sunshineknight5 · 6 years
Sometimes this is the perfect description of me. I hate this time of year.
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She only wants hugs :3
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
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My shadow and me.
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
One of the early cards was a rocket launcher though, so it's not like it's never happened
Are guns (anything from modern to renaissance) a when or an if? Or a never?
We actively try to avoid guns as we want the weapon of choice to be magic.
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
I mean, I'd buy it
Rarity: We’re friends
Applejack: Good Friends™
Rarity: Girlfriends actually
Applejack: Yup, we’re girlfriends.
Rarity: We’re in love. We’re lovers.
Applejack: We’re lesbian, gay-type lovers.
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
I'd say the issue is less that blue does everything, but that blue has done everything once, so formats with large card pools like EDH feel it more than say Standard
Why do you continually allow blue to fill every role in the game, Control, Midrange, Agro, Combo, even big mana. But you argue incessantly and say you are afraid when White gets a narrow inefficient draw spell? When will you and Wizards bias to Blue actually be curbed?
There are lots of things we don’t let blue do. I know that because the fans of blue yell at me about it all the time. : )
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
...so is a pregnant planeswalker kinda stuck then? Or worse what if they didn't know?
So planeswalkers are able to carry over objects like clothes and weapons, so could a planeswalker carry a person? Is it possible that in the future we could see someone from one plane on another despite not being a planeswalker?
Planeswalkers, as a default, can not transport other living creatures.
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
Is it weird that I immediately thought this was a Kamen Rider?
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
I'm not sure Twilight and Pinkie's organizational powers put together can make the time line make sense
The most implausible thing about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic isn’t the magic talking horses, it’s the notion that a graduate student, a professional athlete and a small business owner would be able to coordinate their schedules well enough to hang out on a regular basis.
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
Needs more hyper beams XD
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Twilight Spells!
Rarity Facts!
Flutter Facts
Apple Facts
Mini-Spike Facts
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
Twinkie Chronicles 1
Oh hey, Pinkie Pie day was a thing, have some fluff
Twilight’s steps echoed down the hall of Canterlot Castle as she hurriedly walked towards the reception hall.  The guards gave a short nod as they opened the door for the approaching princess.
“They’ve been expecting you ma’am.”
“Thank you sirs.”
She pensively paced through the doors towards the royal sisters, glancing around nervously.at the occasional guard strolling through.  It was Celestia who first broached the silence.
“Something must indeed be weighing heavily on your mind for you to rush to see us with so little warning, though if Equestria is not in the balance perhaps you can sit and visit with us a while.”
“Visit with you perhaps, some of us have actual work to be done.” Luna added, gently prodded her sister with her wing.
“I’m afraid this visit is going to have to be a short one, I promised I’d be back for dessert, and you know how Pinkie is about promises.”  Twilight shuffled her hooves anxiously.  “Can we go somewhere more private?  This is something of a personal matter.”
Celestia raised an eyebrow curiously.  “Very well, let us continue in my study.”  She graciously stepped down from her throne and began leading through the castle halls, though Twilight needed no help finding the room she frequented as a filly.  A wave a nostalgia ran through her as sat down on one of the many pillows in the cozy room.
“Tell us Twilight, what is both urgent enough for immediate attention, but not enough as to be cause for alarm?  Were you jealous of your brother and have also come down with child?” Luna asked with a mischievous grin.
“What, no!” she sputtered.  “Though... Pinkie is involved.”
She paused, allowing Celestia’s gentle smile to renew her courage.
“Pinkie... has begun manifesting unicorn magic.”
The royal sisters could not have looked less surprised had Twilight spontaneously grew a second horn before them.
“Are you sure?” Celestia asked.
Twilight nodded.  “Yes.  It’s only basic telekinesis,no stronger than a school filly, but it’s definitely the same.  She’s even begun grasping the basics of magic theory instinctively!  I can’t find any records of anything like this happening and was hoping you might have some sort of answer.”
“This is certainly strange, but not completely unprecedented.”  Luna began.  “Princess Bluebelle had exhibited similar symptoms.”
“Ah, yes, you’re probably more familiar with her later name Bluebond.”
“...Princess Bluebond!?  The same one who started the great Cloudsdale reconstruction?”
“Indeed, the one and the same Twilight.  I see you are beginning to connect the dots as well.” Celestia jumped in.
“Does this mean Pinkie is... becoming an alicorn?”
“Perhaps, perhaps not.  These are strange times we live in now after all, and Pinkie has been no stranger to the inexplicable.”
A wicked gleam shone in Luna’s eyes.  “Yes, for all we know this is merely a side effect of dating the princess of friendship.  We should compile a comprehensive list of your previous suitors.”  Her catlike grin widens further.  “I’m sure it will take quite some time to work our way through it.”
Twilight’s face flushed red with consternation.  “Just because I haven’t been spending my time on my dating life before now doesn’t mean I’ve never thought about it Luna.”
Celestia forcibly cleared her throat.  “My sister’s crassness aside, I feel it’s best for now to simply say nothing on the matter.  It’s too soon to say if she is at the brink of a metamorphosis and it would be best not to give her false hope.”
Twilight sighed in defeat.  “I guess you’re right, I can’t stand seeing Pinkie disappointed..Still, I’m glad this probably isn’t some strange disease or parasite.  I’ll tell her you weren’t sure either.”  She paused.  “The most convenient lies are the ones that are true I guess.  Thank you for your time princess.”  She began to make her way to the door only to stop short of it.  “Before I forget, Pinkie said to tell  you she has a great marble cake recipe she wants you two to try next time you visit.  Let’s just hope this one fits on the table.”
Twilight’s departure left the room quiet for only a few moments before barely restrained laughter poured out of Celestia. “You’re awful.”
“You’re still laughing.”
“I’m awful.”
“Then at least we can be awful together.”  Luna stretched her wings as she got up.  “I think I’ll set some time aside tonight to visit Pinkie, she may offer insights Twilight cannot.  Or at the very least have a fun dream to visit after a long night.”
“I believe that would be wise as well.  Sometimes she gets herself so wrapped up in her worries that she misses what’s right in front of her.  By the way, we got a basket of fresh blueberries today, would you like me to use some in breakfast in the morning?”
“That would be lovely.”
Luna was prepared for many things as she entered Pinkie’s dream.  Cotton candy clouds.  Ice cream mountains.  Giant candy golems fighting to save Equestia.  She was not, however, prepared for something so orderly.  Before her stretched a grassy field overlooked by a large hill with a dozen Pinkie Pies flying through the air in formation while a dozen more appeared to be working spells on the ground.  Order was relative here.  On top of the hill was an alicorn Pinkie adorned with simple gold jewelry set with purple gems.  Luna spied a familiar star adorning her necklace as she landed next to her.
“If you’re looking for the real Pinkie, she’s down there watching the Pega-Pinkies.  Their job is to recreate all the flying she’s seen, ya know?”
“Self-aware dream constructs, huh?” Luna mused “It would seem you have a much clearer understanding of the situation than I gave you credit for.  I presume the ...Uni-Pinkies are recreating magic then?”
“Mhmm, they’re having a bit easier time with it though than the Pega-Pinkies.  She doesn’t know what wings feel like awake after all.”
“And what’s your job in all this?”
“To stand here and look fancy.”
Luna stared blankly at her.  “...Is that it?”
The alicorn Pinkie took a couple steps forward and stretched out her wings dramatically.  “I guess to be specific I’m ‘The Pinkie Who Could Be’.  I remind her why she’s going through all this trouble by standing here all princessly.”
“Many have dreams of being rulers of Equestria, but this is the first I have heard of such aspirations from you.”
“Oh, she doesn’t want to be a princess of Equestria, she just wants to be Twilight’s princess.” royal Pinkie turned and paused.  “Don’t let Twilight know though, she’s not always the best with these things.”
“Have you two not been together for over a year now?  I knew she had no experience with lovers before, but surely such thoughts would’ve crossed her mind by now?” Luna asked incredulously.
“Tell me about it,”  royal Pinkie snorted “I said we should just propose ourselves, but she’s afraid of scaring Twilight away.  What’s she got to be afraid of?  We’re already living together.” she said, stamping her hoof in frustration.
Luna chuckled.  “Perhaps the honeymoon?”
“Nah, she’s got that well and covered with all those awesome freaky fun time spells she’s been learning.  For someone who’s never had another date before she sure knows-” Pinkie’s sentence was swiftly cut short by Luna’s hoof.
“As, um, fascinating your relationship with my sister’s star pupil is, I don’t understand how it’s connected to being an alicorn.”
“Because alicorns are strong.” princess Pinkie stated.
Luna gestured for her to go on.
“Right, context, teeny-weeny bit important there.  Don’t usually need it when you talk to yourself.  Ever since Twilight became a princess, she’s saved me dozens of times.  I don’t wanna be her damsel in distress, I want to be her partner.”  Her voice began to soften.  “But I don’t have wings.  I don’t have magic.  I;m not even strong enough to shove those meanies away from her.  That’s why I decided last year I’m gonna train myself to be faster, stronger, and smarter so I can finally be able to protect her for once.  And not just Twilight, I wanna protect all my friends, including you Luna!”
“Me?” she asked quizzically.
“Yeah!  I was really sad when you told us what the Tantabus really was, you could’ve talked to me about these things, I’d listen.  I’m sure Celestia and Twilight would’ve too.”
“I-I see...” Luna stammered as the weight of the words sank in.  “I’m afraid there isn’t much time left before sunrise, so there isn’t any more time to talk tonight, but... I hope to see you again soon, my friend.”
Celestia cheerfully hummed as she sat a stack of blueberry pancakes on the table as Luna dragged herself in.
“Was it hard last night?”
“No harder than usual.” Luna yawned.  “If anything it was more enlightening than I dared hope it be.”
Celestia leaned in.  “Oh, how so?”
“Turns out she’s actually been secretly trying to become an alicorn for a while now, to the point of image training in her sleep.” She paused to take a few large bites.  “She thinks, these are really good, she thinks the best way for her to protect Twilight is to be an alicorn like her.  Doesn’t even want a crown, just a ring round that hoof.” She said while devouring the meal in front of her.
She paused for a minute while allowing everything to settle
“She... she called me her friend Tia.  I want to help her.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s said that for a while now.”
“Yes, but it’s different in the dreamscape.  I can feel the sincerity of ponies words in their dreams, how much truth they are weighed down with.  It has been a long time since I felt so blindsided by someone treating me not as royalty, but just another pony like they are.”
Luna stood up and gently looked her sister in the eyes.
“I can’t ignore someone trying so hard just to help our ponies.  Will you support me in this sister?”
“As a princess, I must warn you that nurturing such power could be quite dangerous for Equestria as a whole,” Celestia drew her sister in a close embrace “but as a pony, nothing warms my heart more than knowing one of the mares who brought you back to me is aspiring to such greatness.  You have my blessings to train her as you see fit.”
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
From May 21st to now, I have been working on this piece. Representing Michigan State University and Michigan itself, I drew what I hoped would capture a snapshot in a story. A fight at Greenfield Village at the Henry Ford Museum. My Jaeger, Spartans Pride, damaged but still fighting back against whatever threat it’s firing at. I had a blast with this, and though I got sick while working on it and lost a lot of time because of that…. I am proud of how it has turned out.
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
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If you’re trying to tell the difference between a fossil and a rock, give it a lick. Because it’s so porous, bone becomes slightly sticky when wet- so if your tongue sticks to the specimen, there’s a good chance it’s a fossil. Source Source 2 Source Source 2
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
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The inner workings of her mind are an enigma. 
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sunshineknight5 · 6 years
It's bad enough Japan has a monopoly on cool Robot figures, but now ponies too?!
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Kotobukiya has revealed a Prototype for their first My Little Pony Bishoujo Figure alongside a first look at the possible design for Fluttershy! 
Find more info in our blogpost: https://www.mlpmerch.com/2018/07/kotobukiya-reveals-first-mlp-bishoujo-statue.html
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