ask: https://taeggukstime.tumblr.com/post/674013298647269376/pt3-different-but-saying-that-tae-would-marry
I'm sorry, I agree he could date another male. I modified a couple words at the end of my prior response so that it explicitly includes that possibility:
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Anyhow, I'm definitely a TK shipper and I identify as such, which is why I focused on them. I took the opportunity to tackle various issues regarding my theories. I thought that by saying TK could end up together it was already implied that, alternatively, they could end up with other men (you know, by extension). I 100% admit I wish TK were a couple because I think they balance each other well and could make each other happy. You're in your right to be bothered by it.
~ Answered on March 6, 2022 ~ 6 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Off topic about Tk but Namjoon looks like he could possibly have a boyfriend looking at all his IG posts. I'm so happy for him either way!
I'm confused as to why you'd think that 😅 I mean, he could, but I didn't see anything that makes me suspect. All I've seen is him travelling/hanging out with friends & loved ones while covering their faces with cute stickers. Nothing stood out to me as obviously romantic.
~ Answered on March 5, 2022 ~ 7 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Can I ask the Yoonminer anon what they consider as evidence of Yoonmin? /gen
In relation: https://taeggukstime.tumblr.com/post/675173177299730432/yeah-ive-read-kaylas-as-well-as
Someone sent me this through DM's:
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~ Answered on March 5, 2022 ~ 8 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Hi, is your cc active?
Kind of. My workplace closes during winter and the break is over since last month so I'm quite busy. Actually, the reason I was active in 2020 was because I was jobless due to the pandemic. I guess I'll just randomly show up from now on.
~ Answered on March 5, 2022 ~ 9 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Hello! Thank you so much for all of your thorough and objective research. I have a quick question about 2018. As I was reading your recap, I saw “seem to give each other quite some space, like when they could’ve roomed together during BTS’ private trip but chose to participate in the room lottery.” Is this the private trip they took in March ? I ask only because I had never heard anything like that and only saw the tweet posted of them by the grill. Is there another place this was said? Thanks
Thank you for your kind words ☺️ Yes, it's regarding BTS' private trip that took place around that time. They discuss the way in which they divided the rooms in 2018's Festa talk, timestamp 4:20 - 8:00
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Tae, Jk, Yoongi and Joon were given the option to choose their roommate among them 4, with zero cameras nor staff around, but TK still didn't room together. If they were a formal couple I'd find it very strange. I completely believe their explanation because they were very natural and even laughed about the story that although JK ended up with Joon, he didn't show up & preferred sleeping in the living room (maybe due to the snores). If they were lying they'd simply say Jk and Joon roomed together and they'd leave it at that, without going into details. Plus, it's so typical from Jk to sleep in random places, like when he roomed with Jimin in 2017's Bon Voyage but slept besides the pool, or when he slept under the table in their dorm. I mean, it's possible TK were a couple and Jk offered to bare with Joon's snores in Yoongi's place, but in my opinion it's unlikely. Also, since rooming isn't a big deal for members, they could've skipped the lottery from the beginning and chosen each other while the rest played rock, paper, scissors, but nope. They treated each other like teammates and didn't show any bias whatsoever. In my opinion, they weren't an actual couple for different reasons but they also gave each other extra space so as to preserve the group's dynamics and protect their work ethics. After all, groups have a leader to keep everything balanced and they take it very seriously.
~ Answered on February 5, 2022 ~ 6 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Yeah I've read Kayla's, as well as Taebak_Daekook's TL on IG and now I'm going through yours. What convinced me the most on YM was when I found some YM shippers who analyzed and provided some sufficient evidence they actually try to be factual which helps a lot. Too many Tkkers make a mountain out of a mole hill over every little thing to the point it just repels me and of course their anti behavior towards Jm is beyond sickening and the fact they act exactly like Jkkers now talk about a fall from grace.
Continuing this convo:
Glad you came back because there's a question for you in my inbox:
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Personally, I'm not 100% happy with the way my timeline reads right now since I made rather quick modifications to adapt it to my new train of thought. With time I'll probably try to make it a bit more factual and disclaim whatever speculation survives in a strong way, but I used to get comments saying analyses were very moderate, too much so from tkkers point of view, so I think that's a good sign 😅 I agree they frick out over the tiniest things and it's emotionally exhausting to witness, but I battle with myself because they're having fun with it though it also brings problems, especially in the long run. And yes, I've already said how I feel about the anti behavior. I wish we could do something about it.
~ Answered on February 3, 2022 ~ 5 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
The hate has gotten so bad against Jimin that Tkkers who are Jimin antis have started creating false rumors and narratives about him that he is an alcoholic with daddy issues (because they claim his dad is an alcoholic that cheated on Jimin's mother) that sleeps around with a bunch of women they even tried to claim he slept with a porn star during the whole Paris incident. They try to paint him out to be an abuser, narcissist, user and a manipulator as well as a fuckboy it's honestly sickening to say the least. They all claim this is the ''true" Jimin because they have some sort of insider info from staff and managers or some shit. I cannot believe it's gone this far. This is a level of delusion and conspiracy theory bullshit that I thought only existed in the political sphere I was completely wrong. It's that bad now.
In relation to this :
1. Those claiming to have inside info are the worst 🙄 Anyone can lie about having such connections, and even if they were somehow in contact with BTS' world they can still fabricate rumors out of thin air. It frustrates me how people are so hungry for this type of gossip when it's BS 99% of the time, yet they speculate about it and fall into the game of the "what ifs". They give it way too much credit and thought. If you happen to hear something and there's no solid evidence just forget about it as if you never heard it and move on, especially if it's negative. I know there's people that eagerly follow these type of "sources" and it sounds like a huge waste of time. For example, JM having daddy issues... he's always talked so fondly of his father and even shared an endearing Kakao Talk convo with him. There's no red flags and I'm sure there's no proof of what they're saying. Also, it's just not our business. Same with him sleeping around, which shouldn't even be a problem if it were to be true (but still, no proof). About him being an abuser, etc, for all I know Jimin is one of kindest souls out there.
2. It's horrible how the hate towards Jimin & Tae within the TK & JKK communities, respectively, seems to be increasing like a snowball rolling downhill. This is what fanaticism results in. As I previously said, I do think that a big part of the problem is the rivalry between sides and how they start believing that a member is a nuisance, which affects the image they have of them and how they judge them. They may start to truly believe they're a bad person and sometimes it turns into targeted harassment, trying to actively drag them down and even creating lies. What do they gain out of it? I don't know...it's pure evil and hatred. It's so sad how both communities are normalizing having certain disdain for either Tae or JM that simply showing love for them can make people suspect you're a "traitor" or something of the sort, let alone showing appreciation for the rival ship's bond. I'm sure it would be a lot less toxic if people admitted that we only get a glimpse into their lives and we don't truly know them, if they weren't so intense about their beliefs = speculations. They are not worth all the fighting and the fanwars, and definitely not worth attacking and defaming a member. Having said this, I don't think the targeted harassment is just a result of shipwars since there's also the problem of solo stans that victimize their bias and don't know their limits. Since we can't get rid of these people and fights are draining + not so effective, best option is to show love for all 7 members, though it's also convenient to calmly condemn someone's hateful behavior if you're associated with them and cut ties if it continues. With this combination you're already actively combating hate.
~ Answered on February 2, 2022 ~ 6 asks pending
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taeggukstime · 2 years
The only reason you confuse me is because you come off as very erratic about TK. I've observed that since you left Kayla's timeline last year.
This is part of this convo:
You mean since I left our collaboration. I've taken a step back ever since, but I used to be extremely invested in the timeline. Now I'm trying to balance my life and, although I'm doing so much better, I'm still mourning some of my prior beliefs. That's why I'm not so into content creation right now. Anyhow, I may confuse you because nowadays I'm not trying to prove that Taekook is real, which is what most tkkers do. I'm just trying to understand them (trying! I don't claim to hold the truth). Again, everyone is welcome to ignore me.
~ Answered on January 29, 2022 ~
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taeggukstime · 2 years
I'm sorry but we live in dangerous almost apocalyptic times I don't care what Tae wants in terms of children he would be selfish not to mention irresponsible to bring children into world on the verge of collapse with climate change, covid, overpopulation, famine, and war etc. I would honestly look down on him if he chose to bring children into a world where so many are unwanted and orphans and he could easily adopt and be a single parent if he wanted to no woman required. He can afford it.
This ask is in relation to this prior one:
This ask left me speechless... it's like at this point you're just waiting for the extinction of human kind. I don't think it's selfish to want kids of your own since it's an instinct most people have and what maintains humanity. Also, are you sure you care about Tae? You're being very judgmental. For what I've read, I don't think adoption is available for single parents in Korea, and it's definitely not available for LGBT couples:
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I don't know what his future looks like, nor what exactly he has in mind (surrogacy, adoption, traditional marriage...), but we should cut him some slack and not condition our love/respect in such strict ways. That's hard to read 🙁 no wonder they doubt army's love.
~ Answered on January 29, 2022 ~
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taeggukstime · 2 years
Do you consider making a CC? I think it's easier to have discussions there. Take care
Skipping to this ask ~
Why so? Is it because the public has a 3000 character limit (rather than 500) or because you can directly quote prior answers? I don't like that curiouscat also gives me a 3000 character limit, doesn't let me add multiple pics if I ever wanted to, has spam/suspicious activity, and I can only have a mini bio. I don't know...if you have the Tumblr app it doesn't give the public such a small character limit (it's even bigger than 3000, idk if it has one), and I just added instructions to the submissions form so that browser users can send me longer messages while writing “Ask” as the title for me to treat their submissions as such (think there's no limit there + you can add pics). That would fix one issue and we all get to express ourselves as much as we want. When it comes to quoting, you can always add a link to the post you're talking about.
If the quoting or something else makes a big difference and most prefer it then I could maybe adapt to curiouscat. Let me know what you think!
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