sum-mortuus · 3 years
Tarot readings for sale
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Tarot reading for questions and topics. I have used tarot for years. I am experienced.
Included in order:
•A photo of your results
•A detailed description from the book and my own personal thoughts
1 Card = $1
3 Cards = $3
5 Cards = $5
10 Cards = $10
15 Cards = $15
Counting Crows spread = $7
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My Etsy shop is below for more details:
My Shop: https://etsy.me/3jlpCou
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
Luca picks up an emperor tarot card at the beginning of the movie
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30 notes · View notes
sum-mortuus · 3 years
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14 notes · View notes
sum-mortuus · 3 years
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
Finally got back around to writing. I would appreciate it if y’all gave it a read.
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It is a fan adaptation of the album Lost in the New Real
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
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We have a TV Tropes page!!!
For information on the fics and the AU, check out the newly made TV Tropes page made specifically for this AU and fic series!
It is constantly being updated, so keep an eye out for new content…
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
I like his flowy jacket :)
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Arjen and his flowy jacket~ X
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
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Not just another bloody Mary
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
Here y’all go. Had some help from @jester0fgenocide on Instagram putting the video together.
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
Avantasian headcanons just for fun pt. 2 - the Scarecrow
wohoooo more headcanons! this time about everyone’s favorite emo boy: the Scarecrow from The Wicked Trilogy.
Scarecrow is, for me, the most complex Avantasia protag because of his story and his perception of the world. this trilogy is super messy and hard to decipher unless you really pay attention to the songs, and even after that, later on you might realise some things you hadn’t discovered before. this is due to the fact that Scarecrow’s perception is messed up, and in the album he basically tells the story as how he and only HE sees what’s happening so his versions might not be entirely true as we see god (Bob Catley) trying to help him all the time but he makes it seem as if god had turned his back on him and just left him. he’s also the most problematic protag in terms that you could even say he’s evil.
i think of this character as a “selfish asshole” to sum it up, but there’s actually a lot to unpack there. i’m guessing he probably has some kind of mental illness that keeps him from seeing things as they are and that makes him think everyone is against him, which turns him evil in our eyes. i could even say he has some sort of mild bipolar disorder taking into account that there’re songs where he just seems over his love interest (character played by Amanda Somerville) but right at the next moment he’s crying over her again, maybe we could talk about borderline personality disorder as well? who knows, but i really do think Scarecrow’s mental health is pretty messed up. besides, that’s what we see in Twisted Mind, where Roy Khan’s character (i like to think he’s some sort of doctor) rambles about how his perception is messed up and how he’s kind of an abomination. so, his mental health is obviously gonna affect his personality and his story, turning him into a person that can’t trust in anyone but himself and making him think he has to push everyone away so that he doesn’t get hurt anymore.
however, Scarecrow does have a heart, and this is where we talk about his love interest. that was probably the only time he felt love, hell, probably the first time he felt something positive towards anything else, and that’s where his obsession for Amanda’s character comes from, because if she doesn’t love him, no one else will. i also jokingly say he was mommy issues, but really, the only thing he really wants is someone who will take care of him and love him despite not being perfect and in that way, he’ll be able to heal.
Scarecrow is also pretty obsessed with fame, and here’s also where the “selfish asshole” comes into action. he’ll do anything to get what he wants even if that involves hurting other, mainly because he doesn’t know any better than that, because he’s alone (not really, since in all the albums he’s with Jorn Lande’s character, which is a personification of Temptation).
In other terms, I headcanon him as bisexual. he sure does show interest in women but if we take Jorn’s character as a male, this Temptation could also represent his desire for men (something pretty recurrent in Avantasia albums, though), besides, after all the things they’ve both gone through, it would make sense (specially if we listen to Promised Land). oh, i also see him as a bit of a jokester among the protags.
as for his alignment, he’s rather chaotic-evil, even if he doesn’t sees himself as truly evil or thinks what he does isn’t evil. as i said, you could say this guy is pretty much problematic during his whole story (though he gets a little redemption arc in Angel of Babylon, but it’s reaaaally small) and he doesn’t realise about how harmful everything he’s done is, not only for other people but for him as well. 
i’d probably be even MORE extense about this if it wasn’t for language barriers (i’m spanish) and could express myself better, but here’s how his relationship is with the rest of the protag crew:
Gabriel: as I said previously, Scarecrow is a bit of an asshole to Gabriel and makes fun of his beliefs, also because Gabriel tries to lead him in the “right direction” but of course, Scarecrow is a free spirit and doesn’t like people lecturing him. still, he kind of envies Gabriel because he’s really open to knowledge and all and he’s kind of dumb and can’t get a lot of things right, guess that’s another reason to why he makes fun of Gabriel sometimes.
Aaron: i guess you could say he likes him, mostly because he’s the only one who doesn’t lecture him too much and because he really tries to understand him and his feelings and get him to work on that.
Entity: he’s unsure about them at first too just like Gabriel, but they’re really helpful when it comes to him calming down after he loses his cool and stuff like that, though he does find them annoying sometimes because they will try to stop them from making any kind of heavy joke and will just try to bring peace between him and Gabriel in general, but he kinda appreciates them.
that’s it for Scarecrow, for now! though i’d like to go more into detail, as i said, despite my english being quite decent i can’t really explain myself just as i want to because i might not know how to express certain things. again, feel free to ask me anything about my headcanons and also to tell me yours!
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sum-mortuus · 3 years
My own art. Please tag me if you repost
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sum-mortuus · 4 years
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Johannes threatens your life and stalks the outside of your home ASMR
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sum-mortuus · 4 years
Tarot readings for sale! TWO NEW DECKS ADDED!
The Little Prince
Murder of Crows
Wildwood tarot
Ethereal Visions
Prices are $1 per card. I only accept PayPal
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sum-mortuus · 4 years
I’m selling tarot readings. $1 per card.
You can choose the spread and deck. I have these decks below:
Murder of Crows
The Little Prince
Ethereal Visions
Pm me if you are interested. I only take PayPal
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sum-mortuus · 4 years
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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sum-mortuus · 4 years
Selling tarot readings.
1 card = $1
3 cards = $3
5 cards = $5
10 cards = $10
15 cards = $15
Counting Crows 7 cards for a challenge you face = $7
Response time is quick
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