sunsetgreaser 1 day
Darry: This isn't the time for your shenanigans.
Dally: It was a single shenanigan. So, it was more like a hijink.
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sunsetgreaser 1 day
Darry: There's always two sides to the same story.
Ponyboy: And one of those is the right side, which is mine.
42 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 1 day
Darry: Ponyboy, Steve, stop arguing!
Ponyboy: I'm not arguing with him.
Darry: Then what are you doing??
Ponyboy: Being right.
36 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 1 day
Ponyboy: Hey Dally, can you peel this apple for me?
Dally: No, I will not peel an apple for you.
Ponyboy: But Soda always does it for me.
Dally: Why does Soda peel your apples for you?
Ponyboy: He doesn't like me to eat apples with the skin on it. He says the skin is loaded with toxins.
Dally: Ok, well good news, Soda isn't here.
Ponyboy: I know he isn't here, and that's why I need you to do it for me! Please!
Dally: Just eat it with the skin on it!
Ponyboy: I don't like it with the skin! I'm not allowed to eat the skin!
Dally: Oh my gosh! Fine!
35 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Darry: I need you to promise me you'll be on your best behavior.
Ponyboy: But I promised Dally I would be on my worst behavior, and I gave him my word..
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sunsetgreaser 8 days
Sodapop: What are we doing?
Ponyboy: Wasting our lives.
Sodapop: I meant for lunch.
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sunsetgreaser 8 days
Darry: We're a family. Families talk about things.
Ponyboy: No! Families ignore things until they go away!
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sunsetgreaser 8 days
Johnny: If we put Steve and Ponyboy in a room, who would come out crying first?
Darry: The room.
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sunsetgreaser 8 days
Ponyboy: It's time for a Plan B.
Johnny: We have a Plan B?
Ponyboy: No, but it's about damn time for one.
70 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Darry: Guys, Dally has something he'd like to say.
Dally: I didn't mean to upset you, even though everything I said was true and you know it!
Darry: Dally, that was an awful apology..Just awful..
58 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Dally: You're an idiot, no offense.
Sodapop: You know, just because you say 'No offense', doesn't excuse the rude remarks.
Dally: Well, in that case, you're an idiot, offense intended.
84 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Sodapop: When I first met you Steve, I thought you were a real bitch.
Steve: What changed?
Sodapop: Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you.
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sunsetgreaser 8 days
Darry: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Ponyboy: Waking up.
66 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Sodapop: No one blackmails Darry but us.
Ponyboy: Yeah! Messing with Darry is a privilege, not a right!
59 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Two-Bit: Just had a thought.
Ponyboy: Your mother would be so proud.
Two-Bit: Don't get cheeky with me.
Ponyboy: Or what?
81 notes View notes
sunsetgreaser 8 days
Johnny: Sometimes, I wonder what weird things taste like. For example, clouds. What do you think they taste like?
Ponyboy: Like air.
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sunsetgreaser 13 days
Two-Bit: I don't need everyone knowing I'm stupid!
Darry: Everyone already knows you're stupid.
75 notes View notes