symphonlee · 3 years
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Though it all happened in just a matter of seconds, Aurelia suddenly felt as if she were living in slow motion. One moment, she and Chumin were gazing into the water, that feeling of unease that she’d had since the night before now suddenly impossibly overwhelming. Then they saw it: a finger protruding from the water, pointing past them, as if to warn ‘Look behind you!’ Before she could even turn around, the hand lunged out for Chumin and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him into the murky water. Though it took a moment to register just what was happening (was this actually happening?), Relia wrapped her arms around the young man and pulled with all her might, trying to win the battle with this strange river monster. Eventually, she was successful in breaking the monster’s grasp of Chumin and she fell back on the river bank, exhausted, her breathing heavy. What the fuck was that? For a moment, she thought she’d said the words out loud–well, screamed them, actually–but they’d just been inside her head. Still struggling to catch her breath, she looked over at the young man and said “Are you okay?…”
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         ( ✖ ) —                      It had to be fake. His mind was playing tricks on him. That could be the only explanation. The nights of sleeplessness that had plagued him since childhood were finally catching up to him, he was convinced. How else would it be possible for him to see his own mother’s hand reaching for him from the water. For a moment, he was willing to go. After all the things that he had done and all the sins that he had committed. Maybe, he did belong down there with her and if he hadn’t felt Aurelia’s hands on his body, he may have just gone. Whether it was real or not, long enough under the water, and the breath that kept him bound there would leave him, eventually. It isn’t until he’s flopped up against the shore that he feels himself again.  ❝ Yeah- I- Did that look like...What did that look like to you? ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
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[ after the performances ]  
she just wants  to get home to her son, and yet she can’t as of yet and it’s bothering her. she wishes she’d just stayed home instead of getting dressed up but here she is. she picks up a plastic cup that has lemonade in it, she hasn’t had a drink since way before her son was born, and she doesn’t intend to have any either way but a lot of people are. she sighs quietly and takes a seat, her feet are killing her, she should have known to put better shoes on but she didn’t expect to be here for long. she rubs her ankles and points. “could you pass me that napkin please?” she asks sweetly. 
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          ( ✖ ) —                      usually, things like the post-show display didn’t usually leave chum feeling shaken, but tonight was different. The skeletons in his closet were actually people and so, he couldn’t help but feel deeply troubled by the idea of someone revealing him. He didn’t think that he deserved to go to jail, even if he hurt people, those people forced him and in his eyes, they deserved it. after all, it’s not like he was trying to hurt anyone else, he had left that all behind him. now, though, he felt himself constantly looking over him shoulder. maybe he was just projecting but he knew he couldn’t have been the only one uncomfortable with this. that thought is confirmed when he sees the other. of course, without thinking he immediately hands her a napkin.  ❝ are you alright? you look might uncomfortable, ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
what do you love most about yourself?
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❝ i got an award winnin’ smile or that’s what my mama and gramma used to tell me, anyway. realistically, i think i’m a funny lookin’ type of handsome. i don’t have much else going for me, i s’pose. ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
What inspired you to be a firefighter?
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❝ honestly? i’m a sentimental sumbitch. i know what it’s like to have parents and not be able to save ‘em and i just don’t wanna see some kid have to stand by. i wanna be the guy that saves ‘em. ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
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                                           ( april 1st -  @symphonlee​ )                                Make sure to send him love and birthday wishes !                            See the in-character birthday list here.
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symphonlee · 3 years
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[ hex dance studio ]
Annisa hadn’t technically gone back to work just yet, considering that the next class she was going to teach wasn’t until next Monday. Still, she hadn’t really had a chance to dance while she was in Indonesia and she was in serious need of a private session. Once her pointe shoes were on and she was warmed up, she put on her favorite piece from Swan Lake and began to dance. As the music swelled, she danced beautifully across the studio floor, getting so caught up that she didn’t notice that there was someone standing in the doorway. It wasn’t until they announced themselves that she realized they were even there, jumping at the sound of their voice. Without even turning to see who it was, she said “Sorry…” as she went to shut her music off. “Sorry, I didn’t think this room was reserved…”
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           ( ✖ ) —                      chum made it a point not to people watch. it had been a pastime of his in high school, however, now, he figured whatever other people were doing was absolutely none of his business. he had, however, been in the studio for a special delivery. not too long before, someone had called the record store requesting a specific piece of music and he, ever-so-willingly, obliged with the proper record. he’d realized, though, after arriving at the studio that the person hadn’t mentioned what room they would be in and so here he was, peeking in every door. when there were people inside, he quickly closed the door out of embarrassment but when he’d opened annisa’s door, the reaction was nowhere near as swift. instead he stood there, frozen, he recognized the music and her movements...they were so fluid and so...relaxing to watch that he hadn’t even realized he was doing that thing again until he heard another door down the hall open.  ❝ sorry, but did you call in for a record to be delivered? ❞ he didn’t bother asking anything else or...you know, explaining why he’d been standing there watching her for five or so minutes now. he hadn’t even greeted her. he was too in awe to do any of that properly. 
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symphonlee · 3 years
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          sometimes  certain  people  meet  those  of  similar  vein,  and  there’s  no  reason  for  bland  introductions  and  meager  small  talk  that  never  means  shit.  once  glance  at  the  man  before  them  tells  doyun  this  could,  possibly,  be  one  of  those  instances.  head  tilted  and  eyes  narrowed  for  only  a  brief  moment,  all  skepticism  is  soon  washed  away  with  the  offer  of  booze.  don’t  judge  them,  their  wants  and  needs  are  very  simple.  doesn’t  take  much  to  befriend  them  these  days.  “  yeah,  ”  they  lean  over,  grabbing  the  arm  of  a  spare  chair  and  dragging  it  closer.  “  here,  y’can  sit.  ‘less  you  wanna  go  inside  where  it’s  warmer  but,  like,  just  fucking  barely.  ”
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             ( ✖ ) —                          there’s a gentle sort of satisfaction for lee when he takes the seat next to them. luckily, they hadn’t called him out on his poor social skills and thank god because it would almost be a given that there was something odd and murderous about him if he didn’t...you know, make an attempt to not be creepy. after all, it wasn’t like he was inherently bad or anything. he’d done what he needed to do and had spent the past few years trying to push it out of his mind but each time it faded away, he found himself bringing it back up on his own in his mind. he cleared his throat as he took a sip of the drink. his grandmother’s recipe. ❝ here’s fine....so uh- what are you doing here after hours? bored or sumn? ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
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Andrea looked over and sighed,biting her lip as she thought about the question.”I guess that it’s because I hate it, I never had any fond experiences, I know that it’s not a place for fond memories. However I just hated it, I haven’t been babysat in a long long time, I can take care of myself. Maybe that’s another reason, I kind of feel helpless when I am there.” She explained softly.
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           ( ✖ ) —                      chum had similar experiences. his, however, weren’t with the hospital but church. when it came to hospitals, he’d never been a frequent visitor. knockemstiff wasn’t the kind of place where you’d go to the ER for any injuries that weren’t directly life-threatening. if you got a deep cut as a kid from playing around with your father’s knife or something, your best bet was to just stick some river mud in it, wrap it up, then get down on your knees and hope for the best. no point racking up on all those doctor’s bill to have them rub some alcohol on you and wrap it with cloth. he wanted to help her feel better, though, since he considered them friends and was more worried about how she’d feel staying there than anything else. he wanted her to feel relaxed but he didn’t want her to leave and not get the proper care.  ❝ so...what if you don’t get babysat? what if i tell the nurse to leave us alone for a while and i just sit here with you? i’m not a nurse. i’m not a babysitter. no one’s paying me. just a guy hanging out with his friend, that’s all. ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
[ sunshcnerays​: ]
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      oliver was keeping mostly to himself, usually when he’s exhausted he’s not for socializing but right now the voice catches his attention and he turns his head. his own head sort of tilted to the side and he nodded. “well, i’m working night shift. so i’ve got a while to go.” he said and he took a drink from the cup. “so i’m here for a long while before i can go home and sleep. which would be nice to do.” he said and he looked around. “are you here to see anything in the museum?” he asked. 
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            ( ✖ ) —                         the museum. right...because that’s where he was stopped. he hadn’t been paying much attention as his eyes had been on his shoes and not the path or his surroundings. god, how hadn’t he gotten lost or walked into the open road yet? it must’ve taken a team of miracle workers, he was sure. he’d never been much of a man of culture. at least, he didn’t think he was. he was well-read sure but that had been because of his original goal of becoming a man of the world that would travel and participate in intellectual conversations and instead he’d ended up becoming...a criminal. at any rate, he hadn’t even been much too aware of the museum’s contents. he’d known it was there but he hadn’t really...made any attempt at venturing towards it.  ❝ what’s in the museum? i don’t know if that’s really...my style. ❞ he trailed off then tapped his foot in the snow.  ❝ uh...nap in the backroom, ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
[ the hanging arts museum ] 
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he was exhausted, he’d decided to take a longer shift just for something to keep him busy, and right now he’s on a break and he’s sitting outside the museum even if it’s cold, because he’d much rather be outside right now. it hadn’t helped that he had been up all night but he was trying not to think about that. he held the coffee in both hands and trying to keep his fingers warm, for all he wants to be warm he’d still rather be outside. “some time today i’d actually like to get some sleep.” he’s talking to no one in particular because he actually hasn’t realized someone’s there. “sleep would just really be nice.” he mumbles. 
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             ( ✖ ) —                   chum had been taking a walk before his shift at the record store. actually, he had about an hour to burn and the only reason he’d left his trailer so early was because he was afraid that the snow would pile up on his doorstep and prevent him from opening his door. therefore, here he was fiddling with his snuff tin, the activity keeps his hands busy since most of the time, he wasn’t sure where to put them. after all, he hadn’t really been able to think straight all week. he’d been taking a walk around all of the places he’d wanted to go to in town but still hadn’t gotten to after all this time since he’d been...keeping to himself. he was a naturally private person but even then, sometimes, he liked to dream. he’s broken out of his daydreaming by the other’s voice.  ❝ what exactly is stopping you?   ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
Andrea looked up at him before letting a small chuckle escape from her lips once he mentioned the scenery. Sure it was a nice room, but even hospital rooms back home had a bit more colour and sometimes even a view if the hospital was in a nice looking place. “Yeah it is pretty painful but I think that I can handle being on it for a little while.” She replied as she shook her head. “You know, I wish that I could stay for the scenery, but I had a little bit of an argument with it and now we both think that it’s best if I leave.” She replied before chuckling softly.  She was known to be quite sarcastic when she wanted to be, when it came to being in places that she didn’t want to be in and the hospital was where she was the most sarcastic. Even from a young age, any time she ended up in there for some reason she always found a way to become quite sarcastic to those around her. “I honestly hate being here to be honest.”
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               ( ✖ ) —                       Chum couldn’t help but smirk. Usually, it was her who was in charge of him at the shop but in this case, neither of them were and it was his chance to convince her that staying in her hospital room was the right choice. After all, if she rushed out early like this, her injuries wouldn’t get better in the way they should. He had experience with that himself more times that he’d like to admit.  ❝ is it here that you hate or is it being babysat? i can try to help with one of those problems, but not the other, ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
          [  when  :  february  1st,  late  afternoon.           where  :  rev  ‘em  up  auto  repair.             @salemstart​.  ]
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          moments  of  solitude  are  few  and  far  between,  and  they  feel  as  if  that  goes  without  saying.  shit  has  been  crazy  lately,  exhausting  even,  and  it  seemed  there  isn’t  a  corner  in  salem  where  someone  could  hide.  hide  and  just  existence,  mind  their  business,  what  have  you.  lucky  for  them,  they  found  their  little  corner  —  a  corner  that  consists  of  grease  stains  and  tools  strewn  about  that  they  couldn’t  be  assed  to  pick  up  and  put  away  right  now.  they’ve  been  sitting  outside  the  shop,  scrolling  through  their  phone  (  after  swiping  away  what  felt  like  millions  of  notifications,  because  it  took  them  a  damn  week  to  locate  the  thing  ),  long  -  forgotten  cigarette  burning  in  the  ashtray  beside  them.  feet  on  gravel  causes  their  gaze  to  dart  for  the  sound,  and  they  barely  take  the  time  to  register  who  it  is,  before  their  mouth  opens  and  words  tumble  out,  “  shop’s  closed.  presumably.  does  it  look  like  i  work  here  ?  ”  you  do,  jackass.  doyun  reaches  for  their  cigarette,  letting  out  a  little  tsk  and  hum.  “  nah,  i’m  kiddin’.  not  about  the  closed  part,  though.  you  need  somethin’  or  was  today  the  day  we’ve  decided  to  hang  ‘round  the  autoshop  ?  ”
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              ( ✖ ) —                          In all honestly, Chum hadn’t really had a purpose when he’d showed up here. Part of him had known it would be closed and he didn’t really need anything desperately done to his bike, anyway. A tune up was all it was due for and that could’ve waited weeks since he’d liked to work on it himself from time to time, anyway. Really, he’d just been...lonely and he knew, from what his dad had taught him, that there was always someone willing to sit around and talk shit in an auto shop. It was instinct or maybe just a good hunch. He reached within his winter coat pulling out two fresh thermoses full of hot chocolate spiked with rum.  ❝ I just thought...it’s cold so maybe, would you like a chocolate rum?  ❞
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symphonlee · 3 years
[location: storyland]
maisy was wandering through storyland, searching the ground for fallen ride and snack tickets. if she could find enough to get some cotton candy and take a few rides on the new death coaster, she would consider it a good day. thankfully, she was also naturally small and cute so if she asked people for their left overs as they were leaving it was likely she could get something. the girl looked at the tickets in her hands. it was 2 tickets for the cotton candy on a stick, but it was 4 tickets for the big bag of cotton candy. if she could get the big bag, then she could take it home to share with her loved ones. she had 3 snack tickets and 2 ride tickets. two ride tickets would get her one ride on the death coaster, which sounded exciting. it was cold out, but thankfully not snowy so the rides remained open. there was nothing more exciting to maisy than sitting at the front of the coaster, letting the wind fly at her as she rode the ride and then exiting the ride, barely able to move her face from how cold it was. the mixture of adrenaline and frost bite felt good. the girl skipped through the park, her eyes scanning the floor of the park when she spotted a string of ride tickets. the girl perked up and ran over, but just as she was about to grab them a foot stepped on them. “sorry, can I have these?”, she asked, looking up at the person the foot belonged to.
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( ✖ ) —            chum was sort of a regular when it came to attractions and greasy food and to him, that was all that storyland was. while the flashing lights and whimsy appealed to others, all it did for him was fill him with a deep wave of nostalgia. every time he saw the ferris wheel rise and fall and repeat the action over and over again, his eyes followed it. he always picked a particular basket and watched it go in circles as he sat in the parking lot. that was his last good memory with his younger sister. he had won her multiple teddy bears and they’d keep coming back to the car to put them inside then go back to the rides and repeat the process until there was a backseat full and then they’d go and give them to little kids at the foster homes and the pediatric ward. but of course, that was then and that was knockemstiff and this was different. now, he was alone. he’d been alone for so long that it seemed to him that he would only get glimpses here and there of her and their time together.            the strongest of those glimpses would come when he actually ventured out of his car and into the park. this night was one of those rare occasions and as he dragged his feet, hands deep in his pockets, he left the smell of elephant ears and cinnamon buns take him back to his earlier days. of course, that only lasted so long before he was once again, forced to face the fact that he could never see his sister again. even if she was still alive, he had a secret to keep and family to protect. instead of dwelling in that sorrow, he resorted to people-watching. usually, no one really caught his eye but he did like to categorize behaviors. he always said to himself that if he had actually graduated high-school instead of going on the run, he’d have gone to college for psychology. by some magic, however, someone did catch his eye. he watched maisy from a distance, at first, taking note of the way her eyes scanned the ground casually. he’d been in her position when he was first on the run and she definitely wasn’t a stranger. while he couldn’t recall having a conversation with her, he had definitely seen her around the trailer park before. scavenging the ground for any semblance of something that could afford him a decent meal or a little fun. that was how he’d found his first cigarette ( and seeing a flyer about lung disease was how he’d smoked his last ). ever the mischievous, he sped up his steps just slightly to meet up with her, his foot resting on the tickets that she would so inevitably be ready to pick up. he tilted his head slightly at her when their eyes finally met.  ❝ can you have wha- oh, these? ❞ he plays coy as his foot slowly slides the tickets away from her and he picks them up holding them up to the light.  ❝ they’re kinda gross but whatever makes you heart flutter. speaking of hearts fluttering, would you be opposed to me treating you to a meal? ❞ he wasn’t flirting. at least, that’s what he’d tell her if she asked. it was more like looking at her made him think of himself. whether past or present, he wasn’t so sure. 
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symphonlee · 3 years
[Location: Andreas hospital room, New Years Day]
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To say that she hated the year that had passed was an understatement. It seemed as though not only were bad things happening to her, but to nearly everybody in Salem that year and the New Years party really was the cherry on top of the terrible year cake. She thought that it would be fun to go to the New Years Party but now she lay in a hospital bed, her leg broken and goodness knows what else wrong. It was her second visit to the hospital that year and she still hated it with a passion. As she laid in the bed she thought back to the warning from Alan Blackwell, telling her that she was in danger, she had been so scared that she had ran home. Was this really what he was talking about, that she would get hurt at the new years party or was there something else on the horizon for the blonde. 
She was not in the mood to stick around, her clothes had been put on the chair nearest her but she knew it would be difficult to get them on. She winced as she slipped out of her bed, using the crutches near her to move around. She placed her clothes and bag over her arm as she went to the door and opened it. However she was struggling a bit and was halfway out the door when she felt somebody staring at her. She looked up and was thankful it wasn’t a doctor or nurse. “A little help please” 
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( ✖ ) —         because of all the thing that chum had been through, some people would consider him to be fearless, however, that was the exact opposite of the way he was feeling right now. it wasn’t that he was terrified but moreso, stricken stiff with worry. regardless of whether or not he was close to anyone injured, he didn’t like seeing people hurt. it as hard to keep his spirits up when he felt like darkness followed his path and as he moved through the hospital, he kept one thing in his mind constantly. trouble don’t last always. that’s what his grandmother told him and though he doubted he’d ever get to look her in those old, wrinkly sparkling eyes again, he kept her right in his heart and somehow, that kept him going.          even now, as he stumbled through the hall of the hospital, a severe pain in his thigh from an old injury that had flared up when he’d been tossed to the ground sometime after midnight, he managed to keep a gentle smile on his face for nothing except encouragement for those who couldn’t find a reason to smile themselves right now. being ever the gentleman, of course, he rushes to andrea the moment he sees even the slightest sign of struggle. his hand rests on her shoulder, the other drifting near he side as he tilts his head.  ❝ looks like one mighty painful injury right there. sure you should be on your feet that way, ma’am? not trying to skip out on this beautiful scenery, are you? ❞ sarcasm. it was something that had stood out more than anything from the things he’d learned from his father and yet, somehow, with that deep ohian accent, it still came off less asshole-ish and more comical. 
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symphonlee · 3 years
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❀ *゚ park jimin. male. he/him. ⇝ hey, isn’t that chumin ‘chum’ lee? i think that the twenty-six year old from knockemstiff, ohio works as a records expert at moondog records and volunteer fireman at essex county fire department, but outside of that they spend a lot of time at griffith observatory. i hear they are distant + angry, but they are also known to be caring + protective. consider giving them a visit at their home in kingpin trailer park and get to know why they’re called the southern beau. ( lala, 22, she/they, est + chumin’s birthday – april 1st ) ** applying for stella’s tinder date connection.
lala again! here’s chum lee, my baby with an anger problem and every bisexual’s dream golden retriever. under the cut, you’re going to find some little tidbits about this boy. they’re a little disorganized since he, himself, is disorganized but!! lmk if there’s anything else that you want to know or have questions about. 
chumin was born in knockemstiff, ohio
knockemstiff is about as far south as you can get in the u.s. without crossing the mason-dixon line
basically, his dad was in the army and got stationed near knockemstiff
his mom was waitress and when they met, they fell in love and ended up getting married and having chumin
his dad was a weirdly religious man and prayed in the backyard of their little shack house where he built an altar from a fallen tree and driftwood
his mom got cancer when he was about 7 years old
chum’s dad forced him to pray at that altar for hours
every time chum stopped praying, his dad would smack the back of his head until he got a migraine
mr. lee shot chum’s dog as a bargain with god to get him to heal chum’s mom
it didn’t work
after a few months, chum’s mom passed and his dad planned on moving back home to relatives
on chum’s ninth birthday, two or three months after his mom passed, his dad shot himself at that altar
chum moved to live with his grandmother and his cousin where he was homeschooled until he took the GED test at the local high school and got his diploma
he and his cousin became as close as siblings
the local preacher slept with his cousin and impregnated her but denied the child was his
his cousin hung herself in the barn behind their home and he was never the same
out of anger and hatred, something he’d learned from his father, chum shot the preacher
he went on the run and the couple who he ended up hitchhiking with attempted to murder him
he ended up shooting the couple again and when the sheriff came after him
he also took out the sheriff
he hitchhiked again and after finding his way to salem
it doesn’t seem like it but chum is actually really smart
he has a big aggression problem, he almost killed a couple of boys for messing with his cousin once
he’s very loving, since his cousin passed, he was absolutely devastated because he’d do anything for those he loved
including killing some no good preacher
oh yeah, he’s not religious at all because in his eyes, god doesn’t help and some people were born to be buried
he knows one thing more than anything else: the world is full of no good sonofabitches. at least a hundred of them
okay, disclaimer: i know with all the techonology we have now, this seems like a real f*cking stretch but this is assuming that he never had to use the internet since he was homeschooled and living in the countryside p much isolated from everything but his family and church. 
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