50 things to do instead of binging
Drink low calorie hot tea
Rip up a piece of paper
Vent in a notebook or on your notes app
Watch mukbangs
Talk to your friends
Take a nap
Play with your pet
Take a bath
Try on all your clothes to see what fits tight and what fits loose
Go window shopping online
Re-organize your bedroom
Watch Asian dramas
Practice learning a new language
Make a meal for a family member
Write a vent fic
Go for a walk
Read books that describe thin characters
Do a skincare routine
Draw a self-portrait of you at your gw
Play video games
Catch up on school work
Build a pillow fort
Look through magazines and cut out pictures for thinspo
Play with a fidget toy
Play solitaire
Listen to an ed playlist or make your own
Write a letter to your future self for when you reach your gw
Clean or do other household chores
Research someone or something from history
Look at photos of your thin friends
Chew gum
Take a show
Kick a football
Dye or style your hair
Hug a pillow
Clip your nails
Buy someone a small gift
Make a list of all the reasons you want to be thin
Go for a bike ride
Write a romantic poem for your s/o
Watch a funny video
Annoy your siblings
Scream into a pillow
Encourage other people to be happy with their bodies
Day dream about moving to another part of the world
Those are just the ones I like. Feel free to add on! :)
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intro post
hi i’m ophelia, i prefer to go by opie tho :) i had the blog sunshineophelia but got deleted :( i’m 16 from the us. i’m an atypical anorexic and been on/off “recovery” (binging tbh) since abt 13. i’m bisexual and use she/her pronouns :)
my dms are always open and i’m always looking for new friends :)
i try and make my blog easily organized and all my posts are tagged opiethoughts, thinspo is tagged thinspo, etc. opiethoughts posts may also have other tags for reach bc yk. all posts tagged ed tw and ana tw.
anyway i’ll add to this post if anything needs to be added?? smooches!
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