subby-siren · 2 months
The intimacy of getting to know someone’s kinks and slowly but surely slipping them into conversation~
Slipping them that extra little “good job” after basic tasks and watching their cheeks get hot and their eyes dart around the room.
Asking them to grab a drink and watching the jolt in their step when they register the word “fetch” a second too late.
The back and forth debates and silly arguments ending in cutting them off with a simple “you’re so cute when you get excited”
The tease behind all those knowing glances and trace of the hand touches becoming just too overwhelming until my poor pup is stuttering through conversation and grinding its thighs together begging to be touched😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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subby-siren · 2 months
If you’re being exceptionally good, I’ll feed you by hand instead of out of your bowl, puppy. I’ll even let you lick my fingers clean when you’re done 💕
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subby-siren · 2 months
I need casual dominance. So badly
A hand in the back of my neck when we're out. I get a squeeze when I need to shut up.
A hand on my lower back, or on my thigh, resting close to my cunt. A constant reminder who it belongs to.
Want my outfits picked out for me. Or how I should do my hair
Wanna ask permisson for going out, for drinking/smoking, etc.
Orders for when to touch myself and when not. When I can cum, when I edge. When I wear panties and when I'm not allowed
Getting rewards when I do good.
Outfit checks and pictures whenever they demand it
Maybe even a rough bed time or reminders to drink water.
Not in the controlling way but the caring way. I wanna turn my little head off and just trust that I'm being taken care of while being good for my owner. Im their little pet, they take care of me and in return I am theirs entirely
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subby-siren · 2 months
So you're a hockey lover who grew up around wawas... are you a flyers fan? Idk if you've staked a claim to a team before I'm new here
Oh anon... You weren't around when I bragged about how the flyers won 5 straight and then they immediately lost 5 straight. Welcome btw! But yeah orange and black is very engrained in my life. But I just love the sport in general, even though the flyers didn't make it, I'm extremely excited for the post season. I will forever argue that the first two week of NHL playoffs is the best two week spread of sports.
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subby-siren · 2 months
wanna pound a puppy with a squeaky toy in their mouth
hearing the little "squeak squeak squeak" in time with my thrusts and the "uh uh uh"
the drool running out of the corners of their mouth
this would fix me i think
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subby-siren · 2 months
you know as much as i would have fun training you to cum from having your dick beaten i hope it takes a long time. maybe i won't let you cum any other way until you learn that one. i could edge you every day to prep you for my crop, it's all the same to me, what do i care if you're not getting exactly what you want? as long as you beg and make fun noises i'll hardly notice the difference. the longer it takes, the more times i'll edge you every day and the more desperate you'll be when we start again. and when you do beg, i'll just remind you that you CAN cum, just not unless it hurts. not unless it's because your body just has no other way to react to the pain. maybe i'll intentionally stop when you start getting closer to actually doing it.
i'll get you right to the edge, crying so you can hardly see to know when to flinch, and then stop before you can cum from it. i'll pretend it's because i'm worried. oh no, baby, does it really hurt? i'll stop then! but you'll know that just means we're starting the whole process over tomorrow. and it'll hurt. i bet you'd beg me to keep beating you so nicely if you knew it might get you out of another day of it. but of course i wouldn't listen. i'm a caring dom and i don't want to push you too far obviously :( that would be so mean!
when you finally do cum against my crop, when you're shaking and gasping and trying to recover, i'll shove a vibe against you, turned all the way up. it's like a reward! it would yank another orgasm out of you almost immediately. you'd be so fucking sore by then. i bet that one would hurt just as much as the first. and i would just be,, so confused by your complaining. didn't you want to cum with a vibe? after all this time of me not letting you have it, you'd think you'd be grateful. i just don't get it!
and i was thinking... even after all that hard work on my part, i mean,, it could've been a fluke, right? so i think it would be a good idea to keep denying you until we saw it happen a few more times. just for safety. just so i know you can do what you're told. and for your benefit too! i'm sure it would be a little bit tough for you, cumming like that, so we could keep training until it only takes, idk, a half hour or so? to get it out of you. that would be easier for you, wouldn't it sweetheart? i mean getting there, teaching your dick to like it, that would suck. but it's a sacrifice i'm willing to make. obviously, you'd still be allowed to be touched and edged, how else would you help me get off? but if we want to make absolute sure it wasn't an accident, there's just no way around it, you'd need more long term training. you'd need to show me you can do it every time. i'm not unreasonable, you can take as many days off as you need! of course, every day off pushes your orgasm further and further away too,,
i'm sure you'd be SUCH a good boy by the end of it. for once. because every time you started bratting at me, i'd know it was time to tie you down and try again.
you'd be so needy. never getting to get off the easy way, just being a useful fucking slut and getting me off instead. maybe i'll let you distract me from hurting you sometimes by eating me out. you'd be too sore to risk pissing me off, wouldn't you baby? i bet you'd be so obedient the closer we got. so grateful for my crop. and every time you beg to cum, i'll tell you how cute it is that you're begging me to cause you pain, even if that's not really what you meant.
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subby-siren · 2 months
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subby-siren · 2 months
The snap of the gloves on my hands get your attention, and I watch as those eyes travel and you bite your lip.
I'll tell you to open, and you will.
I'll tell you to stick you tongue out, and like the pathetic pet you are, you do that too.
My fingers start easy, sliding in and out of your mouth, just playing with your tongue between my thumb and forefinger.
Then I get rougher, going deeper, filling your mouth the way it needs to be. I push my fingers into your throat, deep. "Hold it."
I can feel your throat spasm, see the tears well in your eyes collect and fall. It only turns me on more. I let you go to cough and breathe, only for a second, then put my fingers back where they should be, down your throat. I plug your nose, and tell you to hold it again.
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subby-siren · 2 months
Would you guys still be my mutuals if I started making clown porn? 🥺
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subby-siren · 2 months
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subby-siren · 2 months
I need to know what vitamin deficiency in my body has me all the sudden craving ranch dressing so much
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subby-siren · 2 months
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subby-siren · 2 months
The biggest contradiction of my kinks is that I really do love humiliation and embarrassment and being made to feel small and shy and weak willed and ashamed. But also if you were like. " you're a disgusting freak." Id want out of that scene immediately. I feel like it's so hard to do humiliation without it also being degradation. But I don't want degredation.
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subby-siren · 2 months
If you keep acting like a horny mutt, I'll have to lock you up in the cage and make you wear a muzzle until you learn how to obey by command.
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subby-siren · 2 months
thought i was a top until i stepped foot quickly sat my ass down
That's a shame. Submissive tops don't get nearly enough appreciation and happen to be my favourite 😮‍💨
I love the sweet little whines as they obediently listen to orders, the desperate touches when they just can't wait for more. So excited to do a good job for me. UGH💕
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subby-siren · 2 months
The worst thing about being kinky is that when you're really horny, like bone deep horny. There isn't really a ton you can do on your own about it. There aren't a ton of ways to simulate deep submission or strict bondage. And sometimes the shit I'm horny for Is like. One thousand dollars worth of leather bondage gear. I can't just suck dick like an idiot oh no. I've gotta be Fuckin. Trapped on all fours with my mouth forced open. Unbelievable. Who's in charge here I want to talk to him
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subby-siren · 2 months
Premise: Speech Control
Just a little list of ideas that I came up with on the topic of speech control. Some of these are about in person speaking, some are about texting, some are applicable to both. Some of these I’d like to try, some of these I have tried, some of these I would probably not want to do, some I’m indifferent to.
Word Restrictions
No swearing.
No puns.
Only being allowed to use words once per day. 
Only being allowed to use words from a list of pre-approved words chosen by my partner.
Not being allowed to use words from a list of off limits words chosen by my partner, but otherwise able to speak freely.
Not being allowed to use words containing a certain letter of the alphabet, but otherwise able to speak freely.
Only being allowed to use short and simple words, limited by number of letters or number of syllables, or simply at my partner’s discretion. (Imagine typing out an entire text and being met with “hmm, I think that word might be too big for you,” and having to agree and reword what you’ve said.)
Having to refer to myself in the third person.
Having to refer to my partner by a title, honorific, or nickname they have chosen.
Having to use a lowercase “i” to refer to myself. 
Having to use capitalized pronouns to refer to my partner. 
Limited Speech
Only being allowed to say a certain number of words (or less) per day.
Only being allowed to say a certain number of words (or less) per text message. No double messaging, of course.
Having to keep track of how many words my partner uses, and always using less throughout the day.
Having to start each sentence with “Please” and/or end it with “Thank you,” even if it doesn’t technically make sense. 
Having to rhyme. Or else fulfil the requirements of some kind of specific poetry such as a haiku. 
Having to ask permission to ask for things. “Please may I ask to use the bathroom?” 
Only being allowed to say “Please” and “Thank you.”
Not being allowed to ask for anything.
Only allowed to speak to my partner in public. 
Not being allowed to speak on specific topics, particularly when they’re super relevant. For example, we go to the zoo and I’m not allowed to talk about animals. 
Only being allowed to say the opposite of what I mean/want. 
Restricted Speech
Having to ask permission to speak at all, either through a non-verbal signal, or else the only thing I’m allowed to say without permission is “Please may I speak?”
Only allowed to speak when spoken to.
Having to be in a specific position - the more submissive or uncomfortable, the better - to speak. Additionally, having to wait in that position until I am acknowledged and allowed to speak. 
Having to go a set length of time without speaking each day. The timer starts over each time I speak. (Imagine it’s an hour and at 55 minutes you get asked a question you can’t ignore. Each attempt like that would mean you talk less throughout the day.)
When possible, set entire days, or even a weekend as “quiet time.”
Surprise quiet time. That is, a spoken or text command, “It’s quiet time,” and I am expected to be silent until I am released. (A potential training opportunity: this could happen many times throughout the day, each session lasting only a few minutes before the next.)
Starting every day without the ability to speak until I have completed my morning routine. Finishing each day by not being allowed to speak once my nighttime routine is done. 
Having a set day of the week during which I am expected to remain silent. 
Having a cost to speak. A mild-moderate punishment for each time I wish to speak, such as having to put nipple clamps on first or having to write lines for each time I spoke afterwards.
Having to trade my ability to speak for rewards, such as not being allowed to orgasm unless I agree to a two days of no speaking.
Trading chunks of silent time for edges. Each edge is half an hour of silence. Maybe I know before I start edging, maybe I don’t. 
Having to be silent until I have completed a task, such as linewriting, or an edging session, or even something mundane like having to stay silent on a long drive, even while playing a board game. 
Having recurring tasks during which I am not allowed to speak, such as never being allowed to speak during meals or while watching movies. 
Only being allowed to speak while wearing my collar. 
Not being allowed to speak while wearing my collar. 
Only being allowed to speak while naked. 
No words, only sounds. Easy enough when you’re gagged, but having to make the deliberate effort to only make sounds is nice. 
Wearing a bark collar. Each time I speak, I get shocked, until I learn not to speak while wearing it. It then becomes a very effective gag. 
Forced to Speak
Being asked a series of questions and having to provide at least X words to answer, on topic. (It wouldn’t even have to be a high number. Imagine having to use 50 words to answer a yes or no question. Even 20 might be a challenge. But being asked to say/text 300 words on why I shouldn’t have an orgasm? Just a thought.)
Agreeing to X number of questions (number could be in trade for edges, or in trade for lessening a punishment) and having to answer them fully, even if it’s embarrassing. (Obviously within limits. Questions I refuse to answer don’t count towards the number.)
Having a mantra to repeat every time my partner says a certain word, whether that word is part of the mantra or not. (Having someone trigger a mantra like this is great fun, especially mid-conversation, or while I’m trying to ask for something, or while I’m trying to explain something.)
Having to repeat after my partner, perhaps modifying pronouns. (“You will obey” being modified to “I will obey.”)
Being tasked with writing up a fantasy, and then being made to read it aloud.
Being Physically Gagged
Being expected to be gagged or otherwise prevented from speaking at all times. (Ballgag might be too harsh for “at all times,” but tape is effective, too.)
Being gagged at random. Not just during scenes, but during mundane activities, such as watching a movie together or doing housework. (I like the idea of being interrupted while in the middle of something, maybe even in the middle of a conversation, and my partner simply holds out a gag. Or sitting at my desk working when my partner comes up behind me and slips my gag between my lips. Being told to kneel and open my mouth, excited to get to suck cock, and instead gagged. Comes with a bonus of being trained to readily take my gag.) 
Being told I can only speak while being gagged, despite knowing it will be unintelligible.
Planning a voice call with my partner, but right before we begin I am instructed to put a gag on so that at no point during the call can I actually speak.
Playing the quiet game, either with my partner or with another submissive. I am rewarded if I win, and punished if I lose. 
Playing a kinky version of Taboo/Password: My partner picks a word and a length of time. I do not get to know the word, but do get to know we’re playing and for how long. My partner counts every time I use the word, and when time is up, I get punished for each use. Tons of games to be played on both sides, with my partner trying to get me to say the word, and me trying to figure out what it is. Perhaps if the time period is long enough, I get a clue to the word each day. I would probably end up speaking as little as possible to avoid it. 
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