strangerximagines · 5 years
Wax museum but one of the dudes is real and they don’t tell you who
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strangerximagines · 5 years
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steve is angey
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016), Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Laura Hale, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Johnathan Byers, Will Byers, Joyce Byers, Jim “Chief” Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Maxine “Max” Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Alan Deaton, Stiles Stilinski, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, The Argents Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Alive Laura Hale, The Upside Down, Peter had a plan A-revenge a plan B-resurection and plan C-Time Travel, Argent warnings, the Argents are baddies Summary:
Laura dies in the woods, staring up at the full moon peeking through the tree tops, letting go as the world goes black around her. She wakes up in 1984 in dark murky tunnels in a town she hadn’t been to since her parent’s died and comes face to face with her nineteen year old father. Now stuck in the past Laura does her best to blend in, lying about who she is and where she comes from. Does she warn her father of his fate twenty years in the future or does she remain silent? Laura doesn’t know if changing the future might make things worse but what she does know is that the more time she spends with him the harder it is to keep her secret.
(inspired by tabbytabbytabby’s awesome crossover manip which got me off my keister to actually work on this idea.)
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016), Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Laura Hale, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Johnathan Byers, Will Byers, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Alan Deaton, Stiles Stilinski, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, The Argents Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Alive Laura Hale, The Upside Down, Peter had a plan A-revenge a plan B-resurection and plan C-Time Travel, Argent warnings, the Argents are baddies Summary:
Laura dies in the woods, staring up at the full moon peeking through the tree tops, letting go as the world goes black around her. She wakes up in 1984 in dark murky tunnels in a town she hadn’t been to since her parent’s died and comes face to face with her nineteen year old father. Now stuck in the past Laura does her best to blend in, lying about who she is and where she comes from. Does she warn her father of his fate twenty years in the future or does she remain silent? Laura doesn’t know if changing the future might make things worse but what she does know is that the more time she spends with him the harder it is to keep her secret.
(inspired by tabbytabbytabby's awesome crossover manip which got me off my keister to actually work on this idea.)
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016), Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Laura Hale, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Johnathan Byers, Will Byers, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Alan Deaton, Stiles Stilinski, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, The Argents Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Alive Laura Hale, The Upside Down, Peter had a plan A-revenge a plan B-resurection and plan C-Time Travel, Argent warnings, the Argents are baddies Summary:
Laura dies in the woods, staring up at the full moon peeking through the tree tops, letting go as the world goes black around her. She wakes up in 1984 in dark murky tunnels in a town she hadn’t been to since her parent’s died and comes face to face with her nineteen year old father. Now stuck in the past Laura does her best to blend in, lying about who she is and where she comes from. Does she warn her father of his fate twenty years in the future or does she remain silent? Laura doesn’t know if changing the future might make things worse but what she does know is that the more time she spends with him the harder it is to keep her secret.
(inspired by tabbytabbytabby's awesome crossover manip which got me off my keister to actually work on this idea.)
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Okay….big jump….NOW!
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strangerximagines · 5 years
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strangerximagines · 5 years
I love Johnathan but this whole scene? It’s like Stiles Stilinski when he yelled at Lydia, like I get it in times of stress you say shit but shut the fuck up with this I’m not like other guys bullshit. He really pulled out the Ted Mosby in this speech and it’s annoying.
Still love him but ugh....
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strangerximagines · 5 years
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strangerximagines · 5 years
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strangerximagines · 5 years
“Hands down, confidently after 26 years on the internet, this is the best thing I have ever found.”
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Ok so this is spooky as hell because I’ve been writing little drafts of Steve being Laura, Derek and Cora’s dad and them going back in time meeting him as a teenager. Like, I sad spooky and also this graphic? Do you mind if I use this and write this story?
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@laurahale-appreciation week day 7: dealer’s choice 
Teen Wolf meets Stranger Things
Instead of dying, Laura is sent back in time. To make things weirder, she finds herself face to face with the nineteen year old version of her father, and finds out that his life before he met her mom might not have been as uneventful as he always made it out to be. Laura has no choice but to try and blend in, while keeping the secret of who she really is from everyone, especially her dad. Even if she wishes she could just tell him the truth and warn him about the future and save not only him, but the rest of her family as well.
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strangerximagines · 5 years
So Allison breaks up with Scott and it doesn’t hurt as much as she assumed that it would. Maybe it was all the hiding that she got sick of or maybe it had all to do with her insane family or maybe, and here is the part that she really doesnt let herself think about because that way lay madness which means shes just as crazy as her family, that maybe the breakup didn’t hurt so much was because she was also, deep down in her denial, just as angry with Scott about the Derek thing as her family was.
Scott doesn’t take it well, he’s wallowing and blaming the Hargent’s for the end of his one true love relationship and it’s not fair Stiles I loved her more than I will love anyone or anything ever stop laughing at me I am hurt I am in pain!
Stiles though, he saw this coming a mile away because you cannot hate Derek Hale and if you do, to announce it in public is just asking for it, no really, there is a Hargent or rather strictly Argent member of the family that led Derek on and well, no one has heard hide nor hair from Kate Argent since she was caught with a broken hearted sixteen year old Derek, that she apparently seduced just for fun, thats all hes saying.
Besides, it was never going to work, he says to Scott who looks betrayed because Scott is incapable of seeing the bigger picture.
“What do you mean bigger picture? Like marriage? I would totally marry Allison tomorrow if I could.”
“See buddy, thats the problem. You actually would.”
Allison is in big trouble with her family because of the Derek thing, sure, thats something that she can manage but the thing with her dad. Chris is never this angry at least he’s never been this angry with her in her entire life. She can count on her hand the amount of times hes ever been angry at any of the kids and honestly it never been this bad ever, not even when Malia and Jackson had that rebellious streak when they were in middle school and caused a small chemical fire in the science room.
He wont talk to her, his eyes are always elsewhere, he grumbles when she enters a room or he immediately exists. Her mom says that he’s just getting over being angry and Peter tells her that he will simmer down eventually but the fact that Chris, who always called her his good child and doted on her always more than the other kids, isnt speaking to her because she decided to date Scott mostly out of spite (mostly, she did like him but lets be real she was being stubborn) breaks her heart.
Kira feels awful when she finds out that she accidentally outed Allison to Malia and then she goes right back to giving Malia the silent treatment because she’s become friends with Allison, she’s already friends with Scott and she’s best friends with Derek who is hurt all over again by the entire thing and now Malia is right back where she started.
Malia: Okay but I literally had nothing to do with any of this I was keeping out of this entire thing. How is it my fault?
Jackson: I don’t care Malia! I asked you if you think Derek is thinking about me too, not about your relationship doomed to fail because Scott McCall lives and breathes to destroy everything that is good in this family’s lives.
Malia is bitter.
Allison: Can’t you just call Jackson and tell him that you forgive him?
Derek: Allison, even if I did he wouldn’t buy it you know I can’t lie to save my life.
He can’t lie, he gets all monotone and weird and his voice gets a little shifty when he tries and when he was a kid he used to cry and confess whenever he did lie so he’s kind of traumatized. Its Peter’s fault really, for telling Derek that he’d get underwear instead of presents from Santa if he lied and “you know its a bad thing, Derek. It’s a sin to lie. You remember what they said in church? You lie you go to the bad place.”
Baby Derek’s hands go to his mouth in shock his brightly multicolored eyes widen and fill with tears, he doesn’t want to go to the bad place he just told a little white lie is that bad? Victoria does give Peter a good wallop for that one and calls it a sin to make Derek cry in their house
Anyway, Derek can’t lie to his family to say that he’s forgiven them so Jackson is extra testy because his Derek wont talk to him, meanwhile Stiles freaking Stilinski is getting more time with Jackson’s Derek and doens’t stiles know that Jackson was there first? And the thing is that the family actually likes Stiles. This will not do.
Jackson: But how can he go out with Stilinski? Whats so good about him?
Danny: *sighing*
Jackson: I know right? He’s such a loser!
Danny: You know, *turning at his dest to face Jackson who is lounging on Danny’s bed* and this is a crazy thought, maybe you should just face reality. Derek likes Stiles and Stiles hit the jackpot.
Jackson: You’re funny when you’re joking Danny. I’m in stitches. *laughs*
Danny. Danny doesn’t deserve this. Meanwhile Derek and Dad Finstock are bonding, they’re camping and having a grand old time even if Derek is weirded out by Finstock being...well Finstock.
Finstock: Derek, my son, my lad, my baby boy I think it’s high time you know.
Derek: Know what?
Finstock: I’m gonna tell you the story of how i met your mother.
It goes as well as can be expected and also, we haven’t talked about Finstock’s presence in Derek’s life. Unlike Laura and eventually Cora’s dad’s who were cool with a wam, bam and thank you ma’am Finstock decided to stick around. Talia tells him that shes pregnant but that this, by no means, means that Finstock has to be there.
But guess what? He’s there from day one. You’re going to the doctors today? Guess my schedule is freed up. Your back aches? Let me get at you with a back rub. You’ve got weird cravings at all hours of the night? Guess I’m going midnight shopping. He’s kicking? Let me film that belly. Lamaze? We’re gonna have a blast at this class. What do you mean you don’t want to shatter the bones in my hand by holding it for anchorage when you give birth? Break this sombitch I don’t care, tear if off if it makes you happy! Holding Derek for the first time? Oh boy, this man is not afraid to cry and document every moment of Derek’s life at all.
Peter: I’m so happy that my sister is determined to never marry.
Victoria: Why is that?
Peter: Can you imagine what life would be like had she married and continued to procreate with Bobby Finstock, how life would be?
Chris: *shudders*
Of course Victoria doesn’t say that there might have been a few more baby Derek’s because of that particular mix making nothing but sweet gold.
Stiles: How is Finstock your dad?
Dere: *smiles sweetly* I know right, he’s a little off but he’s such a great guy.
Stiles: Sure he is, buddy. Sure he is.
In regards to that long post we backed and frothed a while ago. To add because Jackson- if Malia and Jackson are twins, Hargent is a thing and Chris is Malia and Jackson and Allison’s dad then...Scott is in even more danger than before with Victoria, Peter /and/ Jackson gunning for him. At least he gets a break from the parents but Jackson is a classmate and teammate. Scott’s gonna die. Also Jackson is the baby Hargent. He shows all the signs of the youngest child of course.
Yes! Let’s add Jackson to the mix!
Maybe he wasn’t around in the other posts because he was in a lacrosse camp or he was an exchange student in London. And then, he comes back home a week after the Horrible Vacation of Doom. Everyone is happy to have him back, and there is hugs, and laughter.
And then Allison goes for a hug. And Jackson takes a step back and, very serious, raises his hand to his sister forehead.
“Eh… What are you doing?”
“Yo don’t seem to have a fever.”
“I don’t?”
“Then WHY ON EARTH are you dating McCall?!!”
Peter and Victoria are so proud. Also, he is the only one of their children who hasn’t had sex with Scott, so obviously he is their new favorite. Scott refuses to go to the next family dinner. No. Not when Jackson fucking Hargent is there. He will punch his head against the wall and make jokes about the size of his penis and just– he will be terrible! They know this because he alredy did it when he dated Malia, and this time Victoria isn’t going to stop it.
It doesn’t really work, because in the next lacrosse practice Jackson makes him pay for dating both his sisters. In blood. But come on, everyone ends up in hospital once in a while! It’s not really Jackson’s fault that Scott triped in his net and made him drop it in his head a couple of times. If you are going to whine because of a mild concussion, then you shouldn’t be playing lacrosse to beging with.
Chris relents in their perpetual argument and buys him a new car within a couple of days of the incident, but that’s completely unrelated.
Jackson is the youngest sibling. He is the youngest of all the youngest siblings. When Allison would pull their hair and Malia would scream, Jackson would only calm down if he was being cuddled with every inch of his life. If Allison was the child that you couldn’t let out of your sight because she would go and try to befriend the scary looking man fliping a knife in the corner, and Malia was the child that would try to headbut the light chimney, Jackson was the one that would throw tantrums if you didn’t pay him attention 24/7 (both Victoria and Chris agree that he got it from Peter, who is also an oversensitve attention whore). It was only berable because they had Derek, wonderful Derek, who was happy as a clam to play with his little cousin and give him his full undivided attention while the adults recharged.
He grew out of it… partially. Because he is too cool to ask for their parents attention, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to demand it! Allison and Malia roll their eyes and let him, because really. If Jackson thinks that scraching Chris’ car is worth it so he gets distracted from Allison archery tourney, hurrey to him.
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Instead of yelling BOO this Halloween, yell something even scarier, like COMMITMENT or STUDENT LOANS
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strangerximagines · 5 years
Demonstration Of Constant Velocity With A Moving Trampoline
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strangerximagines · 5 years
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strangerximagines · 5 years
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